The Low-Information Voter: All They Know Is That They're Angry & Its All Obamas Fault

Low information voter....Is that meant to say the stupid people in this country? Does that cover the many who voted for Obama who after they learned that Obama won the election believed that ALL their bills would be paid.That their mortgage would be taken care of.After the Health care bill passed showed up a few days later at clinics demanding their FREE health care? Those low information voters? Can you be a little clearer in your meaning please!

What are you talking about?? I'm so sick of the "free ride" crap. That's not why people voted for Obama. There are always going to be people that try to take advantage of the system. No matter who the president is.
In 1980 Reagan convinced America to remove the government mechanisms which invested in and protected the solvency of the middle and working classes. He called everything the government did for the non-wealthy "socialism". He said that if we got rid of this so-called "socialism", if we roll back the postwar policies that helped create middle class America, we could give the wealthy tax cuts, which would trickle down in the form of solid jobs and benefits (and innovation, and cheap prices, and on and on).

When the money failed to trickle down to the middle class -- when the jobs trickled overseas -- we went on a 30 year credit orgy. In post-Reagan America the middle class would stay afloat literally by going deeper and deeper into debt.

Of course . . . you know how this ends: we broke the bank.

Which is to say: the economy has a deep structural flaw. The gains now go overwhelmingly to a small class of people, who use their excess capital to control Washington and the media. The money trickling down is not sufficient to fuel demand, and we can no longer rely on easy credit, or bubble-gimmicks (like tech and housing). We have used-up our last trick to cover up the failure of supply side economics to stimulate demand.

Before Bush, middle class buying power was hanging on by a Master Card. After Bush, the bottom fell out. If anyone can be blamed, however, it's the Liberals... for failing to stand-up to the corporate take over of America. The Republicans did what they set out to do. The liberals failed to be an adequate counterweight.

The die is cast, the ink is dry. America is now fast becoming the 3rd world, marked by pockets of extreme wealth surrounded by exploding levels of poverty and a repressive police apparatus. Any attempt to address the corporate takeover of Washington, or fix a distribution system which has bankrupted the middle class, is seen only as "socialism". The game is over. We have an economy which requires high levels of middle class spending, but all the money that used to go the middle class has become concentrated in fewer and fewer hands . . . and it ain't trickling down.
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In 1980 Reagan convinced America to remove the government mechanisms which invested in and protected the solvency of the middle and working classes. He deemed everything the government did for the non-wealthy as socialism. He said that if we got rid of this so-called socialism, the extra money collecting on top of the economic ladder would trickle down in the form of solid jobs and benefits.

When the money failed to trickle down to the middle class -- when the jobs trickled overseas -- we went on a 30 year credit orgy. The middle class would drive the consumption economy by going deeper and deeper into debt.

We broke the bank.

The economy has a deep structural flaw. The gains now go overwhelmingly to a small class of people, who use their excess capital to control Washington and the media.

Before Bush, middle class buying power was hanging on by a Master Card. After Bush, the bottom fell out .

America is becoming the 3rd world, marked by pockets of extreme wealth surrounded by exploding levels of poverty. Any attempt to address the corporate takeover of Washington and a distribution system which has bankrupted the middle class is called "socialism". The game is over.

Post ALL the videos and footage of ALL the voters who expected to get "taken care of" by O'bammer.

Post them or shut up...ya dumb batch.

They have been post on this board several times. You know there is stupid and then there is not dealing with reality. Which group do you swear alligence too MarcATL?
The Low-Information Voter: All They Know Is That They're Angry & Its All Obamas Fault

The Low-Information Voter: All They Know Is That They're Angry & Its The Fault of Whomever Is In Power At The Time Regardless Of The Real Issues.

So I'm home now watching MSNBC, rewound my DVR to about 3 hours and luckily caught the better portion of Rachel Maddow's show. She's now in Alaska to interview Joe Miller and others.

Still watching, but just before this commercial break she asks some angry, clearly, RW voters some things and they start shouting out things like "Get rid of Eric Holder" She asks why are they against Eric Holder. One shouts back, "He's against guns." She asked the lady why? "What has Eric Holder specifically done that is against guns?" She responds with "he's voted down the line that are all anti-gun. Rachel then explains to her that Eric Holder has never had to vote on anything, he's not in Congress or in Senate. Some back and forth, with Rachel sincerely trying to figure what exactly do they have that tells them that Eric is "anti-gun." She ends up saying that she doesn't have all the facts on hand, but she just KNOWS he's anti gun.

Then a younger male, white, as well as the lady above, BTW, chimes in spewing the same nonsense. Again Rachel asks the young man, "What specifically has Eric done that is against the 2nd Amendment." He starts to flutter, then says, "Rachel, just Google Eric Holder and 2nd Amendment and Guns and you'll see all the ammo there." She responds, I will, but why are you currently so angry, what specically has he done that has you so angry....he says, he doesn't have all the facts on hand, but if she Googles it she will find it. And he was sincerely asking her to do so.

Then another older lady who's REALLY angry now, again, white, tells her "The black panthers is why I'm mad at Eric Holder." She's visibly livid on camera and ready to shout and Rachel asks her what about the Black Panthers, the lady replies "Voter Intimidation...not being prosecuted!" Rachel informs her that it was decided by the Bush Administration that there was nothing to prosecute the lone 2 New Black Panthers for. Then she cuts the camera back to where she was at the time, live, and then tells the audience that s he continued to question the woman, who got even more angry. Then told that she cut off the camera and had another very long convo with the lady who then calmed down. The lady told her that she's voting for Miller because Obama's not prosecuting the NBPs because they are she's voting for Joe Miller.

This, folks, is the atmosphere that FOXNews has created. FOX LOVES the Low Information Voter.



I don't believe FAUX Noise "created" anything.

Low Information Voter?? I prefer Incurious Voter. George Bush Jr. made it hip to be incurious; i.e. ignorant, about most things, and proud OF it!! He was advertised (by his supporters) as someone you could share a beer, with. Him being elected President, made it O.K. to be a loudmouthed-boor; those folks who think volume is a good-cover for their ignorance (and, probably, self-doubt). These are the same folks who're notorious for: "Ya' know what's gonna HAPPEN, don't you??" (as if they know), and...."I GUARANTEE you <blah><blah><blah><blah>!!!" (as if anyone can guarantee anything, in the real-world :rolleyes:).

Such people prefer to travel in herds....'cause, it's so satisfying (for them), to finally be part of some majority (where there's safety, in numbers). In earlier-days, a lynch-mob sufficed. It was a short-term commitment....with very-little thinking or hard-work required....and, you knew you'd end-up on the "winning-side"!! In such environments, there's no need to explain your position....when all you really need-to-do is memorize the rhetoric. All you really have to do is....point to the rest o' the herd and proclaim "I'M one o' THEM!!"

What it pretty-much comes-down-to is LAZINESS!!! Why go to all o' the effort (involved) with actually EDUCATING yourself on all issues....when VOLUME & BLUSTER makes it LOOK like you know (whatever) the rest o' the herd; your safe-place.

THAT'S what FAUX Noise provides....a safe-place....with the mere push-of-a-button.

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This from folks who think we can let the government spend us to prosperity.

That Obama is telling them the truth.
So I'm home now watching MSNBC, rewound my DVR to about 3 hours and luckily caught the better portion of Rachel Maddow's show. She's now in Alaska to interview Joe Miller and others.

Still watching, but just before this commercial break she asks some angry, clearly, RW voters some things and they start shouting out things like "Get rid of Eric Holder" She asks why are they against Eric Holder. One shouts back, "He's against guns." She asked the lady why? "What has Eric Holder specifically done that is against guns?" She responds with "he's voted down the line that are all anti-gun. Rachel then explains to her that Eric Holder has never had to vote on anything, he's not in Congress or in Senate. Some back and forth, with Rachel sincerely trying to figure what exactly do they have that tells them that Eric is "anti-gun." She ends up saying that she doesn't have all the facts on hand, but she just KNOWS he's anti gun.

Then a younger male, white, as well as the lady above, BTW, chimes in spewing the same nonsense. Again Rachel asks the young man, "What specifically has Eric done that is against the 2nd Amendment." He starts to flutter, then says, "Rachel, just Google Eric Holder and 2nd Amendment and Guns and you'll see all the ammo there." She responds, I will, but why are you currently so angry, what specically has he done that has you so angry....he says, he doesn't have all the facts on hand, but if she Googles it she will find it. And he was sincerely asking her to do so.

Then another older lady who's REALLY angry now, again, white, tells her "The black panthers is why I'm mad at Eric Holder." She's visibly livid on camera and ready to shout and Rachel asks her what about the Black Panthers, the lady replies "Voter Intimidation...not being prosecuted!" Rachel informs her that it was decided by the Bush Administration that there was nothing to prosecute the lone 2 New Black Panthers for. Then she cuts the camera back to where she was at the time, live, and then tells the audience that s he continued to question the woman, who got even more angry. Then told that she cut off the camera and had another very long convo with the lady who then calmed down. The lady told her that she's voting for Miller because Obama's not prosecuting the NBPs because they are she's voting for Joe Miller.

This, folks, is the atmosphere that FOXNews has created. FOX LOVES the Low Information Voter.



Fucking morons.
Black Panthers probably don't take being called morons very well. I mean, after someone tells them what it means.
Black Panthers probably don't take being called morons very well. I mean, after someone tells them what it means.

Go look it up in the dictionary. Then you'll know what it means, and you can tell them.
So I'm home now watching MSNBC, rewound my DVR to about 3 hours and luckily caught the better portion of Rachel Maddow's show. She's now in Alaska to interview Joe Miller and others.

Still watching, but just before this commercial break she asks some angry, clearly, RW voters some things and they start shouting out things like "Get rid of Eric Holder" She asks why are they against Eric Holder. One shouts back, "He's against guns." She asked the lady why? "What has Eric Holder specifically done that is against guns?" She responds with "he's voted down the line that are all anti-gun. Rachel then explains to her that Eric Holder has never had to vote on anything, he's not in Congress or in Senate. Some back and forth, with Rachel sincerely trying to figure what exactly do they have that tells them that Eric is "anti-gun." She ends up saying that she doesn't have all the facts on hand, but she just KNOWS he's anti gun.

Then a younger male, white, as well as the lady above, BTW, chimes in spewing the same nonsense. Again Rachel asks the young man, "What specifically has Eric done that is against the 2nd Amendment." He starts to flutter, then says, "Rachel, just Google Eric Holder and 2nd Amendment and Guns and you'll see all the ammo there." She responds, I will, but why are you currently so angry, what specically has he done that has you so angry....he says, he doesn't have all the facts on hand, but if she Googles it she will find it. And he was sincerely asking her to do so.

Then another older lady who's REALLY angry now, again, white, tells her "The black panthers is why I'm mad at Eric Holder." She's visibly livid on camera and ready to shout and Rachel asks her what about the Black Panthers, the lady replies "Voter Intimidation...not being prosecuted!" Rachel informs her that it was decided by the Bush Administration that there was nothing to prosecute the lone 2 New Black Panthers for. Then she cuts the camera back to where she was at the time, live, and then tells the audience that s he continued to question the woman, who got even more angry. Then told that she cut off the camera and had another very long convo with the lady who then calmed down. The lady told her that she's voting for Miller because Obama's not prosecuting the NBPs because they are she's voting for Joe Miller.

This, folks, is the atmosphere that FOXNews has created. FOX LOVES the Low Information Voter.


Sounds like you are a typical racist saying that the angry people are white and they do not like holder because he is black. WRONG!!! I do not like holder because he is a racist. He should have prosecuted the black panthers for violating the law in Philly during the 08 elections. By not doing that he proved himself to be a racist.
So I'm home now watching MSNBC, rewound my DVR to about 3 hours and luckily caught the better portion of Rachel Maddow's show. She's now in Alaska to interview Joe Miller and others.

Still watching, but just before this commercial break she asks some angry, clearly, RW voters some things and they start shouting out things like "Get rid of Eric Holder" She asks why are they against Eric Holder. One shouts back, "He's against guns." She asked the lady why? "What has Eric Holder specifically done that is against guns?" She responds with "he's voted down the line that are all anti-gun. Rachel then explains to her that Eric Holder has never had to vote on anything, he's not in Congress or in Senate. Some back and forth, with Rachel sincerely trying to figure what exactly do they have that tells them that Eric is "anti-gun." She ends up saying that she doesn't have all the facts on hand, but she just KNOWS he's anti gun.

Then a younger male, white, as well as the lady above, BTW, chimes in spewing the same nonsense. Again Rachel asks the young man, "What specifically has Eric done that is against the 2nd Amendment." He starts to flutter, then says, "Rachel, just Google Eric Holder and 2nd Amendment and Guns and you'll see all the ammo there." She responds, I will, but why are you currently so angry, what specically has he done that has you so angry....he says, he doesn't have all the facts on hand, but if she Googles it she will find it. And he was sincerely asking her to do so.

Then another older lady who's REALLY angry now, again, white, tells her "The black panthers is why I'm mad at Eric Holder." She's visibly livid on camera and ready to shout and Rachel asks her what about the Black Panthers, the lady replies "Voter Intimidation...not being prosecuted!" Rachel informs her that it was decided by the Bush Administration that there was nothing to prosecute the lone 2 New Black Panthers for. Then she cuts the camera back to where she was at the time, live, and then tells the audience that s he continued to question the woman, who got even more angry. Then told that she cut off the camera and had another very long convo with the lady who then calmed down. The lady told her that she's voting for Miller because Obama's not prosecuting the NBPs because they are she's voting for Joe Miller.

This, folks, is the atmosphere that FOXNews has created. FOX LOVES the Low Information Voter.


Sounds like you are a typical racist saying that the angry people are white and they do not like holder because he is black. WRONG!!! I do not like holder because he is a racist. He should have prosecuted the black panthers for violating the law in Philly during the 08 elections. By not doing that he proved himself to be a racist.
Did you watch the effin video...schmuck?!??
Now we have Michele Batshit going on and on about Obama's India trip being 200 million a day and his "entourage." A totally made-up story. Aside from that Presidents travel to meet world leaders, as a part of t heir job description.

We see where and how the low-information get their motivation and "leadership" from.

My God these people are stupid!


These people are panicked by economic and environmental ruination (there has been leaks/spills in Alaska of late), they have been jerked all over hell and back by the finest propaganda machine man ever created, they are preoccupied trying to stay afloat and cannot study on every issue like a PhD candidate........

Rachel Maddow has an abrasive style (at least when I watched her) and a calm conversation with any of these people about what concerns them most could have been had, Marc. Maddow made time and place choices that maximized their ignorance and fear.

Yanno, one criticism of the left is that we look down on "regular people". Ain't that more or less what you are doing?
No, this is not what I'm doing. A "regular person" doesn't just get livid with NOTHING factual or reasonable backing it up. If this is what a "regular person" in America is today. We got some MAJOR problems.

These people are drunk on FOXNews, and FOXNews has PURPOSELY fed them a steady diet of lies and propoganda. These people are people who already leaned a certain way, and what FNN has done is spread the sickness from those with absolutely no sense to those with a little bit of sense to those with some sense...all on the right.

I don't appreciate you suggesting that I outright have something against "regular people," the facts just doesn't bear that out.

Oh, and to suggest that Rachel Maddow's interview style is somehow..."abrasive" I think that's near laughable. I'd like to know what and how you define abrasive, also, what examples do you have on her being such as well. You want to know whats abrasive, or who...Bill O'Reilly...that's abrasive if I ever seen it.
The liberal media, nbc, abc, cbs, and cnn, lie 99.9% more than foxnews. You lefties just do not like the truth getting out to regular people. Truth; Obama, Holder, and the left are anti-gun.
Now we have Michele Batshit going on and on about Obama's India trip being 200 million a day and his "entourage." A totally made-up story. Aside from that Presidents travel to meet world leaders, as a part of t heir job description.

We see where and how the low-information get their motivation and "leadership" from.

My God these people are stupid!



Suppose having the world leaders visit here would be out of the question. I thought Obama's top priority was helping Americans get back to work? Are the new jobs in India?
As soon as Obama gets back from taking his Entourage and half the US Navy to India, he'll will focus like a laser on the US economy.

I'm sure of it.
Now we have Michele Batshit going on and on about Obama's India trip being 200 million a day and his "entourage." A totally made-up story. Aside from that Presidents travel to meet world leaders, as a part of t heir job description.

We see where and how the low-information get their motivation and "leadership" from.

My God these people are stupid!



Suppose having the world leaders visit here would be out of the question. I thought Obama's top priority was helping Americans get back to work? Are the new jobs in India?
I think you shoulda ask the CON$ that...8 years ago, BEFORE they shipped them all there. Carla Fiorina (sp) woulda been good to ask that some years ago.

What a putz.

When you have a swath of society that spews every. single. talking point that comes out of FNN it doesn't take rocket science to ascertain where it came from.

These people were mad as hell from the point they lost as evidenced here:

I don't care what anybody says otherwise, its simply not true. They're like angry retarded robots/Frankensteins...."Obama...BAAAAD! Must SMASH!!!"

Their knowledge, information or mindset doesn't get far past that analysis or thought. Only FNN PUMPS that into the society on a minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, week-by-week basis. And of course the rest of the RepubliCON News Network in the form of RW talk radio shows, who are the majority of that particular form of media. They all feed off each other.
Obama is bad. I didn't get that from foxnews, I figured it out just by listening to him. He is a socialist.

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