The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

The problem with your solution is there is no litmus test to know who will take the life of someone before they do. At least allowing a State to License anyone who lives or comes into CA who wants to buy, posses or have in his or her custody and control a firearm, we can have a complete background check to determine the risk.

Of course a License is only the first step. A comprehensive law would require anyone who wants to sell a gun to record the license number of the buyer, and verify it has not been suspended or revoked. Failure to do so would cause the sellers license to be revoked. Anyone unlicensed who owned, possessed or had in his or her custody and control a gun would be subject to imprisonment and/or a fine.

A licensed gun owner doesn't address your concerns towards weapons proliferation. I have a license but that doesn't address how many weapons I can own. Perhaps you want registration of each weapon ... Which still doesn't stop crime ... And the only use the government could have with registration would be in conjunction with the possible desire to seize the weapons from law abiding citizens. Law abiding citizens with a license and registered weapons will not stop criminals.

Furthermore ... The crime is what you hope to stop ... And crimes already have punishments. Anyone not legally approved to own a firearm now is already subject to a fine and/or imprisonment.


Weapons proliferation has many causes, fear is one. Notice above when each of the gun lovers echoed each other (more gun laws = more sales). If true, the terrorists in the NRA would love more gun laws. It's the fear factor which creates the need for more guns, more powerful guns, larger magazines and open carry desires.

This 'gun grabber' canard is another form of fear. I, for example, have no interest in looking under you bed to see what guns you have stored. Some do of course, but most of us respect the Second Amendment in theory, not in practice. Every effort, every debate on gun control, no matter how slight, is met with a sharp rebuke and the same counter argument, "It is my Constitutional Right". But, is that right not limited?

The First Amendment has limits in terms of speech (yelling fire in a crowd, defamation and perjury) of religion (human sacrifice) and the Fourth in terms of an exigent circumstance; the Sixth in terms of Gitmo, the Eighth in terms of Gitmo. Why not the Second?

Of course one needs a special license to own fully automatic weapons, isn't that an infringement? Does that not set the precedent? The Brady Bill was a good first step to bring sanity to the debate, but as is usually the case the GOP put their lust for power over the needs of The People, and did the bidding for the special interests and the money which follows.
I think (unlike you) that a civilized nation needs to reduce the proliferation of guns when experience strongly suggests that the laws today are ineffective in protecting innocent lives.

Anyone who wants to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control needs to be licensed, insured and free from any conviction of a crime of violence, never detained as a danger to themselves or others (CA W&I Code 5150) (including spending a night in the drunk tank [647ff of the CA Penal Code) or an addict of AOL (alcohol or other drugs).

For a start.

BTW, the NRA (our local terrorist outfit) failed in their effort to prevent the confirmation of the newest Surgeon General of the US, simply because he supports gun control. Kudos to those Senators who were not intimidated by the terrorists and voted their conscience.

I know far more gun owners than members of the NRA ... And if you speak about protecting innocent lives ... You have to count the lives guns have saved as well.

If you think more regulations are required as far as licensing and whatnot ... Good luck getting it passed.


I never see the gun grabbers talk about punishing people who commit crimes with guns only restricting the rights of people who will never commit a crime with a gun.

IMO All gun crimes should be elevated to federal crimes with a mandatory 25 year sentence without parole for gun crimes that do not result in a death and mandatory life in prison or execution for those that do result in death.

Let's see how much gun crimes decrease if we actually focus on the fucking criminals for a change.

The problem with your solution is there is no litmus test to know who will take the life of someone before they do. At least allowing a State to License anyone who lives or comes into CA who wants to buy, posses or have in his or her custody and control a firearm, we can have a complete background check to determine the risk.

Of course a License is only the first step. A comprehensive law would require anyone who wants to sell a gun to record the license number of the buyer, and verify it has not been suspended or revoked. Failure to do so would cause the sellers license to be revoked. Anyone unlicensed who owned, possessed or had in his or her custody and control a gun would be subject to imprisonment and/or a fine.
There is no litmus test for that now nor can there ever be. You simply do not and cannot ever know if a person is going to kill someone.

And I don't see how any of your solutions predict who will commit a gun crime and of course they do nothing to address the simple fact that criminals will not obey the law anyway.
Weapons proliferation has many causes, fear is one. Notice above when each of the gun lovers echoed each other (more gun laws = more sales). If true, the terrorists in the NRA would love more gun laws. It's the fear factor which creates the need for more guns, more powerful guns, larger magazines and open carry desires.

This 'gun grabber' canard is another form of fear. I, for example, have no interest in looking under you bed to see what guns you have stored. Some do of course, but most of us respect the Second Amendment in theory, not in practice. Every effort, every debate on gun control, no matter how slight, is met with a sharp rebuke and the same counter argument, "It is my Constitutional Right". But, is that right not limited?

The First Amendment has limits in terms of speech (yelling fire in a crowd, defamation and perjury) of religion (human sacrifice) and the Fourth in terms of an exigent circumstance; the Sixth in terms of Gitmo, the Eighth in terms of Gitmo. Why not the Second?

Of course one needs a special license to own fully automatic weapons, isn't that an infringement? Does that not set the precedent? The Brady Bill was a good first step to bring sanity to the debate, but as is usually the case the GOP put their lust for power over the needs of The People, and did the bidding for the special interests and the money which follows.

As usual my argument isn't necessarily for or against your desired intent ... It is the ability to recognize if is not accomplishing the intended goal.

For whatever reason you choose to take whatever measures ... If it results in being counterproductive for whatever reason ... You have failed in achieving your goal.

If I decide to use a toothbrush as a hammer ... It simply won't be effective in accomplishing the goal. It doesn't matter if I hate hammer manufactures or get the support of dentists ... A toothbrush will never accomplish the goal of being a better hammer.

It doesn't matter how much you want to change the law, reduce weapons proliferation or how you justify it ... Because you cannot make criminals follow the law and your efforts don't result in fewer guns sales.

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..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Loaded how gun manufacturers and the NRA capitalise on tragedy Sadhbh Walshe Comment is free The Guardian

The cunning geniuses in the NRA are on track to make millions of dollars in the wake of the massacre by developing a whole new revenue stream with their plan to have armed guards in every American school. Not to be left out, security companies are also getting in on the action by launching new ranges of bulletproof clothing and accessories designed exclusively for school children. It might seem counterintuitive for a society to respond to the threat of gun violence by enriching the manufacturers of guns and their allies in the security business, but apparently, this has become the price of our freedom, or at least the price of the freedom to own guns.
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.
What law would have prevented this?

The laws that we'll never have in this country. And nothing will prevent this all together, I said "cut down" (ie. reduce). But it doesn't matter, we live in a society full of selfish assholes and will never have any meaningful gun control put in place.

The problem is your timing sucks. Blacks are roaming the streets essentially shouting "KILL WHITE COPS" and you want to grab our guns..

Obviously you're an idiot.:hmpf:

I do? Shit, I learn more about what I want and what my opinion is from this website every time I visit.

A gun-grabber trying to play dumb, while he's advocating grabbing guns has become only too commonplace. We all know the endgame here. Don't make yourself look any more foolish than you already do

Mudwhistle knows all, at least he believes so (and some say liberalism is a mental disorder).
What law would have prevented this?

The laws that we'll never have in this country. And nothing will prevent this all together, I said "cut down" (ie. reduce). But it doesn't matter, we live in a society full of selfish assholes and will never have any meaningful gun control put in place.

The problem is your timing sucks. Blacks are roaming the streets essentially shouting "KILL WHITE COPS" and you want to grab our guns..

Obviously you're an idiot.:hmpf:

I do? Shit, I learn more about what I want and what my opinion is from this website every time I visit.

A gun-grabber trying to play dumb, while he's advocating grabbing guns has become only too commonplace. We all know the endgame here. Don't make yourself look any more foolish than you already do

Mudwhistle knows all, at least he believes so (and some say liberalism is a mental disorder).

Sorry ... if I felt I knew everything that would make me a liberal.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

Such is the nature of evil... and such is the reason for 'Sandy Hook'.

Just as such is the nature of the spike of mass-murder which occurred shortly after we learned of the "Fast And Furious" treachery.

The respective idiots were warriors in the war against America... they were set by operatives of Leftist insurgency to murder innocent people by the gross... this was all suppose to merge with the Media "Reports" of US Gun Manufacturers selling "ASSAULT WEAPONS" to Terrorists and Gangs across the border... all to hype the hysteria which would result in the grand return of the great BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS.

Most of that scam or uh... 'plan' was scuttled with the public exposure of "Fast and Furious", which is when the NYT and WaPo dropped their Op-Eds 'reporting' the US FireArm Manufacturers Illegal Sales... but the pre-programmed Left-bots were still on schedule and right on time they went to work mowing down innocent people, FOR THE CAUSE!

And here we are, with the families of those the Left murdered, suing the people who were setup by Deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence THEM... the ignorant.

It's nothing new or unique. It's simply Left-think doing what evil does. Producing Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe.

But how poetic that those parents are suing, on behalf of the very cause that MURDERED THEIR CHILDREN?

Ya gotta give points for the Depth reached, by THAT Evil.
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..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Loaded how gun manufacturers and the NRA capitalise on tragedy Sadhbh Walshe Comment is free The Guardian

The cunning geniuses in the NRA are on track to make millions of dollars in the wake of the massacre by developing a whole new revenue stream with their plan to have armed guards in every American school. Not to be left out, security companies are also getting in on the action by launching new ranges of bulletproof clothing and accessories designed exclusively for school children. It might seem counterintuitive for a society to respond to the threat of gun violence by enriching the manufacturers of guns and their allies in the security business, but apparently, this has become the price of our freedom, or at least the price of the freedom to own guns.

very well presented ^^^. Your post was insightful too; too bad the Crazy Right Wing is only capable of posts = to "ain't it awful" and personal attacks of those who don't buy their, well not their, but ideas they parrot.

Of course no law is perfect, few can prevent the crime they hope to regulate. But do we repeal infractions, misdemeanors and felonies because they do not prevent all crimes? Why when most of us obey the laws do we still keep penal codes, civil codes, business and profession codes, etc., and require business licenses, driver's licenses, and even fingerprint teachers never accused or arrested for a crime?

Answer to the above: due diligence.

Why do we vet and train LE Officers so thoroughly before they are allowed to patrol without direct supervision; and still allow almost anyone to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a deadly weapon?

Of course all the time and money spent on background checks of LE can't prevent mistakes or worse. And the NRA advocates putting millions of guns into the hands of millions of people, even after recent events of gun violence by vetted and trained officers of the law.

Current gun policy in the United States is insane, and the NRA and members of congress who do their bidding will continue to support this policy. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Zero. The NRA has not made a cent from the deaths of even one innocent person. The assertion that they have is absurd on its face.

And this without regard to the perversion in human reasoning published in the Guardian. Let us not forget that it was only a decade or so ago that the same 'source' informed us of how Muggers in the Streets of London were merely tradesmen, practicing their craft and that as such they should be celebrated for their 'honest work', which "the Guardian" saw as representing much needed relief on the British Social Justice System.

As with all professions of the lowly Leftists, your feelings are rooted in Deceit, which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the fundamental elements of socialism.
Of course no law is perfect, few can prevent the crime they hope to regulate.

Laws do not hope to regulate crime. Law seeks to serve justice, by establishing specific standards for the threshold of acceptable behavior, setting penalties for crossing such and punishing those who do, through those standards.

ROFL! How much easier would civilization BE, if those who participate in such had SOME IDEA of how it works?

And how it works is, that people, most notably people not at all like yourself, who are ignorant and usually willfully so, of the law; its foundation, its purpose and the processes which define it... are prone to also not understand the fundamentals of human rights, their origins, their purpose and how they work so you are usually found either advocating for the usurpation of such or in the act of doing so.

And it is for that reason that the ownership and effective use of firearms is such an essential element of freedom and remaining free. Without such, we're forced to sit at our kitchen table listening to some Leftist, who was most likely one of the conspirators who planned the murder of our children as a means to usurp the right of free people to own and effectively use firearms against the criminal intent of people like him... because we felt that "the Government" would protect our children, who we, ourselves, delivered into the gun-free zone which directly resulted in their deaths... so that we can blame someone else for the murder of our children, as a means to escape the fact that WE KILLED OUR CHILDREN BY TRUSTING IN THE LIES THROUGH WHICH OUR LEFTIST GOVERNMENT ASSURED US... .
Last edited: much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Zero. The NRA has not made a cent from the deaths of even one innocent person. The assertion that they have is absurd on its face.

And this without regard to the perversion in human reasoning published in the Guardian. Let us not forget that it was only a decade or so ago that the same 'source' informed us of how Muggers in the Streets of London were merely tradesmen, practicing their craft and that as such they should be celebrated for their 'honest work', which "the Guardian" saw as representing much needed relief on the British Social Justice System.

As with all professions of the lowly Leftists, your feelings are rooted in Deceit, which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the fundamental elements of socialism.

Thats a good boy, you keep believing that...

So to recap Sandy Hook happened and nothing was done... Congrats to the NRA put down another 1 in the W column..

Hey I know everyone said thing would change but the lobbyists came through and won the day. We just have to get rid of these pesky parents, lets just say there cashing in on their kids...

It is a proven fact that more guns means more gun deaths... Simple... Now you will get baby killer appeasers here who are willing to sacrifice children for a perceived security just like primitive tribes sacrifice children to keep the gods happy...

So lets rejoice in the deaths of the Sandy Hook children ye sick bastards. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Zero. The NRA has not made a cent from the deaths of even one innocent person. The assertion that they have is absurd on its face.

And this without regard to the perversion in human reasoning published in the Guardian. Let us not forget that it was only a decade or so ago that the same 'source' informed us of how Muggers in the Streets of London were merely tradesmen, practicing their craft and that as such they should be celebrated for their 'honest work', which "the Guardian" saw as representing much needed relief on the British Social Justice System.

As with all professions of the lowly Leftists, your feelings are rooted in Deceit, which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the fundamental elements of socialism.

Thats a good boy, you keep believing that...

So to recap Sandy Hook happened and nothing was done...

Oh that's not true... Sandy Hook discredited the notion of "Gun-free Zones"... so that was done. And the viable schools have taken to arming the HELL out of themselves. And there's no downside to THAT! much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

OPINION ^^^. Keys has no clue how much money was donated to the NRA subsequent to every mass murder at school, theaters and malls!!

Zero. The NRA has not made a cent from the deaths of even one innocent person. The assertion that they have is absurd on its face.

Yep, another lie by Keys

And this without regard to the perversion in human reasoning published in the Guardian. Let us not forget that it was only a decade or so ago that the same 'source' informed us of how Muggers in the Streets of London were merely tradesmen, practicing their craft and that as such they should be celebrated for their 'honest work', which "the Guardian" saw as representing much needed relief on the British Social Justice System.

As with all professions of the lowly Leftists, your feelings are rooted in Deceit, which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Again, a partisan smear by a very partisan ignorant and arrogant asshole!


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the fundamental elements of socialism.

OPINION ^^^. Keys has no clue how much money was donated to the NRA subsequent to every mass murder at school, theaters and malls!!

A non sequitur ^^^ irrelevant and untrue. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

OPINION ^^^. Keys has no clue how much money was donated to the NRA subsequent to every mass murder at school, theaters and malls!!

Zero. The NRA has not made a cent from the deaths of even one innocent person. The assertion that they have is absurd on its face.

Yep, another lie by Keys

And this without regard to the perversion in human reasoning published in the Guardian. Let us not forget that it was only a decade or so ago that the same 'source' informed us of how Muggers in the Streets of London were merely tradesmen, practicing their craft and that as such they should be celebrated for their 'honest work', which "the Guardian" saw as representing much needed relief on the British Social Justice System.

As with all professions of the lowly Leftists, your feelings are rooted in Deceit, which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Again, a partisan smear by a very partisan ignorant and arrogant asshole!


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the fundamental elements of socialism.

OPINION ^^^. Keys has no clue how much money was donated to the NRA subsequent to every mass murder at school, theaters and malls!!

A non sequitur ^^^ irrelevant and untrue.

Keep in mind Keys is a liar by omission and commission, arrogant, an asshole and as dumb as a box of hammers. Oh, and he is a partisan hack who seems to support the idiot fringe.
I don't wish for anyone to go to hell. Even you. Do you actually have something intelligent to say about the lawsuit?

Page ignored it though because it didn't fit your selfish agenda.
You briefly mentioned the lawsuit as a segway to ranting about gun laws, which have nothing to do with the civil suit.

What does claiming that these parents are going to hell have to do with the law suit?
Nothing. Why?

I was confused since you were chiding another poster for bringing up gun laws which have nothing to do with the case either. Perhaps you should take your own advice since whether these parents are going to hell or not has nothing to do with this case.
Actually I was asking him to address the OP. I never thought I would have to explain this to anyone but a complete idiot, but the OP author gets to decide the content of the OP, not you.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.
Really, I bet you have all sort advice about things you haven't any experience on. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

OPINION ^^^. Keys has no clue how much money was donated to the NRA subsequent to every mass murder at school, theaters and malls!!

Zero. The NRA has not made a cent from the deaths of even one innocent person. The assertion that they have is absurd on its face.

Yep, another lie by Keys

And this without regard to the perversion in human reasoning published in the Guardian. Let us not forget that it was only a decade or so ago that the same 'source' informed us of how Muggers in the Streets of London were merely tradesmen, practicing their craft and that as such they should be celebrated for their 'honest work', which "the Guardian" saw as representing much needed relief on the British Social Justice System.

As with all professions of the lowly Leftists, your feelings are rooted in Deceit, which is fraudulently advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant.

Again, a partisan smear by a very partisan ignorant and arrogant asshole!


Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance... the fundamental elements of socialism.

OPINION ^^^. Keys has no clue how much money was donated to the NRA subsequent to every mass murder at school, theaters and malls!!

A non sequitur ^^^ irrelevant and untrue.
It seems to me that people are responding to the Leftists capitalizing on tragedy to pass gun control legislation that wouldn't have prevented the event to begin with. Amazing how the demonic Left accuses the NRA of doing precisely what the Left is doing, exploiting a tragedy to further an ulterior agenda.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.
Really, I bet you have all sort advice about things you haven't any experience on.
You bet, sweetheart.
Did gun control help in Australia?


This lawsuit doesn't have a prayer. The real complaint is the laws that allow citizens access to these types of guns. They know they can't change the laws.

When these parents lose that gunmaker should sue them all for abuse of process and teach the anti gun nuts a lesson they will never forget. Take their homes.

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