The Milwaukee Riots?,Why?,Unemployed And Bored Democrats.There You Go.

:banana2: That pretty much explains what happened in Milwaukee over the weekend. A cop shot an armed culprit. {as if this is something new in "Democrat Neighborhoods"} Many of the local democrats were a little upset over it, and at the same time, were bored and had nothing else to do. So hey! lets burn down a bunch of stores and cars! Just for laughs! :slap: :tongue-44: :laugh2: :laugh:
There you go! Typical Dumb and Bored Democrats! They don't care if the owners of the stores and vehicles had nothing to do with the shooting, so long as they got their jollies!!!
You're an idiot and here's why in three simple steps.

One: You seek to make cheap, unfounded and moronic political points by calling all those who rioted Democrats. Chances are very good that those who rioted have never voted, let alone joined a national political party.

You have succumbed to all that right wing propaganda which does not educate the indoctrined, but simply require they apply "democrat" to any villain, apply "socialist" or "communist" or even "Facist" to those with whom they politically disagree. Never mind that actual smart people understand the actual definitions of those term. They just sound scary enough and seem sophisticated enough for gullible, useful idiots to pepper them liberally through their ridiculous screeds.

Two: You fail to fully understand the African American distrust of aggressive police tactics employed against them each and every day. You see these aggressive tactics as not only valid tactics but necessary to tamp down the uppity Black man.

You fail to see that using these draconian tactics produce a justifiable backlash. American citizens of all races not only deserve the common respect afforded to the Caucasian community, but require it if for nothing else but to level the playing field and comport themselves as full citizens of this nation, which in fact they are.

If you love America, you must love our values of equal justice under law. If you cannot grasp that simple, noble value, you have no place in this great nation.

And finally three: You repulsive rhetoric does nothing but first; revel you as a backward, ignorant bigot but, more importantly serve no purpose but exacerbate division, suspicion and hatred. Fueling the fire of racial divide and then sitting back in a state of incredulity blaming the victims shows a unique short sightedness so prevailant among the American Right Wing. If you employed just a modicum of empathy, maybe, just maybe we could work to solve our problems rather than create them.

I cannot wait to hear an articulate, well thought out and comprehensive reply. But my money is on a low brow, profanity laced rant calling me everything but a child of God.
Thanks to white privilege.

So what privileges do whites have that others don't? Be explicit please.

Goddamnit Ray you know the white privileges man, like you know fairness whites get so much more fairness and social justice and whitey don't pay their fair share, they stole our fair share man because they got white privileges, BLM! BLM! BLM! sorry I got to go burn and loot some local businesses I'll be back later.
And finally three: You repulsive rhetoric does nothing but first; revel you as a backward, ignorant bigot but, more importantly serve no purpose but exacerbate division, suspicion and hatred. Fueling the fire of racial divide and then sitting back in a state of incredulity blaming the victims shows a unique short sightedness so prevailant among the American Right Wing. If you employed just a modicum of empathy, maybe, just maybe we could work to solve our problems rather than create them.

There is only one solution to this problem: listen to the orders of police. Why is that so difficult for lefties to understand? Seems so simple for us righties.
and now they want to invade the cracker neighborhoods? I hope they are all armed with very angry dogs in the front lawn!
And finally three: You repulsive rhetoric does nothing but first; revel you as a backward, ignorant bigot but, more importantly serve no purpose but exacerbate division, suspicion and hatred. Fueling the fire of racial divide and then sitting back in a state of incredulity blaming the victims shows a unique short sightedness so prevailant among the American Right Wing. If you employed just a modicum of empathy, maybe, just maybe we could work to solve our problems rather than create them.

There is only one solution to this problem: listen to the orders of police. Why is that so difficult for lefties to understand? Seems so simple for us righties.
The orders of police when you are pulled over for driving while Black are unlawful. What orders did Tamir Rice receive? What orders could have been given in the two seconds between when they pulled up and when they opened fire?

Why are Black men shot while on their backs with their hands up? Why are unarmed Black men shot multiple times on the highway as in Chicago? Why are unarmed Black men shot while being subdued and handcuffed?

Are police infallible? Is there at least a slim possibility that some policemen are not saints, but trigger happy maniacs? Why is it so easy for you to simply blame the victim?
The orders of police when you are pulled over for driving while Black are unlawful. What orders did Tamir Rice receive? What orders could have been given in the two seconds between when they pulled up and when they opened fire?

Why are Black men shot while on their backs with their hands up? Why are unarmed Black men shot multiple times on the highway as in Chicago? Why are unarmed Black men shot while being subdued and handcuffed?

Are police infallible? Is there at least a slim possibility that some policemen are not saints, but trigger happy maniacs? Why is it so easy for you to simply blame the victim?

It's easy because no matter what the situation, the entire incident is investigated.

When it is found that an officer might have acted out of law, they are brought before a grand jury and debated by a jury of his peers.

There is nothing unlawful about a police officer giving orders to a person who is pulled over for any reason. If a police officer pulls you over, just simply obey his commands. And if a police officer pulls you over, in almost all cases, he explains why he did. And no, there are no incidents recorded that an officer pulled a black person over for no reason whatsoever.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am under no restriction to use deadly force only if my attacker is armed as well. Our law states that I can use deadly force if I believe that I or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Our police are held to the same standards. In other words, an unarmed person is irrelevant when it comes to using deadly force.

The Tamir Rice case was brought before a grand jury. In defense, they brought a star witness to court who was a video expert, and they went through frame by frame of what the officer seen before he opened fire. What the enhanced video revealed is that Tamir reached into the front of his pants, pulled out the butt of a realistic looking gun, and that's when the officer decided that his life was in jeopardy and opened fire.

As for your claim where an officer shot anybody in the back or in handcuffs that didn't face criminal charges, please post the links to such cases.
The orders of police when you are pulled over for driving while Black are unlawful. What orders did Tamir Rice receive? What orders could have been given in the two seconds between when they pulled up and when they opened fire?

Why are Black men shot while on their backs with their hands up? Why are unarmed Black men shot multiple times on the highway as in Chicago? Why are unarmed Black men shot while being subdued and handcuffed?

Are police infallible? Is there at least a slim possibility that some policemen are not saints, but trigger happy maniacs? Why is it so easy for you to simply blame the victim?

It's easy because no matter what the situation, the entire incident is investigated.

When it is found that an officer might have acted out of law, they are brought before a grand jury and debated by a jury of his peers.

There is nothing unlawful about a police officer giving orders to a person who is pulled over for any reason. If a police officer pulls you over, just simply obey his commands. And if a police officer pulls you over, in almost all cases, he explains why he did. And no, there are no incidents recorded that an officer pulled a black person over for no reason whatsoever.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am under no restriction to use deadly force only if my attacker is armed as well. Our law states that I can use deadly force if I believe that I or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Our police are held to the same standards. In other words, an unarmed person is irrelevant when it comes to using deadly force.

The Tamir Rice case was brought before a grand jury. In defense, they brought a star witness to court who was a video expert, and they went through frame by frame of what the officer seen before he opened fire. What the enhanced video revealed is that Tamir reached into the front of his pants, pulled out the butt of a realistic looking gun, and that's when the officer decided that his life was in jeopardy and opened fire.

As for your claim where an officer shot anybody in the back or in handcuffs that didn't face criminal charges, please post the links to such cases.
Video Shows Fatal Police Shooting

Coroner says man shot by BRPD multiple times in chest, back; officer body cameras fell off
The orders of police when you are pulled over for driving while Black are unlawful. What orders did Tamir Rice receive? What orders could have been given in the two seconds between when they pulled up and when they opened fire?

Why are Black men shot while on their backs with their hands up? Why are unarmed Black men shot multiple times on the highway as in Chicago? Why are unarmed Black men shot while being subdued and handcuffed?

Are police infallible? Is there at least a slim possibility that some policemen are not saints, but trigger happy maniacs? Why is it so easy for you to simply blame the victim?

It's easy because no matter what the situation, the entire incident is investigated.

When it is found that an officer might have acted out of law, they are brought before a grand jury and debated by a jury of his peers.

There is nothing unlawful about a police officer giving orders to a person who is pulled over for any reason. If a police officer pulls you over, just simply obey his commands. And if a police officer pulls you over, in almost all cases, he explains why he did. And no, there are no incidents recorded that an officer pulled a black person over for no reason whatsoever.

As a CCW holder in my state, I am under no restriction to use deadly force only if my attacker is armed as well. Our law states that I can use deadly force if I believe that I or others are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. Our police are held to the same standards. In other words, an unarmed person is irrelevant when it comes to using deadly force.

The Tamir Rice case was brought before a grand jury. In defense, they brought a star witness to court who was a video expert, and they went through frame by frame of what the officer seen before he opened fire. What the enhanced video revealed is that Tamir reached into the front of his pants, pulled out the butt of a realistic looking gun, and that's when the officer decided that his life was in jeopardy and opened fire.

As for your claim where an officer shot anybody in the back or in handcuffs that didn't face criminal charges, please post the links to such cases.
Video Shows Fatal Police Shooting

Coroner says man shot by BRPD multiple times in chest, back; officer body cameras fell off

Video Shows Fatal Police Shooting

Nice try. Bet you didn't think I would look this up, did you?

The shooting of Walter Scott occurred on April 4, 2015, in North Charleston, South Carolina, following a daytime traffic stop for a non-functioning brake light. Scott, a black man, was fatally shot by Michael Slager, a white North Charleston police officer. Slager was charged with murder after a video surfaced contradicting his police report.

Coroner says man shot by BRPD multiple times in chest, back; officer body cameras fell off

Once again, nice try. The investigation is ongoing. Anything else?
This is Scott Walker Paul Ryan Land.

Milwaukee, like all big US cities, have been run by democrats for decades.

Walker has done a phenomenal job and deserves the praise he gets.

But you can fix the black community woes from the outside when the local Democratic government is such a failure

What about the GOP hero Milwakee Sheriff? Sounds like he failed since he's responsible for the law over there .

Blacks are shot by police all the time . You don't see riots everywhere . People don't riot for no reason. ( unless they are really drunk after a sporting event )

Something sets off the powder keg .

Something = Black Lives Matter; AKA Selective Black Lives Matter.
Ain't this the territory of sheriff jackass who spoke at the RNC? With his "iron hand " attitude it's no wonder the public turns on the PD.

What'd the dude get stopped for ?

I gotta ask.....when are you going to stop posting Timmy?
I mean you're wrong on every issue,before long you're going to be the next rderp...

How am I wrong ? Just look where the riots happen. It's where the police have shitty relations wh the public .

There are lots of PDs that do a good job with community outreach .

Just look where the riots happened......fool thug pulls a weapon on a cop and gets shot, community burns the place down. More fools. What the fuck, this side of outright Appeasement, is Community Outreach as defined by you people? Would it be, in the lines of Community Outreach as defined by you people. for a police officer being stared down the barrel of a held gun by a young black male for the cop to hold his hands up and say, "don't shoot, Black Lives Matter",. Would that make you and the collective at BLM satisfied?
:banana2: That pretty much explains what happened in Milwaukee over the weekend. A cop shot an armed culprit. {as if this is something new in "Democrat Neighborhoods"} Many of the local democrats were a little upset over it, and at the same time, were bored and had nothing else to do. So hey! lets burn down a bunch of stores and cars! Just for laughs! :slap: :tongue-44: :laugh2: :laugh:
There you go! Typical Dumb and Bored Democrats! They don't care if the owners of the stores and vehicles had nothing to do with the shooting, so long as they got their jollies!!!

Yup, a black cop that had every reason and every right to shoot a black thug who refused to put down his stolen gun. And the idiots riot, burn down their own neighborhoods and loot, then turn on white people. The thug's sister told the mob they shouldn't burn their own neighborhood down, that they should head to the suburbs. Idiot. The thug's father apologized, saying that because he was a mostly absent father, who spent a lot of time in jail, and was a terrible role model when he was around, his kid turned out like him. Finally, some sanity.

Of course, the mob didn't give a shit about facts and were targeting whites. Makes no sense.

I agree with everything in this video-

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:banana2: That pretty much explains what happened in Milwaukee over the weekend. A cop shot an armed culprit. {as if this is something new in "Democrat Neighborhoods"} Many of the local democrats were a little upset over it, and at the same time, were bored and had nothing else to do. So hey! lets burn down a bunch of stores and cars! Just for laughs! :slap: :tongue-44: :laugh2: :laugh:
There you go! Typical Dumb and Bored Democrats! They don't care if the owners of the stores and vehicles had nothing to do with the shooting, so long as they got their jollies!!!

Yup, a black cop that had every reason and every right to shoot a black thug who refused to put down his stolen gun. And the idiots riot, burn down their own neighbors and loot, then turn on white people. The thug's sister told the mob they shouldn't burn their own neighborhood down, that they should head to the suburbs. Idiot. The thug's father apologized, saying that because he was a mostly absent father, who spent a lot of time in jail, and was a terrible role model when he was around, his kid turned out like him. Finally, some sanity.

Of course, the mob didn't give a shit about facts and were targeting whites. Makes no sense.

I agree with everything in this video-

I'm in love!! :hitit:
I love the fact that they reveal to the world that they nothing but the dirty smelly N words that they are.

That is right. All while they think they are some legitimate stance.

Dirty fucking N words.

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