The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

Sandmann was engaged in antiabortion activism...

Sandmann marched in a pro-life march in Washington D.C.

He and his classmates were waiting for their bus when the native-American, radical, leftist nutcase went out of his way to force himself into the middle of the group of boys wherein he got in Sandmann's face while banging on his drum.

You're not an honest person.

I am totally honest in this. He was engaged in antiabortion activism.

You just said as much.

The young Kentuckians- including Master Sandmann, were just showing civic awareness and involvement by participating in a demonstration in favor of Life Itself.

But they were no more a story than any of the hundreds of thousands of others that were in Washington that week. And the fact that a few goofs mouthed off at them while they were waiting on the bus isn't a "story", particularly as the Covington boys avoided getting into any kind of physical confrontation.
Hogg and Sandmann, two very similar kids who found themselves caught up in a viscous media defamation campaign, received death threats, and unbelievable character smears.

It is sad that some try to justify it.

How do you know that Hogg got death threats at all?

Just because he said so, doesn't mean shit.
Hogg didn't do that. In fact he's doing everything in his power to hogg the limelight. He loves the attention he's no longer getting. He is doing everything he can to make himself relevant.

Hogg certainly capitalized on the massacre. Although not qualified, he's going to Harvard and is undoubtedly taken a spot that an Asian kid should have gotten.
How do you know he wasn’t qualified?

The language that the Hogg boy uses is disgraceful. He really isn't fit to be in decent society, and I thought that was what Harvard represented.
He should have said grab 'em by the pussy then he could be a president.

President Trump was just entertaining the Bush scion, you can tell by Billy B's reaction that he was entertained and that the Trumpster was just joking around having a good time.
So when other people use harsh language it is disgraceful, but when trump does it was just a joke bro and fine. Sure bud :laughing0301:
How do you know he wasn’t qualified?

His SAT score was WELL below the average that Harvard accepts and he wasn't noted to be a straight-A student, which is typical for Harvard. Hogg was admitted because he's a far-left activist.

His SAT score was below mine, he just isn't very bright. Especially for what is supposed to be a top flight college, and the fact that Mr. Hogg is neither a legacy nor a racial minority.
Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

Apples and oranges. Hogg is an outspoken political advocate and Sandmann was just a 16 year-old kid that was minding his own business and never said a word to anyone.
Hogg did not become an advocate until after he saw his classmates killed. Hogg was just a high school teen.

Someone pointed out Sandmann was engaged in antiabortion activism and should have gotten into Harvard because he was a social he too was an advocate. You can’t have it both ways.

Frankly it is really ugly to see kids, both these kids, falsely defamed and raked over the coals like that.

Apples and Apples.

No, not apples to apples at all. Sandman may have had a political stance, but nobody knew about it except perhaps locals. There are millions of people like Sandmann all over this country. In fact other than this lawsuit, Sandmann is virtually invisible to the public.

You can't say that about Camera Hogg. He does everything possible to get the media to focus on him.
He and other students brought focus to a cause and were shredded by a media that deliberately perpetrated falsehoods. No excuses. I am tired of partisan excuses.

Do you really believe without that criminal Indian beating his drum, anybody would have reported on Sandmann's activism? Nobody would have cared because it goes on all the time in Washington.

The one person that made this the story was the Indian, not Sandmann.
Hogg and Sandmann, two very similar kids who found themselves caught up in a viscous media defamation campaign, received death threats, and unbelievable character smears.

It is sad that some try to justify it.

What's sad is how some like you try to equalize it. This is very simple: One asked for the media attention and the other one didn't.
Hogg and Sandmann, two very similar kids who found themselves caught up in a viscous media defamation campaign, received death threats, and unbelievable character smears.

It is sad that some try to justify it.

What's sad is how some like you try to equalize it. This is very simple: One asked for the media attention and the other one didn't.

She dislikes Sandmann and as a result, any mistreatment is fine.
Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.
Actually he was in school...the claim that he wasn’t was based on a fragment of a clip. There were plenty of witnesses. A Student Started Filming During School Shooting. He Hasn't Stopped
David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting -

Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

I disagree, no lies were made up about Hogg, nor were they continued AFTER it was known they were lies.

There were definitely some stupid and in a couple of cases terrible things said about Hogg after he started his anti gun crusade, but they were brief.

The Sandmann crap lasted for over two weeks.
Hogg and Sandmann, two very similar kids who found themselves caught up in a viscous media defamation campaign, received death threats, and unbelievable character smears.

It is sad that some try to justify it.

What's sad is how some like you try to equalize it. This is very simple: One asked for the media attention and the other one didn't.

Interesting that you think that going on television for interviews and filing lawsuits isn’t asking for attention.

One kid wishes he walked away but his father won’t let him do that.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey


And of course, he is/was a MINOR. These people are lamentable.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey


And of course, he is/was a MINOR. These people are lamentable.

So far all Sandmann has to show for his trouble is a 5-figure legal bill, soon to balloon to 6 figures, if he files any Appeals.

The boy was not defamed, and since he has no income, he has no damages. His chaperones are culpable for not properly supervising these children and for encouraging them to get into an altercation with adults, which put the children in harm’s way.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey


And of course, he is/was a MINOR. These people are lamentable.

So far all Sandmann has to show for his trouble is a 5-figure legal bill, soon to balloon to 6 figures, if he files any Appeals.

The boy was not defamed, and since he has no income, he has no damages. His chaperones are culpable for not properly supervising these children and for encouraging them to get into an altercation with adults, which put the children in harm’s way.

Thank you for weighing in from Canada we don't care what you think

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.
I don't think it is likely that he will succeed though. They really do not have a strong case.

What was done to them is really shitty. That does not mean that they get a financial settlement for it though particularly considering that the 'news' outlets were simply regurgitating claims from the asshole badgering them. He may well be liable but then again you cant squeeze blood from a stone.

I say let the case be heard by an impartial judge which this man clearly is not.

You can't make up lies about people and print them as facts no matter where your source of information is from. When we allow the media to act with impunity like that, anybody can be a target including us.
They did it to Hogg.

Hogg Boy was admitted to Harvard and hailed as a hero, in spite of the terrible language he used.

Sandmann has been blackballed by employers and colleges. Harvard has refused to give the young man a scholarship, in spite of his civic involvement in issues of public import like abortion
It's probably that MAGA hat. It's like stating to the world I AM A RACIST.
Sandmann was engaged in antiabortion activism...

Sandmann marched in a pro-life march in Washington D.C.

He and his classmates were waiting for their bus when the native-American, radical, leftist nutcase went out of his way to force himself into the middle of the group of boys wherein he got in Sandmann's face while banging on his drum.

You're not an honest person.

I am totally honest in this. He was engaged in antiabortion activism.

You just said as much.
He attended a rally - something millions of Americans do every year. He wasn't going on televised debates and holding press conferences as Hogg was.
Hogg and Sandmann, two very similar kids who found themselves caught up in a viscous media defamation campaign, received death threats, and unbelievable character smears.

It is sad that some try to justify it.
Hogg chose to be "caught up." He could have avoided the limelight, as did most of the other students at that high school. Sandman had no such choice.
since this is based on "free speech" then you can look for a follow up challenge. a newspaper is supposed to be reporting the truth and i can see "freedom of the press" but free speech doesn't apply in the same manner when you're representing yourself as a news outlet. you have a higher level of responsibility and unless the washington post would rather become something like "the onion" and disavow all pretenses of being "honest" then the battle i would think isn't over yet.

"Bertelsman wrote that though Phillips' claim may have been inaccurate, the Post had a right to publish it. The Post couldn't be sued for defamation simply if some of its reporting was inaccurate, he wrote, rather it had to both false and defamatory."

so they're saying you can't sue a paper for being "wrong"? it has to be wrong AND defamatory? well isn't that what they are claiming? they were wrong and it hurt them? they were wrong, and it did.

like i said, this is far from over but is worth noting as we get to where ever this is going. thanks for the article.
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Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.
Actually he was in school...the claim that he wasn’t was based on a fragment of a clip. There were plenty of witnesses. A Student Started Filming During School Shooting. He Hasn't Stopped
David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting -

Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

Hogg was misunderstood based on something he said. Sandmann was lied about...a big difference.

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