The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

I don't think many people have bothered to investigate the FULL STORY of what happened on the Mall that day.

The real confrontation was not between MAGA Kid/Native American. The real confrontation was between the MAGA KidS/Black Hebrew Israelites. You can see the before during and after from the BHI point of view on this video -

I watched the whole thing awhile ago because I had the time. I do believe the Native American was attempting to diffuse the situation.

I also believe the MAGA kid was not being disrespectful to the Native American.

The kids were definitely verbally harassed by the Black Hebrew Israelites. But the BHI have clearly done this before and were not a physical threat to anyone that day.

I think the kids were curious and I don't blame them. But they started to get out of hand. Their group was getting larger and larger as more of the MAGA kids and adults showed up. The MAGA kids were feeling their oats and it was beginning to look dicey.

I would not have put my money on the MAGA kids despite their numbers. They really just wanted to holler and grab their dicks, literally and figuratively speaking. But the BHI may have had friends nearby. They are not new at this.

In comes Native American man with his drum and things de-escalated. At the very end, the BHI and some of the MAGA kids actually had a civil conversation. And the BHI are crazy MFers.

I blame the parents that were supposed to be supervising the kids. If they were doing their job, none of this would have happened. Lots of them just stood there like fools.

There are ALWAYS many sides to a story.

People believe what their tribe tells them to believe.
I don't think many people have bothered to investigate the FULL STORY of what happened on the Mall that day.

The real confrontation was not between MAGA Kid/Native American. The real confrontation was between the MAGA KidS/Black Hebrew Israelites. You can see the before during and after from the BHI point of view on this video -

I watched the whole thing awhile ago because I had the time. I do believe the Native American was attempting to diffuse the situation.

I also believe the MAGA kid was not being disrespectful to the Native American.

The kids were definitely verbally harassed by the Black Hebrew Israelites. But the BHI have clearly done this before and were not a physical threat to anyone that day.

I think the kids were curious and I don't blame them. But they started to get out of hand. Their group was getting larger and larger as more of the MAGA kids and adults showed up. The MAGA kids were feeling their oats and it was beginning to look dicey.

I would not have put my money on the MAGA kids despite their numbers. They really just wanted to holler and grab their dicks, literally and figuratively speaking. But the BHI may have had friends nearby. They are not new at this.

In comes Native American man with his drum and things de-escalated. At the very end, the BHI and some of the MAGA kids actually had a civil conversation. And the BHI are crazy MFers.

I blame the parents that were supposed to be supervising the kids. If they were doing their job, none of this would have happened. Lots of them just stood there like fools.

There are ALWAYS many sides to a story.

People believe what their tribe tells them to believe.

The Covington adults knew nothing about the drunken Indians or the Black Congressional Israelites. They don't put up with that shit in Kentucky.

As far as how the whole thing came down, the fact that there wasn't any violence, and the young men made it on the bus back to the Tremendous Commonwealth of Kentucky, it was fine. The problem is the outfits like CNN and the Washington Post thought it was a "story" that needed wide coverage to discourage young people in the future from getting involved in protests or civil events. Ruin these kids lives, keep them out of college or the work force, and next year, there won't be as many young people protesting for the Gift of Life itself.

Really it wasn't a story at all. Some local goofballs mouthed off to children waiting on the bus and the bus comes before there can be any violence. How is this a news story?
I don't think many people have bothered to investigate the FULL STORY of what happened on the Mall that day.

The real confrontation was not between MAGA Kid/Native American. The real confrontation was between the MAGA KidS/Black Hebrew Israelites. You can see the before during and after from the BHI point of view on this video -

I watched the whole thing awhile ago because I had the time. I do believe the Native American was attempting to diffuse the situation.

I also believe the MAGA kid was not being disrespectful to the Native American.

The kids were definitely verbally harassed by the Black Hebrew Israelites. But the BHI have clearly done this before and were not a physical threat to anyone that day.

I think the kids were curious and I don't blame them. But they started to get out of hand. Their group was getting larger and larger as more of the MAGA kids and adults showed up. The MAGA kids were feeling their oats and it was beginning to look dicey.

I would not have put my money on the MAGA kids despite their numbers. They really just wanted to holler and grab their dicks, literally and figuratively speaking. But the BHI may have had friends nearby. They are not new at this.

In comes Native American man with his drum and things de-escalated. At the very end, the BHI and some of the MAGA kids actually had a civil conversation. And the BHI are crazy MFers.

I blame the parents that were supposed to be supervising the kids. If they were doing their job, none of this would have happened. Lots of them just stood there like fools.

There are ALWAYS many sides to a story.

People believe what their tribe tells them to believe.

The Covington adults knew nothing about the drunken Indians or the Black Congressional Israelites. They don't put up with that shit in Kentucky.

As far as how the whole thing came down, the fact that there wasn't any violence, and the young men made it on the bus back to the Tremendous Commonwealth of Kentucky, it was fine. The problem is the outfits like CNN and the Washington Post thought it was a "story" that needed wide coverage to discourage young people in the future from getting involved in protests or civil events. Ruin these kids lives, keep them out of college or the work force, and next year, there won't be as many young people protesting for the Gift of Life itself.

Really it wasn't a story at all. Some local goofballs mouthed off to children waiting on the bus and the bus comes before there can be any violence. How is this a news story?

It wasn't a news story at all, imo. I think it was all a bunch of BS.

But the parents did know what was going on with the Israelites. You can see the chaperones in the video. Who said the Native Americans were drunk?

I don't have an opinion on the lawsuits. That's for the judges and lawyers to figure out. I don't think the kid did anything wrong. I don't think the Native American did anything wrong.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum
Does it not bother you that you are spreading a well known and established lie?

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has
been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Sandmann did not block the guy and did not stop him from playing his drum. If you have to lie, you having nothing to post.
They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.
Actually he was in school...the claim that he wasn’t was based on a fragment of a clip. There were plenty of witnesses. A Student Started Filming During School Shooting. He Hasn't Stopped
David Hogg at School During Parkland Shooting -

Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.
I don't think it is likely that he will succeed though. They really do not have a strong case.

What was done to them is really shitty. That does not mean that they get a financial settlement for it though particularly considering that the 'news' outlets were simply regurgitating claims from the asshole badgering them. He may well be liable but then again you cant squeeze blood from a stone.

I say let the case be heard by an impartial judge which this man clearly is not.

You can't make up lies about people and print them as facts no matter where your source of information is from. When we allow the media to act with impunity like that, anybody can be a target including us.
They did it to Hogg.
They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Sweat hog is nothing but a limelight whore. The Democrats used him and tossed him aside like they do all the people When they are done. Hogg is just too stupid to understand it. His head is as big as an elephant because of all the temporary publicity he got.
Kinda like Sandmann and the Republicans eh?

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.
I don't think it is likely that he will succeed though. They really do not have a strong case.

What was done to them is really shitty. That does not mean that they get a financial settlement for it though particularly considering that the 'news' outlets were simply regurgitating claims from the asshole badgering them. He may well be liable but then again you cant squeeze blood from a stone.

I say let the case be heard by an impartial judge which this man clearly is not.

You can't make up lies about people and print them as facts no matter where your source of information is from. When we allow the media to act with impunity like that, anybody can be a target including us.
They did it to Hogg.

Hogg Boy was admitted to Harvard and hailed as a hero, in spite of the terrible language he used.

Sandmann has been blackballed by employers and colleges. Harvard has refused to give the young man a scholarship, in spite of his civic involvement in issues of public import like abortion

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.

This is not to mention he and his family had to hire private security due to the multiple death threats and threats of harm they received. If I remember correctly, they even abandoned their home for a short time and lived somewhere else.
Hogg and his family also received multiple death threats,
Hogg was treated every bit as badly as Sandmann.

Apples and oranges. Hogg is an outspoken political advocate and Sandmann was just a 16 year-old kid that was minding his own business and never said a word to anyone.
Kinda like Sandmann and the Republicans eh?

Sandmann was/is just a kid who was minding his own business when a radical, leftist nutcase got in his face. Liberal media outlets smeared and defamed Sandmann. It's disingenuous to equate the treatment of Hogg with the treatment of Sandmann.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.

This is not to mention he and his family had to hire private security due to the multiple death threats and threats of harm they received. If I remember correctly, they even abandoned their home for a short time and lived somewhere else.
Hogg and his family also received multiple death threats,

If you throw your hat in the ring, you signed up as part of the show.

Now if I received death threats, I would probably carry on with my cause. If you threaten my family, I'm bowing out.

Hogg didn't do that. In fact he's doing everything in his power to hogg the limelight. He loves the attention he's no longer getting. He is doing everything he can to make himself relevant.

To put it more accurately, the difference between Hoog and Sandman is:

apple: orange.jpeg
Kinda like Sandmann and the Republicans eh?

Sandmann was/is just a kid who was minding his own business when a radical, leftist nutcase got in his face. Liberal media outlets smeared and defamed Sandmann. It's disingenuous to equate the treatment of Hogg with the treatment of Sandmann.

Sandmann didn't ask to be on TV, and really didn't do anything to get on TV. He was with his classmates waiting on the bus while being harassed by liberals.

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