The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey
They won't think it's so funny when they lose a million dollar judgement.

The only ones who will lose are his dumb ass arrogant parents.

Your keep talking about these mythical law suits like they’ve already happened and they haven’t. The legal costs of filing would be in the range of a $100,000 and the law firm will want that money up front.

You’re confusing “Chill Letters” with law suits. I can send you a chill letter saying I’m going to sue YOU for slander because you called me a moron. And you’ll laugh and throw it in the garbage.

That these lawyers did and that’s what the recipients of those ridiculous letters will do.

Get back to us when they starting filing Motions.
What this thug's parents have done is shown us all EXACTLY why he's growing up as a thug.

Only black teens like Travon Martin get to be called thugs

White Catholic Boys like Sandmann are “precocious”

The Martin boy was a thug, however, and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was an African American. He did attack someone he described as a "creepy ass-cracker", an apparent gay slur against a proud Latino man who was oozing with machismo.

Personally, I think that Trayvon got off easy, considering who he chose to pick a fight with.

The Martin boy was not a "thug". He had never been arrested or been in any trouble. The right demonized him, as they do all non-white victims of white violence.

He called him a "creepy-ass cracker", not an "ass-cracker". "Cracker" is southern slang for "low class white guy". Zimmerman is exactly that. A racist POS whose entire life since that night is a reflection of the piece of slime he truly is.

You mean that racist piece of shit who's date for prom night was black?
------------------------------------------------------- and i might be mistaken about the CONTINGENCY BASIS DragonLady . --- Sandmann family hires lawyer specializing in libel, slander --- looks like it may be a straight Hire of L.LIN. WOOD a famous lawyer specializing in LIBEL and Slander cases since about 1996 . Lawyer Wood is supposed to be a good lawyer . As regards payment for the Lawyer , the Sandman Parents may have lots of money to pay Lawyers DragonLady .

It's amazing how fast lawyers go through "lots of money", when litigation is involved. It would take an army of junior lawyers and paralegals to prepare that many Statements of Claim, and Motions, file them, have them served, prepare affidavits of service, and file them with the court, and make sure all deadlines for filing and responding to motions are met.

Then there's billing software. There's a clock attacked to your lawyer's phone. When you call, he enters your file number into the phone before he picks up and you will be billed at your lawyer's going rate from the second he picks up until the moment you hang up. Even if the conversation devolves into what are your plans for the weekend, you will be billed at the rate of $600+ per hour for that phone call. A 10 minute phone call costs you $100 at the rate of $600 per hour. The same things happen when you call the the clerks and the juniors, but their billing rates are lower. Imagine a one hour co-ordinating meeting between the clerks, juniors and senior lawyers working this file. Even an half hour meeting would be billed out at $2000 plus depending on the size of the team.

Clerks are billed out at $150 per hour, Juniors at $300.00 The litigation lawyer at the small town law firm I worked at just before I retired for good, was charging $2500 for a court appearance. He's not famous nor does he have a big reputation. Each Statement of Claim has to be specific, about what you are claiming the other party did to harm you, so you can't just cut and past the information from one to another. A simple uncontested divorce, can easily run to $10,000 with meetings to negotiate settlements, dealing with child custody matters, and changing title to stocks bonds and property. A fully contested knock down drag out can run to $500,000 or more, depending on how angry and vindictive you want to be. And that's one lawsuit. There threatening to sue more than 50 individuals and corporations. At $100,000 per which is very a conservative cost for one lawsuit, that's $5,000,000.

And the whole process is about two years off your life. Is this how you want your son to spend his teenage years, being dragged from court house to court house for depositions, testimony and hearings? Really?

There is no way this family comes off looking good. They're parading this boy on news shows and all it shows is how painfully young he is, and how the teachers and the chaperones should never have let children this young get involved in any of this. They should have told them to ignore the crazy black guys yelling at them and told the driver to pick them up somewhere else.

Litigation is the failure of all other processes. What other processes have these people tried, and what are they lookiing for in terms of redress, and last but not least why? What has happened to this point is a story those kids can dine out on for years to come. If it doesn't end now, if they get used by the right to "make a point", they may well destroy their son's childhood and his future. I'm not joking.
The parents and the law firm have a contingency fee arrangement. Go look that up before you continue to spout your idiocies.

Then there will be no lawsuits. No legal firm can afford to run 50 big money lawsuits for one client, on contingency. Look for at the costs per law suit again. Especially one where they have no case.

If they didn't have a case, they wouldn't be wasting their time suing:

If you meet the requirements for a civil action, you can sue someone for defamation, whether libel or slander, if they have written or said something bad about you. However, you must be able to prove the necessary elements of a defamation suit if you wish to collect damages.

Understanding Defamation, Libel, and Slander

Defamation can take two forms, which are generally referred to as libel and slander. Libel is defined as a defamation of a person, group, organization, product, government, or country that was made in written or printed words or in pictures. Slander is the same thing, except the defamatory statement was made in the form of spoken words, sounds, sign language, or gestures.

Reasons for a Defamation Lawsuit

You may be able to sue for defamation if:

False statements were made as if they were true.
The defamation caused damages.

In cases of defamation “per se,” damage does not have to be proven. Defamation per say may occur when the party being sued states that the defamation victim:

Can I Sue Someone for Defamation if They Write or Say Something Bad About Me?

They haven't SUED anyone. They've written "chill letters". That's done ALL of the time. It will go no further.

That's only to give them a chance to settle out of court which I'm sure they will if they are smart.
It's amazing how fast lawyers go through "lots of money", when litigation is involved. It would take an army of junior lawyers and paralegals to prepare that many Statements of Claim, and Motions, file them, have them served, prepare affidavits of service, and file them with the court, and make sure all deadlines for filing and responding to motions are met.

Then there's billing software. There's a clock attacked to your lawyer's phone. When you call, he enters your file number into the phone before he picks up and you will be billed at your lawyer's going rate from the second he picks up until the moment you hang up. Even if the conversation devolves into what are your plans for the weekend, you will be billed at the rate of $600+ per hour for that phone call. A 10 minute phone call costs you $100 at the rate of $600 per hour. The same things happen when you call the the clerks and the juniors, but their billing rates are lower. Imagine a one hour co-ordinating meeting between the clerks, juniors and senior lawyers working this file. Even an half hour meeting would be billed out at $2000 plus depending on the size of the team.

Clerks are billed out at $150 per hour, Juniors at $300.00 The litigation lawyer at the small town law firm I worked at just before I retired for good, was charging $2500 for a court appearance. He's not famous nor does he have a big reputation. Each Statement of Claim has to be specific, about what you are claiming the other party did to harm you, so you can't just cut and past the information from one to another. A simple uncontested divorce, can easily run to $10,000 with meetings to negotiate settlements, dealing with child custody matters, and changing title to stocks bonds and property. A fully contested knock down drag out can run to $500,000 or more, depending on how angry and vindictive you want to be. And that's one lawsuit. There threatening to sue more than 50 individuals and corporations. At $100,000 per which is very a conservative cost for one lawsuit, that's $5,000,000.

And the whole process is about two years off your life. Is this how you want your son to spend his teenage years, being dragged from court house to court house for depositions, testimony and hearings? Really?

There is no way this family comes off looking good. They're parading this boy on news shows and all it shows is how painfully young he is, and how the teachers and the chaperones should never have let children this young get involved in any of this. They should have told them to ignore the crazy black guys yelling at them and told the driver to pick them up somewhere else.

Litigation is the failure of all other processes. What other processes have these people tried, and what are they lookiing for in terms of redress, and last but not least why? What has happened to this point is a story those kids can dine out on for years to come. If it doesn't end now, if they get used by the right to "make a point", they may well destroy their son's childhood and his future. I'm not joking.
The parents and the law firm have a contingency fee arrangement. Go look that up before you continue to spout your idiocies.

Then there will be no lawsuits. No legal firm can afford to run 50 big money lawsuits for one client, on contingency. Look for at the costs per law suit again. Especially one where they have no case.

If they didn't have a case, they wouldn't be wasting their time suing:

If you meet the requirements for a civil action, you can sue someone for defamation, whether libel or slander, if they have written or said something bad about you. However, you must be able to prove the necessary elements of a defamation suit if you wish to collect damages.

Understanding Defamation, Libel, and Slander

Defamation can take two forms, which are generally referred to as libel and slander. Libel is defined as a defamation of a person, group, organization, product, government, or country that was made in written or printed words or in pictures. Slander is the same thing, except the defamatory statement was made in the form of spoken words, sounds, sign language, or gestures.

Reasons for a Defamation Lawsuit

You may be able to sue for defamation if:

False statements were made as if they were true.
The defamation caused damages.

In cases of defamation “per se,” damage does not have to be proven. Defamation per say may occur when the party being sued states that the defamation victim:

Can I Sue Someone for Defamation if They Write or Say Something Bad About Me?

They haven't SUED anyone. They've written "chill letters". That's done ALL of the time. It will go no further.

That's only to give them a chance to settle out of court which I'm sure they will if they are smart.

I see a LOT of settlements coming in the near future. The vast majority of these people won't want to have to publicly explain why they threatened and libeled these kids.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey
How will he get the 1st amendment repealed? :eusa_think:

In the case of the Guardian he is probably suing in British Court, and they don't have the amendment there.

As for over here, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from malicious slander or libel, the hard part is proving malicious intent.
As I have already pointed out, he doesn't need to. He's not a public figure. Proving malicious intent is only required if you are a public figure.

We will see. It is very very hard to prove libel or slander regardless.
People reported and commented on the information that was available at the time

That is not slander
At the time the slandered Sandmann, the full video was available, and had been widely commented on. Furthermore, the lawyer fully informed them of what they had done and gave them an opportunity to apologize. All the names on the list turned that down.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey
How will he get the 1st amendment repealed? :eusa_think:

In the case of the Guardian he is probably suing in British Court, and they don't have the amendment there.

As for over here, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from malicious slander or libel, the hard part is proving malicious intent.
As I have already pointed out, he doesn't need to. He's not a public figure. Proving malicious intent is only required if you are a public figure.

We will see. It is very very hard to prove libel or slander regardless.
Not in this case. The whole thing was video taped in minute detail.
Kathy Griffin and Jim Carrey :lmao:
They won't think it's so funny when they lose a million dollar judgement.

The only ones who will lose are his dumb ass arrogant parents.

Your keep talking about these mythical law suits like they’ve already happened and they haven’t. The legal costs of filing would be in the range of a $100,000 and the law firm will want that money up front.

You’re confusing “Chill Letters” with law suits. I can send you a chill letter saying I’m going to sue YOU for slander because you called me a moron. And you’ll laugh and throw it in the garbage.

That these lawyers did and that’s what the recipients of those ridiculous letters will do.

Get back to us when they starting filing Motions.
What this thug's parents have done is shown us all EXACTLY why he's growing up as a thug.

Only black teens like Travon Martin get to be called thugs

White Catholic Boys like Sandmann are “precocious”
Trevon Martin was a thug.
------------------------------------------------------- and i might be mistaken about the CONTINGENCY BASIS DragonLady . --- Sandmann family hires lawyer specializing in libel, slander --- looks like it may be a straight Hire of L.LIN. WOOD a famous lawyer specializing in LIBEL and Slander cases since about 1996 . Lawyer Wood is supposed to be a good lawyer . As regards payment for the Lawyer , the Sandman Parents may have lots of money to pay Lawyers DragonLady .

It's amazing how fast lawyers go through "lots of money", when litigation is involved. It would take an army of junior lawyers and paralegals to prepare that many Statements of Claim, and Motions, file them, have them served, prepare affidavits of service, and file them with the court, and make sure all deadlines for filing and responding to motions are met.

Then there's billing software. There's a clock attacked to your lawyer's phone. When you call, he enters your file number into the phone before he picks up and you will be billed at your lawyer's going rate from the second he picks up until the moment you hang up. Even if the conversation devolves into what are your plans for the weekend, you will be billed at the rate of $600+ per hour for that phone call. A 10 minute phone call costs you $100 at the rate of $600 per hour. The same things happen when you call the the clerks and the juniors, but their billing rates are lower. Imagine a one hour co-ordinating meeting between the clerks, juniors and senior lawyers working this file. Even an half hour meeting would be billed out at $2000 plus depending on the size of the team.

Clerks are billed out at $150 per hour, Juniors at $300.00 The litigation lawyer at the small town law firm I worked at just before I retired for good, was charging $2500 for a court appearance. He's not famous nor does he have a big reputation. Each Statement of Claim has to be specific, about what you are claiming the other party did to harm you, so you can't just cut and past the information from one to another. A simple uncontested divorce, can easily run to $10,000 with meetings to negotiate settlements, dealing with child custody matters, and changing title to stocks bonds and property. A fully contested knock down drag out can run to $500,000 or more, depending on how angry and vindictive you want to be. And that's one lawsuit. There threatening to sue more than 50 individuals and corporations. At $100,000 per which is very a conservative cost for one lawsuit, that's $5,000,000.

And the whole process is about two years off your life. Is this how you want your son to spend his teenage years, being dragged from court house to court house for depositions, testimony and hearings? Really?

There is no way this family comes off looking good. They're parading this boy on news shows and all it shows is how painfully young he is, and how the teachers and the chaperones should never have let children this young get involved in any of this. They should have told them to ignore the crazy black guys yelling at them and told the driver to pick them up somewhere else.

Litigation is the failure of all other processes. What other processes have these people tried, and what are they lookiing for in terms of redress, and last but not least why? What has happened to this point is a story those kids can dine out on for years to come. If it doesn't end now, if they get used by the right to "make a point", they may well destroy their son's childhood and his future. I'm not joking.
The parents and the law firm have a contingency fee arrangement. Go look that up before you continue to spout your idiocies.

Then there will be no lawsuits. No legal firm can afford to run 50 big money lawsuits for one client, on contingency. Look for at the costs per law suit again. Especially one where they have no case.
Once again, you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the law.

You go with that Skippy. I checked into who this guy has worked for in the past, and he worked for people who were actually slandered. He knows this is a loser case, but the father is a fool and a fool and his money are soon parted.
Why would he take the case if it was a loser? I think the payout will be in the tens of millions.
Then maybe they should teach their child some manners and respect because he has none.

Correct. How dare those parents teach him to say nothing and not run away from nut cases like this Indian and Fake Israelites. He should have known better than to just stand there.

The kid was ad-libbing here. They don't have Fake Veteran Indians or Black Congressional Israelites in Covington, so it was a new experience. In fact, the initial reports were that the black losers that were pestering the children were "Black Muslims". The chaperones were totally unfamiliar with the Black Congressional Israelite Cult.

The fact that no one was arrested,and no one was injured, shows me that the kids did right.

Liberals should actually be saluting these young'uns for getting involved in the political process and making the trip to DC for the big event in favor of Life.

Don't we knead the next generation to get involved in civic events like this?

I think the better question is: will these kids grow up and be afraid of getting involved?

Even though it's hard to go back and think like a kid, I had to do it in this instance. If I were Sandmann, I would have been rude, insulting, and maybe even violent. You have this old man running up to you and beating his homemade drum in your face, the only thing you can do is laugh. It's funny at that age. Then you have these fake Jews calling you names, I could only imagine what we would have done as kids.

Knowing how I was as a teen, I probably would have been dancing in front of him and repeatedly pounding my open hand against my mouth. I probably would have thought of a rock song to that tempo and started singing it. I don't know how this kid stopped himself from doing something similar.
I'm not so concerned about that, especially when you consider that all these wealthy leftwing blowhards will be a lot more careful about what they post on the internet.
They won't think it's so funny when they lose a million dollar judgement.

The only ones who will lose are his dumb ass arrogant parents.

Your keep talking about these mythical law suits like they’ve already happened and they haven’t. The legal costs of filing would be in the range of a $100,000 and the law firm will want that money up front.

You’re confusing “Chill Letters” with law suits. I can send you a chill letter saying I’m going to sue YOU for slander because you called me a moron. And you’ll laugh and throw it in the garbage.

That these lawyers did and that’s what the recipients of those ridiculous letters will do.

Get back to us when they starting filing Motions.
What this thug's parents have done is shown us all EXACTLY why he's growing up as a thug.

Only black teens like Travon Martin get to be called thugs

White Catholic Boys like Sandmann are “precocious”

The Martin boy was a thug, however, and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was an African American. He did attack someone he described as a "creepy ass-cracker", an apparent gay slur against a proud Latino man who was oozing with machismo.

Personally, I think that Trayvon got off easy, considering who he chose to pick a fight with.
Another moron proves my point
How ironic!
In the case of the Guardian he is probably suing in British Court, and they don't have the amendment there.

As for over here, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from malicious slander or libel, the hard part is proving malicious intent.
As I have already pointed out, he doesn't need to. He's not a public figure. Proving malicious intent is only required if you are a public figure.

We will see. It is very very hard to prove libel or slander regardless.
People reported and commented on the information that was available at the time

That is not slander

Nothing that is known now, wasn't known to the All Powerful Media on the day the event happened. The Black Congressional Israelites were very well known to Bezos' Washington Post staff.

There was initially one video of the confrontation
Within hours there were multiple videos on youTube. That was well before any of the leftwing blowhards put their foot in their mouth.
In the case of the Guardian he is probably suing in British Court, and they don't have the amendment there.

As for over here, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from malicious slander or libel, the hard part is proving malicious intent.
As I have already pointed out, he doesn't need to. He's not a public figure. Proving malicious intent is only required if you are a public figure.

We will see. It is very very hard to prove libel or slander regardless.
People reported and commented on the information that was available at the time

That is not slander

They did zero due diligence, and reported an erroneous incomplete story.
All stories are incomplete immediately after they happen

By the time the media got ahold of the story it was rampant on social media. That is how today’s news cycle works

Unless the media intentionally fabricated or altered the information, there is no case
Wrong again, douchebag.
As I have already pointed out, he doesn't need to. He's not a public figure. Proving malicious intent is only required if you are a public figure.

We will see. It is very very hard to prove libel or slander regardless.
People reported and commented on the information that was available at the time

That is not slander

Nothing that is known now, wasn't known to the All Powerful Media on the day the event happened. The Black Congressional Israelites were very well known to Bezos' Washington Post staff.

There was initially one video of the confrontation

The media only showed one video initially- all of the videos existed right from the start.
Right-winger is so desperate to defend these bigmouth douchebags.
Last edited:
The parents and the law firm have a contingency fee arrangement. Go look that up before you continue to spout your idiocies.

Then there will be no lawsuits. No legal firm can afford to run 50 big money lawsuits for one client, on contingency. Look for at the costs per law suit again. Especially one where they have no case.

If they didn't have a case, they wouldn't be wasting their time suing:

If you meet the requirements for a civil action, you can sue someone for defamation, whether libel or slander, if they have written or said something bad about you. However, you must be able to prove the necessary elements of a defamation suit if you wish to collect damages.

Understanding Defamation, Libel, and Slander

Defamation can take two forms, which are generally referred to as libel and slander. Libel is defined as a defamation of a person, group, organization, product, government, or country that was made in written or printed words or in pictures. Slander is the same thing, except the defamatory statement was made in the form of spoken words, sounds, sign language, or gestures.

Reasons for a Defamation Lawsuit

You may be able to sue for defamation if:

False statements were made as if they were true.
The defamation caused damages.

In cases of defamation “per se,” damage does not have to be proven. Defamation per say may occur when the party being sued states that the defamation victim:

Can I Sue Someone for Defamation if They Write or Say Something Bad About Me?

They haven't SUED anyone. They've written "chill letters". That's done ALL of the time. It will go no further.

That's only to give them a chance to settle out of court which I'm sure they will if they are smart.

I see a LOT of settlements coming in the near future. The vast majority of these people won't want to have to publicly explain why they threatened and libeled these kids.


Who on that list threatened anyone
from what i understand the famous Lawyer is taking the case with no cost to the Sandman family DragonLady . Think thats its said that the Lawyer is taking the case on a Contingency basis and will get paid if he wins for the Sandmans DragonLady .

Then it will never get to court. He's fishing for settlements.

These law firms take high profile cases for the publicity but publicity does them no good if they can't deliver the goods. This case is a loser. Without damages, there is no claim. They're high school kids. How have they been harmed in any quantifiable way? That's what slander is all about. Slander is public lies about you which causes you financial harm. What financial harm have these children suffered?

Ah, no again, you may want to look up "slander"....dumbass.

Slander involves proving that someone has lied about you. Nobody lied about these kids.
They all lied about him, moron. All the people on the list made defamatory statements that were factually untrue.
The parents and the law firm have a contingency fee arrangement. Go look that up before you continue to spout your idiocies.

Then there will be no lawsuits. No legal firm can afford to run 50 big money lawsuits for one client, on contingency. Look for at the costs per law suit again. Especially one where they have no case.

If they didn't have a case, they wouldn't be wasting their time suing:

If you meet the requirements for a civil action, you can sue someone for defamation, whether libel or slander, if they have written or said something bad about you. However, you must be able to prove the necessary elements of a defamation suit if you wish to collect damages.

Understanding Defamation, Libel, and Slander

Defamation can take two forms, which are generally referred to as libel and slander. Libel is defined as a defamation of a person, group, organization, product, government, or country that was made in written or printed words or in pictures. Slander is the same thing, except the defamatory statement was made in the form of spoken words, sounds, sign language, or gestures.

Reasons for a Defamation Lawsuit

You may be able to sue for defamation if:

False statements were made as if they were true.
The defamation caused damages.

In cases of defamation “per se,” damage does not have to be proven. Defamation per say may occur when the party being sued states that the defamation victim:

Can I Sue Someone for Defamation if They Write or Say Something Bad About Me?

They haven't SUED anyone. They've written "chill letters". That's done ALL of the time. It will go no further.

That's only to give them a chance to settle out of court which I'm sure they will if they are smart.

I see a LOT of settlements coming in the near future. The vast majority of these people won't want to have to publicly explain why they threatened and libeled these kids.

Plus settling out of court will give them the ability to not admit guilt publicly. I'm sure that will be one of the factors in the negotiations. They should (if they were smart) do this as quickly and quietly as possible.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey
How will he get the 1st amendment repealed? :eusa_think:
Since when does the First Amendment make it legal to libel someone?
Libel law does not protect snowflakes from people having opinions about their deplorable actions :itsok:
It does protect them from people making patently false and defamatory statements, as all the media outlets being sued did.
It's a long list of mostly wealthy people and companies. Sandmann is going to be a rich boy when this is all over:

Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel

According to the Enquirer, the long list of people and outlets targeted includes:

  • The Washington Post
  • The New York Times
  • Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
  • The Guardian
  • National Public Radio
  • TMZ
  • Atlantic Media Inc.
  • Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
  • Diocese of Covington
  • Diocese of Lexington
  • Archdiocese of Louisville
  • Diocese of Baltimore
  • Ana Cabrera
  • Sara Sidner
  • Erin Burnett
  • S.E. Cupp
  • Elliot C. McLaughlin
  • Amanda Watts
  • Emanuella Grinberg
  • Michelle Boorstein
  • Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
  • Antonio Olivo
  • Joe Heim
  • Michael E. Miller
  • Eli Rosenberg
  • Isaac Stanley-Becker
  • Kristine Phillips
  • Sarah Mervosh
  • Emily S. Rueb
  • Maggie Haberman
  • David Brooks
  • Shannon Doyne
  • Kurt Eichenwald
  • Andrea Mitchell
  • Savannah Guthrie
  • Joy Reid
  • Chuck Todd
  • Noah Berlatsky
  • Elisha Fieldstadt
  • Eun Kyung Kim
  • HBO
  • Bill Maher
  • Warner Media
  • Conde Nast
  • GQ
  • The Hill
  • The Atlantic
  • Ilhan Omar
  • Elizabeth Warren
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Alyssa Milano
  • Jim Carrey
How will he get the 1st amendment repealed? :eusa_think:

In the case of the Guardian he is probably suing in British Court, and they don't have the amendment there.

As for over here, the 1st amendment doesn't protect you from malicious slander or libel, the hard part is proving malicious intent.
As I have already pointed out, he doesn't need to. He's not a public figure. Proving malicious intent is only required if you are a public figure.
Go ahead and prove any intent
I just told you he doesn't need to prove anyone's intent. He's not a public figure.

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