The Libertarian Party Is Losing It

Or commies pretending to be 'libertarians', like gipper. Most have nothing in common with Jefferson and the Founders, despite their claims, and they basically support doing away with borders and letting faggots adopt kids and hold mock 'marriages' recognized by all govts.

There's about three on here pretending
Or commies pretending to be 'libertarians', like gipper. Most have nothing in common with Jefferson and the Founders, despite their claims, and they basically support doing away with borders and letting faggots adopt kids and hold mock 'marriages' recognized by all govts.
I have far more in common with the Founders than anyone on this forum. You probably think Dishonest Abe was a founder. Lol.

Nonintervention was a leading principle of the Founders. It’s likely you’re unfamiliar with the term. Look it up.
its served us fine ever since,, the problem is the people that violate it that should be jailed,,

If it had "served us fine", you wouldn't have had a Civil War, and you wouldn't be on the brink of another one.

Republicans are trying to find way to stop the left from voting and destroy all liberal opposition to the white nationalist regime. Trump promises to arrest all opposition, and he's leading the polls.

You don't want people who violate the Constitution locked up. You want Trump in the White House so he can use the Constitution as toilet paper. Even worse, Republicans don't want to modernize the Constitution to reflect the needs of the nation in the 21st Century, your Court is packed with "Originalists" - people who want to go back to the way the way your nation was run 250 years ago.

You have no need to worry about an invasion of your nation. Why would your enemies waste the money on weapons and armies when you're when you're doing such a good job of it on your own?
I have far more in common with the Founders than anyone on this forum. You probably think Dishonest Abe was a founder. Lol.

Nonintervention was a leading principle of the Founders. It’s likely you’re unfamiliar with the term. Look it up.

Yes it was and one which you have utterly abandoned since WWII. Your Founders fled Europe where kings and queens were bankrupting their treasuries, destroying their cities, and decimating their populations with endless wars of succession and expansion.

If you want to live as your Founders intended, you should disband your military, just like George Washington did after the War of Independence. Your Founders wanted a nation that didn't even have a standing army. If you want to go back to your "non-interventionist" past. Think of the tax savings.

You spend 12% of your annual budget on the military. Think of the tax savings. Be an "Originalist". But, you say, we NEED a strong modern military because the world has changed since 1776, and we need to protect ourselves today.

Exactly. EVERYTHING has changed since 1776. Your Founders knew that even if you don't. That's why they put a way to amend the Constitution into the original document. The FOUNDERS want the Constitution to be updated as needed. They would be appalled by the "Originalist" movement because it's the antithesis of everything they intended.
Exactly. EVERYTHING has changed since 1776. Your Founders knew that even if you don't. That's why they put a way to amend the Constitution into the original document. The FOUNDERS want the Constitution to be updated as needed.
Yes, and we've neglected doing that. Instead, we've focused on inserting judges willing to reinterpret the Constitution. So, it's now just another political football.
They would be appalled by the "Originalist" movement because it's the antithesis of everything they intended.
I don't think the Originalist movement is opposed to amending the Constitution. They just want the changes to go through the proper process, rather than changing it via judicial hand-waving.
Yes, and we've neglected doing that. Instead, we've focused on inserting judges willing to reinterpret the Constitution. So, it's now just another political football.

I don't think the Originalist movement is opposed to amending the Constitution. They just want the changes to go through the proper process, rather than changing it via judicial hand-waving.

Your ideas are sound.
You simply will never have a chance to see any of them come to fruition.
I thoroughly enjoyed 2016 - 2019.
I'm sure you jerked off the whole time. But nothing happened during that term to improved the situation. The country is more divided than ever and we have very little hope of that improving with Biden or Trump leading the circus.
LOL - and the leftists call us "hard right". You guys simply don't know what to do with people who actually value liberty.
Just can not see LIBERTY in the constant use of hateful & negative words.
The neutral value of an WEBSTER DICTIONARY.
The state of being free from control or restrictions
The right to believe or express our self as one chooses.
Yes, and we've neglected doing that. Instead, we've focused on inserting judges willing to reinterpret the Constitution. So, it's now just another political football.

I don't think the Originalist movement is opposed to amending the Constitution. They just want the changes to go through the proper process, rather than changing it via judicial hand-waving.

The Originalist Movement wants ever piece of legislation viewed through then lens of life in an agrarian nation in the 18th Century. Men who had never seen electricity, or imagined an airplane, telling you how to set up an efficient government for a nation of 340 million people in a technology driven economy.

They dreamed of a world where everyone has an equal chance to succeed on their own merits, without undue interference from government. Not one where worldwide commerce and the theft of intellectual property rights were a huge economic consideration.

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