The living wage

Maybe government ought to cut out the subsidies and prices would fall to normal?
Who do you think pays for those vouchers and subsidies? lets do that

Now, we have people unable to afford to live in certain communities. They lose their home, hit the streets wandering from community to community looking for work

Why don't they move into a "certain community" with lower cost living?

Hell, 20 illegals can share a 3 BR, 1 bath apartment in Houston.

Samson FTMFW!!!! Too........pool enough resources and go down to Costco and buy a big ass bag of dog food for snacks.........

86 the fcukking cell phones too.............
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What is not working is wages are not keeping up with increases in the cost of living. The costs of rent, gas and electric, healthcare, education, food exceed what workers can make in many high cost communities

Right now, the Government steps in and gives vouchers and subsidies to cover the difference. Those businesses that rely on low cost labor reap the benefit. If you don't think they should reimburse the taxpayer...then who should pay?

Maybe government ought to cut out the subsidies and prices would fall to normal?
Who do you think pays for those vouchers and subsidies? lets do that

Now, we have people unable to afford to live in certain communities. They lose their home, hit the streets wandering from community to community looking for work. You are conservative..what do you care?
You mean "conservative" like Marin County?

From what I've seen, those rich leftloons are perfectly happy having the outdoorsmen live south of the Golden Gate and in the East Bay.
So a business owner is paying $7.50 an hour for menial labor(anybody can do it)...The bleeding hearts, with the help of government, raise the minimum wage to $10.00 an hour...The cost of doing business dosen't go up? Businesses running close to the margins, to keep the prices down, won't have to raise prices to absorb that? Why is it that liberal/socialists think the government can monkey around in private business without having an adverse effect? As though printing money without backing it up in some way, will not turn $10.00 an hour into $5.00 an hour...or a meal in a restaurant that costs $10.00 will cost $15.00 the next time you go? "So don't go to the restaurant" you say (and many people will do just that)...The restaurant owner will have to lay off a hostess here...a dishwasher there...a line cook to follow. Or do liberal/socialists think it is the responsibility of businesses to keep or add employees until the business folds and "everyone" is out of a job?

Where is the living wage $10. an hour? Why wouldn't wages and employees go up if the business is selling more products and making more profits from consumers? Doesn't he want to stay competitive? Why is it capitalist can't think of what happens when a company pays a fair wage. As long as they are fucking the workers, they understand that.......... With the LW, and increased product sales and services, the owner will be hiring a salesmen here and and a CEO there. Or does the capitalist believe that the owner will lay off workers, not have enough products to sell, and close his doors?:eusa_angel:

Do you not understand that if the owner must pay more wages he must raise his prices, and therefore sell less? Do you not understand that most businesses are competitive, many of them competing with overseas makers of similar products?
No, of course not. You ahve no understanding of the very basic elements of running a business, having never worked in one in your life.
Ahh, the unicorn rancher has shown up. I realize it wouldn't make sense to a guy like you unable to deal with logic and tie his shoes. I do hope you get it figured out with your crayon drawings. :lol:

Check whose name is on the OP, Spanky. We are discussing your fantasy world...
Right now, those who don't earn a living wage receive government subsidies for housing, food and medical care. Local businesses benefit from the government filling the void of low wages. They still get to employ low cost labor and the government pays for the workers to live in the commuting area.

Works out to be welfare for local businesses

Yes, I would like to end this poor capitalist system of patches & plugs to make it work in some knee jerk fashion. A living wage is a fair wage for American workers to succeed. Obviously what we have today is not working, again, and again.

Of course businesses and their workers pay tax for programs like WIC. So they aren't exactly getting a free ride.
Why is the system "obviously" not working??

Because 10% of the worforce (pick a number!) is layed off & you are paying taxes to support them while they sit on their fat asses at home, while corporations sit on a Trillion dollars and hire noone.
Lefties never did understand how the market works.........but then again, they are far smarter than every single small business owner out there.

I got the 64K question of the day.............if this is an idea of uber brilliance, why hasnt this president embraced upon it while watching his poll numbers fall like a stone in water?

Oooooooooooooooooooooooops!!!! Edited.
People live on minimum wage now so your argument is full of shit. Further it is NOT the Federal Governments business what an employer pays his employees. Might be a States business if the people agree and vote for it in an amendment to their State Constitution.

No it's not.

No one "lives' On the minimum wage..

They either get supplemental help from the government or have multiple wage earners in the household.

We've got something like a 13 trillion dollar economy..with some 24% of that going to 2% of the people in this country.

Lately companies have been booting employees..leaving the rest to pick up the slack and not paying the overtime..thanks to the rule changes by the Bush administration.

That's theft.

Additionally..the TARP basically covered the losses of the big risk takers. And they are at it again..paying themselves multimillion dollar bonuses.

That's theft as well.

Why is it conservatives reward this horrendous behavior...while punishing the poor?

Sally, calm know what the doctor said about your blood pressure!

It's wonderful to see how you thump your chest looking out for the less fortunate...

but it sometimes carries over into slander...
"Why is it conservatives reward this horrendous behavior...while punishing the poor?"

1. Do you know which president proposed the Family Assistance Program, which would have provided a guaranteed cash income to all families, saying that the nation should “assure an income foundation throughout every section of America for all parents who cannot adequately support themselves and their children".

2. And do you know which party opposed it, saying it was “paying people not to work."?

3. And under which President did the nation get "The 1975 Act" creating the EITC as a refundable credit of 10 percent of the first $4,000 of earned income, for a maximum credit of $400 available to taxpayers with at least one child. The creditwas phased-out for income between $4,000 and $8,000.

4. And which administration established the EITC as a key element of federal tax policy?

Now, if you will repeat the phrase "I will cease being a bonehead," I'll give you the answers...and you will be surprised!

OK, hint:
Minimum Wage Escalationby Thomas Sowell

The presently proposed minimum wage legislation raises two major sets of issues: (1) the question of the real effects of minimum wages, as such, and (2) the effect of the new principle of automatically escalating minimum wage levels, tied to earnings elsewhere in the economy.
Because of inflation, minimum wage levels have been periodically reviewed, and therefore the general issues and growing evidence on the actual effects of the Fair Labor Standards Act have also been reviewed. What an automatic escalation provision means is that we stop looking at the evidence. And we would stop at a time when a growing body of research by independent economists around the country is documenting the negative effects of the minimum wage law—and particularly its devastating impact on job opportunities for minority teenagers.1
Minimum wage laws have been aptly described as “anathema to economists.”2 Even though 88 percent of academic economists supported the “war on poverty,” 61 percent of those same economists opposed the minimum wage law.3 In short, this is not opposition based on philosophy or political leanings, but on economic analysis and on the mounting factual evidence that the law increases unemployment among the very people intended to be benefited. Moreover, economic research has also revealed a disturbing correlation between teenage unemployment rates and teenage crime rates.4 In view of this, this seems like a particularly inappropriate time to stop looking at the evidence by putting in an escalator clause that will give the law a life of its own, independent of its effects on people.
The minimum wage law might be discussed in terms of philosophical, political, or economic theory, but the real issues turn on facts. The crucial factual question is whether eliminating wage rates below some designated level also eliminates jobs. As a realistic matter, few people of any philosophical, political, or economic persuasion would want to see either (a) job-seekers unemployed with a hypothetical right to a “living wage,” or (b) people employed at very low wages when they could be equally fully employed at normal wages.
While facts are crucial, they are not easy to get, for a number of reasons which will be discussed. It will also be necessary to consider a number of standard (or stereotyped) arguments about the minimum wage effects which have persisted over the years. Finally, I would like to venture a few suggestions about the continuing need to assess the impact of the law and some ways that assessment might be improved.
Factual Studies

There are serious problems inherent in trying to study the unemployment effects of minimum wages, as well as other problems that derive from the way the U. S. Department of Labor chooses to approach the issue.
One problem that plagues minimum wage effects studies is getting statistical data for the specific workers directly affected by the minimum. Such workers are often only a small fraction of the total work force. Even where a substantial proportion of the directly affected workers lose their jobs as a result of a minimum wage increase, this effect can be lost statistically in the random fluctuations in employment of the much larger number of workers whose wages were always above the minimum. The statistical extraction of the relevant changes is analogous to trying to receive an electronic signal through a heavy background of static noise. Different economists use different methods and devices to mute the background statistical “noise” in order to read the signal. As a result of their different procedures for grappling with this problem, economists' numerical estimates of the unemployment effect of the law differ—a variation seized upon by proponents of minimum wages5—but it is increasingly clear that the consensus of these studies is that the law does cause substantial unemployment, and that is more fundamental than the question of exact numbers.
One of the simplest ways of reducing the statistical “noise” in the data is by selecting some age-group which is known to receive very low wages, so that a relatively high percentage of the people in the category chosen are earning low enough wages to be directly affected by minimum wage changes. Teenagers are an obvious choice, and nonwhite teenagers even more so. Here the serious unemployment effect of minimum wage rates has been repeatedly demonstrated by economists operating independently of one another and using different statistical methods.6 Extremely high unemployment rates among black teenagers have been so highly publicized in recent years, and so automatically attributed to employer discrimination, that certain historical facts must be noted. Large racial differences in teenage unemployment are of relatively recent vintage. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, there were no such large differences, and indeed, black youngsters 16 and 17 years old had consistently lower unemployment rates than whites in the same age brackets.7 Surely no one is going to claim that there was less employer discrimination then than now. We all know better. What was the difference, then? Minimum wages had not yet begun the rapid rise and spreading coverage which has been the dominant pattern since then.8
The unemployment effect of minimum wages can also be seen in international comparisons of countries that do and do not exempt young people from the adult minimum wage. In countries where such exemptions are slight or nonexistent—such as the United States and Canada—youth unemployment is some multiple of adult unemployment. But where there are exemptions that are large and cover a number of working years—as in England, Germany and The Netherlands9—there are no significant differences between youth unemployment rates and adult unemployment rates.10
These findings may reflect the special vulnerability of teenagers as an inexperienced and relatively unskilled group—or they may reflect the greater statistical ease of determining the facts for this group. A recent survey of minimum wage studies notes “the lack of acceptable continuing data on low-wage adults.”11 The same things known to be happening to teenagers may also be happening to other very low-wage people, who happen not to be grouped together statistically. There are some scattered clues that this is in fact the case. For example, an older study of domestic servants, before they were covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act, showed that their ranks tended to be increased in the wake of minimum wage increases, suggesting the displacement of low-skill women from other employment that was covered by the act.12
Factual studies by independent (usually academic) economists must be sharply distinguished from studies by the U. S. Department of Labor. The Labor Department itself has recently been forced to acknowledge the gap between its perennially optimistic conclusions and the consensus of independent studies, the latter “using advanced economic and statistical analyses.”13 The crudity of the Labor Department studies has been scathingly criticized by academic economists.14 However, even so, the actual numbers appearing in Labor Department studies of minimum wage effects often show employment declines in the wake of minimum wage increases, even though the stated conclusions of these very same studies may be that the minimum wage did not cost people their jobs.15 Congressman Dent is correct only in the narrowest sense when he asserts that “Not once in the history of the minimum wage has there been an adverse report” from the Labor Department about “the lessening of job opportunities.”16 In this context, such a statement is far from reassuring. It will hardly be the first clean bill of health given by an agency evaluating itself or the legislation on which its own appropriations and staff depend. This is especially unsurprising to me, as one who worked inside the Labor Department on minimum wage research, and who personally experienced the pressures to reach conclusions consistent with the department's interests.

Assumptions and Claims

The economic analysis which concludes that minimum wages increase the unemployment of low-wage workers rests essentially on the belief that labor is no exception to the general rule that less is demanded at a higher price than at a lower price. Attempts to overturn this basic economic principle usually reduce to one of four assumptions or assertions: (1) there is a fixed number of workers demanded, more or less without regard to wage rates; (2) low-wage workers are victims of employer monopoly power rather than low productivity, so that raising their wage rates will not price them beyond their value to the employer and therefore will not price them out of a job; (3) higher wage rates will cause employers to use labor more efficiently, so that workers will then become more valuable, and so will not lose their jobs; and (4) the increased “purchasing power” caused by higher minimum wages will lead to a greater demand for goods, and therefore a greater demand for labor, offsetting any tendency toward unemployment. These arguments will be examined in order.

Fixed Demand
The idea that an employer “needs just so many men” is an old one, which dies hard. Factually, it can hardly stand up in the face of declining employment after wage increases, or the virtual elimination of such occupations as Western Union messenger and elevator operator (despite the continued existence of telegrams and elevators). As a theory, it implies that the substitution of capital—and of higher priced labor—is impossible. The problem arises not when the theory is stated directly and explicitly, but when it is implicitly assumed (and therefore insulated from critical scrutiny), as in the belief that more jobs for teenagers mean fewer jobs for adults.

Employer Monopoly Power
Under special conditions, where there is only one employer in a labor market or a group of employers acting in concert, wages can be kept below what equally productive workers would earn otherwise. There is a special economic theory for such “exploitation” situations, and a minimum wage increase under those conditions would not produce unemployment.17 Unfortunately, low-wage workers are very unlikely to be in such situations. All sorts of firms, industries, and even households employ unskilled workers, and collusion under these conditions is out of the question. Even such a staunch advocate of minimum wages as the late Senator Paul H. Douglas noted that the market for unskilled labor was one of “almost perfect competition.”18 The sad fact is that low-wage workers are not so much underpaid as under-skilled, and there is no easy way around this problem without pricing them out of a job.

Theories of offsetting rising wages by increasing efficiency have long been used to claim that minimum wage increases will not reduce employment. Unfortunately, those who argue this way have not distinguished real efficiency—larger output from given combinations of input—from a mere substitution of one input for another as their relative prices change. The examples they cite of “better” or “more efficient” methods of production after a minimum wage increase are methods well-known to employers before the imposed wage change, and were not used then simply because they were not the cheapest methods available under the previous input prices. If higher wage rates lead to the substitution of capital for labor, then by definition there will be more output per unit of labor; but it is mere word play to call this more “efficiency” if the product now costs more to produce and society has to support unemployed workers as well.

Purchasing Power
The doctrine that workers' increased purchasing power after a minimum wage increase will sustain employment has many problems connected with it,19 but the most fundamental problem is that it assumes the very thing that is at issue: that the workers keep their jobs and work as many hours as before. If not, their hypothetical right to a higher wage rate will not buy anything. Workers can only spend real earnings, not hypothetical rights. Once this is realized, it is hardly necessary to go into the other deficiencies of the theory, such as the fact that inflationary increases mean that more spending power is not more purchasing power.


The minimum wage law addresses a serious social problem, but creates no new options for dealing with it. In fact, it simply reduces the set of existing options available to the parties—employers and employees—who must voluntarily agree if there is to be a job. Trying to make people better off by reducing their options seems questionable even as a theory. In practice, what has happened is that fewer transactions (less employment) have taken place when there were fewer options open to the parties. It would be very surprising if it were otherwise.
The great unsolved problem remains of what to do about the poor in general, or the low-wage workers in particular. Low-wage workers are not changed by calling them higher-wage workers, any more than students are improved by calling them B students instead of C students. The tragic educational results of the process of upgrading by fiat is hardly a recommendation for extending this practice into the economic sphere. In both cases, it is of course much harder, much slower—and more heartbreaking—to try to create real skills and real achievements. And yet nothing else will really do the job.
Automatic escalation compounds the problems of the minimum wage law by making it possible to close our eyes to its effects hereafter. This seems unconscionable when those affected are poor, vulnerable, powerless, and inarticulate. If the Congress does not monitor what happens to them, there is no other powerful institution to do so. The set of incentives confronting the U. S. Department of Labor makes it unrealistic to expect it to critically evaluate minimum wage effects, and nearly forty years of history make it painfully apparent that it has no intention of doing so. Labor unions have their own imperatives and constraints. For them, the minimum wage law presents the same kind of opportunity that a tariff presents to a business firm. It is a way to price competitors out of the market. That this is accompanied by humanitarian statements may be a matter of rhetorical, or perhaps political, interest but it changes no economic fact. In the Union of South Africa, minimum wage laws were applied to native black Africans for the explicit purpose of stopping their competition with European workers.20 In the days of the British Empire, British unions and manufacturers attempted to get minimum wages applied to India for similar reasons, though with different rhetoric.21 American unions and businesses have been doing something very similar in Puerto Rico and other affiliated territories where minimum wages are set by tripartite boards of mainland Americans, often from competing firms.
The point here is not to depict anyone as particularly evil. The point is that powerful institutional incentives exist to use the minimum wage laws for purposes very different from those announced in the Fair Labor Standards Act, and that these institutional incentives are likely to persist through turnovers of personnel in the future as in the past.
Special interests, recognized as such, may be kept within bounds. For the special interests revolving around the minimum wage laws, Congressional oversight seems especially needed, and therefore automatic escalation seems especially dangerous.
Finally, my hope would be that some way might be considered to have the statistical analysis of minimum wage effects performed by some organization other than the agency whose own fate is intertwined with that of the Fair Labor Standards Act.


1. Marvin Kosters and Finis Welch, “The Effects of Minimum Wages on the Distribution of Changes in Aggregate Employment,” American Economic Review, June 1972; Thomas G. Moore, “The Effect of Minimum Wages on Teenage Unemployment Rates,” Journal of Political Economy, July/August, 1971; Michael C. Lovell, “The Minimum Wage, Teenage Unemployment and the Business Cycle,” Western Economic Journal, December 1972.
2. Peter B. Doeringer and Michael J. Piore, Internal Labor Markets & Manpower Analysis (D. C. Heath & Go., 1971), p. 182.
3. Jacob J. Kaufman and Terry G. Foran, “The Minimum Wage and Poverty,” Readings in Labor Market Analysis, ed. J. F. Burton, Jr., et al. (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 197 1), p. 508.
4. Belton M. Fleisher, The Economics of Delinquency (Quadrangle Books, 1966), Chapter 3.
5. “... the estimated magnitude of these employment impacts and the distribution of these impacts vary among the studies.” Statement of Assistant Secretary of Labor, quoted in Minimum Wage Legislation (American Enterprise Institute, 1977), p. 14.
6. See note 1 above.
7. Employment and Training Report of the President (Government Printing Office, 1976), pp. 242, 243.
8. Minimum Wage Legislation, p. 2.
9. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Youth Unemployment and Minimum Wages, Bulletin 1657 (Government Printing Office, 1970),p.138.
10. Ibid., P. 149, Table 10.1. It should be noted that The Netherlands did not have a minimum wage before 1966, so the entry in the table for 1960-64 is misleading.
11. Minimum Wage Legislation, p. 15.
12. Yale Brozen, “Minimum Wage Rates and Household Workers,” Journal of Law and Economics, October 1962.
13. Quoted in Minimum Wage Legislation, p. 14.
14. George Macesich and Charles T. Stewart, Jr., “Recent Department of Labor Studies of Minimum Wage Effects,” Southern Economic Journal, April 1960. See also Thomas Sowell, “The Shorter Work Week Controversy,” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, January 1965.
15. Numerous specific citations of Labor Department studies are listed in Sowell, op. cit. p. 243.
16. Representative John Dent quoted in Minimum Wage Legislation, p. 10.
17. Albert Rees, The Economics of Work and Pay (Harper & Row, 1973), pp. 75-78.
18. Paul H. Douglas, The Theory of Wages (Augustus M. Kelley, 1964), p. 78.
19. See Sowell, op. cit., pp. 241-242.
20. P. T. Bauer, “Regulated Wages in Underdeveloped Countries,” The Public Stake in Union Power, ed. Philip D. Bradley (University of Virginia Press, 1959), p. 346.
21. Ibid., p. 332.

Minimum Wage Escalation

Fckukking Thomas Sowell....................The Man.:udaman::udaman::udaman:
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Let me explain a few things to the knuckle dragger's. Gee, when you start off so nicely how can I not reply in kind?

1.A living wage IS NOT minimum wage,duh and it is paid by the employer, duhnot the government. It is fair wage for any area or family size in America, and sets the lowest wage paid, not the highest. An employer can reward workers for more work. and duh

A living wage gives a worker his living, and that after all is why we work. Other luxuries such as cars, etc. are above the living wage. not true at all. When I was making minimum I paid rent and bought a used car. Gee, we aren't even to point 2 and I have already caught a lie.

2.When you have a living wage workers can buy more from the market. That means more production. That means more workers being hired. true

3.A living wage will reduce taxes. uhm, How? When workers come off social programs like unemployment and welfare, your taxes will go down on paying for social programs they were on, as the burden is spread around. Welfare is designed to keep people on welfare. you should know that.

4.The new workers taxes will lower the amount of taxes you have to pay. How? Will the benevolent government do it "this time"? Or will they haved to be forced, once again?

5.It is a myth to think that the cost of items will go up to cover living wages.utter bullshit and another lie. Living wages are set according to the local area living expenses. most times. With more items being sold, employers would have no reason to raise wages. That's correct, having more coming in is not a reason to pay more, knowing that the good times end, so the owner should put some away for bad times so he can keep his shop open and people employed.

6.A living wage will stop two people working in a household, and let one worker spend a 40 hour work week for his employer, giving him more time with his family. rubbish. The left invented the 2 working income families, they will do nothing to solve that.

7.Crime will go down lie as more moms stay home, and society has less latch key children to deal with.foolishness, people want more, and women that want to work will work, regardless of income ie. less drug use, pregnancy, break ins & crime as parents monitor children. maybe, in a pipe dream.

8.Teenagers will not be in the workforce,lie rather home studying,more lies. hence raising America out of the low intellectual levels children face today. Americans are stoopid? Fucking libtard bullshit that was brought on by the libtard DOE

9.Households that chose to have both spouses working or one spouse holding down two or more jobs, will be penalized with higher taxes,ahh, you want dictatorship. Thanks for accidentally being honest. perhaps 75% on the additional jobs. This is to cover the costs of an unemployed person they are keeping from working and increased problems for society. ie. crime children, pregnancies, etc. Your vile evilness is showing. you may want to take this down.

10.Workers can start employment with the basics they need to do the job in their area, shelter, food, clothes, utilities. So employers won't be allowed to higher a better trained person?

Damn, the liberal mentality isn't.
Yes, I would like to end this poor capitalist system of patches & plugs to make it work in some knee jerk fashion. A living wage is a fair wage for American workers to succeed. Obviously what we have today is not working, again, and again.

Of course businesses and their workers pay tax for programs like WIC. So they aren't exactly getting a free ride.
Why is the system "obviously" not working??

What is not working is wages are not keeping up with increases in the cost of living. The costs of rent, gas and electric, healthcare, education, food exceed what workers can make in many high cost communities

Right now, the Government steps in and gives vouchers and subsidies to cover the difference. Those businesses that rely on low cost labor reap the benefit. If you don't think they should reimburse the taxpayer...then who should pay?

Welcome to Europe and the failing socialist model. You, just like all socialists, think that government requirements will fix or even out the disparities in our society. Some examples are "the Great Society" which created free or subsidized housing. Go to any HUD complex and ask how many times a week the police show up, in any city. How about medicare/medicaid? The government pays 20-60 cents on the dollar for medical treatment...The cost is deferred to the insurance companies and cash customers, who pay the shortfalls...More and more people are going on medicare and medicaid...the government is forced to pay less on the dollar and insurance is forced to pay more which results in hyperinflationary rises in insurance premiums and less and less doctors willing to treat medicare/medicaid patients...and on and on. Now the liberal/socialist will say "the doctor is greedy and should make less". The less a doctor is able to make, the less students are going to want to give up 8-12 years of their life just to get licenced....a spiral is developing because of government involvement. Add in the ambulance chasers and the whole system is doomed to fail. More freedom and less regulation for insurers and doctors, along with an overhaul of laws concerning malpractice, may be the only thing to lower medical costs meaningfully. It is American nature to find the best deals for anything...why wouldn't that happen with the medical industry?
Really? I have a corporation and I hardly have $1T lying around. If I did, I'd be retired. Most people do not work for large corporations, especially those earning lower wages.
You're right: the only concept I have of living wage is something that would make it impossible to hire many workers. That is already my experience with min wage, where I would actually hire someone if I could set the wage rate. As it is I cannot afford to pay someone min wage to do work that will not pay me a sufficient return.
Like I said, you have no understanding business or wages or economics.

You don't usnderstand "plural, and the difference between "singular." So naturally, you don't have a trillion laying around.:cuckoo: Sounds like you shouldn't be in business if you can't even afford minimum wage jobs. Maybe you should look into getting your workforce from a state reformatory for boys. The state pays half the wages, you select the boys by their skills, etc. Funny, for a guy like me with no business background, (according to you)who has no concept, I am giving you a way to go, even though I doubt you can make it in the business world.

Actually 99% of corporations do not have a $1T lying around. And since most people work for smaller companies that also don't have $1T lying around your "plan" (and I put it in quotes because it is so half-baked it hardly qualifies as even that) would put about 40% of them out of work.
I realize you are posting your personal experience here but believe it or not not every state hires out their reformatory boys, nor are they suitable for many jobs, nor would an employer want the risk of employing one.
You continue to impress me and the rest of this board with your idiocy. Keep up the good work!

You have no proof anyone would be layed off if paid a fair living wage, because it is not logical. You see you can't get by the consumer having more money in his pocket to spend, so that production, hiring, wages increase.

Have you tried in your state? If you don't try, you fail, and apparently you are failing anyway while maximizing your labor force. If I give you (FREE) a simple idea that will make you a millionaire, would you ignore it? Or would you patent it, produce & sell it on QVC & such shows, or sell it out to one buyer and let them do it, etc? I know I can guarantee you 1 million in sales in the first year, and millions more in succeeding years, if you market it on QVC, and it can be made for under 5-10 dollars each. That is an olive branch & golden ring.
this whole thread is predicated upon the class warfare/wealth redistribution crap that just got the epic kick in the balls just three weeks ago.............

And since a big part of my role around here is to help ( as best I could) the k00ks keep their feet on the floor, just thought I'd remind them..........ummm.............


It is, after all, a "Politics" forum s0ns!!!
Let me explain a few things to the knuckle dragger's. Gee, when you start off so nicely how can I not reply in kind?

1.A living wage IS NOT minimum wage,duh and it is paid by the employer, duhnot the government. It is fair wage for any area or family size in America, and sets the lowest wage paid, not the highest. An employer can reward workers for more work. and duh

A living wage gives a worker his living, and that after all is why we work. Other luxuries such as cars, etc. are above the living wage. not true at all. When I was making minimum I paid rent and bought a used car. Gee, we aren't even to point 2 and I have already caught a lie.

2.When you have a living wage workers can buy more from the market. That means more production. That means more workers being hired. true

3.A living wage will reduce taxes. uhm, How? When workers come off social programs like unemployment and welfare, your taxes will go down on paying for social programs they were on, as the burden is spread around. Welfare is designed to keep people on welfare. you should know that.

4.The new workers taxes will lower the amount of taxes you have to pay. How? Will the benevolent government do it "this time"? Or will they haved to be forced, once again?

5.It is a myth to think that the cost of items will go up to cover living wages.utter bullshit and another lie. Living wages are set according to the local area living expenses. most times. With more items being sold, employers would have no reason to raise wages. That's correct, having more coming in is not a reason to pay more, knowing that the good times end, so the owner should put some away for bad times so he can keep his shop open and people employed.

6.A living wage will stop two people working in a household, and let one worker spend a 40 hour work week for his employer, giving him more time with his family. rubbish. The left invented the 2 working income families, they will do nothing to solve that.

7.Crime will go down lie as more moms stay home, and society has less latch key children to deal with.foolishness, people want more, and women that want to work will work, regardless of income ie. less drug use, pregnancy, break ins & crime as parents monitor children. maybe, in a pipe dream.

8.Teenagers will not be in the workforce,lie rather home studying,more lies. hence raising America out of the low intellectual levels children face today. Americans are stoopid? Fucking libtard bullshit that was brought on by the libtard DOE

9.Households that chose to have both spouses working or one spouse holding down two or more jobs, will be penalized with higher taxes,ahh, you want dictatorship. Thanks for accidentally being honest. perhaps 75% on the additional jobs. This is to cover the costs of an unemployed person they are keeping from working and increased problems for society. ie. crime children, pregnancies, etc. Your vile evilness is showing. you may want to take this down.

10.Workers can start employment with the basics they need to do the job in their area, shelter, food, clothes, utilities. So employers won't be allowed to higher a better trained person?

Damn, the liberal mentality isn't.

I see a DUH working his way through the thread, perhaps the first con to see the LW and understand simple economics. Perhaps he can explain to his con knuckle draggers who were in complete & total denial last night how the LW would work and the personal benefits, family benefits and societal benefits to the LW.
this whole thread is predicated upon the class warfare/wealth redistribution crap that just got the epic kick in the balls just three weeks ago.............

And since a big part of my role around here is to help ( as best I could) the k00ks keep their feet on the floor, just thought I'd remind them..........ummm.............


It is, after all, a "Politics" forum s0ns!!!

So, certainly you read the first post & the link using the LW calculator, so I assume you feel workers do not deserve a fair wage that will support them. So do you also conclude they can live in card board boxes, piss in canals they wash their clothes in and make their own shoes with worn out tires? Is this correct?:eusa_angel:
Let me explain a few things to the knuckle dragger's. Gee, when you start off so nicely how can I not reply in kind?

1.A living wage IS NOT minimum wage,duh and it is paid by the employer, duhnot the government. It is fair wage for any area or family size in America, and sets the lowest wage paid, not the highest. An employer can reward workers for more work. and duh

A living wage gives a worker his living, and that after all is why we work. Other luxuries such as cars, etc. are above the living wage. not true at all. When I was making minimum I paid rent and bought a used car. Gee, we aren't even to point 2 and I have already caught a lie.

2.When you have a living wage workers can buy more from the market. That means more production. That means more workers being hired. true

3.A living wage will reduce taxes. uhm, How? When workers come off social programs like unemployment and welfare, your taxes will go down on paying for social programs they were on, as the burden is spread around. Welfare is designed to keep people on welfare. you should know that.

4.The new workers taxes will lower the amount of taxes you have to pay. How? Will the benevolent government do it "this time"? Or will they haved to be forced, once again?

5.It is a myth to think that the cost of items will go up to cover living wages.utter bullshit and another lie. Living wages are set according to the local area living expenses. most times. With more items being sold, employers would have no reason to raise wages. That's correct, having more coming in is not a reason to pay more, knowing that the good times end, so the owner should put some away for bad times so he can keep his shop open and people employed.

6.A living wage will stop two people working in a household, and let one worker spend a 40 hour work week for his employer, giving him more time with his family. rubbish. The left invented the 2 working income families, they will do nothing to solve that.

7.Crime will go down lie as more moms stay home, and society has less latch key children to deal with.foolishness, people want more, and women that want to work will work, regardless of income ie. less drug use, pregnancy, break ins & crime as parents monitor children. maybe, in a pipe dream.

8.Teenagers will not be in the workforce,lie rather home studying,more lies. hence raising America out of the low intellectual levels children face today. Americans are stoopid? Fucking libtard bullshit that was brought on by the libtard DOE

9.Households that chose to have both spouses working or one spouse holding down two or more jobs, will be penalized with higher taxes,ahh, you want dictatorship. Thanks for accidentally being honest. perhaps 75% on the additional jobs. This is to cover the costs of an unemployed person they are keeping from working and increased problems for society. ie. crime children, pregnancies, etc. Your vile evilness is showing. you may want to take this down.

10.Workers can start employment with the basics they need to do the job in their area, shelter, food, clothes, utilities. So employers won't be allowed to higher a better trained person?

Damn, the liberal mentality isn't.

I see a DUH working his way through the thread, perhaps the first con to see the LW and understand simple economics. Perhaps he can explain to his con knuckle draggers who were in complete & total denial last night how the LW would work and the personal benefits, family benefits and societal benefits to the LW.
Central control of wages and prices isn't economically sound or feasible, fool....Nixon proved that in spades back in the '70s.

The total economic ignoramus in denial here is you.
Of course businesses and their workers pay tax for programs like WIC. So they aren't exactly getting a free ride.
Why is the system "obviously" not working??

What is not working is wages are not keeping up with increases in the cost of living. The costs of rent, gas and electric, healthcare, education, food exceed what workers can make in many high cost communities

Right now, the Government steps in and gives vouchers and subsidies to cover the difference. Those businesses that rely on low cost labor reap the benefit. If you don't think they should reimburse the taxpayer...then who should pay?

Welcome to Europe and the failing socialist model. You, just like all socialists, think that government requirements will fix or even out the disparities in our society. Some examples are "the Great Society" which created free or subsidized housing. Go to any HUD complex and ask how many times a week the police show up, in any city. How about medicare/medicaid? The government pays 20-60 cents on the dollar for medical treatment...The cost is deferred to the insurance companies and cash customers, who pay the shortfalls...More and more people are going on medicare and medicaid...the government is forced to pay less on the dollar and insurance is forced to pay more which results in hyperinflationary rises in insurance premiums and less and less doctors willing to treat medicare/medicaid patients...and on and on. Now the liberal/socialist will say "the doctor is greedy and should make less". The less a doctor is able to make, the less students are going to want to give up 8-12 years of their life just to get licenced....a spiral is developing because of government involvement. Add in the ambulance chasers and the whole system is doomed to fail. More freedom and less regulation for insurers and doctors, along with an overhaul of laws concerning malpractice, may be the only thing to lower medical costs meaningfully. It is American nature to find the best deals for anything...why wouldn't that happen with the medical industry?

Nice diatribe...what does it have to do with a living wage?
Lefties never did understand how the market works.........but then again, they are far smarter than every single small business owner out there.

I got the 64K question of the day.............if this is an idea of uber brilliance, why hasnt this president embraced upon it while watching his poll numbers fall like a stone in water?


Because he has 12 stitches in his lip.
Maybe government ought to cut out the subsidies and prices would fall to normal?
Who do you think pays for those vouchers and subsidies? lets do that

Now, we have people unable to afford to live in certain communities. They lose their home, hit the streets wandering from community to community looking for work. You are conservative..what do you care?
You mean "conservative" like Marin County?

From what I've seen, those rich leftloons are perfectly happy having the outdoorsmen live south of the Golden Gate and in the East Bay.

Interesting Oddball...I just spoke with my ex-wife in Santa Cruz today. She saays the number of bums....errr...ummm...outdoorsmen has tripled in the last couple years and there are places where it is becoming unsafe to go...and this is a tourist area. Apparently your comment holds water in regards to the Mecca of liberal philosophy and government...Thank Christ I bailed on that s**thole. Easily one of the most unfriendly town/areas I have EVER lived...Let me just say that southern Oregon and Charlotte NC are some of the friendliest and nicest places I have ever lived :)
You own a business

You do not pay a wage that allows your workers to pay for rent, food, gas, electric and transportation in the community you do business in. Normal economic theory would say the low cost workers need to move to a lower cost area which would force you to pay a higher wage to stay in business.

Why not pay the higher wage to begin with rather than relying on the taxpayer to support your workers?

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