The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying

The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up

I type fast because time is more valuable than spelling perfection in this forum. I waste enough time with worthless opponents.

Why, is there something tugging at your heart you want to resolve?
Is this your fallback retort when someone upsets you?

Maybe we should introduce facts into the discussion? You know, those 'things' the mainstream media pretends are trifle matters?
is this you response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
that's what your types always say when you haven't any source ... they sit and complain about what they believe is to be true and yet they are to lazy to prove their point ... Im always asked to show my source and when I do it well thats a lie and a lot of nasty names ... so i give them both the facts, the source and a bunch of nasty names the only thing you have a plethora is excuses ... that pretty much sums you up and if anyone here who isn't interested in the truth that would be you
The shithead lied for weeks to American public and to the U.N. that it was some youtube video from a couple of punks in Georgia that caused the Muslims in Benghazi to riot and attack the compound to murder those in our consulate. Then the little coward flies off to Las Vegas that same day to hobnob with his Hollywood pals instead of staying in D.C. and doing his job as commander in chief. He also lied when he went on national TV and said there is not one shred of evidence that the IRS did anything illegal. He also said there was nothing in any of Hillary's emails that would be considered of national security interest.

Now you can continue your game playing.
you watch in the next few months she will be all over trump with facts about his financial dealings and then you'll get to see who really is crooked

So let me get this straight...the Clinton's take millions from Wall Street Bankers for "speeches" but you and Elizabeth Warren think it's Donald Trump who's "crooked"?

Sorry to point out the politically inconvenient, Billy...but Hillary Clinton and her hubby are all about money and power. They'll pardon someone like Mark Rich for cash. They'll pardon domestic terrorists for votes. They sold stay overs in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House if you kicked enough cash their way. That's who they ARE!
let me get this strait if a company says to you we want you to give a speech to our company and we will pay you 300,000 dollars ...that makes them a crook, how??? then when donald trump gets involved with millions of dollars in a deal with people who believes in him and first time theres trouble trump files bankruptcy makes him a upstanding person right ... sorry to point out your political inaccuracy ... when was it crooked to let some one sleep in the Lincoln bedroom ??? when was it illegal to give out pardons ??? as for getting money for these things, that you say happen, that was never proven by star or anyone in government just your local blooger who you have your lips around their ass hole sucking out the crap they feed you

I didn't say it was illegal to give the Mark Rich pardon, wasn't! What it SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to take millions from Wall Street fat cats to give is SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to let big contributors to your campaign sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom...but it is SLEAZY! My point...which you don't seem to that if you want SLEAZE back in the White House...then the Clinton's are for you! If you don't have a problem with that...then by all means vote for Hillary! Just make no mistake about what it is that you're getting!
how is it sleazy letting someone who supports you to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom ...
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error their when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den

Nothing "republican" about that. When you are ignorant about spelling words you use, you are ignorant about their meaning as well.

But how so very liberal to blame your ignorance on a spell checker.
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error "their "when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference... look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den ... so miss correct you what to now tell us whats really factual or are your going to try and push the grammar ploy
So your stupid Mac is responsible? The point is that it looks especially bad when you're on a rant about other people's intelligence.
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up

I type fast because time is more valuable than spelling perfection in this forum. I waste enough time with worthless opponents.

Why, is there something tugging at your heart you want to resolve?
is this you response when you can't prove your opinion??? thought so ... seems to me you're the one whose upset
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
that's what your types always say when you haven't any source ... they sit and complain about what they believe is to be true and yet they are to lazy to prove their point ... Im always asked to show my source and when I do it well thats a lie and a lot of nasty names ... so i give them both the facts, the source and a bunch of nasty names the only thing you have a plethora is excuses ... that pretty much sums you up and if anyone here who isn't interested in the truth that would be you
The shithead lied for weeks to American public and to the U.N. that it was some youtube video from a couple of punks in Georgia that caused the Muslims in Benghazi to riot and attack the compound to murder those in our consulate. Then the little coward flies off to Las Vegas that same day to hobnob with his Hollywood pals instead of staying in D.C. and doing his job as commander in chief. He also lied when he went on national TV and said there is not one shred of evidence that the IRS did anything illegal. He also said there was nothing in any of Hillary's emails that would be considered of national security interest.

Now you can continue your game playing.
again this is your opinion that she lied about it being a video... this was all in the benghazi hearings if you bothered to watch where I did ... the CIA came to the hearings on benghazi they said to the commit that they believed it was about the video .. egypt was in a uprise at that time over this video when the attack happen in benghazi the CIA told hillary that they believed it was over the video ... now please tell us with all of your so called smarts of this event how is that a lie... please enlighten us all here and tell how she lied, when it wasn't her information in the first place ... time and time again I see your types make these stupid statements she lied about the movie where you get from the republicans because they haven't anything better to get her with ...they believe if the say long nought it becomes the truth... after hillary found out the whole total story, did she hide it from the press ??? did she keep it under raps ??? nooooooo she came to the press and said we now believe it was a terrorist attack and not about the movie ... how does that make her a liar ... you want it to be the truth so bad that you can't even accept what the truth really is ...
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error their when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den

Nothing "republican" about that. When you are ignorant about spelling words you use, you are ignorant about their meaning as well.

But how so very liberal to blame your ignorance on a spell checker.
no its not spell check ... that would imply I used spell check ... I never use it never slected a sentence to have it checked ... this shows how stupid you are about computers... I'm on a mac ... mac has auto check ... it does this without your knowledge to be checked you moron ... but you keep up with all your republican ploys that's your best .... heaven forbid if you ever had a actual thought in your head
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error "their "when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference... look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den ... so miss correct you what to now tell us whats really factual or are your going to try and push the grammar ploy
So your stupid Mac is responsible? The point is that it looks especially bad when you're on a rant about other people's intelligence.
and you made this same mistakes time and time again Iceweene I've caught you and you got real pissed over it ... thats what you do when you got nothing, you then look for mistakes ... I had your types make this kind of statement before because I don't capitolize the first Letter in my sentences ... or when I put ... after ever sentence ... do I care ??? do you see capitol letters in my first sentence noooooo and I haven stopped the ... too ....
you watch in the next few months she will be all over trump with facts about his financial dealings and then you'll get to see who really is crooked

So let me get this straight...the Clinton's take millions from Wall Street Bankers for "speeches" but you and Elizabeth Warren think it's Donald Trump who's "crooked"?

Sorry to point out the politically inconvenient, Billy...but Hillary Clinton and her hubby are all about money and power. They'll pardon someone like Mark Rich for cash. They'll pardon domestic terrorists for votes. They sold stay overs in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House if you kicked enough cash their way. That's who they ARE!
let me get this strait if a company says to you we want you to give a speech to our company and we will pay you 300,000 dollars ...that makes them a crook, how??? then when donald trump gets involved with millions of dollars in a deal with people who believes in him and first time theres trouble trump files bankruptcy makes him a upstanding person right ... sorry to point out your political inaccuracy ... when was it crooked to let some one sleep in the Lincoln bedroom ??? when was it illegal to give out pardons ??? as for getting money for these things, that you say happen, that was never proven by star or anyone in government just your local blooger who you have your lips around their ass hole sucking out the crap they feed you

I didn't say it was illegal to give the Mark Rich pardon, wasn't! What it SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to take millions from Wall Street fat cats to give is SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to let big contributors to your campaign sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom...but it is SLEAZY! My point...which you don't seem to that if you want SLEAZE back in the White House...then the Clinton's are for you! If you don't have a problem with that...then by all means vote for Hillary! Just make no mistake about what it is that you're getting!
so is it sleazy for the bush's doing it ... the fact of the matters this has been done by all presidents ... the fact that the clintons do it too now its sleazy ... got it whats good for the goose is not good for the gander ...
The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying opposition against Trump — calling him a "small, insecure moneygrubber" who she said is "kissing the fannies of poor, misunderstood Wall Street bankers."

"He inherited a fortune from his father, and kept it going by scamming people, declaring bankruptcy and skipping out on what he owed," Warren said in prepared remarks, calling into question Trump's bona fides as a populist champion.

Trump has called her "goofy" and has tried to revive controversy from her 2012 Senate campaign related to what she has said is her Native American heritage. and he failed on that attack along with other attacks
. Turmp was all over twitter trying t get the best of warren and failed at that attempt ...
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up

I type fast because time is more valuable than spelling perfection in this forum. I waste enough time with worthless opponents.

Why, is there something tugging at your heart you want to resolve?
Cannot prove what???.... that Obama is a liar, a phony, a deceiver, a coward, and a worthless speaker? That is because sycophants like you do not want to know the facts or simply refuse to believe them. Kind of a deal breaker for us to make any head way.
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
that's what your types always say when you haven't any source ... they sit and complain about what they believe is to be true and yet they are to lazy to prove their point ... Im always asked to show my source and when I do it well thats a lie and a lot of nasty names ... so i give them both the facts, the source and a bunch of nasty names the only thing you have a plethora is excuses ... that pretty much sums you up and if anyone here who isn't interested in the truth that would be you
The shithead lied for weeks to American public and to the U.N. that it was some youtube video from a couple of punks in Georgia that caused the Muslims in Benghazi to riot and attack the compound to murder those in our consulate. Then the little coward flies off to Las Vegas that same day to hobnob with his Hollywood pals instead of staying in D.C. and doing his job as commander in chief. He also lied when he went on national TV and said there is not one shred of evidence that the IRS did anything illegal. He also said there was nothing in any of Hillary's emails that would be considered of national security interest.

Now you can continue your game playing.
again this is your opinion that she lied about it being a video... this was all in the benghazi hearings if you bothered to watch where I did ... the CIA came to the hearings on benghazi they said to the commit that they believed it was about the video .. egypt was in a uprise at that time over this video when the attack happen in benghazi the CIA told hillary that they believed it was over the video ... now please tell us with all of your so called smarts of this event how is that a lie... please enlighten us all here and tell how she lied, when it wasn't her information in the first place ... time and time again I see your types make these stupid statements she lied about the movie where you get from the republicans because they haven't anything better to get her with ...they believe if the say long nought it becomes the truth... after hillary found out the whole total story, did she hide it from the press ??? did she keep it under raps ??? nooooooo she came to the press and said we now believe it was a terrorist attack and not about the movie ... how does that make her a liar ... you want it to be the truth so bad that you can't even accept what the truth really is ...
classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the Department of State released in May by Judicial Watch show that within hours of the attack, the Obama administration had intelligence that it was planned by terrorists at least 10 days in advance with the aim “to kill as many Americans as possible.” …The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Oct. 16, 2014…. There’s no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security report, which says the Diplomatic Command Center was notified at 1614 hours that “an armed group had set fire to buildings inside the compound.”

One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. special mission at Benghazi, Libya, was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure “Pastor Jon” video, according to State Department documents obtained in a lawsuit by the Washington, D.C. watchdog Judicial Watch… Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, “Innocence of Muslims,” by Egyptian-born filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula… As WND reported in July, Judicial Watch previously uncovered documents that show Hillary Clinton was involved in the “talking points” used by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, which claimed the attack was due to a spontaneous protest that turned violent.

Read more at White House rushed to tie another video to Benghazi attack
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up

I type fast because time is more valuable than spelling perfection in this forum. I waste enough time with worthless opponents.

Why, is there something tugging at your heart you want to resolve?
and yet you say these thing and you have any source for your information ... you have no Idea what a lie is you just spout off what you think was a lie then call it factual ... if anyone is a sycophant that would be you
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
that's what your types always say when you haven't any source ... they sit and complain about what they believe is to be true and yet they are to lazy to prove their point ... Im always asked to show my source and when I do it well thats a lie and a lot of nasty names ... so i give them both the facts, the source and a bunch of nasty names the only thing you have a plethora is excuses ... that pretty much sums you up and if anyone here who isn't interested in the truth that would be you
The shithead lied for weeks to American public and to the U.N. that it was some youtube video from a couple of punks in Georgia that caused the Muslims in Benghazi to riot and attack the compound to murder those in our consulate. Then the little coward flies off to Las Vegas that same day to hobnob with his Hollywood pals instead of staying in D.C. and doing his job as commander in chief. He also lied when he went on national TV and said there is not one shred of evidence that the IRS did anything illegal. He also said there was nothing in any of Hillary's emails that would be considered of national security interest.

Now you can continue your game playing.
again this is your opinion that she lied about it being a video... this was all in the benghazi hearings if you bothered to watch where I did ... the CIA came to the hearings on benghazi they said to the commit that they believed it was about the video .. egypt was in a uprise at that time over this video when the attack happen in benghazi the CIA told hillary that they believed it was over the video ... now please tell us with all of your so called smarts of this event how is that a lie... please enlighten us all here and tell how she lied, when it wasn't her information in the first place ... time and time again I see your types make these stupid statements she lied about the movie where you get from the republicans because they haven't anything better to get her with ...they believe if the say long nought it becomes the truth... after hillary found out the whole total story, did she hide it from the press ??? did she keep it under raps ??? nooooooo she came to the press and said we now believe it was a terrorist attack and not about the movie ... how does that make her a liar ... you want it to be the truth so bad that you can't even accept what the truth really is ...
classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the Department of State released in May by Judicial Watch show that within hours of the attack, the Obama administration had intelligence that it was planned by terrorists at least 10 days in advance with the aim “to kill as many Americans as possible.” …The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Oct. 16, 2014…. There’s no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security report, which says the Diplomatic Command Center was notified at 1614 hours that “an armed group had set fire to buildings inside the compound.”

One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. special mission at Benghazi, Libya, was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure “Pastor Jon” video, according to State Department documents obtained in a lawsuit by the Washington, D.C. watchdog Judicial Watch… Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, “Innocence of Muslims,” by Egyptian-born filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula… As WND reported in July, Judicial Watch previously uncovered documents that show Hillary Clinton was involved in the “talking points” used by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, which claimed the attack was due to a spontaneous protest that turned violent.

Read more at White House rushed to tie another video to Benghazi attack
really Whorlynutdaily ??? thats your source ... so what you're saying here is that you'll believe whirlynutdaily over an congressional hearing right ??? that they new ahead of time cause whirlynutdaily said so... this article has been proven to many times to be so inaccurate, but you keep believing the whirlynutdaily writers ... after all they still say obama was born in Kenya and they have the proof ... try again ... and this time please try and use a reliable source ... just because whirlynutdaily says the state department doesn't make it true .... especially when whirlynutdaily is involved ... now I see why your so adamant over these things .... when you read trash from whirlynutdaily like that, what can one expect from you ... heres a thought, go to the state department web site and see if you find this dribble there won't ... but you will find it on whirlynut daily site wonder why that is ...
Again, has anyone any proof that Warren does not have Native Indian Heritage?

She has lied so many times and has failed to produce any proof that one needs no proof. But go ahead and follow this liar.
and this prove you right HOW???

Her indian tales, her lies on bank records, lies about her law degree etc.
still waiting for some proof here ... just because you say it doesn't make it the truth, but you keep trying
its been fun ... got to go ...I will answer any truthful things when I get back from walking the dogs ...
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up

I type fast because time is more valuable than spelling perfection in this forum. I waste enough time with worthless opponents.

Why, is there something tugging at your heart you want to resolve?
You are proving yourself not worth arguing with.

I have no facts. Right. I have no desire to reproduce a plethora of facts that impugn your hero. Because you are not interested in knowing the truth.
that's what your types always say when you haven't any source ... they sit and complain about what they believe is to be true and yet they are to lazy to prove their point ... Im always asked to show my source and when I do it well thats a lie and a lot of nasty names ... so i give them both the facts, the source and a bunch of nasty names the only thing you have a plethora is excuses ... that pretty much sums you up and if anyone here who isn't interested in the truth that would be you
The shithead lied for weeks to American public and to the U.N. that it was some youtube video from a couple of punks in Georgia that caused the Muslims in Benghazi to riot and attack the compound to murder those in our consulate. Then the little coward flies off to Las Vegas that same day to hobnob with his Hollywood pals instead of staying in D.C. and doing his job as commander in chief. He also lied when he went on national TV and said there is not one shred of evidence that the IRS did anything illegal. He also said there was nothing in any of Hillary's emails that would be considered of national security interest.

Now you can continue your game playing.
again this is your opinion that she lied about it being a video... this was all in the benghazi hearings if you bothered to watch where I did ... the CIA came to the hearings on benghazi they said to the commit that they believed it was about the video .. egypt was in a uprise at that time over this video when the attack happen in benghazi the CIA told hillary that they believed it was over the video ... now please tell us with all of your so called smarts of this event how is that a lie... please enlighten us all here and tell how she lied, when it wasn't her information in the first place ... time and time again I see your types make these stupid statements she lied about the movie where you get from the republicans because they haven't anything better to get her with ...they believe if the say long nought it becomes the truth... after hillary found out the whole total story, did she hide it from the press ??? did she keep it under raps ??? nooooooo she came to the press and said we now believe it was a terrorist attack and not about the movie ... how does that make her a liar ... you want it to be the truth so bad that you can't even accept what the truth really is ...
classified documents from the U.S. Department of Defense and the Department of State released in May by Judicial Watch show that within hours of the attack, the Obama administration had intelligence that it was planned by terrorists at least 10 days in advance with the aim “to kill as many Americans as possible.” …The documents, from the agency’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security, were provided to Judicial Watch in response to a court order in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on Oct. 16, 2014…. There’s no mention of any spontaneous demonstration or Internet video in the State Department Bureau of Diplomatic Security report, which says the Diplomatic Command Center was notified at 1614 hours that “an armed group had set fire to buildings inside the compound.”

One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. special mission at Benghazi, Libya, was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure “Pastor Jon” video, according to State Department documents obtained in a lawsuit by the Washington, D.C. watchdog Judicial Watch… Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, “Innocence of Muslims,” by Egyptian-born filmmaker Nakoula “Mark” Basseley Nakoula… As WND reported in July, Judicial Watch previously uncovered documents that show Hillary Clinton was involved in the “talking points” used by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, which claimed the attack was due to a spontaneous protest that turned violent.

Read more at White House rushed to tie another video to Benghazi attack
really Whorlynutdaily ??? thats your source ... so what you're saying here is that you'll believe whirlynutdaily over an congressional hearing right ??? that they new ahead of time cause whirlynutdaily said so... this article has been proven to many times to be so inaccurate, but you keep believing the whirlynutdaily writers ... after all they still say obama was born in Kenya and they have the proof ... try again ... and this time please try and use a reliable source ... just because whirlynutdaily says the state department doesn't make it true .... especially when whirlynutdaily is involved ... now I see why your so adamant over these things .... when you read trash from whirlynutdaily like that, what can one expect from you ... heres a thought, go to the state department web site and see if you find this dribble there won't ... but you will find it on whirlynut daily site wonder why that is ...
Argue with a fool once, shame on you.
Argue with a fool twice, shame on me.

I do not suffer the lame very well whose only (and predictable) retort is laughing at the news source. They do not dare question the content --- even though WND cites its sources which is from benghazi Archives - Judicial Watch. I imagine you are an expert on that source as well, they could not possibly have information you did not hear about on CBS or CNN?
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error "their "when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference... look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den ... so miss correct you what to now tell us whats really factual or are your going to try and push the grammar ploy
So your stupid Mac is responsible? The point is that it looks especially bad when you're on a rant about other people's intelligence.
and you made this same mistakes time and time again Iceweene I've caught you and you got real pissed over it ... thats what you do when you got nothing, you then look for mistakes ... I had your types make this kind of statement before because I don't capitolize the first Letter in my sentences ... or when I put ... after ever sentence ... do I care ??? do you see capitol letters in my first sentence noooooo and I haven stopped the ... too ....
I made very few typos, you hven't caught shit, and you can't make people mad with your keyboard. I see occasional capital letters, maybe it's time to take your keyboard in to a Mac genius? Then you could make me real extra mad.
Is this the senator who cannot honestly admit what a phony, liar, coward, destroyer of virtue her current president has been?
that would be your opinion, not hers ... like all opinions their like ass holes everybody has one and you stinks

"to' instead of "too'.

"their" instead of "they're".

You are so smart. You are on a roll. Keep it up
isn't that like a republican when they can refute a statement, they jump all over a error their when it should have been they're.. on my mac it as auto correct it does this not me ... I know the difference look how it it corrects the word DEM it types it to Den I wrote Dem not Den

Nothing "republican" about that. When you are ignorant about spelling words you use, you are ignorant about their meaning as well.

But how so very liberal to blame your ignorance on a spell checker.
no its not spell check ... that would imply I used spell check ... I never use it never slected a sentence to have it checked ... this shows how stupid you are about computers... I'm on a mac ... mac has auto check ... it does this without your knowledge to be checked you moron ... but you keep up with all your republican ploys that's your best .... heaven forbid if you ever had a actual thought in your head
I've had two Macs, they work like PCs or this Linux machine. It depends on the program, not the OS. It should underscore the word. Have you ever noticed all those underscored words in your posts? It's not a virus.
Standard liberal talking point from Warren that appeals to no one but the far left.

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