The Libertarian Party Is Losing It

The whole stock market is a total fraud and should be illegal.
When you buy stocks, you actually get no share of the company at all.
All you are really getting is whatever someone other sucker is willing to pay for that stock.
There is nothing moral, ethical, or legal about the stock market.
Yes, I have often suspected Libertarians want us to return to a totally agrarian economy.

Without the stock market, we would have no economy.
Banks are part of interstate commerce, so the constitution most certainly supports federal regulation of them.

The interstate commerce clause was intended to prevent one state from interfering with commerce from, through, or to other states. We have changed the meaning of "regulate" to mean restrict and control, but that is totally opposite of what the Founders who wrote the original constitution meant.
And no, banks are not really part of interstate commerce, even though they do have an interstate network.
Interstate commerce actually refers only to the different laws commerce is subjected to as it passed from one state to another. Banks have nothing to do with laws, so nothing to do with interstate commerce control.
The fact banks participate in interstate commerce does not put them under any federal jurisdiction over interstate commerce. It only applies to states.
Yes, people like me who understand that we have a binary system.

I also don't go to sporting events and think that someone who isn't one of the 2 teams that are combatting, will win.
People like me do that.
Horrible analogy. There are more than "2 teams" competing.
The interstate commerce clause was intended to prevent one state from interfering with commerce from, through, or to other states. We have changed the meaning of "regulate" to mean restrict and control, but that is totally opposite of what the Founders who wrote the original constitution meant.
And no, banks are not really part of interstate commerce, even though they do have an interstate network.
Interstate commerce actually refers only to the different laws commerce is subjected to as it passed from one state to another. Banks have nothing to do with laws, so nothing to do with interstate commerce control.
The fact banks participate in interstate commerce does not put them under any federal jurisdiction over interstate commerce. It only applies to states.
Thank you for confirming what I said is 100 percent true. Libertarians want to abolish the SEC and bleev banks will not steal from their customers.

That's the thing about Libertarians which has always astonished me. Their incredible naivete and ignorance of human nature.
Horrible analogy. There are more than "2 teams" competing.
Not really.

The third parties collectively barely garner 5 percent of the vote.

For all intents and purposes, we are trapped in a binary system. And a lot of the time, both parties are marching in lockstep right over the American people.
Thank you for confirming what I said is 100 percent true. Libertarians want to abolish the SEC and bleev banks will not steal from their customers.

That's the thing about Libertarians which has always astonished me. Their incredible naivete and ignorance of human nature.
Not unlike the communists thinking that self interest isn’t a driving factor of human behavior
Yes, I have often suspected Libertarians want us to return to a totally agrarian economy.

Without the stock market, we would have no economy.

The stock market does generate funds for growth, but through deception and fraud, and only temporarily.
What we should have instead is the ability to fund things voluntarily through voting on communal investments, like how rural areas finance cooperatives.
That is how we fund public schools, hospitals, highways, fire departments, police, etc.

The stock market is the most harmful thing that ever happened to our economy, and constantly causes cyclic bankruptcies, like it did in 1923 crash, and subsequent crashes about ever 15 years or so later.
People borrow to invest in the stock market, but since it actually is not based on any production, but just is paying out only what someone else pays in, it always has to fail on a regular basis.
It is a total fraud and extremely harmful to the economy.
Not really.

The third parties collectively barely garner 5 percent of the vote.

For all intents and purposes, we are trapped in a binary system. And a lot of the time, both parties are marching in lockstep right over the American people.

You mean the Establishment ... Which is both Major Parties ... And on Capitol Hill.

Their only agenda was to honor G-d

Again, context, context, context. Christ, who IS G-d Almighty Himself wrote the Moral Law which included the condemnation of homosexuality. He also said "go and sin no more". Repentance takes priority over "love and tolerance"

If the Bible was only to "honor G-d", then there would have been no inquisitions, conquistadors, crusades, witch burnings, colonialism, etc.
Not really.

The third parties collectively barely garner 5 percent of the vote.

For all intents and purposes, we are trapped in a binary system. And a lot of the time, both parties are marching in lockstep right over the American people.
So there are more than 2 parties competing.
We are trapped because of people like billie and many other people in this thread.
Think about what would happen, if people actually voted for who they liked, instead of lesser of 2 evils in the duopoly. They are trapped by this duopoly rhetoric. "if you vote for them, thats a vote for the repubs. You dont want those people to take over do you? Sure our candidate sucks but muh WHITE supremacy!""
"If you vote for them, thats a vote for the Dems. You dont want those people to take over do you? Sure our candidate sucks greasy prison balls but TRANNIES!"
You think 80 something million people wanted that senile dipshit to be president? Hell no. They just didnt want the orange shit stain in office.
The stock market does generate funds for growth, but through deception and fraud, and only temporarily.
What we should have instead is the ability to fund things voluntarily through voting on communal investments, like how rural areas finance cooperatives.
That is how we fund public schools, hospitals, highways, fire departments, police, etc.

The stock market is the most harmful thing that ever happened to our economy, and constantly causes cyclic bankruptcies, like it did in 1923 crash, and subsequent crashes about ever 15 years or so later.
People borrow to invest in the stock market, but since it actually is not based on any production, but just is paying out only what someone else pays in, it always has to fail on a regular basis.
It is a total fraud and extremely harmful to the economy.
Sounds like something right out of The Creature From Jekyll Island
Thank you for confirming what I said is 100 percent true. Libertarians want to abolish the SEC and bleev banks will not steal from their customers.

That's the thing about Libertarians which has always astonished me. Their incredible naivete and ignorance of human nature.

The Constitution is supposed to be LAW.
And the constitution does not support the SEC.
So you either have to pass an amendment, do it by state, or something else that is LEGAL.
Just deciding we like the SEC and ignoring law, is NOT the answer.
When you ignore law and just do what you like, that is authoritarian.
You are the one who is blinded by propaganda and naive.
And I am not even Libertarian, but actually more Communist than Socialist even I am so far left.
The Constitution is supposed to be LAW.
And the constitution does not support the SEC.
So you either have to pass an amendment, do it by state, or something else that is LEGAL.
Just deciding we like the SEC and ignoring law, is NOT the answer.
When you ignore law and just do what you like, that is authoritarian.
You are the one who is blinded by propaganda and naive.
And I am not even Libertarian, but actually more Communist than Socialist even I am so far left.
Dude. Everyone knows that you’re nothing but a Kremlin troll
Sounds like something right out of The Creature From Jekyll Island

The federal reserve is somewhat secretive and suspicious, but we all benefit from having a stable currency.
The stock market is nothing like that.
The average people do not benefit from the stock market at all, and there are deliberate cycles manipulated in order to regularly steal from average people who do not realize they are being defrauded.
So there are more than 2 parties competing.
We are trapped because of people like billie and many other people in this thread.
Think about what would happen, if people actually voted for who they liked, instead of lesser of 2 evils in the duopoly. They are trapped by this duopoly rhetoric. "if you vote for them, thats a vote for the repubs. You dont want those people to take over do you? Sure our candidate sucks but muh WHITE supremacy!""
"If you vote for them, thats a vote for the Dems. You dont want those people to take over do you? Sure our candidate sucks greasy prison balls but TRANNIES!"
You think 80 something million people wanted that senile dipshit to be president? Hell no. They just didnt want the orange shit stain in office.

And ... It is like they "know" ... But "don't know" at the same time.

They just keep doing it ... And then bitch about what they are doing ... Waiting for someone else to fix everything ...
Waiting for the Government to stop being the Government and save them from themselves ... :auiqs.jpg:

Dude. Everyone knows that you’re nothing but a Kremlin troll

So do you wish Russia did not exist and the US had succeeded in establishing dictators, like Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, etc.?

Russia is the only world force preventing the corrupt US from taking over everything everywhere.
We are worse than Ancient Rome, with colonial imperialism.
So do you wish Russia did not exist and the US had succeeded in establishing dictators, like Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, etc.?

Russia is the only world force preventing the corrupt US from taking over everything everywhere.
We are worse than Ancient Rome, with colonial imperialism.
Save the Kremlin propaganda for your fellow Russian countrymen.

They’re very good at pretending to bleeeve it
So do you wish Russia did not exist and the US had succeeded in establishing dictators, like Chaing Kai Shek in China, Syngman Rhee in Korea, Diem in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Samosa in Nicaragua, etc.?

Russia is the only world force preventing the corrupt US from taking over everything everywhere.
We are worse than Ancient Rome, with colonial imperialism.
We should have followed Patton's advice and nuked Russia after Japan surrendered. Sorry Commie, but Capitalism is far better than Communism.

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