The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020

Flake is a fcking moron
You know who won't vote for Trump?
In the Primary? I suspect you are right.

But if you think everyone on the Right is happy with may have a rude awakening in a few years.
I know way more people than the average person on this board and even most Blue Dogs like Trump.

That is an out right lie! Very few Dims like or could stomach voting for Trump!
I live in NY and you are incorrect...and frustrated.
All 8 prototypes are built they are in the testing phase,you would know this if you read the news. The fascist and immoral FORCING people to buy health insurance has been repealed and that alone will open up the markets. Maybe you lefties should push your obstructionist party to help fix things instead of whining and crying the entire time over them and things can get even more awesome.

Did Mexico pay for the Lego walls that Drump built?
Why would they pay for prototypes? You are really incompetent. Either Mexico can pony up a check or we can start slashing aid and trade with them :)

So what your saying is Rump lied and Mexico is not paying for any of it, got it!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
THE WALL! Tell me WHY would we waste our ammunition getting them to pay for 8 prototypes? We wait until we have THE design we are going with and where its going to be installed etc AND THEN you make the demand and you give them the can be slashed,aide can be slashed,money being sent back to Mexico can be HIGHLY taxed...all 3 can and will give us the money to build the wall.
You know who won't vote for Trump?
In the Primary? I suspect you are right.

But if you think everyone on the Right is happy with may have a rude awakening in a few years.
I know way more people than the average person on this board and even most Blue Dogs like Trump.

That is an out right lie! Very few Dims like or could stomach voting for Trump!
I live in NY and you are incorrect...and frustrated.

Not one bit frustrated, I live in Ohio which Trump won handily. Many that did vote for him have changed their minds and those that didn't still wouldn't! So sounds like he has lost a little ground here. 2020 is a long ways away though, if the economy remains strong he will be tough to beat!
Did Mexico pay for the Lego walls that Drump built?
Why would they pay for prototypes? You are really incompetent. Either Mexico can pony up a check or we can start slashing aid and trade with them :)

So what your saying is Rump lied and Mexico is not paying for any of it, got it!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
THE WALL! Tell me WHY would we waste our ammunition getting them to pay for 8 prototypes? We wait until we have THE design we are going with and where its going to be installed etc AND THEN you make the demand and you give them the can be slashed,aide can be slashed,money being sent back to Mexico can be HIGHLY taxed...all 3 can and will give us the money to build the wall.

So they still have refused to pay for the wall! Guess what Felicia, they aren't going to and Rump lied to you and you ate it like candy!
Did Mexico pay for the Lego walls that Drump built?
Why would they pay for prototypes? You are really incompetent. Either Mexico can pony up a check or we can start slashing aid and trade with them :)

So what your saying is Rump lied and Mexico is not paying for any of it, got it!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
THE WALL! Tell me WHY would we waste our ammunition getting them to pay for 8 prototypes? We wait until we have THE design we are going with and where its going to be installed etc AND THEN you make the demand and you give them the can be slashed,aide can be slashed,money being sent back to Mexico can be HIGHLY taxed...all 3 can and will give us the money to build the wall.

Just the savings from eliminating $50 billion in illegal tax fraud will build the wall twice over.
Why would they pay for prototypes? You are really incompetent. Either Mexico can pony up a check or we can start slashing aid and trade with them :)

So what your saying is Rump lied and Mexico is not paying for any of it, got it!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
THE WALL! Tell me WHY would we waste our ammunition getting them to pay for 8 prototypes? We wait until we have THE design we are going with and where its going to be installed etc AND THEN you make the demand and you give them the can be slashed,aide can be slashed,money being sent back to Mexico can be HIGHLY taxed...all 3 can and will give us the money to build the wall.

Just the savings from eliminating $50 billion in illegal tax fraud will build the wall twice over.

That is NOT what the pathological lier said. He said they will pay for it and they will like it! Believe me!
Out of the five mentioned, not one of them has a chance. I'm surprised at anyone still thinking of Kasich.
So what your saying is Rump lied and Mexico is not paying for any of it, got it!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
THE WALL! Tell me WHY would we waste our ammunition getting them to pay for 8 prototypes? We wait until we have THE design we are going with and where its going to be installed etc AND THEN you make the demand and you give them the can be slashed,aide can be slashed,money being sent back to Mexico can be HIGHLY taxed...all 3 can and will give us the money to build the wall.

Just the savings from eliminating $50 billion in illegal tax fraud will build the wall twice over.

That is NOT what the pathological lier said. He said they will pay for it and they will like it! Believe me!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
THE WALL! Tell me WHY would we waste our ammunition getting them to pay for 8 prototypes? We wait until we have THE design we are going with and where its going to be installed etc AND THEN you make the demand and you give them the can be slashed,aide can be slashed,money being sent back to Mexico can be HIGHLY taxed...all 3 can and will give us the money to build the wall.

Just the savings from eliminating $50 billion in illegal tax fraud will build the wall twice over.

That is NOT what the pathological lier said. He said they will pay for it and they will like it! Believe me!

So snowflake, do you deny that Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall and that they would like it?
The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020

Opposition to Trump in 2020? Could he be taken down in the Primary?

Will President Trump face a challenge from within his own party in 2020?

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R) seems to think so. On Sunday, Flake told ABC’s “This Week” that if the president did not change his approach, he “is going to leave a huge swath of voters looking for someone else.”

Flake, a frequent Trump critic, added that the president is “probably inviting a Republican challenge.”

Any challenger to Trump would face enormous hurdles.

The president remains popular among Republican voters, even as he endures historically low approval numbers at large. In most polls, around 80 percent of GOP voters give Trump the thumbs-up.

Still, Trump would become much more vulnerable if Republicans suffered major losses in the midterm elections set for November 2018.

And it’s easy to see why some of his most strident GOP critics might think it’s worthwhile to run against him, even if victory is a long-odds bet.

But who is most likely to do it?
It would be madness for Republicans to run Trump in 2020.
The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020

Opposition to Trump in 2020? Could he be taken down in the Primary?

Will President Trump face a challenge from within his own party in 2020?

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R) seems to think so. On Sunday, Flake told ABC’s “This Week” that if the president did not change his approach, he “is going to leave a huge swath of voters looking for someone else.”

Flake, a frequent Trump critic, added that the president is “probably inviting a Republican challenge.”

Any challenger to Trump would face enormous hurdles.

The president remains popular among Republican voters, even as he endures historically low approval numbers at large. In most polls, around 80 percent of GOP voters give Trump the thumbs-up.

Still, Trump would become much more vulnerable if Republicans suffered major losses in the midterm elections set for November 2018.

And it’s easy to see why some of his most strident GOP critics might think it’s worthwhile to run against him, even if victory is a long-odds bet.

But who is most likely to do it?

Why do you imagine flake won't get the same reception Jeb Bush got? Here's a clue for all you snowflakes looking for a great white hope to defeat Trump: Flake isn't retiring from his Senate seat because he's popular with Republicans.
You know who won't vote for Trump?
In the Primary? I suspect you are right.

But if you think everyone on the Right is happy with may have a rude awakening in a few years.
I know way more people than the average person on this board and even most Blue Dogs like Trump.

That is an out right lie! Very few Dims like or could stomach voting for Trump!
I live in NY and you are incorrect...and frustrated.

Not one bit frustrated, I live in Ohio which Trump won handily. Many that did vote for him have changed their minds and those that didn't still wouldn't! So sounds like he has lost a little ground here. 2020 is a long ways away though, if the economy remains strong he will be tough to beat!
Yeah, sure, and if pigs had wings they could fly.
The Memo: Five Republicans who could primary Trump in 2020

Opposition to Trump in 2020? Could he be taken down in the Primary?

Will President Trump face a challenge from within his own party in 2020?

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake (R) seems to think so. On Sunday, Flake told ABC’s “This Week” that if the president did not change his approach, he “is going to leave a huge swath of voters looking for someone else.”

Flake, a frequent Trump critic, added that the president is “probably inviting a Republican challenge.”

Any challenger to Trump would face enormous hurdles.

The president remains popular among Republican voters, even as he endures historically low approval numbers at large. In most polls, around 80 percent of GOP voters give Trump the thumbs-up.

Still, Trump would become much more vulnerable if Republicans suffered major losses in the midterm elections set for November 2018.

And it’s easy to see why some of his most strident GOP critics might think it’s worthwhile to run against him, even if victory is a long-odds bet.

But who is most likely to do it?
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
If Trump runs in 2020 then will win by a Reagan type landslide, much to the chagrin of the pink pussy heat wearing pajama boy snowflake Moon Bats. We will see more Liberal tears and hear more howling at the sky. It will be glorious to watch like like when Crooked Hillary lost.
All 8 prototypes are built they are in the testing phase,you would know this if you read the news. The fascist and immoral FORCING people to buy health insurance has been repealed and that alone will open up the markets. Maybe you lefties should push your obstructionist party to help fix things instead of whining and crying the entire time over them and things can get even more awesome.

Did Mexico pay for the Lego walls that Drump built?
Why would they pay for prototypes? You are really incompetent. Either Mexico can pony up a check or we can start slashing aid and trade with them :)

So what your saying is Rump lied and Mexico is not paying for any of it, got it!
If that's what your 2nd grade public education comprehension level says snowflake go for it. I am bout tired of toying with got boring fast.

So exactly what is Mexico paying for because it looks like a whole lot of nothing the dumpling!
President Trump is playing three dimensional chess you asshole!
Trump builds the WALL. Thus dramatically reducing the number of illegals who send a lot of money back to Mexico.
The WALL dramatically reduces the amount of illegal hard drugs entering the US thus dramatically reducing the amount of money the Cartels are making thus having a direct impact on the Mexican economy.
Directly and indirectly the WALL will be paid for by the Mexicans based on the savings incurred by the US Gov. AKA the TAXPAYER!

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