The majority of Americans vote for their own self interests

The majority of Americans vote for their own self interests.

This is why promoting policies that help the majority of the middle class wins elections.

Historically, an employed and educated middle class with a good infrastructure translates into a strong and stable country.

We know that a healthy population costs less than an unhealthy one so it's important people have access to health care.

We know that the burden of debt from education is now greater than credit card debt. Wealthy people from overseas send their children here for an education because a US education is still the best in the world, no matter what some say.

So the party that has:

Ideas about education without crushing debt

Ideas about affordable health care.

That works to keep jobs here.

That has plans to update the country's infrastructure.

That has plans for job training.

and so on.....

Will probably win the next election. One thing we know for sure, Taxes are at their lowest level in decades so trying to make that a competitive policy is probably laughable.

Obama ran very strong with young recent college grads, blacks, and women.
Guess which three groups have suffered the most during the Obama Recovery? Right.

If people are voting their own interests, then they are doing a very bad job of it.

The Obama Recover< The Bush Recession.
Self interests = general welfare. The Framers listed the duties of the federal government in two sentences.."to provide for the common defense" and "to promote the general welfare". Maybe the radical left has Thomas Jefferson confused with Karl Marx.
The majority of Americans vote for their own self interests.

This is why promoting policies that help the majority of the middle class wins elections.

Historically, an employed and educated middle class with a good infrastructure translates into a strong and stable country.

We know that a healthy population costs less than an unhealthy one so it's important people have access to health care.

We know that the burden of debt from education is now greater than credit card debt. Wealthy people from overseas send their children here for an education because a US education is still the best in the world, no matter what some say.

So the party that has:

Ideas about education without crushing debt

Ideas about affordable health care.

That works to keep jobs here.

That has plans to update the country's infrastructure.

That has plans for job training.

and so on.....

Will probably win the next election. One thing we know for sure, Taxes are at their lowest level in decades so trying to make that a competitive policy is probably laughable.

Shut up you disgusting criminal shit stain and get back to your cell.

Why do these criminal scum think they can talk down to good honest folk!!

Why are they allowed out of prison to re offend??

That explains deans fasination with zimmerman! Dean wants zimmerman to join him in jail, so he can become zimmermans bitch!
Perceived self interest depends on the sources of information that inform the perception.

The notion that picking the pockets of the middle class to pay for the non stop growth of the leviathan is somehow in their interest is misinformed.
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Ah, if people only did vote for their own self interests. It was one of the fears of the founders that a democracy is dangerous because people would vote for their self interests. But it hasn't turned out that way. Political parties spend most of their political dollars convincing people what their self interests are, and therein lies the game of politics. Millions of dollars are spent using every propaganda trick known to mankind carefully explaining to people what their self interests truly are. There are people without a dime that can be convinced that lowering corporate taxes is in their self interests. The founders didn't need to worry about the people voting for their self interests the political parties carefully tell us what are self interests are.
Of course they do!

It's called democracy - even if we are a constitutional republic.

We ALL vote for measures and representatives that appear to respond to our wants and needs - that's what they're there for.

Anyone who says they vote for 'the good of society" are sated with male, bovine excrement. :eusa_whistle:
This is why promoting policies that help the majority of the middle class wins elections

Food stamps
Unemployment benefits
Obama phones
"Free medical care"

Dat wha chou talkin bout???

If you've never had to avail yourself of these things then you're probably in the middle class.
This is why promoting policies that help the majority of the middle class wins elections

Food stamps
Unemployment benefits
Obama phones
"Free medical care"

Dat wha chou talkin bout???

You think that's what the middle class wants? And what's with the "dat wha......bout?"

The middle class wants dangerous criminals, like you, locked up.

once again.....where was it mentioned that Dean was in prison? 4.5 years of posting here i have never seen that ever said or mentioned until now.....:eusa_eh:
The middle class continues to shrink, yet those evil 1%er's have continued to flourish under Obama.:eusa_whistle:
The middle class continues to shrink, yet those evil 1%er's have continued to flourish under Obama.:eusa_whistle:

You should be happy. Bush and the Republicans put those policies in place and the Republicans in the house make sure they stay in place.

It was 5 years ago today the Lehman Bros. declared bankruptcy and Republicans handed that to Obama.
That's why democrats believe that if they can push more than 50% into government dependency they will have a democrat majority forever.
The radical left is always good for a chuckle. They have been whining for months about Voter I.D. and making incredible racist comments about the alleged inability of Black people to obtain a photo I.D. Now they seem to think it's a bad thing to vote for politicians who might create programs that improve their lives. Is it the dream of lefties that lock-step socialists will vote for programs "from each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs"?
YOU make no sense.

As they say, "It's not a lie if YOU believe it."


Of course I make sense, except to those without sense. Why do you think I get complaints that I 'Troll for facts'?

You make sense?
Your criminality is not sense.
It is vile and inhuman.
You, a violent, dishonest felon deserve no voice!!

You rejected society by becoming a criminal.
You are now rejected by that society.
You belong behind bars.

hey Pauli? gonna answer?.....where did you get the info that Dean did Prison time?....
YOU make no sense.

As they say, "It's not a lie if YOU believe it."


Of course I make sense, except to those without sense. Why do you think I get complaints that I 'Troll for facts'?

You make sense?
Your criminality is not sense.
It is vile and inhuman.
You, a violent, dishonest felon deserve no voice!!

You rejected society by becoming a criminal.
You are now rejected by that society.
You belong behind bars.



People always vote for tyranny and dictatorships. They vote for the one who promises the most. Eventually the fiscal policy of promises ends in tyranny. It has never failed.
The majority of Americans vote for their own self interests.

This is why promoting policies that help the majority of the middle class wins elections.

Historically, an employed and educated middle class with a good infrastructure translates into a strong and stable country.

We know that a healthy population costs less than an unhealthy one so it's important people have access to health care.

We know that the burden of debt from education is now greater than credit card debt. Wealthy people from overseas send their children here for an education because a US education is still the best in the world, no matter what some say.

So the party that has:

Ideas about education without crushing debt

Ideas about affordable health care.

That works to keep jobs here.

That has plans to update the country's infrastructure.

That has plans for job training.

and so on.....

Will probably win the next election. One thing we know for sure, Taxes are at their lowest level in decades so trying to make that a competitive policy is probably laughable.

And then again, liberals know all about voting for their own self interests in this country. It's called "free stuff."

[ame=]Free Obama Money - YouTube[/ame]

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - (

Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 GOP Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success
You make sense?
Your criminality is not sense.
It is vile and inhuman.
You, a violent, dishonest felon deserve no voice!!

You rejected society by becoming a criminal.
You are now rejected by that society.
You belong behind bars.

hey Pauli? gonna answer?.....where did you get the info that Dean did Prison time?....
The vile scumbag was boasting about his criminal nature on another thread.
Probably with the intent to threaten decent human posters.
so Dean did time?.....i notice he hasnt been disputing this accusation.....interesting....

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