The looming war over gay marriage

In this issue it is heteros who have the special rights just as men had the special right to vote while women were denied. In both cases the discrimination is based on the crotch watch.

Horseshit. What a disingenuous attempt at equivalency. The majority status of being able to marry the opposite gender has been the status quo for humanity since it began. Your attempt to say the two are the same is an utter lie based on pure philosophical dishonesty and you know it.

The majority of slave owners in the US operated for a few hundred years on the justification of status quo. That must mean there was nothing wrong with slavery.

Even if we had 20 million years of recorded human history that showed it was only heteros who married it would still be wholly irrelevant. In fact, it would show the opportunity to disabuse discrimination.
In this issue it is heteros who have the special rights just as men had the special right to vote while women were denied. In both cases the discrimination is based on the crotch watch.

Horseshit. What a disingenuous attempt at equivalency. The majority status of being able to marry the opposite gender has been the status quo for humanity since it began. Your attempt to say the two are the same is an utter lie based on pure philosophical dishonesty and you know it.

The majority of slave owners in the US operated for a few hundred years on the justification of status quo. That must mean there was nothing wrong with slavery.

Even if we had 20 million years of recorded human history that showed it was only heteros who married it would still be wholly irrelevant. In fact, it would show the opportunity to disabuse discrimination.
Oh give me a break. You want to try and hitch your wagon to slavery???

Talk about desperate. "If you won't let gays marry you support slavery!"

Nice. Stupid, but nice.

Next you'll accuse those who disagree with you of throwing puppies and babies into incinerators. Any lie to get your way.

Thank you for proving to me once again the intellectual bankruptcy of your position.
Horseshit. What a disingenuous attempt at equivalency. The majority status of being able to marry the opposite gender has been the status quo for humanity since it began. Your attempt to say the two are the same is an utter lie based on pure philosophical dishonesty and you know it.

The majority of slave owners in the US operated for a few hundred years on the justification of status quo. That must mean there was nothing wrong with slavery.

Even if we had 20 million years of recorded human history that showed it was only heteros who married it would still be wholly irrelevant. In fact, it would show the opportunity to disabuse discrimination.
Oh give me a break. You want to try and hitch your wagon to slavery???

Talk about desperate. "If you won't let gays marry you support slavery!"

Nice. Stupid, but nice.

Next you'll accuse those who disagree with you of throwing puppies and babies into incinerators. Any lie to get your way.

Thank you for proving to me once again the intellectual bankruptcy of your position.

I did not say anything close to your accusation. You just tried to justify denying equal rights to gays on the basis of hetero marriages being status quo. I used slavery to show how your logic of tradition is insufficient to justify bigotry. We can use your "status quo" argument in application to several issues to see how it fails in justification. Why are you against gay marriage?
I gotta say, it's both hilarious and disgusting to see all the "Good Conservative Christians" on this board who constantly whine about Obama taking away their rights in a non-existent fashion to be actively supporting the taking of rights from others.

Bravo! :clap2:

No one has taken your rights. You have the right to marry. It is 'your' problem that you chose a person that is off limits; get over it and choose better, or choose to be alone.

Those that want homosexual marriage are about taking the rights from others: the right not to have their child (produced from a heterosexual union in over 99.9% of the time) indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle via the school system that will be required "by law" to "support" the "legal" act, not to have their family line ended, because their child has been targeted and recruited and convinced that they are 'gay', not to have their grandchildren neglected because a homosexual parent is more concerned with pleasing a lover than protecting the child, etc. Homosexuality, IMHO is anti-family, anti-society and harmful in the long run to any culture. It celebrates imorality, encourages abuse, molestation, and humiliation, while those that push its' agenda claim to have integrity and honor, agian IMHO.
I repeat, those that are pushing this 'agenda' are more concerned with infringing on others rights than having 'equal' rights.

Could you name two direct harms on society clearly caused by gay marriage?

Families are torn apart when a young person is 'recruited' to the lifestyle. Families that raised children to support the family in the future are more likely not to have grandchildren or inlaws to help support them in their old age (they will have to rely on those ''death panels"). Acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle will increase healthcare costs (currently being forced onto the taxpyers), and reduce the resources available to build and invest in the future. Legal permission of homosexual marriage will increase law enforcement and crimes in areas where there are large homosexual populations (now it is toned down, but after some homosexuals have a legal right to demonstrate their acts publicly, it will be far worse). It will increase education costs because the homosexuals that want to push their 'agenda' will demand and get 'equal' time for classroom discussion of sexual preference. It will increase mental health costs because people that have homosexuals in their family that publicly demonstrate their preferences will embarass and humiliate them to distraction. It will increase the mental health costs of homosexuals that believe they will be happy when 'legalized homosexual marrige' happens and they still can't marry the one they want because of rejection or other reasons. It will cause government costs to increase because the documentation and counselers will have to be available for homosexuals. etc, etc, etc

No one has a 'right' to marry the person that they love. Ask any adult and they will tell you a sob story of their first love ending up with someone else. It is a fact of life (probably for 96% of us). People select a person they think will make a good life partner for individual reasons (and most of the time that includes plans of having their own children). They work hard at the relationship and if everything goes okay, they get married (when the work really starts, marriage is not for wimps). Many people never get married (even some heterosexuals), it just doesn't happen, so please quit with the 'right to marry' crap.

The government - "Big Government" - is denying a small portion of the population the right to enter into a legally binding contract with another willing person that is available to the other 97% of the population.

You are on the wrong side of history. It is only a matter of time before gay marriage happens.

So, based on your arguement: people should not be denied the right to marry their parent or close relative, or animal of their choosing?
That small portion of the population has the right to marry, they have just chosen to marry people that they are forbidden (lawfully) to marry. There is a big difference. That is an additional "right", not equal "right".

I'm so sick of this braindead bestiality comparison. Can it be determined if an animal consents to a marriage? No, so it'll never happen.
Horseshit. What a disingenuous attempt at equivalency. The majority status of being able to marry the opposite gender has been the status quo for humanity since it began. Your attempt to say the two are the same is an utter lie based on pure philosophical dishonesty and you know it.

The majority of slave owners in the US operated for a few hundred years on the justification of status quo. That must mean there was nothing wrong with slavery.

Even if we had 20 million years of recorded human history that showed it was only heteros who married it would still be wholly irrelevant. In fact, it would show the opportunity to disabuse discrimination.
Oh give me a break. You want to try and hitch your wagon to slavery???

Talk about desperate. "If you won't let gays marry you support slavery!"

Nice. Stupid, but nice.

Next you'll accuse those who disagree with you of throwing puppies and babies into incinerators. Any lie to get your way.

Thank you for proving to me once again the intellectual bankruptcy of your position.

If you think that's what he said you clearly lack even basic reading comprehension.
No one has taken your rights. You have the right to marry. It is 'your' problem that you chose a person that is off limits; get over it and choose better, or choose to be alone.

Those that want homosexual marriage are about taking the rights from others: the right not to have their child (produced from a heterosexual union in over 99.9% of the time) indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle via the school system that will be required "by law" to "support" the "legal" act, not to have their family line ended, because their child has been targeted and recruited and convinced that they are 'gay', not to have their grandchildren neglected because a homosexual parent is more concerned with pleasing a lover than protecting the child, etc. Homosexuality, IMHO is anti-family, anti-society and harmful in the long run to any culture. It celebrates imorality, encourages abuse, molestation, and humiliation, while those that push its' agenda claim to have integrity and honor, agian IMHO.
I repeat, those that are pushing this 'agenda' are more concerned with infringing on others rights than having 'equal' rights.

Could you name two direct harms on society clearly caused by gay marriage?

Families are torn apart when a young person is 'recruited' to the lifestyle.

They aren't recruited and lots of perfectly legal things can tear a family apart, giving gays the right to marry will not make the family even more torn apart.

Although I have to say 'we shouldn't allow an adult to do X because their family will disapprove' is THE weakest excuse and stupidest reasoning I've ever heard.

Oh and the same could be said for itner-racial marriage.

Families that raised children to support the family in the future are more likely not to have grandchildren or inlaws to help support them in their old age (they will have to rely on those ''death panels").

See above, also it's unfair and immoral to demand your offspring bear the responsibility of taking care of you in your old age.

Acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle will increase healthcare costs (currently being forced onto the taxpyers), and reduce the resources available to build and invest in the future.
A. Prove it
B. The same can be said for alcohol
C. We can always just stop government funded healthcare.

Legal permission of homosexual marriage will increase law enforcement and crimes in areas where there are large homosexual populations

Source now. It doesn't even make any sense, are you saying letting two people get married will increase their chance of being criminals? We should get rid of all marriage then.

It will increase education costs because the homosexuals that want to push their 'agenda' will demand and get 'equal' time for classroom discussion of sexual preference.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight because it's impossible to let homosexuals marry each other and not bring it up in the classroom.

You remind me of those braindead morons in California who held up signs saying PROP 8= free speech. Their "logic" (and I use the term loosely) being that if we allowed gay marriage it would directly lead to the institution of overly restrictive hate speech laws.

It will increase mental health costs because people that have homosexuals in their family
that publicly demonstrate their preferences will embarass and humiliate them to distraction.


Serious question, are you dumber than a screwdriver, or are you just spitting out random arguments hoping one of them would stick?

People who want to show off being gay are going to do so even if they aren't married. Being married will not change them. Also once again 'the family won't approve' is a REALLY stupid argument.

It will increase the mental health costs of homosexuals that believe they will be happy when 'legalized homosexual marrige' happens and they still can't marry the one they want because of rejection or other reasons.

Seriously are you retarded or something? People can need mental treatment if they get rejected by a loved one, they don't need to be able to get married for that to happen (nor do they have to be homosexual).

It will cause government costs to increase because the documentation and counselers will have to be available for homosexuals. etc, etc, etc

Same could be said for heterosexuals so let's destroy marriage all together.

You're arguments are petty and stupid, other then 'families won't approve' all you're really doing is talking about the potential risks/costs of getting married most of which would be on the consenting adults, and of course since they're choosing to take the risk, it's insignificant.

Oh and you seem to be under the delusion that if homosexuals don't have a right to marry they will cease to exist and that allowing them to marry will insure their continued existence. This of course is tremendously stupid as homosexuals still exist where there is no gay marriage.
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I gotta say, it's both hilarious and disgusting to see all the "Good Conservative Christians" on this board who constantly whine about Obama taking away their rights in a non-existent fashion to be actively supporting the taking of rights from others.

Bravo! :clap2:

No one has taken your rights. You have the right to marry. It is 'your' problem that you chose a person that is off limits; get over it and choose better, or choose to be alone.

Those that want homosexual marriage are about taking the rights from others: the right not to have their child (produced from a heterosexual union in over 99.9% of the time) indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle via the school system that will be required "by law" to "support" the "legal" act

Source. Although it's really possible to have gay marriage and not talk about it in schools, do they talk about inter racial marriage in schools much?

not to have their family line ended, because their child has been targeted and recruited and convinced that they are 'gay',

So you think parents have the right to force their kids to bear children just so they can continue to have a family line? You're either an inhuman monster or a complete idiot.

not to have their grandchildren neglected because a homosexual parent is more concerned with pleasing a lover than protecting the child, etc.

Ok you're an idiot. Not every homosexual will do that and I could find examples of heterosexuals doing that as well.

Homosexuality, IMHO is anti-family, anti-society and harmful in the long run to any culture.

And you've given jack shit to back that up.

It celebrates imorality, encourages abuse, molestation, and humiliation, while those that push its' agenda claim to have integrity and honor, agian IMHO.

Once again you've got absolutely nothing to back up your bigotry and so essentially you think it shouldn't be here because you THINK, not know, but THINK, it's immoral.

I repeat, those that are pushing this 'agenda' are more concerned with infringing on others rights than having 'equal' rights.
I repeat you are dumber than a screw and are mostly concerned with forcing your twisted disgusting morality nay opinion onto everyone else and then pretending that you're a victim in all this when people don't buy your bullshit.

Heterosexuals have a right to marry their partner and homos don't have that right, really for no good reason.
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☭proletarian☭;1853542 said:
Could you name two direct harms on society clearly caused by gay marriage?

Homophobes like NoLogic4U have to see other people be happy

Closet homosexuals like NL4U Might come out of the closet and abandon their families
Ahhh yes. Those who disagree with special gay rights are homophobes or on the 'down low'. We've devolved that far in our intellectual (or lack there of) discourse.. Gotcha.
If you think NL4U isn't an anti-homosexual bigot you haven't been paying attention to what he has posted.

"Homosexuality, IMHO is anti-family, anti-society and harmful in the long run to any culture. It celebrates imorality, encourages abuse, molestation, and humiliation""
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So, based on your arguement: people should not be denied the right to marry their parent or close relative, or animal of their choosing?

Please stop using the strawman argument re: animals. Animals do not have full rights under the law. The law does not recognize their ability to consent and thus to enter a contract.

As for siblings, the reason I can think of to ban marriage between the two is because of a high probability of producing children that are handicapped.

People oppose gay marriage primarily because they are squeemish about what homosexuals do to each other. Some may genuinely oppose it for religious reasons, but most of it is because people project homosexuality onto themselves and find it disgusting.
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In this issue it is heteros who have the special rights just as men had the special right to vote while women were denied. In both cases the discrimination is based on the crotch watch.

Horseshit. What a disingenuous attempt at equivalency. The majority status of being able to marry the opposite gender has been the status quo for humanity since it began. Your attempt to say the two are the same is an utter lie based on pure philosophical dishonesty and you know it.

And throughout most of history, people have not had the rights enshrined in the Constitution. Heck, most people in the United States did not have the rights in the Constitution throughout most of our history. There are so many things that humanity has done throughout history that has been wrong, so relying on history is a nonstarter.
I gotta say, it's both hilarious and disgusting to see all the "Good Conservative Christians" on this board who constantly whine about Obama taking away their rights in a non-existent fashion to be actively supporting the taking of rights from others.

Bravo! :clap2:

No one has taken your rights. You have the right to marry. It is 'your' problem that you chose a person that is off limits; get over it and choose better, or choose to be alone.

Those that want homosexual marriage are about taking the rights from others: the right not to have their child (produced from a heterosexual union in over 99.9% of the time) indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle via the school system that will be required "by law" to "support" the "legal" act, not to have their family line ended, because their child has been targeted and recruited and convinced that they are 'gay', not to have their grandchildren neglected because a homosexual parent is more concerned with pleasing a lover than protecting the child, etc. Homosexuality, IMHO is anti-family, anti-society and harmful in the long run to any culture. It celebrates imorality, encourages abuse, molestation, and humiliation, while those that push its' agenda claim to have integrity and honor, agian IMHO.
I repeat, those that are pushing this 'agenda' are more concerned with infringing on others rights than having 'equal' rights.


Yeah, you betcha...
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Families are torn apart when a young person is 'recruited' to the lifestyle.

Your experience is not the norm.
Families that raised children to support the family in the future are more likely not to have grandchildren or inlaws to help support them in their old age (they will have to rely on those ''death panels")

right... do you not see the numerous absurdities in what you just posted?
. Acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle will increase healthcare costs

Legal permission of homosexual marriage will increase law enforcement and crimes in areas where there are large homosexual populations (now it is toned down, but after some homosexuals have a legal right to demonstrate their acts publicly, it will be far worse). It will increase education costs because the homosexuals that want to push their 'agenda' will demand and get 'equal' time for classroom discussion of sexual preference. It will increase mental health costs because people that have homosexuals in their family that publicly demonstrate their preferences will embarass and humiliate them to distraction. It will increase the mental health costs of homosexuals that believe they will be happy when 'legalized homosexual marrige' happens and they still can't marry the one they want because of rejection or other reasons. It will cause government costs to increase because the documentation and counselers will have to be available for homosexuals. etc, etc, etc

I call Poe's Law on this shit.
☭proletarian☭;1855661 said:

Well the only other reason I can think of is the possibility of one coercing the other into doing it which becomes much more feasible when you're talking relatives vs. err non relatives.

Although that's not really fair to those that weren't coerced, so *shrug*.
Conservatives are so worried about gay marriage. They can't come up with a single reason it will damage traditional marriage other than it will "damage" traditional marriage. Yet, they spend not a minute on their problem with inbreeding. To me, a much more serious problem because the effects are so apparent.
☭proletarian☭;1852705 said:
It actually does infringe on the rights of the majority who wish to remain separate from those who wish to have such beliefs.

Oh, boo-hoo. Go join the fucking Klansman cying about being forced to live in the same country as interracial couples.

"You must spread some reputation around before giving it to proletarian again."
No one has taken your rights. You have the right to marry. It is 'your' problem that you chose a person that is off limits; get over it and choose better, or choose to be alone.

Those that want homosexual marriage are about taking the rights from others: the right not to have their child (produced from a heterosexual union in over 99.9% of the time) indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle via the school system that will be required "by law" to "support" the "legal" act, not to have their family line ended, because their child has been targeted and recruited and convinced that they are 'gay', not to have their grandchildren neglected because a homosexual parent is more concerned with pleasing a lover than protecting the child, etc. Homosexuality, IMHO is anti-family, anti-society and harmful in the long run to any culture. It celebrates imorality, encourages abuse, molestation, and humiliation, while those that push its' agenda claim to have integrity and honor, agian IMHO.
I repeat, those that are pushing this 'agenda' are more concerned with infringing on others rights than having 'equal' rights.

Could you name two direct harms on society clearly caused by gay marriage?

Families are torn apart when a young person is 'recruited' to the lifestyle. Families that raised children to support the family in the future are more likely not to have grandchildren or inlaws to help support them in their old age (they will have to rely on those ''death panels"). Acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle will increase healthcare costs (currently being forced onto the taxpyers), and reduce the resources available to build and invest in the future. Legal permission of homosexual marriage will increase law enforcement and crimes in areas where there are large homosexual populations (now it is toned down, but after some homosexuals have a legal right to demonstrate their acts publicly, it will be far worse). It will increase education costs because the homosexuals that want to push their 'agenda' will demand and get 'equal' time for classroom discussion of sexual preference. It will increase mental health costs because people that have homosexuals in their family that publicly demonstrate their preferences will embarass and humiliate them to distraction. It will increase the mental health costs of homosexuals that believe they will be happy when 'legalized homosexual marrige' happens and they still can't marry the one they want because of rejection or other reasons. It will cause government costs to increase because the documentation and counselers will have to be available for homosexuals. etc, etc, etc

Could you name two direct harms on society clearly caused by gay marriage?

I asked it again because you responded with nothing but opinions that are ¤cough cough¤ slightly prejudicial.

Here are a couple of examples of how that could be answered:

Drinking and driving is illegal because we have the indisputable evidence innocent people are killed and mangled as a direct result of people driving drunk.

It is illegal to walk down the street shooting a gun because innocent people get killed.

It is illegal to walk in the middle of the highway because you will either get killed or in the very least cause traffic accidents which may or may not kill others.

I'm not asking you to grope in the darkness and reach for wild noodles that temporarily provides the self serving comfort of feeling vindicated for your bigotry. Please provide direct cause and effect with facts as shown in the above examples.
Families are torn apart when a young person is 'recruited' to the lifestyle.

Were you "recruited" to the straight lifestyle?

Families are torn apart, if they are prejudiced and closed-minded.

Families that raised children to support the family in the future are more likely not to have grandchildren or inlaws to help support them in their old age (they will have to rely on those ''death panels").

What year is this, 1850?

By your logic, we should actively discourage people who don't want to have children to not marry either.

Acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle will increase healthcare costs (currently being forced onto the taxpyers), and reduce the resources available to build and invest in the future.

:lol::lol: Too funny.

If you are worried about healthcare costs, campaign for Americans to stop cramming so much junk down their throats and get their fat asses off the couch and out exercising. America is one of, if not the, fattest country in the world, and something like a third of the population is at least 20 pounds overweight. This is many multiple times more damaging that the "homosexual lifestyle."

Legal permission of homosexual marriage will increase law enforcement and crimes in areas where there are large homosexual populations (now it is toned down, but after some homosexuals have a legal right to demonstrate their acts publicly, it will be far worse).

By your logic, we should ban heterosexual marriage because it also "increases law enforcement and crimes."

It will increase education costs because the homosexuals that want to push their 'agenda' will demand and get 'equal' time for classroom discussion of sexual preference.

Because the gay community wants to "recruit" your kids. :lol:

I'm sure we heard this argument in places like Selma and Montgomery c1960 re: black people.

It will increase mental health costs because people that have homosexuals in their family that publicly demonstrate their preferences will embarass and humiliate them to distraction.

:lol::lol: If they are that distracted, they are already in therapy!

It will increase the mental health costs of homosexuals that believe they will be happy when 'legalized homosexual marrige' happens and they still can't marry the one they want because of rejection or other reasons. It will cause government costs to increase because the documentation and counselers will have to be available for homosexuals. etc, etc, etc

:lol::lol: Too funny. You can't make this stuff up.

This has to be one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read. People will go to any length to rationalize their prejudices.

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