Zone1 The main reason Ivy League schools have become breeding grounds for Jew-hate

Why, that's their culture. Would I want to live there? No. I also wouldn't want to live among the bible thumping idiots in the South. That doesn't excuse America supporting a genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people.

The ironic thing was, if you were around in the 1980s, the Zionist Amen Lobby had us all convinced that the Palestinians were a bunch of damned communists who hated mom and apple pie.

Now you are trying to sell that they are crazy Jihadists.

What they are is a people who had their land stolen from them, and they want it back.
If the Palestinians had accepted the UN partition of 1947 they would be much better off. Because they have never accepted the existence of Israel they are being pushed out. The Jews thee will be much better off when they are gone.

Apartheid was its own special brand of evil, and the Bothas didn't care about black people raping each other.

Apartheid is a good system when a civilized race is forced to share a country with a race that has been largely missed by the process of human evolution.

Under apartheid Negroes from the rest of sub Saharan Africa migrated to South Africa because wages were better there.
If the Palestinians had accepted the UN partition of 1947 they would be much better off. Because they have never accepted the existence of Israel they are being pushed out. The Jews thee will be much better off when they are gone.

If anyone is inevitably on the way out, it's the Zionists. Just like the Crusaders 1000 years ago.

Apartheid is a good system when a civilized race is forced to share a country with a race that has been largely missed by the process of human evolution.

Under apartheid Negroes from the rest of sub Saharan Africa migrated to South Africa because wages were better there.

Again, I know, man, under Apartheid, Jamal would have never shoved your ass into that locker.
If anyone is inevitably on the way out, it's the Zionists. Just like the Crusaders 1000 years ago.
As our economy and technology become more complex, Intelligence will become increasingly important to success. This will benefit the Jews as individuals, and Israel as a country.
Only a matter of time before the Jews wear out their welcome in this country, like they have everywhere else they have ever lived.
Blacks are hated because of their high rates of crime and welfare expense. Jews are resented because of their high IQ averages, their success, and their prosperity.
Blacks are hated because of their high rates of crime and welfare expense. Blacks are resented because of their high IQ averages, their success, and their prosperity.
You need to correct your sentence above.
Blacks are hated because of their high rates of crime and welfare expense. Blacks are resented because of their high IQ averages, their success, and their prosperity.

They are? I think you meant to say Jews there.

Okay, most people who resent Jews do so because of their sense of entitlement, which goes along with thinking you are God's Chosen people.

Really has little to do with some of them being successful.
Orientals and whites of European descent - including the Ashkenazim - are the only races who can maintain high levels of civilization.
They are? I think you meant to say Jews there.

Okay, most people who resent Jews do so because of their sense of entitlement, which goes along with thinking you are God's Chosen people.

Really has little to do with some of them being successful.
Negroes demanding affirmative action and reparations demonstrate their sense of entitlement. Jews earn their wealth and power with industrial strength IQ power. Jews succeed against the odds.

Negroes lag behind despite affirmative action, and billions of dollars in welfare payments and foreign aid.

Orientals and whites of European descent - including the Ashkenazim - are the only races who can maintain high levels of civilization.

Uh, slick, if what the Zionists are doing in Gaza right now is what you call "Civilization", you can have it.

Negroes demanding affirmative action and reparations demonstrate their sense of entitlement. Jews earn their wealth and power with industrial strength IQ power. Jews succeed against the odds.

Jews succeed because they don't have those nice Christian Ethics Jesus brought. It's also why they are hated almost everywhere they go.

Negroes lag behind despite affirmative action, and billions of dollars in welfare payments and foreign aid.
Affirmative Action would be nice, if it benefited more than white women.
And white people get more welfare than blacks.
Uh, slick, if what the Zionists are doing in Gaza right now is what you call "Civilization", you can have it.

Jews succeed because they don't have those nice Christian Ethics Jesus brought. It's also why they are hated almost everywhere they go.

Affirmative Action would be nice, if it benefited more than white women.
And white people get more welfare than blacks.
A higher percentage of blacks are on welfare than the percentage of whites. This is because a higher percentage of blacks have IQ's of 75 or below. At that level they cannot be educated and are unemployable.

Uh, yeah, that's what happens when you don't correct 400 years of institutionalized racism.

But the Bell Curve was debunked years ago, buddy.

If white racism is responsible for low black IQ scores one would expect to find countries where blacks have average IQ scores that are the comparable to the scores of whites and Orientals. Those countries do not exist.

Blacks have lower IQ averages than whites and Orientals because cold climates and civilization select genetically for high intelligence.

The Bell Curve has been denounced, but never disproved. I have substantiated its major assertions on the U.S. Message board using information I have found on the internet.
If white racism is responsible for low black IQ scores one would expect to find countries where blacks have average IQ scores that are the comparable to the scores of whites and Orientals. Those countries do not exist.

Name a country with black people in it that was either a slave state or a colony, and then you can get back to me.

Also, the tests are racist, which is why universities are abandoning them.

Blacks have lower IQ averages than whites and Orientals because cold climates and civilization select genetically for high intelligence.

Then why haven't the Eskimos taken over yet? Why aren't we bowing down before our Viking Overlords?

The Bell Curve has been denounced, but never disproved. I have substantiated its major assertions on the U.S. Message board using information I have found on the internet.

I have substantiated the existence of Bigfoot using information I found on the internet.

Look. There he is.


there's a reason why no university has a "Department of Race Realism"... and it's the same reason they don't have a Department of Cryptozoology, Creation Science, or Alchemy.
Name a country with black people in it that was either a slave state or a colony, and then you can get back to me.

Also, the tests are racist, which is why universities are abandoning them.

Then why haven't the Eskimos taken over yet? Why aren't we bowing down before our Viking Overlords?

I have substantiated the existence of Bigfoot using information I found on the internet.

Look. There he is.

View attachment 889010

there's a reason why no university has a "Department of Race Realism"... and it's the same reason they don't have a Department of Cryptozoology, Creation Science, or Alchemy.
Universities are not abandoning mental aptitude tests because they are invalid, but because Negroes usually score poorly on them. By every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals. It is true everywhere in the world. This is true of tests. This is true of performance. Even when blacks and whites attend the same schools whites nearly always perform better. Blacks from affluent families tend to perform less well than whites from poor families.

I have posted this chart many times before. Read it this time.

SAT 3.gif

Eskimos tend to be more intelligent than American Indians.

American Negroes tend to score better on the tests than African Negroes.

There is no evidence anywhere that the Negro race is collectively and intrinsically as intelligent as the white race. None.

You know that what I say is true. Why don't you just admit it?
Name a country with black people in it that was either a slave state or a colony, and then you can get back to me.
Why have whites always been able to subordinate blacks? Why has it never been the other way around?
Universities are not abandoning mental aptitude tests because they are invalid, but because Negroes usually score poorly on them. By every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be less intelligent than whites and Orientals. It is true everywhere in the world. This is true of tests. This is true of performance. Even when blacks and whites attend the same schools whites nearly always perform better. Blacks from affluent families tend to perform less well than whites from poor families.

Nope, the SAT is a racist test developed by a Eugenicist in the 1930s. The main reason why universities are abandoning it is because the test reflects the effects of privilege. White people can afford tutors and SAT coaches. The truly affluent can afford to straight up hire people to take the test for them and fix it. (Like they did with the Varsity Blues scandal.)

I have posted this chart many times before. Read it this time.

Why, it's still a bullshit chart. How many blacks are there making above @200K to survey?

Eskimos tend to be more intelligent than American Indians.
do you have proof of that which doesn't come from Rushton's debunked works?

Even Rushton ranks Eskimos lower than whites, which shouldn't be the case if cold weather give you big brain.

American Negroes tend to score better on the tests than African Negroes.

There is no evidence anywhere that the Negro race is collectively and intrinsically as intelligent as the white race. None.
There is no evidence that they aren't. All your numbers prove is that if you are more affluent, you will do better. White people in Eastern Europe, I suspect, would also score low, because they come from dirt poor countries.

You know that what I say is true. Why don't you just admit it?
Because I know it isn't. Because I know that the Salutadictorian of my HS was a black kid. (The Valedictorian was Filipino who wasn't even born here). The one Chinese kid we had in our group didn't even rate in the honors classes.

Why have whites always been able to subordinate blacks? Why has it never been the other way around?

Again, why do you think conquering and abusing other races is a merit? It's something you should be ashamed of.

Germany whupped ass all over Europe. They killed half the Jews of Europe and probalby would have gotten the rest of them, given enough time. that doesn't mean they were superior, just less moral. Actually, I'd chalk it up to the fact that you can turn anyone into a savage if you abuse him enough. The Germans were abused by the rest of Europe for 20 years before they turned to Hitler and his promises of revenge.
Nope, the SAT is a racist test developed by a Eugenicist in the 1930s. The main reason why universities are abandoning it is because the test reflects the effects of privilege. White people can afford tutors and SAT coaches. The truly affluent can afford to straight up hire people to take the test for them and fix it. (Like they did with the Varsity Blues scandal.)

Why, it's still a bullshit chart. How many blacks are there making above @200K to survey?

do you have proof of that which doesn't come from Rushton's debunked works?

Even Rushton ranks Eskimos lower than whites, which shouldn't be the case if cold weather give you big brain.

There is no evidence that they aren't. All your numbers prove is that if you are more affluent, you will do better. White people in Eastern Europe, I suspect, would also score low, because they come from dirt poor countries.

Because I know it isn't. Because I know that the Salutadictorian of my HS was a black kid. (The Valedictorian was Filipino who wasn't even born here). The one Chinese kid we had in our group didn't even rate in the honors classes.

Again, why do you think conquering and abusing other races is a merit? It's something you should be ashamed of.

Germany whupped ass all over Europe. They killed half the Jews of Europe and probalby would have gotten the rest of them, given enough time. that doesn't mean they were superior, just less moral. Actually, I'd chalk it up to the fact that you can turn anyone into a savage if you abuse him enough. The Germans were abused by the rest of Europe for 20 years before they turned to Hitler and his promises of revenge.

You do not understand the difference between being denounced and being disproved. How was Rushton debunked?

If this is true: "
All your numbers prove is that if you are more affluent, you will do better.

Why is this true?

SAT 3.gif

Do I need to teach you how to read charts?

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