The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

It seems to me that people are responding to the Leftists capitalizing on tragedy to pass gun control legislation that wouldn't have prevented the event to begin with. Amazing how the demonic Left accuses the NRA of doing precisely what the Left is doing, exploiting a tragedy to further an ulterior agenda.

Well yeah... but that's only because the left IS trying to capitalize on mass-murder, which the Left orchestrated, as a means to undermine the means of other Americans to defend themselves from THE LEFT.

It's treachery of the old testament variety. But that follows, given that it's the same old evil.
It seems to me that people are responding to the Leftists capitalizing on tragedy to pass gun control legislation that wouldn't have prevented the event to begin with. Amazing how the demonic Left accuses the NRA of doing precisely what the Left is doing, exploiting a tragedy to further an ulterior agenda.

Well yeah... but that's only because the left IS trying to capitalize on mass-murder, which the Left orchestrated, as a means to undermine the means of other Americans to defend themselves from THE LEFT.

It's treachery of the old testament variety. But that follows, given that it's the same old evil.
I wouldn't put it past them. Fast and Furious taught me a new lesson on just how evil the Left can be.
Gun control. That is all this is about. Preventing the deaths of innocent children by a gun toting mad man, hmm, that means nothing. Just preventing gun control, all else pales. It's ok. A few dead kids slaughtered by a gunman, what anti American anti 2nd amendment nut would question firearms? I do . Really? Who the hell would stand by the second amendment after it has been clearly abused by so many people? Only a really insane person would defend the second amendment and the use (or MISUSE) of firearms in the last 30 years in America. They have done more harm than good demonstrably. I have seen it myself, personally. No Good from firearms, just wet dreams. Ban the damn things.
Did gun control help in Australia?


This lawsuit doesn't have a prayer. The real complaint is the laws that allow citizens access to these types of guns. They know they can't change the laws.

When these parents lose that gunmaker should sue them all for abuse of process and teach the anti gun nuts a lesson they will never forget. Take their homes.
I really hope this country is not so far gone that a jury can be convinced to hold companies responsible when people misuse their products. That would be a complete forsaking of all reason and a recipe for anarchy.
Gun control. That is all this is about. Preventing the deaths of innocent children by a gun toting mad man, hmm, that means nothing. Just preventing gun control, all else pales. It's ok. A few dead kids slaughtered by a gunman, what anti American anti 2nd amendment nut would question firearms? I do . Really? Who the hell would stand by the second amendment after it has been clearly abused by so many people? Only a really insane person would defend the second amendment and the use (or MISUSE) of firearms in the last 30 years in America. They have done more harm than good demonstrably. I have seen it myself, personally. No Good from firearms, just wet dreams. Ban the damn things.
Would you like me to recommend a few countries you can move to that have confiscated all private firearms?
Gun control. That is all this is about. Preventing the deaths of innocent children by a gun toting mad man, hmm, that means nothing. Just preventing gun control, all else pales. It's ok. A few dead kids slaughtered by a gunman, what anti American anti 2nd amendment nut would question firearms? I do . Really? Who the hell would stand by the second amendment after it has been clearly abused by so many people? Only a really insane person would defend the second amendment and the use (or MISUSE) of firearms in the last 30 years in America. They have done more harm than good demonstrably. I have seen it myself, personally. No Good from firearms, just wet dreams. Ban the damn things.

The "gunman"; every gunman of the run on mass-murder that came and went right around the time that "Fast and Furious" was exposed, were directly affiliated with the Ideological Left.

What's more, ALL of the "Gunmen" decided to murder in the places that are PRIME KILL-ZONES, created by the anti-American hysterics on the Left, OKA: Gun-Free Zones.

So shut the fuck up. Sandy Hook was orchestrated, executed and promoted BY THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT! And this lawsuit simply adds to the Everest that is the evidence that establishes that FACT!
"The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids.."

You are indeed the typical rightwing scumbag – in addition to being ignorant of the law.
Did gun control help in Australia?


This lawsuit doesn't have a prayer. The real complaint is the laws that allow citizens access to these types of guns. They know they can't change the laws.

When these parents lose that gunmaker should sue them all for abuse of process and teach the anti gun nuts a lesson they will never forget. Take their homes.
Seriously if a couple people had been carrying a concealed weapon things could have been different
Well ... I saw the story and it convinced me to invest in a new assault weapon before they start to suffer more legislative concerns and court liability. Better to get one now before the price goes up.

I imagine the same thing will happen as did when the assault weapons ban was passed ... More weapons will be sold.

Assault rifles are select fire rifles with a fully automatic option. I don't think you can buy one now legally without a special license.
Well ... I saw the story and it convinced me to invest in a new assault weapon before they start to suffer more legislative concerns and court liability. Better to get one now before the price goes up.

I imagine the same thing will happen as did when the assault weapons ban was passed ... More weapons will be sold.

Assault rifles are select fire rifles with a fully automatic option. I don't think you can buy one now legally without a special license.
Devastating riposte!
"The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids.."

You are indeed the typical rightwing scumbag – in addition to being ignorant of the law.
There's no law requiring this lawsuit, just pure, old fashioned greed by "grieving" parents who think their ship has come in and eagerly step over the bodies of their dead children to board it.

Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.

Not the gun manufacturers fault. Anyone with a step above the primordial stew would know that.

they have a big uphill battle

they have to prove that bushmaster knowingly sold the firearm with full knowledge

it would be used to cause injury
Good for them. This is the worst situation possible for them and NOTHING has changed from it. Nothing. Fuck gun lobbyists who prevent any sort of real legislation passing that would help cut down on these situations occurring. You can't sue lobbyists and this is America so the gun makers are the next most logical target. If they don't want to be sued then don't make guns.

Go ahead gun nuts, lets have it.

Not the gun manufacturers fault. Anyone with a step above the primordial stew would know that.

I didn't say it was. I said it's the gun lobby's fault. But you can't sue them. So the gun manufacturers are next in line.

It't not the gun lobby's fault either. Hint: it starts with the shooter and his upbringing.

Bzzzzzz. Wrong. There are poor and mentally unstable people all over the world. Want to try again?
How can any company control the misuse of their product?


if this sort of case wins

imagine all the lawsuits against car makers alone for example
Gun control. That is all this is about. Preventing the deaths of innocent children by a gun toting mad man, hmm, that means nothing. Just preventing gun control, all else pales. It's ok. A few dead kids slaughtered by a gunman, what anti American anti 2nd amendment nut would question firearms? I do . Really? Who the hell would stand by the second amendment after it has been clearly abused by so many people? Only a really insane person would defend the second amendment and the use (or MISUSE) of firearms in the last 30 years in America. They have done more harm than good demonstrably. I have seen it myself, personally. No Good from firearms, just wet dreams. Ban the damn things.
What's it like being a Moron?
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

It is probably because politicians have done nothing. They probably just want to do something.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

It is probably because politicians have done nothing. They probably just want to do something.
The politicians have done something. They passed a law so gun manufacturers can't be held liable for people misusing their products. That makes it better for those who use them legally.

As far as the deterioration of society, that isn't the politicians fault, you get what you vote for.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

It is probably because politicians have done nothing. They probably just want to do something.
They don't want to do "something" to protect children from further attacks. They don't want to punish the people who are guilty of leaving their children open to attack. You just can't make up the upside down nature of lib logic. They create a gun free zone for criminals to come and do their thing killing innocent children with no one to defend them. Then they blame everyone but themselves for their idiocy.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

It is probably because politicians have done nothing. They probably just want to do something.
The politicians have done something. They passed a law so gun manufacturers can't be held liable for people misusing their products. That makes it better for those who use them legally.

As far as the deterioration of society, that isn't the politicians fault, you get what you vote for.

Well they should probably be suing the government for making it legal for him to have he weapon. Guns with hi cap mags are only used to kill lots of innocent people. I've never heard of one needed for defense.
Well they should probably be suing the government for making it legal for him to have he weapon. Guns with hi cap mags are only used to kill lots of innocent people. I've never heard of one needed for defense.
Things are legal unless there's a good reason to make them illegal and he couldn't buy the gun legally, his idiot mom had a nutty kid that had access to her gun. I like my 30rd Pmags just fine, you can't have them, I might need them someday. I'd rather not rely on your assurance.

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