The moab bomb costs $170,000 each not $16 million

The latest reports say that 96 ISIS fighters were killed. That comes to about $1700/fighter - a bargain.

The US's Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb does not cost $314 million, or $16 million, but $170,000 a unit, the US Air Force told Business Insider on Friday. The weapon, whose acronym inspired the nickname "Mother of All Bombs," was produced by the Air Force, not by a third party like Lockheed or Boeing, "so we don't have a standard procurement cost associated with them," an Air Force official said. The $170,000 figure makes sense considering a general-purpose 1,000-pound MK-83 costs about $12,000. The MOAB simply features more high explosives and larger fins to direct the GPS-guided munition. Many outlets, including The New York Times and Business Insider, inaccurately stated the cost of the MOAB as being in the millions. Business Insider's article has since been corrected to reflect this information.

We could have done it cheaper by sending over 96 dentists to do a wisdom tooth extraction at $1500 each.

They never would have messed with us after that.
The latest reports say that 96 ISIS fighters were killed. That comes to about $1700/fighter - a bargain.

The US's Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb does not cost $314 million, or $16 million, but $170,000 a unit, the US Air Force told Business Insider on Friday. The weapon, whose acronym inspired the nickname "Mother of All Bombs," was produced by the Air Force, not by a third party like Lockheed or Boeing, "so we don't have a standard procurement cost associated with them," an Air Force official said. The $170,000 figure makes sense considering a general-purpose 1,000-pound MK-83 costs about $12,000. The MOAB simply features more high explosives and larger fins to direct the GPS-guided munition. Many outlets, including The New York Times and Business Insider, inaccurately stated the cost of the MOAB as being in the millions. Business Insider's article has since been corrected to reflect this information.
give 1700 $ for each to me. i can do it
That is not the reason Obama refused to use MOABs even though they are the obvious choice in disabling the underground tunnels, bunkers and caves employed by ISIS and the Taliban.

Obama didn't use them because he was worried about optics of using such a high visibility weapon. He was worried about his image. So instead he opted for a very costly (in the billions$$), very extensive, very sneaky drone strike program that resulted thousands of deaths many of those innocent civilians and children. But that allowed the media and Obama's followers to blissfully ignore it which was the goal.

Or maybe he just realized we can't win the Afghan's war for them.

Hey, guy, it's been 16 years since we "Liberated" Afghanistan. Why are we still dropping bombs on caves again?

The problem isn't tunnels. the problem is the corrupt as shit people we put in charge have no idea how to run the country,and too many Afghans remember the Taliban as the "Good Old Days".
How did that work out on 9/11?

you mean when we were attacked by the guy Ronald Reagan funded to fight the Russians in Afghanistan because those dirty Commie Bastards might teach girls how to read or something?

It worked out exactly the way i described. YOu stick your dick in a hornets nest, don't whine about getting stung.

You see, one of the few things i kind of like about Biff was that he was the guy who said this was a bad idea. And now here he is, doing the same shit Obama and Bush (and Clinton and Bush adn Reagan and Carter) did.
1,700 an asshole is a bargain clown boy. Just think, that's a whole bunch of assholes who you no longer have to worry about wanting to kill you because you're such a silly, silly person. Who isn't Muslim.

Those people are on the other side of the planet. And if I really wanted them to stop killing Americans, the best way to do that is stop funding the Zionists, stop invading their countries, and stop arming one faction or another because they are "Someone we can work with'.

MOst of the people we have a problem with over there - Bin Laden, Saddam, Assad - was someone that the CIA thought we could work with.

The real problem isn't that there is supposedly 96 Taliban in those caves. (No, really. There really were!!!) It's that there are hundreds of thousands of Afghans who would happily put the Taliban back in power if we stopped propping up the corrupt thugs in Kabul we put into power 18 years ago.

If the Taliban could run in an election in Afghanistan, they'd probably win.
Killing ISIS seems like a good reason.

I thought Isis was in Syria and Iraq, not Afghanistan. Or did we stop calling every scary Muslim "Al Qaeda" and start calling the "ISIS" now?

Maybe we need to stop bombing monsters under the bed and start making practical evaluations of what we are trying to do over there, exactly.

It seems most of what we do over there just makes things worse.
Lol, seen on the news this morning, that granny is getting her Easter dinner. So fuck off, you weren't concerned with cost of anything under obama.

If Granny only needed to eat on Easter, I wouldn't be worried. Unfortunately, she needs to eat 365 days a year.
Meals on wheels will be alright. If not if you are so concerned you can make sure they eat.
1,700 an asshole is a bargain clown boy. Just think, that's a whole bunch of assholes who you no longer have to worry about wanting to kill you because you're such a silly, silly person. Who isn't Muslim.

Those people are on the other side of the planet. And if I really wanted them to stop killing Americans, the best way to do that is stop funding the Zionists, stop invading their countries, and stop arming one faction or another because they are "Someone we can work with'.

MOst of the people we have a problem with over there - Bin Laden, Saddam, Assad - was someone that the CIA thought we could work with.

The real problem isn't that there is supposedly 96 Taliban in those caves. (No, really. There really were!!!) It's that there are hundreds of thousands of Afghans who would happily put the Taliban back in power if we stopped propping up the corrupt thugs in Kabul we put into power 18 years ago.

If the Taliban could run in an election in Afghanistan, they'd probably win.

I know its amazing to your little nazi brain but the "zionists" have nothing to do with ISIS. Were you a little more conversant with history you would know what the declaration of a new Caliphate meant. But you're just the typical anti semitic nut job all in favor of massive government power and the attendant death camps that relentlessly ensue.
I know its amazing to your little nazi brain but the "zionists" have nothing to do with ISIS. Were you a little more conversant with history you would know what the declaration of a new Caliphate meant. But you're just the typical anti semitic nut job all in favor of massive government power and the attendant death camps that relentlessly ensue.

I've got a degree in history, what do you have?

I guess I can't get worked up that someone declared a "caliphate' in a swatch of desert no one else wanted. Our main problem with the Middle East as a whole is that we prop up the Zionists so no one over there trusts us.

Nothing over there has ANYTHING to do with us. It's only because the Oil Companies or Zionists run our foreign policy that we do.

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