The Lynch Mob

Here are the people from this site who propose Zimmerman is guilty based upon his color, and who are okay with circumventing due process if it means he gets strung up:

Ravi -
Joeb131 - "Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker....I'm the ends justify the means kind of guy.... We need to make an example of him."

Care4all - "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life...."

More to come.
Why do you only have sources for 2 of them? Are you proposing we assume these people guilty of your accusation without evidence, thus making you a hypocrite?
Because I've only gotten around to providing quotes for two of them.

Everybody who has been following those threads knows exactly what they're guilty of, including the idiots mentioned. Other than that, I could care less what you assume. You're one of them anyway...
Because I've only gotten around to providing quotes for two of them.

Yet you know the others are guilty - just because?

Everybody who has been following those threads knows exactly what they're guilty of, including the idiots mentioned. Other than that, I could care less what you assume. You're one of them anyway...

Ahh - the "everyone knows he did it" argument - that's one that DA's use all the time, lynch mobs on the other hand never use that argument.

It's no lie. There are a few hardcore haters who think that Zimmerman is guilty based upon his color. There's no evidence that points to Zimmerman being a murderer? Why then the cops must be crooked!

What is appalling is the way they continue to make things up...for example, Emma saying that Zimmerman has *changed his story*, after claiming he was attacked from behind. That's a lie. He never said he was attacked from behind. He said he was approached from behind. There's a difference, but it doesn't's all about fomenting hatred, feeding racial tension, and tar and feathering Zimmerman, regardless of the evidence or the facts...

I think Zimmerman is guilty because he's alive and the kid is dead.

Because he has a history of using excessive force, so bad that he got fired as a bouncer from private illegal parties and he broke a woman's leg.

Beause his girlfriend got a restraining order against him.

because he called the police a lot of time over "suspicious" black folks which all turned out to be nothing.

None of those things indicates guilt in this case, and none of those things would be allowed as evidence in a court of law. I'm not even sure they're true.

Sorry, you get added to the list.
He WAS GUILTY from the telephone conversations I heard but then you expect nothing better from such State Laws and The Gun Toteing Mentality of some Americans......SAY NO TO GUNS......LIKE AUSTRALIA AND FEEL SAFE......Most humans mentally are not fit to carry a LETHAL WEAPON.........AUSTRALIA GREAT ONE DAY,BRILLIANT THE NEXT.:clap2::D
Here are the people from this site who propose Zimmerman is guilty based upon his color, and who are okay with circumventing due process if it means he gets strung up:

Ravi -
Joeb131 - "Well, I'd just lie my ass off to the Judge and then convict the mother fucker....I'm the ends justify the means kind of guy.... We need to make an example of him."

Care4all - "an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life...."

More to come.
Why do you only have sources for 2 of them? Are you proposing we assume these people guilty of your accusation without evidence, thus making you a hypocrite?

Not only is she a hypocrite, she's a slanderer and the captain of the USMB lynch mob. Oh, and she lies.
you left off sunshine....but did you do that cause she pretends to be a conservative?

Oh yeah, her. These Rs just lie until somebody outs them then suddenly the subject changes. KG is delusional, her posts are simply nonsense.

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