Zone1 The Little Mermaid Is Teaching Black Kids to Hate White People

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Go fuck yourself. I said no such thing.

But I guess go ahead and tell your bullshit lies. Seems as though that's all you've got...

No shit, Mr. Spitz. No one has said otherwise...

All of this superfluous bullshit is absolutely meaningless.

You said that most blacks couldn't swim because they had a low percentage of body fat. Do you deny saying that? Go back to post #66 and read your own words.

All this blustering about your alleged green beret days doesn't mean a fucking thing...
You're just a nasty little shit that never was and can't handle it when somebody is able to blow your bullshit out of the water with facts and personal experience.
It's not my problem you get so pissy because you lost the argument.

Your ability to float is determined by the composition of your body. In other words, if you are thin and muscular and have a low or even normal body fat percentage, you are more likely to naturally sink. If you have a higher percentage of body fat, it's more likely that you will float.

Those with more body fat and less muscle usually float more easily. On average females have a higher body fat % 21-24% than males 15%-20%. Consequently females generally float more easily than males. You can enhance your floating by inhaling and holding your breath until you have to exhale then inhale quickly.

Pointing out these facts to liberals/progressives is racist.

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Maybe if they weren't trying to cram CRT down our fuking throats...I wouldn't object.....but we all know what Disney is doing...and I STINKS LIKE ROTTEN FISH!!!
Is it that blacks are not imaginative enough to make up their own fiction? I mean, isn't it kind of lame that all they can do is remakes of fiction made by white guys decades and centuries ago?

So, another thing blacks cannot do on their own without the help of white culture?

I've gotta guess the answer is yes.
Most blacks can't swim because the majority of blacks are from cities. If they have access to a pool it is likely a municipal pool and too crowded to swim.
There is a lot of truth to your post.

To swim you must have to learn to do it. To learn you need access to water. Ghetto dwellers don't really have much access to places where they can learn to swim.

That also applies to other demographics. When I met my wife she didn't know how to swim. She was raised on a farm in Northern Indiana. She said that very few people had access to water that could be swim in. On the other had I was raised in Florida and learned how to swim by three years old because there were lakes, pools and oceans everywhere.
Most blacks can't swim because the majority of blacks are from cities. If they have access to a pool it is likely a municipal pool and too crowded to swim.
Yeah....and they can't get proper I.D. to vote.....but can somehow buy cigarettes, liquor, and drive a car.
And working those computers are just too complicated for is working a voting machine in person.
They have to vote mail-in and vote as many times as possible or you're trying to keep blacks from racist.
Just ask Joe Biden and John Fetterman......they'll tell you as much.
I just want to say things must be going incredibly well for white racists in this country if they can afford to have so much rage against fictional mermaids.
I believe Disney should have made Ariel a Black Brazilian Transgender that falls in love with a Black Lesbian that is trapped in a White Man Body, and then watch the head explode!

Prove me wrong! That's exactly what people would be saying if white kids were acting this way about seeing a white person in a movie role on TV. Newsflash!! Ariel was originally white. That isn't being racist, it's just stating the facts. This is brainwashing children at its finest.

Outrageous I say!

Now that will make me watch it so I can get a better opinion on it because when the woke Right goes all in like they did with the Lion King you know the Movie must be good!
I won't be called an idiot by people who can't understand what happened in American history to get us to where we are now.

Cleopatra was Greek... Our form of government evolved from Greek and Roman governance. Remember when Julia Caesar became emperor for life? That was quite a detour.
Yeah....and they can't get proper I.D. to vote.....but can somehow buy cigarettes, liquor, and drive a car.
And working those computers are just too complicated for is working a voting machine in person.
They have to vote mail-in and vote as many times as possible or you're trying to keep blacks from racist.
Just ask Joe Biden and John Fetterman......they'll tell you as much.

Because poorer Americans can't afford a $40 cabride?
There is a lot of truth to your post.

To swim you must have to learn to do it. To learn you need access to water. Ghetto dwellers don't really have much access to places where they can learn to swim.

That also applies to other demographics. When I met my wife she didn't know how to swim. She was raised on a farm in Northern Indiana. She said that very few people had access to water that could be swim in. On the other had I was raised in Florida and learned how to swim by three years old because there were lakes, pools and oceans everywhere.
I can't swim. When not on the road I lived in New York City. No pools anywhere. When we moved to New Jersey there was one public pool too crowded to do anything but splash around in.

My son was raised in California. Several people on our block had pools. Of course there was the ocean. He learned to swim by the time he was 5.
Yeah....and they can't get proper I.D. to vote.....but can somehow buy cigarettes, liquor, and drive a car.
And working those computers are just too complicated for is working a voting machine in person.
They have to vote mail-in and vote as many times as possible or you're trying to keep blacks from racist.
Just ask Joe Biden and John Fetterman......they'll tell you as much.
You do know this makes no sense whatsoever.
I can't swim. When not on the road I lived in New York City. No pools anywhere. When we moved to New Jersey there was one public pool too crowded to do anything but splash around in.

My son was raised in California. Several people on our block had pools. Of course there was the ocean. He learned to swim by the time he was 5.

All mine could swim by 18 months and it's much easier to teach them when they are babies and toddlers.
You're just a nasty little shit that never was and can't handle it when somebody is able to blow your bullshit out of the water with facts and personal experience.

You're so far away from having accomplished that it's comical...

It's not my problem you get so pissy because you lost the argument.

Again, read your statement in post #66. If this argument was lost, it was in that post.

Your ability to float is determined by the composition of your body. In other words, if you are thin and muscular and have a low or even normal body fat percentage, you are more likely to naturally sink. If you have a higher percentage of body fat, it's more likely that you will float.

You're insisting that you "won" this argument, but you're addressing something I never said.

Just how fucking retarded are you?

Those with more body fat and less muscle usually float more easily. On average females have a higher body fat % 21-24% than males 15%-20%. Consequently females generally float more easily than males. You can enhance your floating by inhaling and holding your breath until you have to exhale then inhale quickly.

Again, you'll grow old and die before you find where I've said anything contrary to that...

Pointing out these facts to liberals/progressives is racist.

Only an idiot would think I'm a liberal.

So, at this point I guess I should just go ahead and thank you for confirming that you're nothing but a little chickenshit who's too big a pussy to own up to his words.

You said most blacks can't swim because they have a lower percentage of body fat. That's 100% incorrect. But, at this point, you're not wrong, you're lying. You're a lying scumbag chickenshit who is absolutely frozen with fear at the very thought of owning a comment so stupid.

You were no green beret. Jesus Fucking Christ. Green berets are honorable men.

You're anything but...
You're so far away from having accomplished that it's comical...

Again, read your statement in post #66. If this argument was lost, it was in that post.

You're insisting that you "won" this argument, but you're addressing something I never said.

Just how fucking retarded are you?

Again, you'll grow old and die before you find where I've said anything contrary to that...

Only an idiot would think I'm a liberal.

So, at this point I guess I should just go ahead and thank you for confirming that you're nothing but a little chickenshit who's too big a pussy to own up to his words.

You said most blacks can't swim because they have a lower percentage of body fat. That's 100% incorrect. But, at this point, you're not wrong, you're lying. You're a lying scumbag chickenshit who is absolutely frozen with fear at the very thought of owning a comment so stupid.

You were no green beret. Jesus Fucking Christ. Green berets are honorable men.

You're anything but...
Sticks and stones.
Green Berets are called "The Quiet Professionals." "De Opresso Liber".
I got my tab in August of 90'.

You agree that I was correct but then you continue to insult me.
I don't have to put up with that from anyone.
Being honorable doesn't mean being a doormat.
Every time I mention my of you little shits thinks I'm lying.
It's always the same when it comes to little faggots like yourself...your jealousy won't allow you to take someone's word for anything, especially when you've lost the argument so royally.

Somebody said one thing and I offered a response. Some dickwad said I was full of shit...and I offered a personal account that proved my point and you don't like it.
Touch fucking shit.

Normally if I meet someone like you in person I would just walk away. But this is a place to debate and not to listen to idiots in silence. This is a message board.
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Oh? Jesus, a man of color born in the Middle East had his race switched to Caucasian in movies...


... was that teaching whites to hate people of color?

Blacks are the Mark of Cain?

Yes, it was taught in Church until the 1990’s, so that is what that tell you.
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