It's a legitimate observation. McCain was the traitor, not Bergdahl. He sang like a bird, trashed his country to the French and Vietnamese, and won the favor of special treatment.

And by his own admission, he became a POW be wandering off course and getting captured.

I think you got McCain mixed up with Kerry.

Absolutely not. Kerry called actions in Vietnam atrocities. That's the truth.

McCain? As the OP states, he blocked release of information about his fellow POW's, guys who didn't get the cushy treatment he did.


Why did he block bill after bill after bill trying to get the info released. What's he hiding???

If this had been Obama, you ball licking teabaggers would be screaming "WHERE'S THE TRANSPARENCY???"

McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative

Now read this, if you're capable.

McNasty » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

War. If you’re a Glory Boy like John Sidney McCain III, you really have no idea what it is. You drop bombs on cities, on civilians, maybe on enemy forces, maybe on your own troops. Glory Boys like John McCain rarely get a taste of the horror they inflict on others. Their suffering rarely extends beyond the high anxiety that they might get shot down and that some bombarded mob on the ground might take its revenge.

Being a POW is what my father and John McCain have in common; although their experience as POWs was as different as their class and their character.

Class indeed has privileges, and while the government refused to provide my combat-veteran father with medical benefits for his malaria, McCain, who spent ten hours of his life in mortal danger, was decorated with the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart.

And thus the “war hero” myth was born.

Then there's these two comments. I don't think Bergdahl ever muttered them in pride.

“I am a war criminal”

“I bombed innocent women and children.”

Here is the McCain bill, please show me where he blocked anything?

The statute requires the Secretary of
Defense to make available to the public--in a "library like
setting1,--alli nformation relating to the treatment, location,
and/or condition (T-L-C) of United States personnel who are
unaccounted-for from the Vietnam War. The facility chosen
to receive this information is the Library of Congress (LoC).
The Secretary of Defense is named as the "official
CaféAuLait;9225841 said:
I think you got McCain mixed up with Kerry.

Absolutely not. Kerry called actions in Vietnam atrocities. That's the truth.

McCain? As the OP states, he blocked release of information about his fellow POW's, guys who didn't get the cushy treatment he did.


Why did he block bill after bill after bill trying to get the info released. What's he hiding???

If this had been Obama, you ball licking teabaggers would be screaming "WHERE'S THE TRANSPARENCY???"

McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative

Now read this, if you're capable.

McNasty » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Then there's these two comments. I don't think Bergdahl ever muttered them in pride.

“I am a war criminal”

“I bombed innocent women and children.”

Here is the McCain bill, please show me where he blocked anything?

The statute requires the Secretary of
Defense to make available to the public--in a "library like
setting1,--alli nformation relating to the treatment, location,
and/or condition (T-L-C) of United States personnel who are
unaccounted-for from the Vietnam War. The facility chosen
to receive this information is the Library of Congress (LoC).
The Secretary of Defense is named as the "official

Look at her source. She would call the earth flat if certain parties told her to.
It's a legitimate observation. McCain was the traitor, not Bergdahl. He sang like a bird, trashed his country to the French and Vietnamese, and won the favor of special treatment.

And by his own admission, he became a POW be wandering off course and getting captured.

I think you got McCain mixed up with Kerry.

Absolutely not. Kerry called actions in Vietnam atrocities. That's the truth.

McCain? As the OP states, he blocked release of information about his fellow POW's, guys who didn't get the cushy treatment he did.


Why did he block bill after bill after bill trying to get the info released. What's he hiding???

If this had been Obama, you ball licking teabaggers would be screaming "WHERE'S THE TRANSPARENCY???"

McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative

Now read this, if you're capable.

McNasty » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

War. If you’re a Glory Boy like John Sidney McCain III, you really have no idea what it is. You drop bombs on cities, on civilians, maybe on enemy forces, maybe on your own troops. Glory Boys like John McCain rarely get a taste of the horror they inflict on others. Their suffering rarely extends beyond the high anxiety that they might get shot down and that some bombarded mob on the ground might take its revenge.

Being a POW is what my father and John McCain have in common; although their experience as POWs was as different as their class and their character.

Class indeed has privileges, and while the government refused to provide my combat-veteran father with medical benefits for his malaria, McCain, who spent ten hours of his life in mortal danger, was decorated with the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart.

And thus the “war hero” myth was born.

Then there's these two comments. I don't think Bergdahl ever muttered them in pride.

“I am a war criminal”

“I bombed innocent women and children.”

Liar. McCain never gave in to his captors after the first propaganda confession was forced out of him. It earned him more beatings and more torture.

And if you think life at the freaking Hanoi Hilton was cushy treatment you are seriously insane.

Oh and go fuck yourself for being such a bitch.
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Dissed is one thing, but being a vulture is another, feeding on your hate and idiotic inability to never see how no one is perfect, and you have no idea what it is like until you have walked in their shoes..

Which, incidentally, is why you and some of your libby buds need to spend a few days in the Hanoi Hilton.

When a left wing loon like Howey can actually claim that McCain "got cushy treatment" you know they are seriously demented.
Dissed is one thing, but being a vulture is another, feeding on your hate and idiotic inability to never see how no one is perfect, and you have no idea what it is like until you have walked in their shoes..

Which, incidentally, is why you and some of your libby buds need to spend a few days in the Hanoi Hilton.

When a left wing loon like H

owey can actually claim that McCain "got cushy treatment" you know they are seriously demented.

Stupid ****.

McCain admitted it himself.
Question plain and simple.
Did Bergdahl walk away from his unit?
All indications are he did...

That's what this is all about....

Doesn't matter what McCain did!
What matters is Obama is taking heat and his little followers just can't stand that.

Not what McCain did but what was done to cover it up.
The left has to rewrite history. McCain's father really did pull some strings to get his son released. John McCain just refused to go. Either they all went or he stayed.

The left will do anything to make Bergdahl a hero, by extension making obama right.


We have a winner... :clap:
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Question plain and simple.
Did Bergdahl walk away from his unit?
All indications are he did...

That's what this is all about....

Doesn't matter what McCain did!
What matters is Obama is taking heat and his little followers just can't stand that.

Not what McCain did but what was done to cover it up.

Do tell what did he do to cover it up. Your article mentions "The McCain Bill" which did the EXACT opposite of what you claim.

Here it is, please show me the cover-up. TIA.
Feel free to join us in 2014 oldlady. It's pretty nice up here in the modern era.

Again Gramps, Bush created this nightmare. Reason we are here in the modern era of terorism

Bush? Are you aware of the history and why the ME hates the US and the UK? The CIA and MI5 and the 28 Mordad coup?

You think Bush policy was responsible for the 93 attacks and the 2001 attacks on WTC? Why do you think terrorism exists?

Wow. Head. Sand. Ostrich.

Or is it blame Bush for all syndrome?
It's a legitimate observation. McCain was the traitor, not Bergdahl. He sang like a bird, trashed his country to the French and Vietnamese, and won the favor of special treatment.

And by his own admission, he became a POW be wandering off course and getting captured.

I think you got McCain mixed up with Kerry.

Absolutely not. Kerry called actions in Vietnam atrocities. That's the truth.

McCain? As the OP states, he blocked release of information about his fellow POW's, guys who didn't get the cushy treatment he did.


Why did he block bill after bill after bill trying to get the info released. What's he hiding???

If this had been Obama, you ball licking teabaggers would be screaming "WHERE'S THE TRANSPARENCY???"

McCain and the POW Cover-Up | The American Conservative

Now read this, if you're capable.

McNasty » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

War. If you’re a Glory Boy like John Sidney McCain III, you really have no idea what it is. You drop bombs on cities, on civilians, maybe on enemy forces, maybe on your own troops. Glory Boys like John McCain rarely get a taste of the horror they inflict on others. Their suffering rarely extends beyond the high anxiety that they might get shot down and that some bombarded mob on the ground might take its revenge.

Being a POW is what my father and John McCain have in common; although their experience as POWs was as different as their class and their character.

Class indeed has privileges, and while the government refused to provide my combat-veteran father with medical benefits for his malaria, McCain, who spent ten hours of his life in mortal danger, was decorated with the Silver Star, Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Bronze Star Medal and the Purple Heart.

And thus the “war hero” myth was born.

Then there's these two comments. I don't think Bergdahl ever muttered them in pride.

“I am a war criminal”

“I bombed innocent women and children.”

Your blogs prove nothing and are irrelevant to todays situation.
Which, incidentally, is why you and some of your libby buds need to spend a few days in the Hanoi Hilton.

When a left wing loon like H

owey can actually claim that McCain "got cushy treatment" you know they are seriously demented.

Stupid ****.

McCain admitted it himself.
He got such cushy treatment that he can not raise his arms above his shoulders due to the torture they did to him, sounds like he had it made.
oh boy, here we go

drag up one Pow because Obama is taking heat for his "pawn" supposed POW that he USED to cover his traitors actions

Just IGNORE he just REALEASED Five murdering terrorist back to kill more of our men and women in Afghanistan and we need to HOPE they don't pull something on us here home

how shameful you use McCain for for any of this with Obama

Pot calling the kettle black. Double standards. Who is hollowing the loudest? Throw the first stone. Who started this damn war and sent our children into a war for political reasons? Yeah Obama bring every one of them home. NO evidence any of those in Gitmo are murderers. They were just protecting their own from a foreign invasion. Who created these terrorist? I my home was occupied by an infidel, etc I would fight back also.

Oh gawd....!! ....the children.....the CHILDREN....!!! :crybaby:


Making fun of the incalculable loss of a child to a senseless and needless war really is going too far.

If you had ever lost a child to any reason, you might understand but using this to further the shitty rw agenda is just beyond despicable.

Honestly, you just have no clue about what our military and their families sacrifice so you can behave like a jackass.

SHAME SHAME SHAME on you for making fun of our dead military and their families.
Which, incidentally, is why you and some of your libby buds need to spend a few days in the Hanoi Hilton.

When a left wing loon like H

owey can actually claim that McCain "got cushy treatment" you know they are seriously demented.

Stupid ****.

McCain admitted it himself.
Watch the language when dealing with a lady, dick-breath.

McCain is ten times the man you are, and he, and his father, and grandfather, have rendered good and long and honorable service to the Republic.

And I don't even like the sonofabitch.

You, on the other hand, aren't even worthy to wipe his ass.

You can crawl back under that rock you came from.

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When a left wing loon like H

owey can actually claim that McCain "got cushy treatment" you know they are seriously demented.

Stupid ****.

McCain admitted it himself.
He got such cushy treatment that he can not raise his arms above his shoulders due to the torture they did to him, sounds like he had it made.

He made huge sacrifices and that should not be demeaned or belittled. But he also lied and cheated. He has made a career out of having been a POW and having a wealthy and influential father. McCain has accomplished almost nothing on his own.
When a left wing loon like H

owey can actually claim that McCain "got cushy treatment" you know they are seriously demented.

Stupid ****.

McCain admitted it himself.
Watch the language when dealing with a lady, dick-breath.

McCain is ten times the man you are, and he, and his father, and grandfather, have rendered good and long and honorable service to the Republic.

And I don't even like the sonofabitch.

You, on the other hand, aren't even worthy to wipe his ass, and you can crawl back under that rock you came from.

John McCain's father was a liar and a cheat - just like his son.

Give them credit for what they actually did but don't make them into little supermen that they were not and are not.
John McCain's father was a liar and a cheat - just like his son. Give them credit for what they actually did but don't make them into little supermen that they were not and are not.
John McCain I and II dedicated their adult lives to service in the Navy.

John McCain III was headed down a similar path, but lost the passion for it, after Vietnam.

I don't really know about the sins of the father and grandfather, but I know that they served long and honorably, and that's good enough for me.

Certainly when counterpointing a pissant like our colleague, who has nothing similar to boast of.

I'm not making the McCains into supermen... I have no dog in this fight... like I said, I don't even like that phukker McCain... but even as just plain men, who dedicated their lives to the service of their country... that long and hard and honorable service elevates them to a position so far above that of our pissant colleague, that his own unworthiness looks painfully and ludicrously obvious by comparison.
oh boy, here we go

drag up one Pow because Obama is taking heat for his "pawn" supposed POW that he USED to cover his traitors actions

Just IGNORE he just REALEASED Five murdering terrorist back to kill more of our men and women in Afghanistan and we need to HOPE they don't pull something on us here home

how shameful you use McCain for for any of this with Obama

Pot calling the kettle black. Double standards. Who is hollowing the loudest? Throw the first stone. Who started this damn war and sent our children into a war for political reasons? Yeah Obama bring every one of them home. NO evidence any of those in Gitmo are murderers. They were just protecting their own from a foreign invasion. Who created these terrorist? I my home was occupied by an infidel, etc I would fight back also.

Un freaking real you lying mother fucking scumbucket poster from hell aka left wing loon.

Remember this you evil bitch? Will it ring a bell for you on why the US and 59 other countries signed on with United Nations and NATO approval AND with Afghan participation to rout out Al Qaeda.

Just when I don't think you liberals can stoop any lower you surprise me again.


Shove this where the son don't shine :eusa_angel:


1 Afghanistan
2 Australia
3 Armenia
4 Azerbaijan
5 Bahrain
6 Bangladesh
7 Bulgaria
8 Belgium
9 Bosnia and Herzegovina
10 Canada
11 China
12 Congo
13 Cyprus
14 Czech Republic
15 Denmark
16 Egypt
17 Estonia
18 France
19 Georgia
20 Germany
21 Greece
22 Hungary
23 India
24 Iran
25 Ireland
26 Italy
27 Japan
28 Kuwait
29 Kyrgyzstan
30 Latvia
31 Lithuania
32 Macedonia
33 Malaysia
34 Montenegro
35 Netherlands
36 New Zealand
37 Norway
38 Oman
39 Pakistan
40 Poland
41 Portugal
42 Qatar
43 Romania
44 Russia
45 Slovakia
46 Slovenia
47 South Korea
48 Spain
49 Sudan
50 Sweden
51 Switzerland
52 Tajikistan
53 Thailand
54 Turkey
55 Turkmenistan
56 United Arab Emirates
57 Ukraine
58 United Kingdom
59 United States
60 Uzbekistan

Participants in Operation Enduring Freedom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did not make it the right thing to do we soon found out. Why did we go into Iraq when Saddam had nothing to do with terrorism.
The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
Former POW Fights Public Access to POW/MIA Files
By Sydney Schanberg

Prisoners left behind

A smaller number of former POWs, MIA families and veterans have suggested there is something especially damning about McCain that the senator wants to keep hidden. Without release of the files, such accusations must be viewed as unsubstantiated speculation. The main reason, however, for seeking these files is to find out if there is any information in the debriefings, or in other MIA documents that McCain and the Pentagon have kept sealed, about how many prisoners were held back by North Vietnam after the Paris peace treaty was signed in January 1973. The defense and intelligence establishment has long resisted the declassification of critical records on this subject. McCain has been the main congressional force behind this effort.

The War Secrets Sen. John McCain Hides
There was some questions about how he got his release. His father had a lot to do with him getting into college and in the service and maybe getting him out of prison.:confused:
McCain's father and grandfather were admirals. Yes, they were influential in getting him into Annapolis, where he was near the bottom of his class. It would be surprising if they had nothing to do with his release.

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