The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying

The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
coming from a person who has their lips around the republic butt hole doesn't really say to much for you
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
is this your response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
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The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
is this you response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
you watch in the next few months she will be all over trump with facts about his financial dealings and then you'll get to see who really is crooked

So let me get this straight...the Clinton's take millions from Wall Street Bankers for "speeches" but you and Elizabeth Warren think it's Donald Trump who's "crooked"?

Sorry to point out the politically inconvenient, Billy...but Hillary Clinton and her hubby are all about money and power. They'll pardon someone like Mark Rich for cash. They'll pardon domestic terrorists for votes. They sold stay overs in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House if you kicked enough cash their way. That's who they ARE!
You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin'
I'm gonna send ya back to schoolin'

Trump Repeatedly Told Trump U There Was No Bubble Months Before Housing Collapse

“They are not just talking heads or book smart academics, they have decades of hands on experience and all three of them take the bubble talk with a pinch of salt.”

Trump Repeatedly Told Trump U There Was No Bubble Months Before Housing Collapse
He took them back to schooling"

The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
is this you response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
Why would anyone believe a word she says? She is a blatant liar.
and you can point out one lie she told ??? so far you and trump have failed at that too..

P.S. to lie means you have to show intent ... in warrens case she never use her heritage for any reason the only so called lie you losers can come up with is she lied about being a native american ... that has never been proven to be true ... her mother was part cherokee this has been established ... her mother and father was outed by their fathers family because of her mothers cherokee heritage ... this too has been proven ... but you little whiners love to shout about anything that might be... and not what really is .. that's the republican way create doubt

Come on, Billy! Elizabeth Warren has no Indian blood in her. If she did she would have had a DNA test done that would have proved she WAS part Native American! She padded a resume with something that made her more of an attractive hire. Lots of people do it. Her problem is she did away with it for decades...but then ran for political office and had opponents that questioned her ancestry.
Just months before the U.S. housing market started to crash, beginning the downward spiral that sent the globe on the road to the massive 2008 financial crisis, Donald Trump was advising Trump University students that he didn’t think there was a bubble in the real estate market.

The comments from Trump in an October 2006 audiobook were one of numerous times Trump said through Trump University that he didn’t think there was a housing bubble. In another Trump University audiobook released earlier that year, Trump said to take talk of real estate bubble talk with a “pinch of salt.” And, in an September 2005 blog post Trump, said to dismiss predictions of a housing collapse as “doom and gloom.”

CNN reported Thursday on one of the same audiobooks Trump expressed a wish the real estate market would crash because it would be profitable for him.

Trump Repeatedly Told Trump U There Was No Bubble Months Before Housing Collapse

Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
is this you response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
you watch in the next few months she will be all over trump with facts about his financial dealings and then you'll get to see who really is crooked

So let me get this straight...the Clinton's take millions from Wall Street Bankers for "speeches" but you and Elizabeth Warren think it's Donald Trump who's "crooked"?

Sorry to point out the politically inconvenient, Billy...but Hillary Clinton and her hubby are all about money and power. They'll pardon someone like Mark Rich for cash. They'll pardon domestic terrorists for votes. They sold stay overs in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House if you kicked enough cash their way. That's who they ARE!
let me get this strait if a company says to you we want you to give a speech to our company and we will pay you 300,000 dollars ...that makes them a crook, how??? then when donald trump gets involved with millions of dollars in a deal with people who believes in him and first time theres trouble trump files bankruptcy makes him a upstanding person right ... sorry to point out your political inaccuracy ... when was it crooked to let some one sleep in the Lincoln bedroom ??? when was it illegal to give out pardons ??? as for getting money for these things, that you say happen, that was never proven by star or anyone in government just your local blooger who you have your lips around their ass hole sucking out the crap they feed you
you watch in the next few months she will be all over trump with facts about his financial dealings and then you'll get to see who really is crooked

So let me get this straight...the Clinton's take millions from Wall Street Bankers for "speeches" but you and Elizabeth Warren think it's Donald Trump who's "crooked"?

Sorry to point out the politically inconvenient, Billy...but Hillary Clinton and her hubby are all about money and power. They'll pardon someone like Mark Rich for cash. They'll pardon domestic terrorists for votes. They sold stay overs in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House if you kicked enough cash their way. That's who they ARE!
let me get this strait if a company says to you we want you to give a speech to our company and we will pay you 300,000 dollars ...that makes them a crook, how??? then when donald trump gets involved with millions of dollars in a deal with people who believes in him and first time theres trouble trump files bankruptcy makes him a upstanding person right ... sorry to point out your political inaccuracy ... when was it crooked to let some one sleep in the Lincoln bedroom ??? when was it illegal to give out pardons ??? as for getting money for these things, that you say happen, that was never proven by star or anyone in government just your local blooger who you have your lips around their ass hole sucking out the crap they feed you

I didn't say it was illegal to give the Mark Rich pardon, wasn't! What it SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to take millions from Wall Street fat cats to give is SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to let big contributors to your campaign sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom...but it is SLEAZY! My point...which you don't seem to that if you want SLEAZE back in the White House...then the Clinton's are for you! If you don't have a problem with that...then by all means vote for Hillary! Just make no mistake about what it is that you're getting!
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
is this you response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
that's what your types always say when you haven't any source ... they sit and complain about what they believe is to be true and yet they are to lazy to prove their point ... Im always asked to show my source and when I do it well thats a lie and a lot of nasty names ... so i give them both the facts, the source and a bunch of nasty names the only thing you have a plethora is excuses ... that pretty much sums you up and if anyone here who isn't interested in the truth that would be you
you watch in the next few months she will be all over trump with facts about his financial dealings and then you'll get to see who really is crooked

So let me get this straight...the Clinton's take millions from Wall Street Bankers for "speeches" but you and Elizabeth Warren think it's Donald Trump who's "crooked"?

Sorry to point out the politically inconvenient, Billy...but Hillary Clinton and her hubby are all about money and power. They'll pardon someone like Mark Rich for cash. They'll pardon domestic terrorists for votes. They sold stay overs in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House if you kicked enough cash their way. That's who they ARE!
let me get this strait if a company says to you we want you to give a speech to our company and we will pay you 300,000 dollars ...that makes them a crook, how??? then when donald trump gets involved with millions of dollars in a deal with people who believes in him and first time theres trouble trump files bankruptcy makes him a upstanding person right ... sorry to point out your political inaccuracy ... when was it crooked to let some one sleep in the Lincoln bedroom ??? when was it illegal to give out pardons ??? as for getting money for these things, that you say happen, that was never proven by star or anyone in government just your local blooger who you have your lips around their ass hole sucking out the crap they feed you

I didn't say it was illegal to give the Mark Rich pardon, wasn't! What it SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to take millions from Wall Street fat cats to give is SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to let big contributors to your campaign sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom...but it is SLEAZY! My point...which you don't seem to that if you want SLEAZE back in the White House...then the Clinton's are for you! If you don't have a problem with that...then by all means vote for Hillary! Just make no mistake about what it is that you're getting!
in your very first sentence you implied that all of the things they did were crooked because I believe trump is a crook .. then you make statements about them getting all this cash, implying they are crooks by receiving all off this cash ...that to never happen ...but for you to try and prove your point here you make these false accusation to justify your means ... if you're going to use these kinds of statements look them up first ... then use it as a source ... you haven't done that just blurt out what you have heard from the right wing media... or people on these boards
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error "their "when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference... look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den ... so miss correct you what to now tell us whats really factual or are your going to try and push the grammar ploy

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