This influencer listed all the "horrible" things Trump will do if elected and accidentally made him the best campaign ad of all time

You are saying that the defective homosexual gene exists and a tiny percentage of humans have it

Who knows?

But if so that doesnt mean that all homosexuals are born that way

The hedonist left demands that society assume, or at least treat, the growing number of sexual misfits as if they are normal

And therefore we must accept whatever the gay community decides to do next, particularly when it comes to grooming children

And that includes the person in the video, who unfortunately seems to be in a never-never world between He and She

Sorry folks, but I do notice the abnormality, and it taints my perception of what the person has to say
No. I am not saying that at all. Congenital conditions do not require a gene in order to occur. It is just something people are born with. I do not believe a homosexual gene exists and that's why the condition is not normal in the human experience. But neither is it evil though there are evil people among gay people and heterosexual people. But I know a number many gay people that I know as honest and honorable people and when they tell me they did not choose to be homosexual, did not want to be homosexual, I believe them. For them, it was not a choice any more than many others born with congenital conditions.
No. I am not saying that at all. Congenital conditions do not require a gene in order to occur. It is just something people are born with. I do not believe a homosexual gene exists and that's why the condition is not normal in the human experience.
I suppose a child could be born to a mother who is on drugs and the child might have a crack or heroin addiction at birth

But otherwise all of our traits at birth are genetic

However when I mention the homosexual genetic birth defect I am mocking libs rather than agreeing with them

But who knows or can say that a very tiny percentage of homosexuals are not simply born that way?

I’m not God and I simply dont know

I just expect them to behave themselves sexually

The same as I dont excuse murderers whose lawyer argues that they had an unhappy childhood

All I know is that homosexuality and murder are wrong and should be discouraged
I suppose a child could be born to a mother who is on drugs and the child might have a crack or heroin addiction at birth

But otherwise all of our traits at birth are genetic

However when I mention the homosexual genetic birth defect I am mocking libs rather than agreeing with them

But who knows or can say that a very tiny percentage of homosexuals are not simply born that way?

I’m not God and I simply dont know

I just expect them to behave themselves sexually

Anymore than I excuse murderers whose lawyer argues that they had an unhappy childhood

All I know is that homosexuality and murder are wrong and should be discouraged
I cannot believe homosexuality is wrong. There are many many factors that cause the relatively small percentage of congenital conditions with environment, i.e. other than genetic influences, being as strong a factor as genetics. Very occasionally, according to what I've read, the developing baby sometimes receives the wrong number of chromosomes from each parent resulting in congenital problems and they have no clue what causes that.

I want all people, gay and straight, to behave themselves sexually and in all aspects of their lives. Those who do, both gay and straight, make the world a better place.
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This influencer listed all the "horrible" things Trump will do if elected and accidentally made him the best campaign ad of all time
By Joel Abbott
No joke, I didn't even realize this lady (?) was trying to use this list as a negative thing until halfway thru the video!

Stop it! I can't take it! It sounds like the America of my dreams! Don't give me hope!


First I've heard of "Agenda 47" But I like it.
These folks cannot talk about what Joe has done.... only about what “horrible” things Trump would do. However, are those proposal bad? I don't think so.....
I'm all for the propsals that Trump is proposing.


This may be the most useful "non-binary" character in our midst.

This may be the most useful "non-binary" character in our midst.
I wonder how that’s going to work. When the Taylor Swift tsunami broke, MAGA trotted out their stars, three has-beens, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Jon Voight! :laughing0301:
This influencer listed all the "horrible" things Trump will do if elected and accidentally made him the best campaign ad of all time
By Joel Abbott
No joke, I didn't even realize this lady (?) was trying to use this list as a negative thing until halfway thru the video!

Stop it! I can't take it! It sounds like the America of my dreams! Don't give me hope!


First I've heard of "Agenda 47" But I like it.
These folks cannot talk about what Joe has done.... only about what “horrible” things Trump would do. However, are those proposal bad? I don't think so.....
I'm all for the propsals that Trump is proposing.

The worst thing about the internet is it gave feckless losers a voice when silence was what they had earned
I wonder how that’s going to work. When the Taylor Swift tsunami broke, MAGA trotted out their stars, three has-beens, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock and Jon Voight! :laughing0301:

No idea what you're talking about, but Joe Biden's approval rating is at 37%.

Your cult is shrinking every day.

Every thing on that list, except maybe the flying car thing, is exactly what America needs. I saw no down side to agenda 47, only positives.

Was that just satire? Because all of those are only there to improve America as a whole for everyone.

What happens in October? Biden launches WW III?

To keep trump out of office? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Everytime I think they won't go any further or do something dumber they surprise me. They are going to get very cruel at some point.

They already proved they are willing to shit allover america and ruin it between the illegals, fighting states trying to protect their citizens from illegals, lie, bring about charge after charge against trump, misleading American people, use the MSM to spread their agendas, sell our country to foreign countries, send hundreds of billions to other countries and bankrupting us while our own people suffer, push rhetoric that just angers and divides our nation, publicly applaud themselves for being racist and so on. What's yet another war they involve us in? And why not make it a world war.
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