The Moment Trump Is Elected, America Will Stop Being Great

I'm currently teaching at a primary school in Qatar where many of my co workers are from UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa . They all ask me how and why Americans voted for Trump. They know he's a racist. Unfortunately our own people cannot see that.

Except that just isn't so (although he has certainly attracted and galvanized the hardcore bigots among us) and your co-workers may not understand our socio/political climate nor the nuances of American politics circa 2016.
Never mind the anti constitutional progressivees in both parties that needs to be voted out. :(

They are just as much part of our political fabric as the socialists, anarchists, and white supremacists.

The Republic will survive them.
They shouldn't be so inflexible and dogmatic.
Maybe Trump would be a good President who knows?
He didn't do anything yet ;)
They shouldn't be so inflexible and dogmatic.
Maybe Trump would be a good President who knows?
He didn't do anything yet ;)
He has done a lot. American's judge candidates by how they react and handle situations like crisis's in their campaign, how they control their emotions, temperament, ability to research and learn issues in a scholarly or academic method, ability to unite and create compromise among different sides of issues, etc., in other words, political and diplomatic skills needed for governing. Trump fails in all of these skills. The business skills he is famous for do not fit and will not work on a global political scale or a domestic political and legal scale.

Wouldn't have thought fingers that stuby could cross.
They shouldn't be so inflexible and dogmatic.
Maybe Trump would be a good President who knows?
He didn't do anything yet ;)
He has done a lot. American's judge candidates by how they react and handle situations like crisis's in their campaign, how they control their emotions, temperament, ability to research and learn issues in a scholarly or academic method, ability to unite and create compromise among different sides of issues, etc., in other words, political and diplomatic skills needed for governing. Trump fails in all of these skills. The business skills he is famous for do not fit and will not work on a global political scale or a domestic political and legal scale.
Lol, Hillary is far from a Uniter . Also the way she handled Bengazi proved she is unqualified to be president. I mean she hired terrorist to guard our people.
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They shouldn't be so inflexible and dogmatic.
Maybe Trump would be a good President who knows?
He didn't do anything yet ;)
He has done a lot. American's judge candidates by how they react and handle situations like crisis's in their campaign, how they control their emotions, temperament, ability to research and learn issues in a scholarly or academic method, ability to unite and create compromise among different sides of issues, etc., in other words, political and diplomatic skills needed for governing. Trump fails in all of these skills. The business skills he is famous for do not fit and will not work on a global political scale or a domestic political and legal scale.
Lol, Hillary is far from a United. Also the way she handled Bengazi proved she is unqualified to be president. I mean she hired terrorist to guard our people.
How many investigations do you need? How many hours of live TV interrogation does she need to sit through?
You guys are still arguing Benghazi, now even on election day itself.
They shouldn't be so inflexible and dogmatic.
Maybe Trump would be a good President who knows?
He didn't do anything yet ;)
He has done a lot. American's judge candidates by how they react and handle situations like crisis's in their campaign, how they control their emotions, temperament, ability to research and learn issues in a scholarly or academic method, ability to unite and create compromise among different sides of issues, etc., in other words, political and diplomatic skills needed for governing. Trump fails in all of these skills. The business skills he is famous for do not fit and will not work on a global political scale or a domestic political and legal scale.
Lol, Hillary is far from a United. Also the way she handled Bengazi proved she is unqualified to be president. I mean she hired terrorist to guard our people.
How many investigations do you need? How many hours of live TV interrogation does she need to sit through?
You guys are still arguing Benghazi, now even on election day itself.
When Trump becomes president and it's investigated the way it should. Obama was also a part of it and gets to call the shots in the investigation.
Wrong again dufus. Most states carry all four candidates on their ballots. And Trump leads in the last two on Real Clear.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Latest 2016 Presidential General Election Polls

We'll find out in a few hours.
No you don't understand, you're white so that means you are a bad guy.

Being white doesn't mean your bad but being white does make you a little blinded about racism and bigotry around.

White conservatives in particular love denying racism still exist in this country. Yes some people overuse the race card but racism is still alive and well in this country.

You have to be a minority to understand.

And you would have to be white to know that it's all bullshit.

Your comment just proved my point.
We see here the Nia88-S. J. Mode of Racial Denial.

Yes, racism is alive and well in America.
Because people like Obama, Jackson, and Sharpton keep it alive and well.
Don't forget Hillary, Rev. Wright, etc.
I do not wish to hear any let us work together bullshit from the left should corruption Clinton win!
Great piece from the Israeli press

Trump says the world doesn’t take the U.S. seriously, but he’s full of hokum. Trump also says nobody respects Obama: A June 2015 Pew Survey found that Obama is admired throughout the world, with the notable exceptions of Russia, China and, possibly and unfortunately, Israel. But one thing is certain: The world takes a very dim view of Donald Trump. He arouses disbelief, ridicule and deep apprehension. If and when Trump was to become president, his election would cause many people around the world to reconsider whether America is still great or has simply gone off the rails forever.
Trump has already inflicted untold damage on America’s image abroad. Politicians, pundits and the public at large cannot comprehend how the party of Abraham Lincoln, Dwight Eisenhower and even Ronald Reagan could anoint such an unsympathetic, loudmouthed, ignorant, race-baiting rabble rouser as its candidate.
read more: The moment Trump is elected, America will stop being great - Chemi Shalev
Dear Friend, please lets just look at this.....Trump must win, its time somebody put an end not only to the GOP, but to its supporters...these morons aren't going away, they need Trump to finally seal the last nail in their coffins, so that this country despite the hell we will endure, but its time the angry white voter is put to rest forever and a Trump win will do this. There is no other way....Please, lets look at it from this point of view. I for one am ready for a new generation of people to be in this country who are socially aware and ready to work together to solve problems...Hillary isn't answer nor is Trump, but both no matter who wins, will never ever ever grace our presence again and that is a beautiful gift we can all embrace. I have to say, I voted for Trump today.....just because Hillary will be nothing but a lame duck president and nothing will get done and Trump will be tried and boosted out by next fall.....with Pence taking his place.
Obviously you do not have the faintest idea what it takes for a country to be great.

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