The Massachusetts senator on Tuesday night dedicated a speech to rallying

in your very first sentence you implied that all of the things they did were crooked because I believe trump is a crook .. then you make statements about them getting all this cash, implying they are crooks by receiving all off this cash ...that to never happen ...but for you to try and prove your point here you make these false accusation to justify your means ... if you're going to use these kinds of statements look them up first ... then use it as a source ... you haven't done that just blurt out what you have heard from the right wing media... or people on these boards

Did you not know about the Mark Rich pardon? Do you deny it happened? Did you not know about the millions that the Clinton's have received from Wall Street Bankers and foreign interests for giving speeches? Do you deny that happened? Did you not know about the Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers for big contributors? Do even know who Hillary Clinton IS, Billy? I mean who she REALLY is?
do you ever do any research at all ??? I know who mark rich is ... I know he donated to the democrats and to the clinton campaign ... that doest make them as being bought, according to the clintons and the Rich legal team ... they said U.S. tax professors Bernard Wolfman of the Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center had concluded that no crime had been committed, and that Rich's companies' tax-reporting position had been reasonable... In the same essay, Clinton listed Lewis "Scooter" Libby (REMEMBER HIM FOOL ???) as one of three "distinguished Republican lawyers" who supported a pardon for Rich. (Libby himself later received a presidential commutation for his involvement in the Plame affair.) During Congressional hearings after Rich's pardon, Libby, who had represented Rich from 1985 until the spring of 2000, denied that Rich had violated the tax laws but criticized him for trading with Iran at a time when that country was holding U.S. hostages... so your attempt to try and smear why, doesn't cut mustard

Mark Rich was convicted in US court of tax evasion and fled the country to avoid going to jail. He didn't stay here and appeal his conviction.,,he was living the high life in Europe. Then through his wife he gave the Clinton's a large contribution to the Clinton Library and presto chango...he received a Presidential Pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. Your attempt to gloss over what the Clinton's did on their way out of the Presidency is what doesn't "cut the mustard"! If Mark Rich was so wrongfully convicted then Clinton should have pardoned him without taking the money. What part of how sleazy that is can't you grasp?

I don't know where you get your information from its sooooooo inaccurate ...he never fled the country ... thats one big lie from you and the right wing nuts jobs who wrote it ...Mark Rich was never convicted of tax evasion and you can't show one court that said they did ... you can't show us he fled the country ... because he was never in the country when they inditement came down and had been out of the country for at least a year ...according to the people who give these facts out, the government, they said Mark Rich commodities company Glendora is being indited in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis. being indited isn't being convicted ..... thats all he ever was, indited... there is a difference... According to the government Mark rich was in Switzerland at the time of the inditement and never returned to the United States for the trial ... thats when Bernard Wolfman of the Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center and scooter Libby All republicans mind you, went to Clinton with all the facts of the case, the facts from the indictment and then only then, did Clinton consider a Pardon from what the government thought they had a case ... do some reach for once in your life ...

As for mark rich wife giving donations that was on her part not Mark rich's part ... but your right wing nut jobs who love to smear the clintons said it came through her husband .... that never happen, but if it did, so be it it wasn't illegal ... but you can't show us one document saying where it did come from ... how ever we can show you where she stated she made the donation on her behalf not her husbands ...she said she supported the democrats and the clinton's.... just because of all the lies coming from the right wing press she made that statement to the press... try and keep up with reality and not some whack job clinton hater from the right...

Marc Rich, 'King of Oil' pardoned by Clinton, dies at 78

A couple of interesting points.

"A U.S. government web site once described Rich more simply, as "a white male, 177 centimeters in height ... wanted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. Marshall Service." In 1983, he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list indicted for tax evasion, fraud and racketeering. At the time, it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history."

"On learning of the indictment plans, Rich fled to Switzerland to escape the charges, which included exploiting the U.S. embargo against Iran, while it was holding U.S. hostages, to make huge profits on illicit Iranian oil sales."

Now the accusations that Reuters is a Right Wing mouthpiece will be coming
the point I was making he was never convicted he was indited ... thats my point ... the posters here said he was convicted ... then through republican Lawyers, not democrats ones, not liberals ones ??? took the inditement and their case to Bill clinton to get a pardon ... thats all Ive claimed ... never said he was good person a great person or anything of that nature... these people were making untrue accusation ... now if you choose to not get it or understand what the facts are,I can't change that ... I do know Scotter Libby was his lawyer from 1983 to 2000 who is a republican ... how come you people aren't all over him and the republicans who wanted him pardon ... these people make these cockamamie story that he bought his pardon with no proof of that it happen ...

Clinton also cited clemency pleas he had received from Israeli government officials, including then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak. Rich had made substantial donations to Israeli charitable foundations over the years, and many senior Israeli officials, such as Shimon Peres and Ehud Olmert, argued on his behalf behind the scenes. Speculation about another rationale for Rich's pardon involved his alleged involvement with the Israeli intelligence community. Rich reluctantly acknowledged in interviews with his biographer, Daniel Ammann, that he had assisted the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, a claim that Ammann said was confirmed by a former Israeli intelligence officer. According to Ammann, Rich had helped finance the Mossad's operations and had supplied Israel with strategic amounts of Iranian oil through a secret oil pipeline. The aide to Rich who had persuaded Denise Rich to personally ask President Clinton to review Rich's pardon request was a former chief of the Mossad, Avner Azulay. Another former Mossad chief, Shabtai Shavit, had also urged Clinton to pardon Rich, whom he said had routinely allowed intelligence agents to use his offices around the world.

Federal Prosecutor Mary Jo White was appointed to investigate Clinton's last-minute pardon of Rich. She stepped down before the investigation was finished and was replaced by James Comey, who was critical of Clinton's pardons and of then-Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder's pardon recommendation. Rich's lawyer, Jack Quinn, had previously been Clinton's White House Counsel and chief of staff to Clinton's Vice President, Al Gore, and had had a close relationship with Holder. According to Quinn, Holder had advised that standard procedures be bypassed and the pardon petition be submitted directly to the White House. Congressional investigations were also launched. Clinton's top advisors, Chief of Staff John Podesta, White House Counsel Beth Nolan, and advisor Bruce Lindsey, testified that nearly all of the White House staff advising the president on the pardon request had urged Clinton to not grant Rich a pardon. Federal investigators ultimately found no evidence of criminal activity.

As a condition of the pardon, it was made clear that Rich would drop all procedural defenses against any civil actions brought against him by the United States upon his return there. That condition was consistent with the position that his alleged wrongdoing warranted only civil penalties, not criminal punishment. Rich never returned to the United States.

this are the facts not this bull shit conspiracy theories these bozo try and push here as I said he was never convicted of any crime just indited
I didn't say it was illegal to give the Mark Rich pardon, wasn't! What it SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to take millions from Wall Street fat cats to give is SLEAZY! It isn't illegal to let big contributors to your campaign sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom...but it is SLEAZY! My point...which you don't seem to that if you want SLEAZE back in the White House...then the Clinton's are for you! If you don't have a problem with that...then by all means vote for Hillary! Just make no mistake about what it is that you're getting!
in your very first sentence you implied that all of the things they did were crooked because I believe trump is a crook .. then you make statements about them getting all this cash, implying they are crooks by receiving all off this cash ...that to never happen ...but for you to try and prove your point here you make these false accusation to justify your means ... if you're going to use these kinds of statements look them up first ... then use it as a source ... you haven't done that just blurt out what you have heard from the right wing media... or people on these boards

Did you not know about the Mark Rich pardon? Do you deny it happened? Did you not know about the millions that the Clinton's have received from Wall Street Bankers and foreign interests for giving speeches? Do you deny that happened? Did you not know about the Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers for big contributors? Do even know who Hillary Clinton IS, Billy? I mean who she REALLY is?
do you ever do any research at all ??? I know who mark rich is ... I know he donated to the democrats and to the clinton campaign ... that doest make them as being bought, according to the clintons and the Rich legal team ... they said U.S. tax professors Bernard Wolfman of the Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center had concluded that no crime had been committed, and that Rich's companies' tax-reporting position had been reasonable... In the same essay, Clinton listed Lewis "Scooter" Libby (REMEMBER HIM FOOL ???) as one of three "distinguished Republican lawyers" who supported a pardon for Rich. (Libby himself later received a presidential commutation for his involvement in the Plame affair.) During Congressional hearings after Rich's pardon, Libby, who had represented Rich from 1985 until the spring of 2000, denied that Rich had violated the tax laws but criticized him for trading with Iran at a time when that country was holding U.S. hostages... so your attempt to try and smear why, doesn't cut mustard

Mark Rich was convicted in US court of tax evasion and fled the country to avoid going to jail. He didn't stay here and appeal his conviction.,,he was living the high life in Europe. Then through his wife he gave the Clinton's a large contribution to the Clinton Library and presto chango...he received a Presidential Pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. Your attempt to gloss over what the Clinton's did on their way out of the Presidency is what doesn't "cut the mustard"! If Mark Rich was so wrongfully convicted then Clinton should have pardoned him without taking the money. What part of how sleazy that is can't you grasp?

I don't know where you get your information from its sooooooo inaccurate ...he never fled the country ... thats one big lie from you and the right wing nuts jobs who wrote it ...Mark Rich was never convicted of tax evasion and you can't show one court that said they did ... you can't show us he fled the country ... because he was never in the country when they inditement came down and had been out of the country for at least a year ...according to the people who give these facts out, the government, they said Mark Rich commodities company Glendora is being indited in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis. being indited isn't being convicted ..... thats all he ever was, indited... there is a difference... According to the government Mark rich was in Switzerland at the time of the inditement and never returned to the United States for the trial ... thats when Bernard Wolfman of the Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center and scooter Libby All republicans mind you, went to Clinton with all the facts of the case, the facts from the indictment and then only then, did Clinton consider a Pardon from what the government thought they had a case ... do some reach for once in your life ...

As for mark rich wife giving donations that was on her part not Mark rich's part ... but your right wing nut jobs who love to smear the clintons said it came through her husband .... that never happen, but if it did, so be it it wasn't illegal ... but you can't show us one document saying where it did come from ... how ever we can show you where she stated she made the donation on her behalf not her husbands ...she said she supported the democrats and the clinton's.... just because of all the lies coming from the right wing press she made that statement to the press... try and keep up with reality and not some whack job clinton hater from the right...

"In 1983 Rich and partner Pincus Green were indicted on 65 criminal counts, including income tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, and trading with Iran during the oil embargo (at a time when Iranian revolutionaries were still holding American citizens hostage).[7][17] The charges would have led to a sentence of more than 300 years in prison had Rich been convicted on all counts.[17] The indictment was filed by then-U.S. Federal Prosecutor (and future mayor of New York City) Rudolph Giuliani. At the time it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history.[18]

Hearing of the plans for the indictment, Rich fled[9] to Switzerland and, always insisting that he was not guilty, never returned to the U.S. to answer the charges.[Notes 1] Rich's companies eventually pleaded guilty to 35 counts of tax evasion and paid $90 million in fines,[7] although Rich himself remained on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most-Wanted Fugitives List for many years,[20] narrowly evading capture in Britain, Germany, Finland, and Jamaica.[21] Fearing arrest, he did not even return to the United States to attend his daughter's funeral in 1996.[22]

On January 20, 2001, hours before leaving office, U.S. President Bill Clinton granted Rich a highly controversial presidential pardon. Several of Clinton's strongest supporters distanced themselves from the decision.[23] Former President Jimmy Carter, a fellow Democrat, said, "I don't think there is any doubt that some of the factors in his pardon were attributable to his large gifts. In my opinion, that was disgraceful."[24] Clinton himself later expressed regret for issuing the pardon, saying that "it wasn't worth the damage to my reputation."[9]

Clinton's critics alleged that Rich's pardon had been bought, as Denise Rich had given more than $1 million[25] to Clinton's political party (the Democratic Party), including more than $100,000 to the Senate campaign of the president's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and $450,000 to the Clinton Library foundation during Clinton's time in office.[21]" Wikipedia

So how does it feel to be a blinders wearing partisan, Billy?
For someone to sit here now and say that Mark Rich didn't buy a pardon is laughable. He did and it was a sleazy move by Clinton.
For someone to sit here now and say that Mark Rich didn't buy a pardon is laughable. He did and it was a sleazy move by Clinton.

Clinton admitted that pardon was one of his worse mistakes
For someone to sit here now and say that Mark Rich didn't buy a pardon is laughable. He did and it was a sleazy move by Clinton.

Clinton admitted that pardon was one of his worse mistakes

He couldn't resist taking the cash. It's what the Clinton's DO! It's like Hillary and the cattle futures scandal. She obviously got insider trading information...obviously knew it was illegal to cash in on that information...but couldn't resist making the quick cash. It's a matter of integrity. Some folks have it. Some don't.
in your very first sentence you implied that all of the things they did were crooked because I believe trump is a crook .. then you make statements about them getting all this cash, implying they are crooks by receiving all off this cash ...that to never happen ...but for you to try and prove your point here you make these false accusation to justify your means ... if you're going to use these kinds of statements look them up first ... then use it as a source ... you haven't done that just blurt out what you have heard from the right wing media... or people on these boards

Did you not know about the Mark Rich pardon? Do you deny it happened? Did you not know about the millions that the Clinton's have received from Wall Street Bankers and foreign interests for giving speeches? Do you deny that happened? Did you not know about the Lincoln Bedroom sleepovers for big contributors? Do even know who Hillary Clinton IS, Billy? I mean who she REALLY is?
do you ever do any research at all ??? I know who mark rich is ... I know he donated to the democrats and to the clinton campaign ... that doest make them as being bought, according to the clintons and the Rich legal team ... they said U.S. tax professors Bernard Wolfman of the Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center had concluded that no crime had been committed, and that Rich's companies' tax-reporting position had been reasonable... In the same essay, Clinton listed Lewis "Scooter" Libby (REMEMBER HIM FOOL ???) as one of three "distinguished Republican lawyers" who supported a pardon for Rich. (Libby himself later received a presidential commutation for his involvement in the Plame affair.) During Congressional hearings after Rich's pardon, Libby, who had represented Rich from 1985 until the spring of 2000, denied that Rich had violated the tax laws but criticized him for trading with Iran at a time when that country was holding U.S. hostages... so your attempt to try and smear why, doesn't cut mustard

Mark Rich was convicted in US court of tax evasion and fled the country to avoid going to jail. He didn't stay here and appeal his conviction.,,he was living the high life in Europe. Then through his wife he gave the Clinton's a large contribution to the Clinton Library and presto chango...he received a Presidential Pardon in the waning hours of the Clinton Administration. Your attempt to gloss over what the Clinton's did on their way out of the Presidency is what doesn't "cut the mustard"! If Mark Rich was so wrongfully convicted then Clinton should have pardoned him without taking the money. What part of how sleazy that is can't you grasp?

I don't know where you get your information from its sooooooo inaccurate ...he never fled the country ... thats one big lie from you and the right wing nuts jobs who wrote it ...Mark Rich was never convicted of tax evasion and you can't show one court that said they did ... you can't show us he fled the country ... because he was never in the country when they inditement came down and had been out of the country for at least a year ...according to the people who give these facts out, the government, they said Mark Rich commodities company Glendora is being indited in the United States on federal charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis. being indited isn't being convicted ..... thats all he ever was, indited... there is a difference... According to the government Mark rich was in Switzerland at the time of the inditement and never returned to the United States for the trial ... thats when Bernard Wolfman of the Harvard Law School and Martin Ginsburg of Georgetown University Law Center and scooter Libby All republicans mind you, went to Clinton with all the facts of the case, the facts from the indictment and then only then, did Clinton consider a Pardon from what the government thought they had a case ... do some reach for once in your life ...

As for mark rich wife giving donations that was on her part not Mark rich's part ... but your right wing nut jobs who love to smear the clintons said it came through her husband .... that never happen, but if it did, so be it it wasn't illegal ... but you can't show us one document saying where it did come from ... how ever we can show you where she stated she made the donation on her behalf not her husbands ...she said she supported the democrats and the clinton's.... just because of all the lies coming from the right wing press she made that statement to the press... try and keep up with reality and not some whack job clinton hater from the right...

"In 1983 Rich and partner Pincus Green were indicted on 65 criminal counts, including income tax evasion, wire fraud, racketeering, and trading with Iran during the oil embargo (at a time when Iranian revolutionaries were still holding American citizens hostage).[7][17] The charges would have led to a sentence of more than 300 years in prison had Rich been convicted on all counts.[17] The indictment was filed by then-U.S. Federal Prosecutor (and future mayor of New York City) Rudolph Giuliani. At the time it was the biggest tax evasion case in U.S. history.[18]

Hearing of the plans for the indictment, Rich fled[9] to Switzerland and, always insisting that he was not guilty, never returned to the U.S. to answer the charges.[Notes 1] Rich's companies eventually pleaded guilty to 35 counts of tax evasion and paid $90 million in fines,[7] although Rich himself remained on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most-Wanted Fugitives List for many years,[20] narrowly evading capture in Britain, Germany, Finland, and Jamaica.[21] Fearing arrest, he did not even return to the United States to attend his daughter's funeral in 1996.[22]

On January 20, 2001, hours before leaving office, U.S. President Bill Clinton granted Rich a highly controversial presidential pardon. Several of Clinton's strongest supporters distanced themselves from the decision.[23] Former President Jimmy Carter, a fellow Democrat, said, "I don't think there is any doubt that some of the factors in his pardon were attributable to his large gifts. In my opinion, that was disgraceful."[24] Clinton himself later expressed regret for issuing the pardon, saying that "it wasn't worth the damage to my reputation."[9]

Clinton's critics alleged that Rich's pardon had been bought, as Denise Rich had given more than $1 million[25] to Clinton's political party (the Democratic Party), including more than $100,000 to the Senate campaign of the president's wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and $450,000 to the Clinton Library foundation during Clinton's time in office.[21]" Wikipedia

So how does it feel to be a blinders wearing partisan, Billy?
do you have a comprehension problem here ??? never said that this didn't happen ...what I said. to you especially to you. that rich was never convicted of tax evasion .. where you insisted he was so stop your lying ... rich had been living it out of country for years he never left the country for tax evasion, why he never really lived here ... just did business here ....I've posted this crap of yours already and now you're posting again... do you see anywhere where its says convicted ??? I don't ... do you see anywhere where the government found wrong doing by clintons pardon ??? no you don't ... what you do find is republicans,
For someone to sit here now and say that Mark Rich didn't buy a pardon is laughable. He did and it was a sleazy move by Clinton.

Clinton admitted that pardon was one of his worse mistakes

do you have a comprehension problem here ??? never said that this didn't happen ...what I said. to you especially to you. that rich was never convicted of tax evasion .. where you insisted he was so stop your lying ... rich had been living it out of country for years he never left the country for tax evasion, why he never really lived here ... just did business here ....I've posted this crap of yours already and now you're posting again... do you see anywhere where its says convicted ??? I don't ... do you see anywhere where the government found wrong doing by clintons pardon ??? no you don't ... what you do find is republicans, and israelis trying to convince Clinton his pardon ... your opinion that he was bought doesn't support the government facts, just your bias and your hatred of democrats and the clintons ....
Billy, Rich KNEW he was going to get indicted and left the US because of that. He didn't move to Europe and never return...not even for his daughter's funeral because he liked Europe so much...he moved there to escape going to jail! Are you always this oblivious?
He made the payoff to Clinton for the pardon because he was afraid of being arrested in Europe and extradited to the US. He didn't return to the US AFTER the pardon because he could have been brought up on civil charges still.
There is a huge difference between something not being illegal, Billy...and something not being sleazy and unethical! As Jimmy Carter put it "I don't think there is any doubt that some of the factors in his pardon were attributable to his large gifts. In my opinion, that was disgraceful." That isn't a right winger who hates liberals...that's a man who's sees when something unethical has been done and is honest enough to admit it.

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