The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

    Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

    According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

    • The Washington Post
    • The New York Times
    • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
    • The Guardian
    • National Public Radio
    • TMZ
    • Atlantic Media Inc.
    • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
    • Diocese of Covington
    • Diocese of Lexington
    • Archdiocese of Louisville
    • Diocese of Baltimore
    • Ana Cabrera
    • Sara Sidner
    • Erin Burnett
    • S.E. Cupp
    • Elliot C. McLaughlin
    • Amanda Watts
    • Emanuella Grinberg
    • Michelle Boorstein
    • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
    • Antonio Olivo
    • Joe Heim
    • Michael E. Miller
    • Eli Rosenberg
    • Isaac Stanley-Becker
    • Kristine Phillips
    • Sarah Mervosh
    • Emily S. Rueb
    • Maggie Haberman
    • David Brooks
    • Shannon Doyne
    • Kurt Eichenwald
    • Andrea Mitchell
    • Savannah Guthrie
    • Joy Reid
    • Chuck Todd
    • Noah Berlatsky
    • Elisha Fieldstadt
    • Eun Kyung Kim
    • HBO
    • Bill Maher
    • Warner Media
    • Conde Nast
    • GQ
    • The Hill
    • The Atlantic
    • Ilhan Omar
    • Elizabeth Warren
    • Kathy Griffin
    • Alyssa Milano
    • Jim Carrey
    Great, to paraphrase some old English guys: Warms the cockles of my heart to see "bleeding heart liberals" get hoisted on their on petards. (economically speaking). Oh, how dame fortune smiles upon the innocent! And so do lawyers. Or, payback is a bitch. Either way...

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum
Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Still peddling that lie, huh?

I suppose you also blame rape victims for the way they dress.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum
You are mixing examples . Hogg, I agree with and understand. But that is neither here nor there. Sandmann was confronted by race baiters. The Indian fella walked up to these kids, not the other way around. Whilst the white boys were being taunted by black men spouting hate speech. And the white boys did what MLK would have asked...stood there passively, and smiled. That's all they did. Smile...

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.
They will take it to the appeals.

There can be no appeal when a lawsuit is dismissed, unless it is so done "with prejudice." That's not the case here. Sandmann can file a new lawsuit, but there's really no point as it will end up the same.

You have that backwards. If it was dismissed with prejudice you don't get an appeal. This dismissal was not with prejudice. A higher court will most certainly reverse the dismissal.
They will take it to the appeals.

There can be no appeal when a lawsuit is dismissed, unless it is so done "with prejudice." That's not the case here. Sandmann can file a new lawsuit, but there's really no point as it will end up the same.

I don't pretend to be a legal expert, but when this makes it before a jury of Sandmann's peers in Kentucky, Bezos isn't going to be looking so great IMHO.

When the juries sees the Urological photos he set to his honey, they are going to be disgusted IMHO, and there is little doubt in my mind that Sandmann will prevail.
They will take it to the appeals.

There can be no appeal when a lawsuit is dismissed, unless it is so done "with prejudice." That's not the case here. Sandmann can file a new lawsuit, but there's really no point as it will end up the same.

You have that backwards. If it was dismissed with prejudice you don't get an appeal. This dismissal was not with prejudice. A higher court will most certainly reverse the dismissal.

I don't have anything backwards, you're just speaking out of your ass without knowing what you're talking about in the first place. When a case is dismissed with prejudice there can be no new lawsuits over the same matter. The dismissal, however, can be appealed. When the case is not dismissed with prejudice, there is no appeal to be made, but you can refile if you wish.
It is clear that this poor young man was targeted on racial/political grounds, and its also clear it was of malevolent intent. Its also clear that it was legally negligent of the parties named. Because the facts were in evidence. So there is no doubt as to the outcome here.
So...time to dig up stuff on this punk's family and why he is such a bully.

How is standing there silently when some supposed indian chief is banging a drum a few inches from your face "bullying"?
Why don't you stand in front of people when they are doing something, block their way , and have a smirk on your face. Try it....have fun.
the drooling old coot walked up to Sandman. The later was in the same spot the whole time. He didn't block anyone's way.

The just can't help lying to advance your sleazy agenda, can you?
So...time to dig up stuff on this punk's family and why he is such a bully.

How is standing there silently when some supposed indian chief is banging a drum a few inches from your face "bullying"?
Why don't you stand in front of people when they are doing something, block their way , and have a smirk on your face. Try it....have fun.
the drooling old coot walked up to Sandman. The later was in the same spot the whole time. He didn't block anyone's way.

The just can't help lying to advance your sleazy agenda, can you?
bodecea is too fucking Retarded to watch the whole video.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum
Hogg, "survived" by hiding in the closet. 2000 other students also survived - not a great achievement. What other mass shooting did he "fight" to prevent?
They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Hogg wasn't even at the school you liar. Even he has admitted that. The "elderly" native American is a asshole, stolen valor, liar. Fine group of people you've hitched your wagon to their leftwing loser.

Not to mention he has a police record as well. He's been locked up several times in is life.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.

Bezos should just cut the check for $200 Million and make this go away.

Mr. Sandmann has been blacklisted from the nation's top employers and universities. To date, neither Harvard nor Princeton has offered this young man admission and a fully paid scholarship so he can progress with his career.
What goes around comes around
Now you have a perfect example why we are in decline as a nation. Hogg gets a scholarship and Sandmann does not. Another talker to listen to providing nothing. Compared to a walker who has the ability to build and create and who has been denied. For America, what goes around has come around. Come more.....let the violence and killings increase. You can do it!

Hogg survived a mass shooting and fought to prevent another
Sandmann and his yuppie friends blocked an elderly Native American veteran from playing his drum

Sweat hog is nothing but a limelight whore. The Democrats used him and tossed him aside like they do all the people When they are done. Hogg is just too stupid to understand it. His head is as big as an elephant because of all the temporary publicity he got.
Any judge with common sense would have awarded Sandmann the $250 million he deserved.

I don't know about 250 million. You always ask for much more than you expect. But the judge should not have thrown the case out either. Like I said, he's a Carter appointee and should have retired 15 years ago. He's way too old to be judging cases, especially like this one.
Why don't you stand in front of people when they are doing something, block their way , and have a smirk on your face. Try it....have fun.

Why don't you try approaching a much younger person and beating a drum in his face and see what happens?

I give this young man a lot of credit. I would have handled it in a much less tasteful way at his age.

They will take it to the appeals.

The guy is 83 years old and a Carter appointee.
I don't think it is likely that he will succeed though. They really do not have a strong case.

What was done to them is really shitty. That does not mean that they get a financial settlement for it though particularly considering that the 'news' outlets were simply regurgitating claims from the asshole badgering them. He may well be liable but then again you cant squeeze blood from a stone.

I say let the case be heard by an impartial judge which this man clearly is not.

You can't make up lies about people and print them as facts no matter where your source of information is from. When we allow the media to act with impunity like that, anybody can be a target including us.

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