The Maskers look really dumb now!!!

"Essential" was the designation given to business which provide the basic necessities for survival, not the "health of the economy". There's a difference. No you're blurring the lines and because you know you're losing.

Like liquor stores, cannabis dispensaries and strip clubs.

Not like churches and funerals.


Like liquor stores, cannabis dispensaries and strip clubs.

Not like churches and funerals.

In my state, the liquor stores had very limited hours.... And just for the record in my state they are state-owned and regulated. Pretty sure absolutely no strip clubs were open.... And I couldn't tell you about cannabis dispensaries because I don't go to them. In my state they are considered to have medical significance. And I believe that one is debatable but oh well I'm not here to split hairs.

I work in food production and you can't get much more essential than that.
In my state, the liquor stores had very limited hours.... And just for the record in my state they are state-owned and regulated. Pretty sure absolutely no strip clubs were open.... And I couldn't tell you about cannabis dispensaries because I don't go to them. In my state they are considered to have medical significance. And I believe that one is debatable but oh well I'm not here to split hairs.

I work in food production and you can't get much more essential than that.

My state was massively different.

Some of the symptoms of my husband's dementia responded well to cannabis and I was in the dispensary getting his medicine frequently.

No liquor store in my town ever closed.

Since I do not frequent strip clubs, I wouldn't know and I have to rely of what friends have told me. Open all the time. He said the strippers looked great wearing nothing but a mask.

Those of us in healthcare don’t have the option to not wear masks.

I hate them. They make weird dents in your beard and make your face sweaty.

the benefit is minuscule and requiring all staff to wear one at all times is extreme overkill. It just looks good on paper.
THIS is what the CDC says about masks. Show me where they contradict this by saying otherwise. If they contradict themselves THIS much, maybe we should be listening to them. This was taken directly off the CDC's website.

View attachment 753091View attachment 753093

What I clearly said was that this what they found before it was politicized, which indeed they did. They found a more clear benefit to proper ventilation.

"The 21% lower incidence in schools that required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional."

Then teacher's unions threw a fit when the CDC recommended local decision making on masking in schools, the White House got involved and Voila! The science was changed to suit them.

This is the shit they fed you and you believed it. Good grief.
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What I clearly said was that this what they found before it was politicized, which indeed they did. They found a more clear benefit to proper ventilation.

"The 21% lower incidence in schools that required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional."

Then teacher's unions threw a fit when the CDC recommended local decision making on masking in schools, the White House got involved and Voila! The science was changed to suit them.

This is the shit they fed you and you believed it. Good grief.
"21% is insignificant", LMAO!

That is a considerable angle of increase. And since the spread of most disease, especially with viruses is exponential, 21% has potential to become a larger number FASTER than say 10%.

I have kids in school! I watched the numbers change. Nobody had to spoon-feed any bullshit to me like they did to you.

So anyway, I'm still waiting for you to show me a link or a screenshot where the CDC says masks are not significant. I showed one where they said they were. You are either too unfocused to debate effectively or you pretended you didn't see it.
"21% is insignificant", LMAO!

That is a considerable angle of increase. And since the spread of most disease, especially with viruses is exponential, 21% has potential to become a larger number FASTER than say 10%.

I have kids in school! I watched the numbers change. Nobody had to spoon-feed any bullshit to me like they did to you.

So anyway, I'm still waiting for you to show me a link or a screenshot where the CDC says masks are not significant. I showed one where they said they were. You are either too unfocused to debate effectively or you pretended you didn't see it.
I gave you a link and a quote from their study.

Do you not understand what statistically insignificant means?

Lol. That explains a whole lot.

Take a statistics class and come give this another shot.
What I clearly said was that this what they found before it was politicized, which indeed they did. They found a more clear benefit to proper ventilation.

"The 21% lower incidence in schools that required mask use among students was not statistically significant compared with schools where mask use was optional."

Then teacher's unions threw a fit when the CDC recommended local decision making on masking in schools, the White House got involved and Voila! The science was changed to suit them.

This is the shit they fed you and you believed it. Good grief.
The article states it was 39% lower in facilities where teachers wore masks and ventilation was improved! Pretty significant. Significant enough to avoid having to close a school because everybody is getting sick.

Teachers love their days off and working from home virtually. Anything that facilitates that they will love.

Every great lie is carefully woven around a lattice of truths. One of those truths is that covid was never as deadly as they purported. However it IS quite nasty in some cases. My wife had THREE family members die of covid. They got it. A few weeks later they died, delirious. And no it wasn't the vaccine. The vaccine wasn't available where they were at the time. They were all over 60 though. My case was worse than the worst flu I've ever had. I made it back to work in 5 days but that was only with antiviral medication that started to cull it quickly I felt shitty for weeks after that. At one point 4 people in my department at once had covid and were home for 10 days. We almost had to shut down. We could barely pulled our weight with the people we had left. That wasn't some big lie. It happened right in front of me! And in fact, THE ONLY PERSON IN OUR DEPARTMENT WHO TO THIS DAY STILL WEARS A MASK AFTER ALL THIS TIME IS THE ONLY WHO DIDNT GET COVID AND THERE ARE NEARLY 20 of us!!! READ MY LIPS!!!

You people are currently playing one side of a two-sided misinformation coin. You either believe the shit told to you by that side....or you are actually in on the Big Lie yourselves and you know exactly what you are doing and realize how that Big Lie is perpetuated. On one side the virus is a deadly plague warranting government control everywhere, mandates, forced vaccinations (which mostly don't work very well if at all), and that we must wear masks, isolate or die (or maybe go to jail). 90% Bullshit!

On the other side you have the total naysayers that deny that for awhile people died of covid at a rate considerably higher than the flu since it was new and we had not been exposed to it before. You have the idiots that completely deny that masks make a difference even though the excerpts from the CDC website that I sent you AND the one that you showed me (LoL! 😂) ...both indicate that masks DO significantly lower the spread of covid.. And from my direct experience and not from somebody spoon-feeding me bullshit I've seen that that's quite true. Personally I think healthy people should take the risk and take off their masks. I haven't worn a mask in like 8 months I think. Apparently you morons through your own imaginations think that I'm sitting here wearing one while I write this at work on my break. So all this shows that YOUR argument is also 90% bullshit. You are just as bad as the people on the other side of the tracks feeding into the same Big Lie. You're either idiots yourselves or youre in on the lie in can't be both.

So which is it? Even if the truth doesn't come out here I'm sure I will before long.
So let me do the math for you people since you seem to be really deficient in that here. If 90% of one side is bullshit and 90% of the other side is also bulkshit.... Then that means that 20% of EVERYTHING that you hear about the plandemic in any of these black&white debates is true.

Suck on it awhile.
It's good for ya.
The article states it was 39% lower in facilities where teachers wore masks and ventilation was improved! Pretty significant. Significant enough to avoid having to close a school because everybody is getting sick.

Teachers love their days off and working from home virtually. Anything that facilitates that they will love.

Every great lie is carefully woven around a lattice of truths. One of those truths is that covid was never as deadly as they purported. However it IS quite nasty in some cases. My wife had THREE family members die of covid. They got it. A few weeks later they died, delirious. And no it wasn't the vaccine. The vaccine wasn't available where they were at the time. They were all over 60 though. My case was worse than the worst flu I've ever had. I made it back to work in 5 days but that was only with antiviral medication that started to cull it quickly I felt shitty for weeks after that. At one point 4 people in my department at once had covid and were home for 10 days. We almost had to shut down. We could barely pulled our weight with the people we had left. That wasn't some big lie. It happened right in front of me! And in fact, THE ONLY PERSON IN OUR DEPARTMENT WHO TO THIS DAY STILL WEARS A MASK AFTER ALL THIS TIME IS THE ONLY WHO DIDNT GET COVID AND THERE ARE NEARLY 20 of us!!! READ MY LIPS!!!

You people are currently playing one side of a two-sided misinformation coin. You either believe the shit told to you by that side....or you are actually in on the Big Lie yourselves and you know exactly what you are doing and realize how that Big Lie is perpetuated. On one side the virus is a deadly plague warranting government control everywhere, mandates, forced vaccinations (which mostly don't work very well if at all), and that we must wear masks, isolate or die (or maybe go to jail). 90% Bullshit!

On the other side you have the total naysayers that deny that for awhile people died of covid at a rate considerably higher than the flu since it was new and we had not been exposed to it before. You have the idiots that completely deny that masks make a difference even though the excerpts from the CDC website that I sent you AND the one that you showed me (LoL! 😂) ...both indicate that masks DO significantly lower the spread of covid.. And from my direct experience and not from somebody spoon-feeding me bullshit I've seen that that's quite true. Personally I think healthy people should take the risk and take off their masks. I haven't worn a mask in like 8 months I think. Apparently you morons through your own imaginations think that I'm sitting here wearing one while I write this at work on my break. So all this shows that YOUR argument is also 90% bullshit. You are just as bad as the people on the other side of the tracks feeding into the same Big Lie. You're either idiots yourselves or youre in on the lie in can't be both.

So which is it? Even if the truth doesn't come out here I'm sure I will before long.

Read my lips: that massive batch of fetid deflection does nothing to dispute the facts presented.

And if you think I, or anyone else, would read, much less respond to, that unhinged load of nonsense you're batty AF.
Read my lips: that massive batch of fetid deflection does nothing to dispute the facts presented.

And if you think I, or anyone else, would read, much less respond to, that unhinged load of nonsense you're batty AF.
LoL! Read what??? The two CDC reports that both you and I posted that confirm what I AM saying and look like either a liar or a retard? 😂

So anyway thanks for confirming that you support the double edged lie.

You're obviously very afraid of people figuring out that the truth lies in the middle between all you extremists and your is only through these two extremes of opinion that were created, one of which you are leaning on right now, that the big lie about the plandemic.ia perpetuated. The truth is in the middle so you people try to keep people at the extremes.

Yeah, we understand.
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Just keep believing what you want.
Gee, Thanks, Jack! That is real American of you to offer to let us follow the science and draw our own conclusions leading our own fucking lives knowing what is best for us without you telling us what to think and do like someone died and made you boss!

It is a free country after all...
Nothing is free anymore with your asshole JOE FUCKING BIDDUM illegally inhabiting the WH imitating an actual leader! Next, I hear Biddum wants to charge for air!

even if you are constantly incorrect.
Must be why you've yet to ever prove a single person here wrong with objective evidence we all can see and touch, other than just your own useless opinion! Guess we just ain't fucking smart enough as a genius like you!

during the studies hampers drawing firm conclusions.
I bet you have a LOT of trouble drawing a firm anything, Jack. :smoke:

So basically, the study is useless.
Kinda like you and your unasked opinions.
LoL! Read what??? The two CDC reports that both you and I posted that confirm what I AM saying and look like either a liar or a retard? 😂

So anyway thanks for confirming that you support the double edged lie.

You're obviously very afraid of people figuring out that the truth lies in the middle between all you extremists and your is only through these two extremes of opinion that were created, one of which you are leaning on right now, that the big lie about the plandemic.ia perpetuated. The truth is in the middle so you people try to keep people at the extremes.

Yeah, we understand.

Listen, shit-for-brains, you don't even understand basic statistics, so are incapable of holding a meaningful discussion on this, much less understanding what facts are and are not regarding these issues. Not a thing you've posted here disproves a single thing, for the simple fact that I stated facts and provided proof of their veracity.

You can continue with your utterly moronic nonsense, and I have every expectation that you will, as you've already proven to not have the basic common sense to stop digging your own hole, so if you want to contnue to embarass yourself by making specious claims and talking shit about things and people you know less than jack shit about, go right ahead. Your funeral, dumbass.
Listen, shit-for-brains, you don't even understand basic statistics, so are incapable of holding a meaningful discussion on this, much less understanding what facts are and are not regarding these issues. Not a thing you've posted here disproves a single thing, for the simple fact that I stated facts and provided proof of their veracity.

You can continue with your utterly moronic nonsense, and I have every expectation that you will, as you've already proven to not have the basic common sense to stop digging your own hole, so if you want to contnue to embarass yourself by making specious claims and talking shit about things and people you know less than jack shit about, go right ahead. Your funeral, dumbass.
Just as I thought..A quadratic case, you are. Two possible answers: Either a liar who pretends he can't see the facts or a retard who doesn't understand them. I'm going with the former, since you are excellent at avoiding discussion.about data when it's right in front of you...while slinging insults which you hope will keep you from Suffice to say, you're very clever at being stupid.
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Just as I thought..A quadratic case, you are. Two possible answers: Either a liar who pretends he can't see the facts or a retard who doesn't understand them. I'm going with the former, since you are excellent at avoiding discussion.about data when it's right in front of you...while slinging insults which you hope will keep you from Suffice to say, you're very clever at being stupid.
Your intial statement to which I responded was dead wrong, as has been most of the rest of what you've said. Littered with nonsense and anecdotal examples that have zero bearing on anything of this kind, but which you present as evidence.

Now it's straight to the ad hominems, of course, as you have nothing. Never did, really, but you're too ignorant to realize even that.

Massive Peer-Reviewed Mask Study Shows 'Little To No Difference' In Preventing COVID, Flu Infection | ZeroHedge

I'm laughing....the willfully ignorant get increasingly pwnd literally by the day. On COVID and the stabs.

My shoulder is getting sore after 18 months of THIS.....

View attachment 752999

I'll do you one better. Masks are disgusting.

Rebreathing your own air all day long.

The masks I picked up in my classroom--that children wear--can you imagine? They looked like bacteria-laden petri dishes, even to the naked eye.

But the Covid Cult insisted five year olds cover their faces because it made them feel "SAFE".

What utter morons.

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