The media class is misleading the public about the “refugee” crisis now threatening Europe


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
Here are nine facts few journalist will report.

THE people flooding into Germany are not “refugees”. Once they arrived in Greece — or Turkey before that — they were safe. Moving north to rich Germany is an economic decision.

MOST of the “refugees” are not fleeing death. United Nations’ figures suggest half are not Syrians. Real refugees do not leave their families back home, yet 72 per cent of these are men.

AYLAN Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian photographed lying dead on a Turkish beach, was not fleeing Syria. His father had lived for three years in Turkey, working on construction sites. His Canadian sister supported him and says her brother wanted to go to Europe fix his teeth.

GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel is not showing great “compassion” by welcoming an expected 800,000 illegal immigrants this year. She simply knows German soldiers cannot turn away trains of unwanted people. (Remember the war!) But she claims this intake will be “one off” and demands other countries take some immigrants off her hands. Germany has already had hundreds of anti-immigrant protests, some violent. Soon it must get tough.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
2000 dollars buys you a Syrian ID and passport. The actual refugees can't get out. But Pakistanis are arriving daily because the benefits package is so good in Germany.


Oh Angela how you have fucked up!
It is deeper than the lucrative economic conditions in Europe...a lot deeper...
It is deeper than the lucrative economic conditions in Europe...a lot deeper...

Its an invasion. Without a shot being fired.

When German police are now sending out memos for young German women to dress modestly because they don't have the manpower to protect them from rape I think its a given that all hell is going to break loose soon.
It is deeper than the lucrative economic conditions in Europe...a lot deeper...

Its an invasion. Without a shot being fired.

When German police are now sending out memos for young German women to dress modestly because they don't have the manpower to protect them from rape I think its a given that all hell is going to break loose soon.
Yes, it is a is moving troops into is making Europe "divers" ...smashing quite few flies with one swatting
Here are nine facts few journalist will report.

THE people flooding into Germany are not “refugees”. Once they arrived in Greece — or Turkey before that — they were safe. Moving north to rich Germany is an economic decision.

MOST of the “refugees” are not fleeing death. United Nations’ figures suggest half are not Syrians. Real refugees do not leave their families back home, yet 72 per cent of these are men.


No Cookies | Herald Sun
Most Americans don't care about refugees flooding Europe
Here are nine facts few journalist will report.

THE people flooding into Germany are not “refugees”. Once they arrived in Greece — or Turkey before that — they were safe. Moving north to rich Germany is an economic decision.

MOST of the “refugees” are not fleeing death. United Nations’ figures suggest half are not Syrians. Real refugees do not leave their families back home, yet 72 per cent of these are men.


No Cookies | Herald Sun
Most Americans don't care about refugees flooding Europe
Yes and I'm sure they are in staggering proportions.

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