The Libertarian Party Is Losing It

You cannot manage a sprawling nation of 360 million people with a constitutionally limited government. Your Founders wrote a Constitution for a small coastal nation with a vast diversity of climate and resources, and a population of fewer than 5 million people, no standing army, and no military goals.

While states' rights made a lot of sense in a peaceful agrarian nation where the weather went from 4 distinct seasons in the north, to semi-tropical in the south, a sprawling coast to coast nation of 360 million people, with world leadership ambitions needs a strong federal government to ensure equal rights for all citizens in all states.

There should be strong federal legislation governing voting rights, abortion rights, drug laws, public accommodations, gun rights, marriage rights and education. Your access to health care shouldn't be decided by a bunch of local white male theocrats who know nothing about women's health, biology, medicine, or birthing babies, because they've made a HUGE fucking mess of all of it.

You're spending all of your time and resources overcoming the damage being done by rich old white men across the nation. Now that they can no longer get away with gerrymandering, voter suppression or intimidation, they're trying to unseat, or refuse to seat elected representatives who want laws which reflect their constituents beliefs and requirements.

You were litigating minority rights and voting rights when I was a teenager. I'm 73, and you've managed to undo much of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, and you're trying to destroy public education, to ensure a permanent minority underclass, which has no votes or representation.

Red states starve black run cities, disinvesting in services, education and infrastructure as soon as the white population moves to the suburbs, until the quality of life is compromised, land then claim the Democrat run cities are "shit holes". Jackson Mississippi, like Flint Michigan before it, has a water crisis, because the white run Republican state house prevented them from building a new water treatment facility, and use any funds raised by these cities, for projects in the white suburbs.
oh for the love of god shut your fucking cock holster and mind your own fucking business you piss poor excuse for a 5 dollar canadian street whore,,,
That's not libertarianism. There are many misconceptions about libertarianism, but one of the most popular is that we are "fiercely independent" and don't value community and support from others. Or that we look down on those in need.

That's simply not true. But I guess it makes a nice strawman.

The independent part is literally your only bankable characteristic.
It's really not. Maybe you're confusing a rejection of the ubiquitous state with a rejection of community? We aren't opposed to social welfare and communal support. We just don't think government is the right tool for the job. There's no need to resort to violence.
You cannot manage a sprawling nation of 360 million people with a constitutionally limited government.
You can't manage a nation as diverse as ours without reliable limits on government power. We've been eroding those limits, and it's the source of much of the trouble we're running into (see: culture war). With people from all over the world, with different beliefs, values and priorities, "live and let live" is the only thing that keeps things from falling apart.
You can't manage a country as diverse as ours without reliable limits on government power. We've been eroding those limits, and it's the source of much of the trouble we're running into (see: culture war). With people from all over the world, with different beliefs, values and priorities, "live and let live" is the only thing that keeps things from falling apart.

I agree that government powers do need to be limited. But your Constitution was very much written for the nation it created, and it clearly not working well in the nation you've become.

It should also be noted that the population wasn't mobile. Most people were born, lived and died within a 50 mile radius. The new nation was diverse in climate and wealth. Growing seasons and crops varied, as did indigenous plants, insects and wildlife. The Founders wanted to create a haven for people to thrive economically, free from the wars of succession and religion in Europe. Where the status of your birth didn't matter, and you could rise by dint of industry, and education.

States' rights made sense because the local legislators knew the climate, the economy, and the needs of the locals based on climate, populations, and the economic conditions there. Now you have a highly moble population, 80% of which lives in towns and cities, and agriculture is only 5% of your GDP. But you're still running the country on the same framework established for a small agragran nation with no standing army at the end of another round of religious wars and wars of succession in 18th Century Europe.

Canada enacted a new Constitution in 1982, which incorporated the original British Act of Parliament, along with a new Constitution for the 20th Century. Individual rights were enshrined, but also community obligations. We have a Constitutional obligation to help one another.

It was then that I realized how valuable a modern thinking Constitution was to our country. A modern Constitution settled most national issues and gave us a strong federal frame work to enable ALL provinces to thrive.
I agree that government powers do need to be limited. But your Constitution was very much written for the nation it created, and it clearly not working well in the nation you've become.
I don't agree. It might not won't work for the kind of nation that you, and others, would like us to become. But I don't want that. We chose limited, decentralized government for good reasons. Those reasons still exist.
I don't agree. It might not won't work for the kind of nation that you, and others, would like us to become. But I don't want that. We chose limited, decentralized government for good reasons. Those reasons still exist.

We kept ALL of the parliamentary structures, but gave enhanced powers to the provinces in some areas. The original Canada Act is part of the 1982 Comstitution but one only need to look at the trajectory of the nation, both socially and economically to see the benefits of a Constitution based on the realities of the modern age.
its served us fine ever since,, the problem is the people that violate it that should be jailed,,

You spend every single day here saying the system is broken, and that Trump shouldn’t be in jail, so none of what you’ve posted is true.

You’ve had one Civil War and your on the brink of another one. You’ve had minority rule with disastrous consequences since 1994. Not to mention numerous, violent racial upheavals ever 40 years or so.

And while the rest of the free world is zooming past you economically, and socially, you’re losing your shit over drag queens.

Your enemies are using all of this to attack you further. Just like what’s happening in Israel with Netanyahu’s attempts to shackle the judiciary.
We kept ALL of the parliamentary structures, but gave enhanced powers to the provinces in some areas. The original Canada Act is part of the 1982 Comstitution but one only need to look at the trajectory of the nation, both socially and economically to see the benefits of a Constitution based on the realities of the modern age.

You spend every single day here saying the system is broken, and that Trump shouldn’t be in jail, so none of what you’ve posted is true.

You’ve had one Civil War and your on the brink of another one. You’ve had minority rule with disastrous consequences since 1994. Not to mention numerous, violent racial upheavals ever 40 years or so.

And while the rest of the free world is zooming past you economically, and socially, you’re losing your shit over drag queens.

Your enemies are using all of this to attack you further. Just like what’s happening in Israel with Netanyahu’s attempts to shackle the judiciary.
Does anyone know of a drag queen or a pronoun that shot a child at school?
We kept ALL of the parliamentary structures, but gave enhanced powers to the provinces in some areas. The original Canada Act is part of the 1982 Comstitution but one only need to look at the trajectory of the nation, both socially and economically to see the benefits of a Constitution based on the realities of the modern age.

You spend every single day here saying the system is broken, and that Trump shouldn’t be in jail, so none of what you’ve posted is true.

You’ve had one Civil War and your on the brink of another one. You’ve had minority rule with disastrous consequences since 1994. Not to mention numerous, violent racial upheavals ever 40 years or so.

And while the rest of the free world is zooming past you economically, and socially, you’re losing your shit over drag queens.

Your enemies are using all of this to attack you further. Just like what’s happening in Israel with Netanyahu’s attempts to shackle the judiciary.
are you sill running your cock sucker???

time to hit the streest whore and leave important issue up to the adults,,
I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

You know who's a Libertarian?

Who is Jason J. Eaton? Vermont shooting suspect thought ‘the world is a mess,’ was recently fired from his job​

I used to admire the Libertarian Party in some respects. In fact, in 2020 I voted for the Libertarian candidate because they have been more closely aligned with my beliefs than the two major parties.

There are some things with which I disagree strongly with the LP, but now they have really gone batshit insane.

To wit, this tweet:

I have always said that Libertarians are just a slightly different type of nut in a mixed bag of conservative nuts. Libertarians, Tea Party, Trump Supporters, RINO's, all pretty much fall under the GOP.

So who was the shooter who shot those 3 Palestinian Americas last week? Let's ask him

Eaton is also a part-time farmer who describes himself as a “radical” libertarian on the “ADHD spectrum.”
are you sill running your cock sucker???

time to hit the streest whore and leave important issue up to the adults,,

Gee, you don't sound like an adult at all. You sound like an ignorant, uninformed teenager who's trying to run me off with talking dirty, because he lacks the skills or the knowledge to participate in the discussion.
The Libertarian party is badly named.

Most of them are more anarchist than libertarian.

Libertarianism is about limiting government but still having regulations on things that affect everyone

The libertarian party stance has always been All regulation is bad. They claim that companies will police themselves. But don't think the government should be allowed to intervene when they do not. And if your family dies from cancer, because some company dumped a bunch of Toxic waste in your drinking water, that's your problem

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