The missing "logic" of many Trump acolytes

oday The Child Emperor throws a tantrum & walks out.

So much for "The Art Of The Deal". How will this be resolved when Trump throws a temper tantrum because he can't have his way? Is that how he got his Daddy to bail him out of all his fuck ups?

You need to quit listening to that fucking airhead, Pelosi. Trump didn't throw a tantrum. He asked the dingbat if she was going to fund the fence and she said no. So he just left. So sense wasting time with a Socialist pig if she won't negotiate.

Maybe Trump "forgot" that because of his fucked up administration, he helped to lose the HOUSE by 40 (or 41) seats...............Please remind the orange clown that you're supposed to make deals with folks who are JUST as powerful.......(of course, wanna-be dictators don't like that crap......LOL)
The only thing that is missing is your brain cells.

Cave in now and the country will be swarmed by illegals in a way that it's impossible to recover by peaceful means.
Libtards think they are fooling people when the say they want increased "border security" and anyone "logically" thinking knows they want the illegals to get caught and released in to the country. If Trump caves this country will be overrun within months.

Did you even read this drivel before you posted it.

Border crossings are at a 40 year low, Libturdo. How are illegals going to "overrun the country within months". It would appear that the border is NOW more secure than it's been in 40 years, despite the fact that Conservatives have been in power for 22 of the past 38 years. Imagine that. The last time the border was THIS secure, Jimmy Carter was in power.

In fact, during the Obama years, there was NEGATIVE immigration over the Southern Border, because there were no jobs for these illegals during the Great Recession, and then Obama started cracking down on employers.

Contrary to what you Russian liars keep posting, Democrats have been very tough on illegal immigrants and the people who employ them. Republicans, not so much. W stop prosecuting either employers or illegals. And Trump, who claims to vehemently oppose illegals stealing jobs from Americans, routinely and knowlingly hires illegals to work in his hotels.
Libtards think they are fooling people when the say they want increased "border security" and anyone "logically" thinking knows they want the illegals to get caught and released in to the country. If Trump caves this country will be overrun within months.

Did you even read this drivel before you posted it.

Border crossings are at a 40 year low, Libturdo. How are illegals going to "overrun the country within months". It would appear that the border is NOW more secure than it's been in 40 years, despite the fact that Conservatives have been in power for 22 of the past 38 years. Imagine that. The last time the border was THIS secure, Jimmy Carter was in power.

In fact, during the Obama years, there was NEGATIVE immigration over the Southern Border, because there were no jobs for these illegals during the Great Recession, and then Obama started cracking down on employers.

Contrary to what you Russian liars keep posting, Democrats have been very tough on illegal immigrants and the people who employ them. Republicans, not so much. W stop prosecuting either employers or illegals. And Trump, who claims to vehemently oppose illegals stealing jobs from Americans, routinely and knowlingly hires illegals to work in his hotels.

Petunia, you lost the argument when you called me a Russian liar. And to claim Democrats have been tougher on illegal aliens is as laughable as Bernie Sanders hair on any given day. Your claim Obama had negative immigration is fake news as you have no way to count those who came here and didn't get caught. And Obama changed the way he counted deportations at the same time he was selling automatic weapons to drug lords in Mexico.

Then you lie about Democrats being tougher on illegal aliens as they have created sanctuary cities all across this nation over the last ten years.

Quit posting, all you're doing is proving the Democrats have chosen the correct logo, a Jackass.
Libtards think they are fooling people when the say they want increased "border security" and anyone "logically" thinking knows they want the illegals to get caught and released in to the country. If Trump caves this country will be overrun within months.
Today The Child Emperor throws a tantrum & walks out.

So much for "The Art Of The Deal". How will this be resolved when Trump throws a temper tantrum because he can't have his way? Is that how he got his Daddy to bail him out of all his fuck ups?

Nah. He didn't walk out he just left because the gruesome twosome didn't want to negotiate.

He's a busy man in case you didn't know. LOL
He's a busy man in case you didn't know. LOL

He sure is..........LMAO

You do realize you could paste a picture of Obama right in that same spot right??

Except that the orange moron LIED to cult members like you when........

In 2015, Trump told The Hill he would not be the type of president to take time off for vacation. Flash forward one year and Trump has watered down that promise, saying he won't be big on vacations.

"There's just so much to be done," Trump told CBS' 60 Minutes in an interview broadcast Nov. 13, 2016. "So I don't think we'll be very big on vacations, no."
I fully realize that this forum just offers a "venting" venue for both sides......Yet, it would take one honest Trump supporter to openly admit the falsehood of TWO moronic "logical lapses" expressed by such Trump supporters.....

FALSEHOOD ONE......Since democrats are against funding the building a wall, THEN they must be for open borders.......and democrats want our women raped, our kids drugged up and hordes of terrorists (caravans?) storming across our border.

FALSEHOOD TWO.......Democrats once voted to fund a wall, and now because Trump wants a wall they're against it.................Let everyone s-l-o-w-l-y read out loud the actual title of the Bill that was passed in 2006 under GWB:

On October 26, 2006, U.S. President George W. Bush signed the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (Pub.L. 109–367) into law stating, "This bill will help protect the American people. This bill will make our borders more secure. ... On September 29, 2006, the Fence Act passed in the Senate 80–19. .

So now semantics is the cover libtardos are bastardizing to claim Republicans are illogical. We're going to have to recalculate the idiot scale so we can eliminate the semantics of what constitutes braindead.

Nobody has to "claim" republicans are illogical. It's a well known fact. Ranks right up there with gravity making things fall and the sky being blue.
You need to quit listening to that fucking airhead, Pelosi. Trump didn't throw a tantrum. He asked the dingbat if she was going to fund the fence and she said no. So he just left. So sense wasting time with a Socialist pig if she won't negotiate.

Maybe Trump "forgot" that because of his fucked up administration, he helped to lose the HOUSE by 40 (or 41) seats...............Please remind the orange clown that you're supposed to make deals with folks who are JUST as powerful.......(of course, wanna-be dictators don't like that crap......LOL)
You seem to forget the Dodd/Frank mortgage fiasco. Or the Obamacare fiasco. Just these two well thought out Progressive Socialist schemes destroyed millions and millions of people. Their programs are like the great five year Soviet Union plans. Over the decades Progressives do not negotiate. And only for their advantage when they are forced to. Repubs do not enact much of the legislation they promise. As Crippled Ken would say.....their lower then dirt.
He's a busy man in case you didn't know. LOL

He sure is..........LMAO

You do realize you could paste a picture of Obama right in that same spot right??
Obama is a private citizen & can golf or do whatever he wants to.

Trump on the other hand is a pathalogical liar who said he "won't have time for golf". The Child Emperor is pissed over his trip to the border. Must be no golf courses nearby.:abgg2q.jpg:

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