The Mistake Of Treating Isis Like The Right Wing Bundy Militia



A lot of this blame can be placed right at the feet of the media. When the media set up cameras in front of Bundy, American right wingernut militia rushed off to "defend" Bundy's theft from the lawfully elected government representing the American people.

When the media throws fear at the American people showing parts of the beheading video again and again, sure, Americans freak. They get scared. Am I afraid of Isis coming and beheading me? No, of course not. But the rest of America seems to be.

And for Isis? They love it. You might as well be showing an Isis "recruitment" video. This is nectar to the people that go and join Isis. They want more. They want to participate.

Now, I know a Muslim woman who said that instead of showing Isis recruitment videos, show interviews of Sunni Muslims who talk about how Isis killed their families. I just heard a commentator say the same thing on TV.

If you rely on American news, you get the impression that all Sunni Muslim are "beheaders". They are far from it. This country doesn't even try to get them on our side. You would think the second most influential person at Fox, Arab Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Sunni Arab, would push for that himself. Then again, maybe not.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News Saudi prince advocates strategy of business not boycotts to influence American public opinion - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

Bombing and droning turns America into the bad and dangerous guy because so many more than terrorists die.

Use Fox news as an example of what the media is capable of doing. I'm not saying turn everyone as stupid as Fox has turned it's viewers by scaring the shit out of them every day. Instead, the US has to win the battle of public approval, and not just this country. If Fox could do it with ignorant bullshit, then we can do it with the truth. That's the only way this country would ever win.
A lot of this blame can be placed right at the feet of the media. When the media set up cameras in front of Bundy, American right wingernut militia rushed off to "defend" Bundy's theft from the lawfully elected government representing the American people.

When the media throws fear at the American people showing parts of the beheading video again and again, sure, Americans freak. They get scared. Am I afraid of Isis coming and beheading me? No, of course not. But the rest of America seems to be.

And for Isis? They love it. You might as well be showing an Isis "recruitment" video. This is nectar to the people that go and join Isis. They want more. They want to participate.

Now, I know a Muslim woman who said that instead of showing Isis recruitment videos, show interviews of Sunni Muslims who talk about how Isis killed their families. I just heard a commentator say the same thing on TV.

If you rely on American news, you get the impression that all Sunni Muslim are "beheaders". They are far from it. This country doesn't even try to get them on our side. You would think the second most influential person at Fox, Arab Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Sunni Arab, would push for that himself. Then again, maybe not.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News Saudi prince advocates strategy of business not boycotts to influence American public opinion - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

Bombing and droning turns America into the bad and dangerous guy because so many more than terrorists die.

Use Fox news as an example of what the media is capable of doing. I'm not saying turn everyone as stupid as Fox has turned it's viewers by scaring the shit out of them every day. Instead, the US has to win the battle of public approval, and not just this country. If Fox could do it with ignorant bullshit, then we can do it with the truth. That's the only way this country would ever win.

I have not watched television news reports in some time so I didn't know this, Dean. So you say the American people are now in fear of ISIS and beheadings? Is that the latest? A friend of mine sent me photographs today of Iran in the early 70's, Afganistan in the 60s and another class photo from Egypt in the 60's or 70's and the message was what happened? Because they were dressed like Americans - truthfully you'd be hard pressed to see any difference. No hajibs, no veil, not a burka in site. One girl with long beautiful dark hair flowing and a summer sleeveless top and jeans on with her friends having a picnic - that one was taken in Iran. I'll have to see if I can post it here. I do not know if it will work or not as I am not good with putting up pictures!
I agree with you on the beheading videos - do no give them any air time. That is what they are after. It is a very foolish decision to air beheading videos on the news - those vids are used for recruitment and propaganda purposes - they should be banned from news media entirely.
A lot of this blame can be placed right at the feet of the media. When the media set up cameras in front of Bundy, American right wingernut militia rushed off to "defend" Bundy's theft from the lawfully elected government representing the American people.

When the media throws fear at the American people showing parts of the beheading video again and again, sure, Americans freak. They get scared. Am I afraid of Isis coming and beheading me? No, of course not. But the rest of America seems to be.

And for Isis? They love it. You might as well be showing an Isis "recruitment" video. This is nectar to the people that go and join Isis. They want more. They want to participate.

Now, I know a Muslim woman who said that instead of showing Isis recruitment videos, show interviews of Sunni Muslims who talk about how Isis killed their families. I just heard a commentator say the same thing on TV.

If you rely on American news, you get the impression that all Sunni Muslim are "beheaders". They are far from it. This country doesn't even try to get them on our side. You would think the second most influential person at Fox, Arab Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Sunni Arab, would push for that himself. Then again, maybe not.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News Saudi prince advocates strategy of business not boycotts to influence American public opinion - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

Bombing and droning turns America into the bad and dangerous guy because so many more than terrorists die.

Use Fox news as an example of what the media is capable of doing. I'm not saying turn everyone as stupid as Fox has turned it's viewers by scaring the shit out of them every day. Instead, the US has to win the battle of public approval, and not just this country. If Fox could do it with ignorant bullshit, then we can do it with the truth. That's the only way this country would ever win.

I have not watched television news reports in some time so I didn't know this, Dean. So you say the American people are now in fear of ISIS and beheadings? Is that the latest? A friend of mine sent me photographs today of Iran in the early 70's, Afganistan in the 60s and another class photo from Egypt in the 60's or 70's and the message was what happened? Because they were dressed like Americans - truthfully you'd be hard pressed to see any difference. No hajibs, no veil, not a burka in site. One girl with long beautiful dark hair flowing and a summer sleeveless top and jeans on with her friends having a picnic - that one was taken in Iran. I'll have to see if I can post it here. I do not know if it will work or not as I am not good with putting up pictures!
I agree with you on the beheading videos - do no give them any air time. That is what they are after. It is a very foolish decision to air beheading videos on the news - those vids are used for recruitment and propaganda purposes - they should be banned from news media entirely.

America has been meddling in Middle Eastern affairs for decades. Check this out:

CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup World news The Guardian

It's US involvement in Iran that brought us the Ayatollah. No one thinks the people of Iran are happy with the Ayatollah. He took them from an almost modern horrible dictatorship with one foot planted in the 20th centure to Burkas and the 14th century. Not what the US wanted.

And if America bothered to study history, we took Iraq, a modern and horrible dictatorship and turned it into another Iran. What we needed to do was work long term to get these countries to peacefully transition to democracy. But the ill advised Iraqi invasion completely ruined any chance of that. No matter what we do, Republicans have made sure we are completely fucked in every way possible.

Look at Iraq now. When Bush disbanded the Iraqi army leaving hundreds of thousands of armed and angry men without any job, he planted the seeds of Isis. We know that to be a fact.
I tried to post the photos and it won't work, Dean. Oh well, I can try to explain the photos. The photos were authentic photos of Iranians, Afghans, Egyptians, Cairo - the men and women all casually dressed in summer clothing enjoying an outing for the day - in Iran it was a picnic, in Afghanistan it was a very large gathering of families, men and women sitting outside on a sunny day all dressed in casual clothing - not one woman covered in a veil, hajib or burka - same for the graduating class in Cairo, Egypt -men and women together, women wearing dresses men in trousers and shirts that appear to be a western style suit of clothing.. that photo was from the 50's the earliest of all of the photographs and then my friend sent me photos of all the women and men in that country today - dressed much differently the women clad in black burkas. That was never a part of their culture before. In this new generation the children of Iran may not realize that their grandparents dressed and looked like westerners and the women all had their hair showing, arms, legs, body, dressed in summer outfits! Same for the Afghanistan people. Sad, isn't it? That is what radicalism does. It crushes the freedom of people and imprisons them in something that destroys the human spirit.
The people were far happier under the Shah of Iran than they were under the Ayotollah's. I do not know much of the history on how that came to be but we have to examine why RAND has always been a predominately Democrat run think tank - not Republican. The same for the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and we should also examine why the Democratic party did not heed the warnings from their own Democrat party Congressman, Congressman Larry McDonald concerning this trend back in the 80's. Now I have never believed that George Bush Sr. was a man that could be trusted. He was the director for the CIA prior to his run for presidency and had McDonald not been murdered he would have been running against him! Have you ever listened to any of the old videos with Congressman McDonald warning about these NGO's being used by the communists to achieve an agenda here in the USA and in the ME? McDonald was General Patton's first cousin and a very noble Congressman. He was a Democrat his whole life and said he was fighting to bring his party back in line. He saw what was happening to his own party. I personally believe Congressman Larry McDonald was one of the finest men of our time! A man with natural leadership qualities and great determination just like his first cousin, Gen. Patton.
A lot of this blame can be placed right at the feet of the media. When the media set up cameras in front of Bundy, American right wingernut militia rushed off to "defend" Bundy's theft from the lawfully elected government representing the American people.

When the media throws fear at the American people showing parts of the beheading video again and again, sure, Americans freak. They get scared. Am I afraid of Isis coming and beheading me? No, of course not. But the rest of America seems to be.

And for Isis? They love it. You might as well be showing an Isis "recruitment" video. This is nectar to the people that go and join Isis. They want more. They want to participate.

Now, I know a Muslim woman who said that instead of showing Isis recruitment videos, show interviews of Sunni Muslims who talk about how Isis killed their families. I just heard a commentator say the same thing on TV.

If you rely on American news, you get the impression that all Sunni Muslim are "beheaders". They are far from it. This country doesn't even try to get them on our side. You would think the second most influential person at Fox, Arab Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a Sunni Arab, would push for that himself. Then again, maybe not.

Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal hoster of telethons for suicide bomber families buys large share of Fox News Saudi prince advocates strategy of business not boycotts to influence American public opinion - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

Bombing and droning turns America into the bad and dangerous guy because so many more than terrorists die.

Use Fox news as an example of what the media is capable of doing. I'm not saying turn everyone as stupid as Fox has turned it's viewers by scaring the shit out of them every day. Instead, the US has to win the battle of public approval, and not just this country. If Fox could do it with ignorant bullshit, then we can do it with the truth. That's the only way this country would ever win.

I have never encountered a single person who believes
that ALL SUNNIS are beheaders <<< silly idea------kinda
like harboring a belief that all American boys are expert
baseball players ------or all American girls are sexually active ----daily from age ll (I have encountered muslims from foreign lands who did believe that)

LOL I have another one-------USA women never cook. ----
its an Indian/Pakistani concept------USA kids are
brought up on Mc Donald's hamburgers

did I mention the UNIVERSAL alcoholism we have in the USA????
Dean, have a look at this video interview with McDonald back in late 70's early 80's I believe. He was killed decades ago. He was a democrat but you should know that it was the Democrat party he appealed to look at what was happening in regards to stripping away our protection through wrong laws, removing safety measures - who was responsible for doing this? The democrats. Who tried to stop Congressman Larry McDonald? The Democrats. You see what I mean? Let me go get you some more videos and you will see that even in the 80's he was warning about the agenda of a New World Order. Watch this and I'll go get another one.
Doesn't the community organizer understand he's only going to create more terrorists...

We need to open up a dialogue and try and understand those poor , peaceful jihadists better.... Lol

Dean, have a look at this video interview with McDonald back in late 70's early 80's I believe. He was killed decades ago. He was a democrat but you should know that it was the Democrat party he appealed to look at what was happening in regards to stripping away our protection through wrong laws, removing safety measures - who was responsible for doing this? The democrats. Who tried to stop Congressman Larry McDonald? The Democrats. You see what I mean? Let me go get you some more videos and you will see that even in the 80's he was warning about the agenda of a New World Order. Watch this and I'll go get another one.

Every time someone repeats such nonsense as "New World Order", my eyes glaze over and I stop paying attention. It's simply a natural reaction to bullshittery.
Using ISIS, even arming ISIS is most definitely benefiting the agenda of the UN for a one world order - there is something far bigger going on behind the scenes of this thing and for the purpose of achieving their agenda - the communists have aligned themselves with the Iranians, with the islamists on the continent of Africa - for a certain outcome - it seems very apparent to me that this was the danger Congressman McDonald foresaw and tried to warn the American people about. After this interview on Crossfire Congressman McDonald was killed by the Russians when they shot down the commercial airliner he was a passenger on. He was in preparation of announcing his run for presidency against George Bush Sr. at the time. Here then is the interview where he gave much information and so much in fact that it led to his assassination.

Hey Rdean who is President? Did you hear the news that ISIS just created a cell near El Paso Texas? Who is speaking to the Country right now about ISIS? Who is responsible for border security? Foreign Affairs?

As for your rant on the News media, what political leaning is 80 percent of broadcast news reporters, executives and stations?
Dean, have a look at this video interview with McDonald back in late 70's early 80's I believe. He was killed decades ago. He was a democrat but you should know that it was the Democrat party he appealed to look at what was happening in regards to stripping away our protection through wrong laws, removing safety measures - who was responsible for doing this? The democrats. Who tried to stop Congressman Larry McDonald? The Democrats. You see what I mean? Let me go get you some more videos and you will see that even in the 80's he was warning about the agenda of a New World Order. Watch this and I'll go get another one.

Every time someone repeats such nonsense as "New World Order", my eyes glaze over and I stop paying attention. It's simply a natural reaction to bullshittery.

wrong again all totalitarian ideologies are

NEW WORLD ORDER ----nutso movements

Dean, have a look at this video interview with McDonald back in late 70's early 80's I believe. He was killed decades ago. He was a democrat but you should know that it was the Democrat party he appealed to look at what was happening in regards to stripping away our protection through wrong laws, removing safety measures - who was responsible for doing this? The democrats. Who tried to stop Congressman Larry McDonald? The Democrats. You see what I mean? Let me go get you some more videos and you will see that even in the 80's he was warning about the agenda of a New World Order. Watch this and I'll go get another one.

Every time someone repeats such nonsense as "New World Order", my eyes glaze over and I stop paying attention. It's simply a natural reaction to bullshittery.

wrong again all totalitarian ideologies are

NEW WORLD ORDER ----nutso movements


What about "Republicanism". After all, they practice voter suppression.
I disagree with you, RDean. If you will watch this short video the Democrat Congressman Larry McDonald makes it very clear where the problem lie. Considering this video was made in the early 80's you'd think he was reading a headline from todays newspapers! Was he right? 100% correct. Anyone watching this video will see it immediately. He identified the problem. They are called "progressives". For your information that is a term that Democrats use to describe themselves. That is not a term Republicans use to identify themselves although I will agree with you that Democrats have become progressively more ingenious in their methods of infiltrating, corrupting and destroying the Republican party. I no longer recognize it.

If the White House wanted ISIS beheadings to not be used in news reports it would take one phone call to make it happen. The FBI is consistent in their success to not have any murders caused by Satanism to be reported or even mentioned as such due to their advising news media it would encourage "copycat killers". The news media has complied with that request for many years now.

The FBI / Homeland Security could easily make the same case for groups such as ISIS yet they do not. Why? Simple. They want the American people to be intimidated by such news - it is serving a greater purpose and the end justifies the means. Otherwise? It would not be happening. What party is in power, RDean? Who lives in the White House. A democrat. Who is in control? The Democrat party. Who runs the media? The Democrat party. Why are the ISIS video beheadings running? Because the Democrats want it there. There is your answer. Be an adult and take responsibility for your own party's actions. Thank you.
Hey Rdean who is President? Did you hear the news that ISIS just created a cell near El Paso Texas? Who is speaking to the Country right now about ISIS? Who is responsible for border security? Foreign Affairs?

As for your rant on the News media, what political leaning is 80 percent of broadcast news reporters, executives and stations?

ISIS just created a cell near El Paso Texas - Google Search

No wonder you didn't post a link.

You must be kidding. Rdean. Have you ever heard of McCallen, Texas? The history goes alot further back. This dog won't hunt.

Ruthless Mexican drug cartel recruiting in U.S. Los Zetas looks to prisons street gangs - Washington Times

A Mexican drug cartel known for kidnapping random civilians and beheading its rivals has expanded its operations into the U.S.

The gang known as Los Zetas is recruiting U.S. prison and street gangs, and non-Mexicans, for its drug trafficking and support operations in Mexico and the U.S.

An FBI intelligence bulletin notes that “multiple sources” reported the shift in Los Zetas recruiting. The cartel sought to maintain a highly disciplined and structured hierarchy by recruiting members with specialized training, such as former military and law enforcement officers.

“The FBI judges with high confidence that Los Zetas will continue to increase its recruitment efforts and establish pacts with non-military trained, nontraditional associates to maintain their drug-trafficking and support operations, which may increase violence along the Southwest border posing a threat to U.S. national security,” the bulletin says.

The expansion of Los Zetas operations across the southwestern border has long been a concern of U.S. authorities. Trained as an elite band of Mexican anti-drug commandos, Los Zetas evolved into mercenaries for the infamous Gulf Cartel, unleashing a wave of brutality in Mexico’s drug wars.

Bolstered by an influx of assassins, bandits, thieves and thugs, as well as corrupt federal, state and local police officers, the gang has evolved into a well-financed and heavily armed drug-smuggling force of its own.

Known for mounting the severed heads of its rivals on poles or hanging their dismembered bodies from bridges in cities throughout Mexico, Los Zetas easily has become the most feared criminal gang in Mexico.

“The Zetas are determined to gain the reputation of being the most sadistic, cruel and beastly organization that ever existed,” said George W. Grayson, a professor of government at the College of William & Mary and a specialist on Mexican drug gangs. “Many of Mexico’s existing drug cartels will kill their enemies, but not go out of their way to do it. The Zetas look forward to inflicting fear on their targets. They won’t just cut off your ear; they’ll cut off your head and think nothing of it.”
rdean said:
A lot of this blame can be placed right at the feet of the media. When the media set up cameras in front of Bundy, American right wingernut militia rushed off to "defend" Bundy's theft from the lawfully elected government representing the American people.

you need to grow up and learn to stop blaming Republicans and Fox News for everything.

He can't.

He's stupid. :badgrin:

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