The majority of Canadian people have changed their opinion on Mandates in 2 weeks.

Earlier this week, media reported that terrorist rightwingers with the convoy had been apprehended and their weapons stash and that they were in custody. now...I don't believe based on how the convoy folk have been acting that they were aware or behind this. IF indeed it is legit and not a turdeau psyops which we were warned about before the event took place.

It's a psyops regardless...and those of us still ignorant of the way of tyrants and the police will believe this and say, Support the police (even if they are on the side of the Defund the pOlice folk). '

Now tell me again, after watching the police trample citizens, peaceful protestors at that, to death, why i'm supporting the boys in blue?
Weapons stash was false flag attempt.
Based on the trucker convoys protests against Trudeau's Covid mandates, the majority of Canadians now support dropping them when just two weeks ago the majority supported keeping them in place. This is the power of protest in action. Sometimes there is no other choice to bring an oppressive government to the table. That's where Canada is now.

And another of their polls show that 75% of Canadian want them to go fucking home.

Blockade Backlash: Three-in-four Canadians tell convoy protesters, ‘Go Home Now’ - Angus Reid Institute

A black eye that will forever change views on Canada thanks to a man who must be removed
from office....Justin Trudeau.

The intolerant authoritarian Trudeau has proved himself to be a hypocrite on removing protestors from
Canada when just two years ago during BLM riots dear Justin bent over backwards to accommodate
those protestors. Now he vilifies and lies about the truckers.

He smeared the truckers, has stolen their stuff and now wants them fired for exercising their right ( we
thought Canadians were free to disagree with their government) to express their disdain for Trudeau's pro vaccination views...ironic since the reputed offspring of Margret Trudeau and Fidel Castro has been vaccinated multiple times and still comes down with the Covid disease.

Canadians should find out why Justin Trudeau has been so eager to bring down the power of Big Tech
to break the wills of strikers (though he has yet to do so absolutely).
Why the dictator's hard line from the very start? Why zero attempts by the leftist government of
Trudeau to negotiate and discuss the matter?

For some perverse reason he fears people questioning his Covid mandate more than he cares
about their rights of citizens to be free from his draconian decrees in a supposedly free nation.

Trudeau...dictator perpetuo.
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A black eye that will forever change views on Canada thanks to a man who must be removed
from office....Justin Trudeau.

The intolerant authoritarian Trudeau has proved himself to be a hypocrite on removing protestors from
Canada when just two years ago during BLM riots dear Justin bent over backwards to accommodate
those protestors. Now he vilifies and lies about the truckers.

He smeared the truckers, has stolen their stuff and now wants them fired for expressing their right ( we
thought Canadians were free to disagree with their government) to express their disdain for Trudeau's pro vaccination views...ironic since the reputed offspring of Margret Trudeau and Fidel Castro has been vaccinated multiple times and [U}still[/U] come down with the Covid disease.

Canadians should find out why Justin Trudeau has been so eager to bring down the power of Big Tech
to break the wills of strikers (though he has yet to do so absolutely).
For some perverse reason he fears people questioning his Covid mandate more than he cares
about their rights of citizens to be free from his draconian decrees.

Trudeau...dictator perpetuo.
Very well said. Thank you.
Blm attacked police. 973 police died during the Blm terrorist riots. Media doesn't want to talk about that. Blm also attacked reporters and private citizens.

Canada, the police are attacking the reporters and private citizens.

Now...why am i supporting the police?
EArly report said woman on walker trampled by canadian police horse had died. I am assuming that it is the same lady. She is not dead but she does have a dislocated shoulder.
Canadian embassy
501 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington Dirty City

Ambassador Kirsten Hillman
Cons always call those they oppose commies. It’s silly. Just like libs who call those they oppose Fascists or racists or deplorables, etc.
So...........They use the tactics from all of those..........Saying that makes me a CON.......LOL

Whatever dude.........How about they are fucked up individuals who are hell bent on destroying our nation and are currently doing a good job of that........??? For that I give them the LOCUST NAME...........Because locusts destroy everything then move on to destroy another area.

You are one fickle fucker.

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