The Main Issue With the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Any investigation must come with full authority and subpoena power and overseen by the family steering commitie..not a bunch of politicians writing a novel like the commission report

i told you what you can do but you refuse to do it. present your evidence to a grand jury. they have subpoena power. apparently the reason you refuse to do that is because you have no evidence.
yes I got your inane comment and You received my reply agent fizz
I wont waste my time.. I have posted evidence of my financial contributions
just ask ollie...I wont waste my time doing it again for the likes of you

Financial contributions?!? Financial contributions are just part of it. I point out the fact that the money going into this so-called 'truth' movement is going somewhere nobody knows, and you say you make "financial contributions".

Get some boots on the ground you lazy ass! The money is just going to the guys at the top and nobody will figure that out unless you GET INVOLVED!

"financial contributions", LMFAO.

supporting people like bowmen and pilots for 9/11 Truth is very important and he is in a position to be more effective..however its not all I have done or do..but I would not waste my time espousing it to you as I doubt any sincerity in you what so ever

I find it hard to believe you have not "done some time" for the movement, so I believe that too. I don't need an accounting. When all you mentioned was "financial contributions", I was just flabbergast.
I wont waste my time.. I have posted evidence of my financial contributions
just ask ollie...I wont waste my time doing it again for the likes of you

Financial contributions?!? Financial contributions are just part of it. I point out the fact that the money going into this so-called 'truth' movement is going somewhere nobody knows, and you say you make "financial contributions".

Get some boots on the ground you lazy ass! The money is just going to the guys at the top and nobody will figure that out unless you GET INVOLVED!

"financial contributions", LMFAO.

supporting people like bowmen and pilots for 9/11 Truth is very important and he is in a position to be more effective..however its not all I have done or do..but I would not waste my time espousing it to you as I doubt any sincerity in you what so ever

i was fortunate enought to meet Bowman at a 9/11 convention once.the guy really knows his stuff.

I wont waste my time.. I have posted evidence of my financial contributions
just ask ollie...I wont waste my time doing it again for the likes of you

Financial contributions?!? Financial contributions are just part of it. I point out the fact that the money going into this so-called 'truth' movement is going somewhere nobody knows, and you say you make "financial contributions".

Get some boots on the ground you lazy ass! The money is just going to the guys at the top and nobody will figure that out unless you GET INVOLVED!

"financial contributions", LMFAO.

i can prove there is a god because i gave money to the church. :cuckoo:
Hi Chris:

I have read your Opening Post and see about 1000 holes in your feeble attempts to justify belief in deliberate 9/11 Govt Cover Story LIES. Anyone reading through my "How To Spot A DoD Disinformation Operative" Post (here) can see that you certainly fit the profile to a Tee ...

Hi Terral. Perhaps if there are 1000 holes, you could point out just one. No, I am not a disinformation operative; just a normal person with an understanding about who the real experts are regarding the 9/11 investigation.

Let us assume for the sake of this post that Chris is merely a Loyal Bushie/Obama DUPE and no DoD Disinformation Operative running diversion for Inside-Job Murderers of Innocent Americans. I am listed among people with Demolition Experience (30 years) who question the Official Cover Story (see #3) and a member of (search 'Terral'). The members at agree that the WTC Skyscrapers were taken down using Controlled Demolition, which is quite obvious to anyone searching through all the evidence. The Patriots Questioning 9/11 include more than 1000+ Architects and Engineers at, 250+ Pilots, 400+ Professors among others, because the 'evidence' simply does NOT even begin to match the Official Govt Cover Story that 'you' are here to shove down the throats of these USMB members and readers.

Why would you assume that about me? Other than your need to fit me into a neat little box so that you can maintain your theories. I did not vote for Bush or Obama; in the last election I voted for Ron Paul.

How is it I am shoving the official story onto anyone?

Chris just disqualified himself as a real 911Truth Investigator by drawing this 'conclusion' before the presentation of any evidence. Chris is trying to lead these readers to draw 'his' unsupported conclusions without ever addressing anything about 9/11 at all.

You are assuming I have not seen the “evidence” from the conspiracy theorists. Stop assuming things about me. It is making you look foolish.

Now, stop deflecting the subject of this thread. The real issue is about whether the conspiracy theorists’ “experts” are more qualified than the experts that investigated 9/11. It is very clear they are not.

I have posted 'the' 911Truth on many Public Boards like, just like many other 911Truthers that 'you' choose to ignore ...

After reviewing it in much detail some years ago I realized that we should ignore evidence from those that first of all do not have access to all the data and second of all are not qualified to provide analysis on the subject. I have seen so much lies and deceit from the conspiracy theorists, they have already discredited themselves.

If Chris is EVER going to make a real 9/11 Case for ANYTHING, then he is going to post 'his' Thesis, Claims, Evidence and Conclusions apart from all the the STUPID QUESTIONS. Each question in your presentation 'divides the reading audience,' which appears to Chris' motivation in the first place ...

Why would I post my evidence and conclusions, when the real experts have already done so? I did not nor do I have access to all the data the experts did, nor do I believe myself more qualified when compared to the resumes of the experts involved in the 9/11 investigation. You can continue pretending you are more qualified than those in the link I originally provided; I will continue to know better.

Bullony! Chris is speculating about people who question the Official Government Cover Story about 9/11 without addressing the evidence connected to the Flight 93/Shanksville Case, the AA77/Pentagon Case and the WTC-7 Controlled Demolition Implosion Case. I cannot 'quote >>' and address his thesis about 9/11, because the guy is throwing dust into the air without being specific about anything. This is Chris' opportunity to 'quote me >>' to start debunking using 'his' evidence that makes the Official Govt Cover Story Case. Chris will NEVER accept Terral's Challenge (Make My Day), because that requires real evidence!!!!

From everything I have seen, the conspiracy theorists have no evidence; just speculations, cherry-picking of evidence, selective reasoning, and resentment for the government. That is what has created these theories, nothing else. I will not waste my time on further “evidence” you think there might be. Until you address the premise of this thread, there is not need to go further.

Please forgive, but Chris saying so means NOTHING. There are plenty of Loyal Bushie DUPES and DoD Cover Story Stooges running around willing to defend Loyal Bushie/Obama 9/11 LIES, and Chris represents just one of them ...

This Is What Really Happened On 9/11


The Govt Documentation Proves 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Start debunking ... if you can ...



Sorry, but I do not fit into your box. The fact remains that the conspiracy theorists’ “experts” cannot hold a candle to the real experts that completed their analysis of 9/11. Does it really mean nothing to consider all the facts, from the most credible experts in the appropriate fields? Obviously this is not of importance to you since you accept the “1000+ engineers” which are lacking in education, training, and experience (not to mention all of the data surrounding 9/11) to dispute the results from the real experts.

Do you honestly believe that electrical, environmental, agricultural, computer systems, and software engineers are qualified to provide analysis of the structural failure of the towers? That is what is included in the “1000+ engineers” list you provided as your "experts".
i believe you just played some youtube videos.

thats your normal response.

got any evidence?
you got promoted to agent now too :lol:

the man who met ATTA....code name ..agent twice by the FBI...FILED UNDER...THE FIZZLEFILE

are you actually trying to convince me that something that happened to me never happened?:lol:

whata moron. go back to getting stoned. you are obviously better at that than thinking reasonably.
evidence ? think so

kinda like your explosives, eh?

but then again, i said that i saw him in a bar in passing. i dont really care if you believe it or not.

you've been whining about your mystery explosives almost every day for how many years now? :lol:

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