The list of people Nick Sandmann's lawyer is suing

Kathy Griffin and Jim Carrey :lmao:
They won't think it's so funny when they lose a million dollar judgement.

I'm pretty sure Jim Carrey can laugh off a million dollars.

Jim Carey shouldn't pay a cent. He should instead tweet every day about what a Nazi goon the kid is.

Now THAT would be funny.
How is he a nazi goon?
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Since when does the First Amendment make it legal to libel someone?
You mean like saying Ted Cruz's dad helped kill Kennedy?

You mean like spending years falsely claiming the President is not qualified to be President because he was born in Kenya?

Like that?

More like when they report the President said all white supremacists are good people.
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I see two huge problems here, and I don’t lay all at the feet of the media but at feet of our society that drives and consumes and spreads uncritically the fodder generated by the thousands of outlets that call themselves media and journalists and talking heads.

Sandmann. A 16 yr old kid attending an event. He may or may not have behaved rudely, depends on your point of video view, but it doesn’t matter. What he may or may not have done is hardly newsworthy. He is a typical teen, maybe a little bored, doing nothing wrong. Teen kid being a teen kid. Not news by any means. But some one takes a video, opinionated to their particular slant, and makes a nonevent into something of a crisis for him and his family who had no clue he had even done something wrong. Death threats? Media shredding of a teens charecter and motivation, and worse doubling down on it when debate issues? Unreal!

And if you think Hogg is any different shame on you. He is another kid, who survived a horrendous experience no kid should have, and chose to not just let it be swept under the rug. Whether you agree with his view point or not, shouldn’t matter. He was accused of being a crisis actor, of not even having been there, his personal life was intruded on when Laura Ingraham made fun of him on her show, his family received death threats.

These are the ADULTS behaving in this shameful manner towards KIDS! ADULTS! WTF is wrong with them? And then you (a general sweeping “you”) say itis ok to attack some kids but not others? No! This is not cool. We have lost something here.

There are vast differences between Hogg and Sandmann. Hogg threw his hat in the ring. Sandmann was dragged into it. Hogg is a political activist. Sandmann is not. Hogg goes out to deliberately get media attention for his cause. Sandmann only did a couple of interviews to explain his legal actions against the media. Had not the Indian approached Sandmann and somebody recorded it, nobody would have known his name. Hogg, not so much.
Kathy Griffin and Jim Carrey :lmao:
They won't think it's so funny when they lose a million dollar judgement.

I'm pretty sure Jim Carrey can laugh off a million dollars.

Jim Carey shouldn't pay a cent. He should instead tweet every day about what a Nazi goon the kid is.

Now THAT would be funny.
How is he a nazi goon?
First off, he wasn't "smeared", but even if he was, he has to PROVE DAMAGES. He has to prove that the "smear" caused him some quantifiable cost. He wasn't fired, expelled, or forced to move. He wasn't denied any legal rights because of these media attention, nor did he have any material or qualtifiable losses. There is a vast difference between being unhappy about the way you're portrayed in the press, and having a legal case for defamation.

No one lied about Sandmann. No newspaper or media called him racist. Many people called him racist, but not the media. The media coverage was remarkably fair, but conservatives don't like it. Tough!

Stop being such snowflakes whenever somebody says something about you that you don't like, even when it's true. The children behaved horribly. Their minders were negligent, and if they have come into the group of black protestors there, they would have done more than pound a drum in the kid's faces.

When I send my children on a school trip, it's not to protest against women having abortion rights. And I expect the chaperones to keep the children away from other protestors and those who could harm them. These chaperones encouraged the children in a way that would actually cause problems with the other protestors.

Rude, entitled and arrogant, will get you in big trouble every time. The children should not have been in this position in the first place, and that's on their chaperones.
I have already agreed that the judge made the right decision based on several reasons. I even agree with some of your legal arguments. But yes they were smeared and wapo allowed it through sloppy and unprofessional journalism. Yes the media also lied by omission which is not a crime nor can one sue for it. Yes the judges reasoning was sound but in fact wapo did smear them and spin the story which demonstrates they are a worthless raq and no better than a tabloid

Having said all of that your claims are PROVEN lies

Yes Phillips lied about Sandmann. He lied about being intimidated and he lied about having his way blocked

Sandmann behaved in an excellent manner. It is outstanding behavior to meekly smile and act passively when an aggressor is deliberately getting in your face confronting you and that is all Sandmann did.

The other kids yelled and laughed but that is typical teen behavior and not horrible. The chaperones encouraged nothing of the sort and you are full of ten kinds of crap about protesters. Protesters are everywhere in DC all the time. It does not matter what they were there to do they have every right to do so and not be smeared AS THEY WERE

He was not rude or entitled you sir are a proven coward and liar. The video PROVES beyond question that your narrative is a baldfaced lie
The judge made the wrong decision, and he will be overturned.
We'll see

I always side with first amendment protection even when worthless unprofessional journalists abuse it as wapo did.

The smear job on these kids was real,. Wapo did not out right lie about them or smear them but it did an excellent job of generating the narrative through selective editing and unprofessional reporting.
they're walking a fine line and sooner or later they will fall over it.

i'm hoping sooner.
They already have. Sandman will win this case in the end.
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about

Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
I see two huge problems here, and I don’t lay all at the feet of the media but at feet of our society that drives and consumes and spreads uncritically the fodder generated by the thousands of outlets that call themselves media and journalists and talking heads.

Sandmann. A 16 yr old kid attending an event. He may or may not have behaved rudely, depends on your point of video view, but it doesn’t matter. What he may or may not have done is hardly newsworthy. He is a typical teen, maybe a little bored, doing nothing wrong. Teen kid being a teen kid. Not news by any means. But some one takes a video, opinionated to their particular slant, and makes a nonevent into something of a crisis for him and his family who had no clue he had even done something wrong. Death threats? Media shredding of a teens charecter and motivation, and worse doubling down on it when debate issues? Unreal!

And if you think Hogg is any different shame on you. He is another kid, who survived a horrendous experience no kid should have, and chose to not just let it be swept under the rug. Whether you agree with his view point or not, shouldn’t matter. He was accused of being a crisis actor, of not even having been there, his personal life was intruded on when Laura Ingraham made fun of him on her show, his family received death threats.

These are the ADULTS behaving in this shameful manner towards KIDS! ADULTS! WTF is wrong with them? And then you (a general sweeping “you”) say itis ok to attack some kids but not others? No! This is not cool. We have lost something here.

There are vast differences between Hogg and Sandmann. Hogg threw his hat in the ring. Sandmann was dragged into it. Hogg is a political activist. Sandmann is not. Hogg goes out to deliberately get media attention for his cause. Sandmann only did a couple of interviews to explain his legal actions against the media. Had not the Indian approached Sandmann and somebody recorded it, nobody would have known his name. Hogg, not so much.
There are no vast differences. Other than partisan ones.
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about

Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
Should Hogg sue the media then?
I see two huge problems here, and I don’t lay all at the feet of the media but at feet of our society that drives and consumes and spreads uncritically the fodder generated by the thousands of outlets that call themselves media and journalists and talking heads.

Sandmann. A 16 yr old kid attending an event. He may or may not have behaved rudely, depends on your point of video view, but it doesn’t matter. What he may or may not have done is hardly newsworthy. He is a typical teen, maybe a little bored, doing nothing wrong. Teen kid being a teen kid. Not news by any means. But some one takes a video, opinionated to their particular slant, and makes a nonevent into something of a crisis for him and his family who had no clue he had even done something wrong. Death threats? Media shredding of a teens charecter and motivation, and worse doubling down on it when debate issues? Unreal!

And if you think Hogg is any different shame on you. He is another kid, who survived a horrendous experience no kid should have, and chose to not just let it be swept under the rug. Whether you agree with his view point or not, shouldn’t matter. He was accused of being a crisis actor, of not even having been there, his personal life was intruded on when Laura Ingraham made fun of him on her show, his family received death threats.

These are the ADULTS behaving in this shameful manner towards KIDS! ADULTS! WTF is wrong with them? And then you (a general sweeping “you”) say itis ok to attack some kids but not others? No! This is not cool. We have lost something here.
one of the best things i've read in this forum in awhile.

we want this confusion or we'd stop doing it to each other.

i can only hope we grow out of it.

Are there any adults left out there?
a couple. but they're hiding til at least a little growing up happens...

why does evolution have to be so slow?
May we should offer cash prizes for Darwin Award nominees and winners?
They are mostly all dead, so how would they collect?

However, anyone who receives a sex change operation should receive a Darwin Award.
You shouldn’t obsess so much about other people’s anatomy.
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about

Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
Should Hogg sue the media then?

Sue them for what?
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about

Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
Should Hogg sue the media then?

Sue them for what?
I see two huge problems here, and I don’t lay all at the feet of the media but at feet of our society that drives and consumes and spreads uncritically the fodder generated by the thousands of outlets that call themselves media and journalists and talking heads.

Sandmann. A 16 yr old kid attending an event. He may or may not have behaved rudely, depends on your point of video view, but it doesn’t matter. What he may or may not have done is hardly newsworthy. He is a typical teen, maybe a little bored, doing nothing wrong. Teen kid being a teen kid. Not news by any means. But some one takes a video, opinionated to their particular slant, and makes a nonevent into something of a crisis for him and his family who had no clue he had even done something wrong. Death threats? Media shredding of a teens charecter and motivation, and worse doubling down on it when debate issues? Unreal!

And if you think Hogg is any different shame on you. He is another kid, who survived a horrendous experience no kid should have, and chose to not just let it be swept under the rug. Whether you agree with his view point or not, shouldn’t matter. He was accused of being a crisis actor, of not even having been there, his personal life was intruded on when Laura Ingraham made fun of him on her show, his family received death threats.

These are the ADULTS behaving in this shameful manner towards KIDS! ADULTS! WTF is wrong with them? And then you (a general sweeping “you”) say itis ok to attack some kids but not others? No! This is not cool. We have lost something here.

There are vast differences between Hogg and Sandmann. Hogg threw his hat in the ring. Sandmann was dragged into it. Hogg is a political activist. Sandmann is not. Hogg goes out to deliberately get media attention for his cause. Sandmann only did a couple of interviews to explain his legal actions against the media. Had not the Indian approached Sandmann and somebody recorded it, nobody would have known his name. Hogg, not so much.
There are no vast differences. Other than partisan ones.

So I just pointed out several differences and you act like you didn't read one of them.

This is why trying to explain things to people on the left are like :lalala:
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about

Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
Should Hogg sue the media then?

Sue them for what?

So what news outlet was guilty of that?
Like i said we"ll see

Win or lose I'll enjoy making progressives into fools over this whole sordid mess they keep lying about

Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
Should Hogg sue the media then?

Sue them for what?

So what news outlet was guilty of that?

Already pointed that out. Media, such as Brietbart, Fox etc. I am sure you could come up with a lengthy list of names that spread false stories.

These two young men are kids. Folks try and make partisan excuses to try to legitimize the terrible way they have been attacked. Enough already.
I see two huge problems here, and I don’t lay all at the feet of the media but at feet of our society that drives and consumes and spreads uncritically the fodder generated by the thousands of outlets that call themselves media and journalists and talking heads.

Sandmann. A 16 yr old kid attending an event. He may or may not have behaved rudely, depends on your point of video view, but it doesn’t matter. What he may or may not have done is hardly newsworthy. He is a typical teen, maybe a little bored, doing nothing wrong. Teen kid being a teen kid. Not news by any means. But some one takes a video, opinionated to their particular slant, and makes a nonevent into something of a crisis for him and his family who had no clue he had even done something wrong. Death threats? Media shredding of a teens charecter and motivation, and worse doubling down on it when debate issues? Unreal!

And if you think Hogg is any different shame on you. He is another kid, who survived a horrendous experience no kid should have, and chose to not just let it be swept under the rug. Whether you agree with his view point or not, shouldn’t matter. He was accused of being a crisis actor, of not even having been there, his personal life was intruded on when Laura Ingraham made fun of him on her show, his family received death threats.

These are the ADULTS behaving in this shameful manner towards KIDS! ADULTS! WTF is wrong with them? And then you (a general sweeping “you”) say itis ok to attack some kids but not others? No! This is not cool. We have lost something here.

There are vast differences between Hogg and Sandmann. Hogg threw his hat in the ring. Sandmann was dragged into it. Hogg is a political activist. Sandmann is not. Hogg goes out to deliberately get media attention for his cause. Sandmann only did a couple of interviews to explain his legal actions against the media. Had not the Indian approached Sandmann and somebody recorded it, nobody would have known his name. Hogg, not so much.
There are no vast differences. Other than partisan ones.
Yes there are

Hogg is an attention whore who exploited a tragedy

Sandmann just got singled out and smeared
Win or lose, it's costing the defenders of this lawsuit a hell of a lot of money. So even if they do win, they still have a hefty price to pay. The good part about it is that they will be more cautious on what and how they are reporting in the future........hopefully.

If these lawsuits make the media even a tinge more honest, then it's worth it, because much of America is sick of these fictitious reporting antics.
Should Hogg sue the media then?

Sue them for what?

So what news outlet was guilty of that?

Already pointed that out. Media, such as Brietbart, Fox etc. I am sure you could come up with a lengthy list of names that spread false stories.

These two young men are kids. Folks try and make partisan excuses to try to legitimize the terrible way they have been attacked. Enough already.

That's the only thing they really have in common. They are kids.

So because they are kids, they are off limits to criticism?

Let's look at these similarities. Sandmann stood there holding back laughter, and he was attacked by the media. Is that all Hogg is guilty of? Let's look at that:

David Hogg Pledges to Make Gun Control an Issue in "Every Election"

March For Our Lives’ David Hogg: Give the kids a chance to fix things

David Hogg helps raise thousands for billboard displaying anti-Ted Cruz tweets from Trump

David Hogg, Emma González to headline voter registration rally in Tampa Saturday

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey

Parkland Survivor David Hogg To March For Gun Reform In Worcester

Parkland shooting survivor joins Maine teens in push to pass gun bills ‘before it is too late’

And this is only some of his antics. How can you look at me with a straight avatar and tell me these two kids are exactly the same? Do you see Sandmann doing events like this on such a frequent basis?
Since when does the First Amendment make it legal to libel someone?
You mean like saying Ted Cruz's dad helped kill Kennedy?

You mean like spending years falsely claiming the President is not qualified to be President because he was born in Kenya?

Like that?

More like when they report the President said all white supremacists are good people.

When you lie about what was reported, why can't the media sue YOU for slander and libel. Or you twist what was reported into something completely different, and then say "Well that's what they meant".

Not one media outlet claimed that was what Trump said. What Trump said was that in Charlottesville, there were "good people on both sides".

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