The Libertarian Party Is Losing It

From your link:

We do not often agree with former California Governor Jerry Brown Jr. (D), but he was right in 2016 when he vetoed a bill to expand ranked choice voting in his state, saying it was “overly complicated and confusing” and “deprives voters of genuinely informed choice.”

In other words, the two-party goon think voters are too stupid to list their preferences in numerical order.


In the real world, you compare price, taste, mood, and maybe even the size of the bottle and then decide on your steak sauce. You know nothing about the generic brand, so you rank it last among your choices, while A1 is ranked a distant third. In your mind, it comes down to Heinz or HP, and you choose the Heinz. You buy that bottle and head home to the grill.

Now imagine if, instead, you had to rank-order all the steak sauces—even the ones you dislike—and at checkout the cashier

Wow! They got this one EXACTLY wrong!

The reason A1, Heinz, HP, and the generic brand are on the shelf in the first place is because shoppers have voted with their purchases and chosen which brands they prefer out of all the possible brands. The store has responded by providing the brands shoppers choose most.

One of the many problems is that it allows a person who couldn’t garner sufficient support for even a runoff race to eventually be deemed the winner.

It’s a flawed and mindless system. It is designed not to encourage candidate debate
Yes, it disturbs you when I debunk lies. I understand. The truth doesn't matter to you hacks, only performative assholery.

I knew you wouldn't read it. Like I said, you defend your delusions at all costs.
You don’t debunk lies. You disseminate them. That’s why you’re the liar.

And again, I couldn’t give a rip about your alleged political philosophy.
bripat has exposed himself as a pathological liar. What's to refute?

If you have ANY doubts about my political leanings, I created a topic just for people like you:

Of course you won't read it, because it will obliterate your treasured delusions.

What did I lie about, asshole?

We all know you're a hardcocre leftwinger. Why do you waste our time with your pathetic denials?
bripat has exposed himself as a pathological liar. What's to refute?

If you have ANY doubts about my political leanings, I created a topic just for people like you:

Of course you won't read it, because it will obliterate your treasured delusions.
Holy shit. You’re more verbose than the Queen of bloviating bullshit, Rumpole.

And your positions are “meh” at best. But being concise and getting to the point ain’t your strong suits.

I’d critique your waffling horseshit more fully, but fuck. It would end up being almost an eighth of your verbose word total. And 1/8 of you is waaaaaaay too verbose.
Ranked choice voting is the only way to break the iron grip of the duopoly.

No, that will reinforce the duopoly for the rest of time. What we need is plurality voting.

Under first past the post majority voting, if a nonmajor party candidate gets 10% of the vote, they still end up with 10% of the vote. Victory might be far out of reach (41% away), but that 10% still makes a potential difference.

Under plurality voting, if a nonmajor party candidate gets 10% of the vote, they still end up with 10% of the vote. Even though they haven't won, victory was much closer (24% away) and they much more likely made a difference.

Under ranked choice voting, if a nonmajor party candidate gets 10% of the vote, they end up with NOTHING. They made no difference to the outcome, and at best they serve the major parties by absorbing the ideologue wing nut voters into their electoral hegemony.
No, that will reinforce the duopoly for the rest of time. What we need is plurality voting.

Under first past the post majority voting, if a nonmajor party candidate gets 10% of the vote, they still end up with 10% of the vote. Victory might be far out of reach (41% away), but that 10% still makes a potential difference.

Under plurality voting, if a nonmajor party candidate gets 10% of the vote, they still end up with 10% of the vote. Even though they haven't won, victory was much closer (24% away) and they much more likely made a difference.

Under ranked choice voting, if a nonmajor party candidate gets 10% of the vote, they end up with NOTHING. They made no difference to the outcome, and at best they serve the major parties by absorbing the ideologue wing nut voters into their electoral hegemony.
Have you read anything about ranked choice voting?
Oh yeah? What was I dishonest about? Grow a pair and tell us. Or continue with what you're good at -> zZz....
Tou were dishonest as I pointed out before. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away, you babbling butt rash.

See post 252. Then go pound salt up your ass.
What makes you say that?

The fact that it's true. Rank choice voting is being peddled as basically a cure all for nearly every problem that seems to exist in American politics. There is absolutely no basis for any of these claimed benefits, and it would in fact be most likely to worsen the problems it's alleged to fix.
Sure. You just troll. That's pretty much it. You've made zero substantiative comments. But I've learned to expect that.
Nah. I’ve been far more substantive than anything on your posts. And that’s clear. You’re just dishonest.

Also, not all that expectedly, you remain off topic, ya troll.

Once again, ll assist a poor pathetic twat such as you:

The topic is the libertarian party supposedly “losing it.” What exactly have they “lost?” Did they (as a political party) ever “have” it?

Define the alleged “it.”

See. Topical. Not hard. Ffs, even a troll like you should be able to step up! Give it a try.
The fact that it's true. Rank choice voting is being peddled as basically a cure all for nearly every problem that seems to exist in American politics.
I'm certainly not selling it that way. It's a relatively minor improvement and may, in fact, be too little too late. But it gets rid of the spoiler effect, and the lesser-of-two-evils nonsense, which is a big win in my view.
There is absolutely no basis for any of these claimed benefits, and it would in fact be most likely to worsen the problems it's alleged to fix.
How so? Which claimed benefits are you referring to?

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