The Main Reason Republicans will Win the House and Probably the Senate

The poll doesn’t take into account the six-figure earners, the upper-middle class, for whom an extra dollar for eggs or an extra $5 for fish isn’t a problem, but who are watching with aghast as their investment portfolios evaporate.

We are watching our money buy more stocks than ever, knowing that when the market comes back we will be better off than we were. The people you mention understand the market better than you.
I think republicans will pick up seats, but I don’t foresee a 2010like red wave. I would have predicted that if not for the SCOTUS ruling on Roe vs. Wade.

They will pick up in the House and the Dems will gain two in the Senate...that is my crystal ball prediction.
You’re a “new” member who is already out mocking and insulting people who won’t submit to the liberal narrative?
It's in a cult.
The Democrat Media Bubble Cult.
That's all they know and anyone who doesn't conform to their narrative is wrong and evil.
These are valid points, actually.
No, not really valid points. Household finances are in the best position that they have been in a generation, and that is part of the force behind inflation. Yes, inflation is having an impact, but it is minor. Because there is a huge difference in inflation that families can't afford, a la Jimmy Carter, and inflation that they can, flush from cash from Covid stimulus checks.

It is not just me, I am having the best year ever when it comes to income. But I have six kids, and every one of them is in the same boat. I mean take my middle son, two years ago he was working at Walmart, Cap Team Two. Now he has a sales job and is knocking down six figures.
I believe you are referring to the 3:30AM EST Ballot dump.
Social Media reveals that even Democrats are so sickened by that dump and Biden's fuck ups that they are making videos to vote for Trump for 2024.
Here you go. I did you a favor and the thread is only a year or so old.

If you do a search for ballot dump, their is a plethora of threads on the topic. You can relive all the old discussions to your hearts content.

You're welcome.
I do not strive to be normal, normal is boring.

You though do strive to lie with most every post.

If it happened, give the exact time and the states involved and the number of votes for each state.
Of course I wrote it all down.
Why don't you give me, to the exact second and exact count when Biden won?
Of course.

I remember when Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter. The "journalists" gave their account of Jimmy Carter's four years of honesty and peace then said, " . . . but in the end, people voted their pocketbooks," as if to say we were wrong for having done that.

There was the Iran hostages, also. But the news did not want to mention them. They kind of screwed up. The one year anniversary of the Hostage taking was election day, but the media all ran specials about it the night before so the next night could be celebrating Carter's re-election.

Prime time hours of American humiliation at the hands of punks wearing dirty sheets wrapped around their heads. Did the media think that people would wake up and hand Carter a victory? I'd say the economy won the election for Reagan, but the hostages gave him the landslide.

In 2024, we can't expect an electoral landslide. We need a landslide among honest voters big enough to overcome the cheating, which is a tall order. Not for the sake of the Republicans, but for the sake of the Republic, I hope the cheating doesn't prevail again.
Agree. In order for the Republicans to prevail - for the sake of the Republic, as you say - the races cannot be close. The Rs have to be far enough ahead so that cheating by the Dems cannot overcome it.
Here you go. I did you a favor and the thread is only a year or so old.

If you do a search for ballot dump, their is a plethora of threads on the topic. You can relive all the old discussions to your hearts content.

You're welcome.
My only desire is for honest ballots in the next Presidential election.
Agree. In order for the Republicans to prevail - for the sake of the Republic, as you say - the races cannot be close. The Rs have to be far enough ahead so that cheating by the Dems cannot overcome it.
What has to happen, and probably will, is that trucks loaded with ballots after midnight will be burned to the ground.

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