The Libertarian Party Is Losing It

The people who left Europe and came to America were sick of war. They were sick of fighting and dying because some monarch, a princess from a foreign nation, and now he was claiming that throne. Taxing their people into poverty to pay for their wars.

They wanted freedom from of the corruption of the Catholic Church which meddled in European politics, and barbarity to stop the Reformation. So many of the wars were based on religious differences. The Catholics vs the Church of England, with each side want one of theirs on the throne for the "good of the nation".

The separation of church and state the religious right decries today is one of the Originalist ideas I actually like. But right wingers keep going on about how most/all of the Founders were Christians and they wanted a Christian nation. No they did not. They wanted a completely secular and freedom of religion.

The Spanish Inquisition was still going on in the 18th Century. If you didn't convert to Catholicism, you were tortured until you died or converted. Primarily used against Jews, it was used against Protestants and Reformationists in Catholic Nations.

The War of the Roses changed the power structure in Great Britain - permanently, and gave rise to the power of the Monarchy over the nobility.

Instead of reading the Constitution in the context of the 21st Century and trying to understand the Founders intentions for your nation through a lens looking backward, read the Constitution as a document of its own time and understand what pitfalls the Founders were trying to avoid in their nation in their own time.

Then ask how they would solve these problems based on TODAY'S mores, culture, technolgies and expectations, not those of 250 years ago.
Yes it was and one which you have utterly abandoned since WWII. Your Founders fled Europe where kings and queens were bankrupting their treasuries, destroying their cities, and decimating their populations with endless wars of succession and expansion.

If you want to live as your Founders intended, you should disband your military, just like George Washington did after the War of Independence. Your Founders wanted a nation that didn't even have a standing army. If you want to go back to your "non-interventionist" past. Think of the tax savings.

You spend 12% of your annual budget on the military. Think of the tax savings. Be an "Originalist". But, you say, we NEED a strong modern military because the world has changed since 1776, and we need to protect ourselves today.

Exactly. EVERYTHING has changed since 1776. Your Founders knew that even if you don't. That's why they put a way to amend the Constitution into the original document. The FOUNDERS want the Constitution to be updated as needed. They would be appalled by the "Originalist" movement because it's the antithesis of everything they intended.
I’m all for disbanding the military. Thank you.
We all know why goobers like you want it.
Exactly the same reason you don't want it. Because it will undermine your lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering and restore some sanity to our elections.

Trump vs Biden??? Seriously?
Exactly the same reason you don't want it. Because it will undermine your lesser-of-two-evils fear mongering and restore some sanity to our elections.

Trump vs Biden??? Seriously?
Wrong. You want it because you know it makes electoral manipulation easier.
that’s what you and your fellow asshole libturds want. Absolutely not what I want.

If you can’t tolerate Trump or Potato, vote 3P. But your application for “ranked choice voting” is bullshit and it should be tolerated anywhere. Too late for NYC and a few other deep blue sewers.
Wrong. You want it because you know it makes electoral manipulation easier.
And how does it do that? Just 'cause?
that’s what you and your fellow asshole libturds want. Absolutely not what I want.
You want carry on with the same tired, divisive two-party shitshow. Because it's all you know.
If you can’t tolerate Trump or Potato, vote 3P.
If you call those two a "choice", jesus - we might as well just throw in the towel. It's a fucking sad joke.
But your application for “ranked choice voting” is bullshit and it should be tolerated anywhere. Too late for NYC and a few other deep blue sewers.
You realize Dem partisans oppose it just like you do, right? And for the same shitty reasons. Because the fear mongering and lesser-of-two-evils crap no longer works.
And how does it do that? Just 'cause?

Look it up. I’ve already posted on it. So have many others.

No system is ever perfect. But it’s retarded for morons like you to “tinker” so mindlessly with a system that doesn’t require that kind of shit.

Look it up. I’ve already posted on it. So have many others.
You've posted horseshit. Whose authors didn't even understand how RCV works. And most of the whining was based on Sarah Palin's complaints. Which are a joke:

No system is ever perfect. But it’s retarded for morons like you to “tinker” so mindlessly with a system that doesn’t require that kind of shit.
Our system is a fucking disaster. Trump vs Biden. How much worse can it get??
You posted horseshit. Whose authors didn't even understand how RCV works. And most of the whining was based on Sarah Palin's complaints. Which are a joke:

Our system is a fucking disaster. Trump vs Biden. How much worse can it get??
Repeating your endlessly retarded musings fails completely to make your babbling bullshit any more rational.

You're dismissed, doofus.
That’s all you ever bring. :itsok:
Ohhh! Emojis and empty insults! I've posted a substantive defense of my position. You've just done your usual jerk-off trolling.

Here some more:

Emoji that.
Ohhh! Emojis and empty insults! I've posted a substantive defense of my position. You've just done your usual jerk-off trolling.

Here some more:

Emoji that.


You’re a void.
Ohhh! Emojis and empty insults! I've posted a substantive defense of my position. You've just done your usual jerk-off trolling.

Here some more:

Emoji that.
Another good article. Educate yourself. It won't hurt. Honest.


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