The Media is equally responsible for the current election shitstorm

This was a battle between Fake News, Big Tech Censorship, Hollywood, Academia, and the rest of the Deep State against the truth. The democrats used the Kung Flu to push for "mail in" voting which insured the ability to tweak vote totals in their favor. Very sad. President Trump did a great job against a rigged, evil system.
This was a battle between Fake News, Big Tech Censorship, Hollywood, Academia, and the rest of the Deep State against the truth. The democrats used the Kung Flu to push for "mail in" voting which insured the ability to tweak vote totals in their favor. Very sad. President Trump did a great job against a rigged, evil system.
Well said. He's gonna have a helluva best-selling book one of these days either way.
They call races. Then recall their own predictions. All after putting out absurdly bad polls.

As much fun as it can be to watch the process in action it ultimately equates to watching sausage being made.

Calling races immediately upon polls closing in one state in an effort to influence voting in states where voting is still active.

It's all a disgusting sham
It's public information which can't be silenced. States west of the Eastern Time Zone are always welcome to adjust the hours their polling locations are open to match the east coast if that's a problem for them.
They call races. Then recall their own predictions. All after putting out absurdly bad polls.

As much fun as it can be to watch the process in action it ultimately equates to watching sausage being made.

Calling races immediately upon polls closing in one state in an effort to influence voting in states where voting is still active.

It's all a disgusting sham
No shitstorm. Looks like biden won. You wish
They call races. Then recall their own predictions. All after putting out absurdly bad polls.

As much fun as it can be to watch the process in action it ultimately equates to watching sausage being made.

Calling races immediately upon polls closing in one state in an effort to influence voting in states where voting is still active.

It's all a disgusting sham

I'd say the last 4 years of massive media bias, coupled with Russia Russia, impeachment and general "resistance" has also contributed to this.

Yes though, calling states after 1% suggests we are living in the minority report.

If they used historic logic, you wouldn't need to vote. They would have given Trump far fewer Latino voters in Miami than what he normally would get.

These tools use historical data as if it's static. No way they should give Biden AZ after 73%, when they didn't give Trump many other states where he had a much bigger lead and similar %'s in.
They still won't call GA and NC, even though Biden has to win 70-80% of the remaining vote to TIE Trump.

They are being cautious, like they have been with the other states.
Like calling VA with 1% in and calling AZ with 31% outstanding?

Honestly, if anything, this election should raise some issues about reporting.

How about "you cannot 'call' a state for any candidate until at least 80% returned"? I think their actions themselves are delegitimizing the entire process. It will get to the point where, "hey, why should I vote, they won't count my votes anyways, as they will call the election after 5% in".

Can you name a state where something like that happened?
Exactly...what I've followed will show "leading" but won't call it unless most of it is returned and the margin is such that what is left won't change it.
Salty Cracker live stream discussing the election fraud among other things.


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