
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
Former POW Fights Public Access to POW/MIA Files
By Sydney Schanberg

Prisoners left behind

A smaller number of former POWs, MIA families and veterans have suggested there is something especially damning about McCain that the senator wants to keep hidden. Without release of the files, such accusations must be viewed as unsubstantiated speculation. The main reason, however, for seeking these files is to find out if there is any information in the debriefings, or in other MIA documents that McCain and the Pentagon have kept sealed, about how many prisoners were held back by North Vietnam after the Paris peace treaty was signed in January 1973. The defense and intelligence establishment has long resisted the declassification of critical records on this subject. McCain has been the main congressional force behind this effort.

The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
There was some questions about how he got his release. His father had a lot to do with him getting into college and in the service and maybe getting him out of prison.:confused:
oh boy, here we go

drag up one Pow because Obama is taking heat for his "pawn" supposed POW that he USED to cover his traitors actions

Just IGNORE he just REALEASED Five murdering terrorist back to kill more of our men and women in Afghanistan and we need to HOPE they don't pull something on us here home

how shameful you use McCain for for any of this with Obama
The left has to rewrite history. McCain's father really did pull some strings to get his son released. John McCain just refused to go. Either they all went or he stayed.

The left will do anything to make Bergdahl a hero, by extension making obama right.
I don't know how much lower they can crawl for Obama, but I'm afraid they will
"Iran-Contra" means "Shut the fuck up, Republicans."

How much lower could your GOP Messiah sink? He's already burning in Hell. Can't get much lower than that, can you?
oh boy, here we go

drag up one Pow because Obama is taking heat for his "pawn" supposed POW that he USED to cover his traitors actions

Just IGNORE he just REALEASED Five murdering terrorist back to kill more of our men and women in Afghanistan and we need to HOPE they don't pull something on us here home

how shameful you use McCain for for any of this with Obama

It's a legitimate observation. McCain was the traitor, not Bergdahl. He sang like a bird, trashed his country to the French and Vietnamese, and won the favor of special treatment.

And by his own admission, he became a POW be wandering off course and getting captured.
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oh boy, here we go

drag up one Pow because Obama is taking heat for his "pawn" supposed POW that he USED to cover his traitors actions

Just IGNORE he just REALEASED Five murdering terrorist back to kill more of our men and women in Afghanistan and we need to HOPE they don't pull something on us here home

how shameful you use McCain for for any of this with Obama

Pot calling the kettle black. Double standards. Who is hollowing the loudest? Throw the first stone. Who started this damn war and sent our children into a war for political reasons? Yeah Obama bring every one of them home. NO evidence any of those in Gitmo are murderers. They were just protecting their own from a foreign invasion. Who created these terrorist? I my home was occupied by an infidel, etc I would fight back also.
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Not panic mode, but disgust over the selective memories of right winged vampires, that feel what they have done in the past gets an OK seal of approval but others must be condemned to Hell by the same assholes that have no place to judge in the first place..
I wonder if a text message gets sent to Democrat's phones instructing them to take to the
message boards because Obama has been dissed?
Dissed is one thing, but being a vulture is another, feeding on your hate and idiotic inability to never see how no one is perfect, and you have no idea what it is like until you have walked in their shoes..
The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
Former POW Fights Public Access to POW/MIA Files
By Sydney Schanberg

Prisoners left behind

A smaller number of former POWs, MIA families and veterans have suggested there is something especially damning about McCain that the senator wants to keep hidden. Without release of the files, such accusations must be viewed as unsubstantiated speculation. The main reason, however, for seeking these files is to find out if there is any information in the debriefings, or in other MIA documents that McCain and the Pentagon have kept sealed, about how many prisoners were held back by North Vietnam after the Paris peace treaty was signed in January 1973. The defense and intelligence establishment has long resisted the declassification of critical records on this subject. McCain has been the main congressional force behind this effort.

The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
There was some questions about how he got his release. His father had a lot to do with him getting into college and in the service and maybe getting him out of prison.:confused:

Please please please go fuck yourself

Remember when John McCain came back and said, "Durka durka Jihad"?
Question plain and simple.
Did Bergdahl walk away from his unit?
All indications are he did...

That's what this is all about....

Doesn't matter what McCain did!
What matters is Obama is taking heat and his little followers just can't stand that.
I wonder if a text message gets sent to Democrat's phones instructing them to take to the
message boards because Obama has been dissed?

You are kidding right? What gave you the first clue? The amount of comment? The unity of the messages?

Pelosi is in charge of making sure it gets done:

oh boy, here we go

drag up one Pow because Obama is taking heat for his "pawn" supposed POW that he USED to cover his traitors actions

Just IGNORE he just REALEASED Five murdering terrorist back to kill more of our men and women in Afghanistan and we need to HOPE they don't pull something on us here home

how shameful you use McCain for for any of this with Obama

Pot calling the kettle black. Double standards. Who is hollowing the loudest? Throw the first stone. Who started this damn war and sent our children into a war for political reasons? Yeah Obama bring every one of them home. NO evidence any of those in Gitmo are murderers. They were just protecting their own from a foreign invasion. Who created these terrorist? I my home was occupied by an infidel, etc I would fight back also.

Oh gawd....!! ....the children.....the CHILDREN....!!! :crybaby:


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