The Military LOATHE Obama

Military Times Poll: Romney bests Obama, 2-1 - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

It's very telling when the vote is this one sided.. No wonder Obama and his librul team of henchmen have been trying to disenfranchise our military heroes!

This ain't news. The 'Professional core' of the military are ALWAYS favoring Republicans over Democrats. That's because the Repugs always support high-tech, big ticket military projects - the type that provide the 'professional core' with post-military jobs in the military/industrial complex.

These people are voting their own wallet, nothing more, nothing less.

Note: this poll does not take into account the full U.S. military, just the careerists.

"...the type that provide the 'professional core' with post-military jobs in the military/industrial complex."

Are they like those "shovel ready" jobs or more like the ones Solyndra created?
when I was in the miltary, we were given orders and we followed them. Opinions were not wanted or needed. Worked out just fine. Something different in today's military? BTW- you serve caroljo?

Are you saying the parents of fallen SEAL team 6 members should just shut up?
So career miltary, the ones that protect your chicken shit ass are now on the dole?

Money spent on defense we don't need is a handout. Period.

So you're an authority on how much defense we need?

We now, since Obama has been in office, have just about every country in the ME hating our guts. They want us "infidels" dead....but we don't want MORE protection, we want LESS! Lol! You're a moron..........

Yeah, they loved us before Obama was elected.
when I was in the miltary, we were given orders and we followed them. Opinions were not wanted or needed. Worked out just fine. Something different in today's military? BTW- you serve caroljo?

Are you saying the parents of fallen SEAL team 6 members should just shut up?

did they sign the enlistment contract? :eusa_whistle: You need to STFU Big mouth.
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Thank heavens we are getting a moderate Republican who wont' have a thing to do with you fuckheaded weirdos.

The military has been Republican-leaning for a long time, especially when most of the Democrat Presidential candidates have been draft dodgers and traitors to the military.

More soldiers by far were killed in wars started by Democrat Presidents.
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when I was in the miltary, we were given orders and we followed them. Opinions were not wanted or needed. Worked out just fine. Something different in today's military? BTW- you serve caroljo?

Are you saying the parents of fallen SEAL team 6 members should just shut up?

did they sign the enlistment contract? :eusa_whistle: You need to STFU Big mouth.

Why do I need to shut up? Because the truth is being talked about and you as a lying leftist don't like it? Why do the parents of a fallen soldier have to sign an enlistment contract in order to discuss their beloved son???

The above is why the military LOATHES liberals.. the utter disrespect.

Military Families are Outing Obama

By Karin McQuillan

American military and State Department families that have lost their sons in the war against Islamic jihadis are outing President Obama for playing politics with the lives (and deaths) of their sons. Speaking out in some of the most painful interviews ever shown on television, they directly blame the president for the loss of their sons' lives. Their accusations speak directly to Obama's competence in defending our national security.

Iran is on the brink of possessing nuclear weapons. Egypt's elected President Mubarak, the keystone to stability in the Middle East for the last 30 years, was pressured by President Obama to step down in favor of the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood. The Benghazi embassy was denied Marine protection, even on 9/11, with the subsequent tragedy and White House cover-up. We haven't lost an ambassador since Jimmy Carter's incompetence. Obama's Middle East policy has been a disaster, with one exception -- the killing of Osama bin Laden by Navy SEAL Team 6.

The president ran the special ops raid on Osama bin Laden's compound with one eye on national security and the other on political opportunism. Intelligence was compromised because there was political advantage to Obama to do so. Within a day, the White House divulged details of the attack, including that it was carried out by SEAL Team Six.

Three months later, 22 men from SEAL Team 6 were dead, victims of Obama's policies and politics. This story has been buried, until this 9/11.


Read more: Articles: Military Families are Outing Obama

This Administration CONINUES to leak National Security secrets, like yesterday with the "coming strike in Libya." Dana Perino called for a special investigation yesterday and stated, "ENOUGH.. Never has an Administration leaked national security details , never and it's despicable." I think this man in the WH will do ANYTHING , literally- to hold on to power and make no mistake- his lemmings will turn a blind eye , lie for him and even applaud him as he breaks laws, usurps the Constitution, lies, gets people killed..

You watched "The Five" didn't you? :eusa_angel:

I never miss that show!!!!! Lots of good information there! :)
Money spent on defense we don't need is a handout. Period.

So you're an authority on how much defense we need?

We now, since Obama has been in office, have just about every country in the ME hating our guts. They want us "infidels" dead....but we don't want MORE protection, we want LESS! Lol! You're a moron..........

Yeah, they loved us before Obama was elected.

They may not have loved us but they respected us whether it was out of fear or not.
So you're an authority on how much defense we need?

We now, since Obama has been in office, have just about every country in the ME hating our guts. They want us "infidels" dead....but we don't want MORE protection, we want LESS! Lol! You're a moron..........

Yeah, they loved us before Obama was elected.

They may not have loved us but they respected us whether it was out of fear or not.

when I was in the miltary, we were given orders and we followed them. Opinions were not wanted or needed. Worked out just fine. Something different in today's military? BTW- you serve caroljo?

No...I didn't serve.
Not too many women went in during Viet Nam.
But my first husband was in the Air Force so i had quite a lot of time around the military.

My (current) husband ENLISTED in the marines when he was 17 in 1971, knowing he would be heading for VN.

My father was a Chief Petty officer in the Navy during WWII and Korean War.

My father in law was in the Army, part of the 101st Airborne that landed in Normandy.

My son is a Sgt in the Army, right now in training for Psy Ops.

So what did you do???
Are you saying the parents of fallen SEAL team 6 members should just shut up?

did they sign the enlistment contract? :eusa_whistle: You need to STFU Big mouth.

Why do I need to shut up? Because the truth is being talked about and you as a lying leftist don't like it? Why do the parents of a fallen soldier have to sign an enlistment contract in order to discuss their beloved son???

The above is why the military LOATHES liberals.. the utter disrespect.

the contract was between the soldier and the gov't NOT between the soldiers family & the gov't. We are told about the risks inherent in serving and must agree to them BEFORE being accepted you dope.

true story


BTW- you must empathize w/ Cindy Sheehan then? :) AND what about the former football player who was killed during the Bu$h II-era?
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caroljo, ladydumbslinger, & beretta304 :rolleyes: If I were still in the military I wouldn't want you dopes arguing over what I do or don't believe. GTFO of here.
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Notice how liberals ALWAYS revert to personal insults?? ALWAYS..

Petty, shows no clear grasp of the facts.
caroljo, ladydumbslinger, & beretta304 :rolleyes: If I were still in the military I wouldn't want you dopes arguing over what I do or don't beleive. GTFO of here.

You might want to start by learning to spell believe.:razz: Your sentence doesn't make much sense either...well to you maybe. :lol:

If you were still in the military we would have to surrender!
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