The Main thing about For profit Educators


Jul 20, 2014
The main thing about for profit, private college educators like Devry and Keller, Strayer and the University of Phoenix, and American Public University and Argosy University, etc..
and Penn Foster...

Is that they are For profit and private, and the trouble that most graduates for anything more than Business experience, is the Governmental culture of monopoly....

Like, if you went to these schools and studied counseling psychology, what could possibly make you a bad counselor that isn't worthy of a license ?

You're not a medical doctor who gives out a diagnosis... you counsel people on developing social skills, coping skills, anger management skills, sensible living skills, etc..

The reason you might not be eligible for a license, is because the government of the United States, and the individual states want to uphold a monopoly on education.

That is precisely the reason why.

I would not want a person who graduated from an online school to diagnose me... surely..

But I wouldn't care personally if one counseled me after being diagnosed by a DOCTOR whom the THERAPIST isn't.

Sure, Argosy University is guilty IF they told students they would be eligible for taking any licensing exams...

But the fact that they are not eligible, isn't the fault of Argosy, it IS The fault of a selfish, arrogant agenda of the Government and Teachers Unions, who probably have just as much of an Anti Diversity agenda, as much as they have an Agenda to be a Monopoly on Education.

Also, these therapists are infact the eyes and ears of the Government that want America's diversity to be gone and off the dole... so it makes perfect sense that one who graduated from a FOR PROFIT school that CANNOT DISCRIMINATE, would ALSO not be eligible for a license.

It sucks.
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