The monolithic left


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
If one existed, we can all be sure that it would not be the one written by Paul Ryan.

I would also not downplay how fast the left is willing to eat its own for the "common cause". Individuals do not have value to them.
Votto will now be referred to as VottoHypocrite.

If the GOP had voted lock step unanimously for AHCA yesterday, he would have been very satisfied.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.
Democrats all agree wholeheartedly on the following:

  1. They will fight anything that will make our lives better
  2. They will do everything in their power take our money and make us more dependent on government
  3. They will fight to bring as many poor people into this country to overload our welfare and health care benefits till they collapse
  4. They will refuse to work with the GOP or a Republican president
  5. They will spy on us and infringe on our freedoms at every opportunity
  6. They will conspire with the media to mislead us and lie to us and defraud us
  7. They will destroy anyone who tries to stop them
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.
Democrats all agree wholeheartedly on the following:

  1. They will fight anything that will make our lives better
  2. They will do everything in their power take our money and make us more dependent on government
  3. They will fight to bring as many poor people into this country to overload our welfare and health care benefits till they collapse
  4. They will refuse to work with the GOP or a Republican president
  5. They will spy on us and infringe on our freedoms at every opportunity
  6. They will conspire with the media to mislead us and lie to us and defraud us
  7. They will destroy anyone who tries to stop them
When did the GOP work with a Democratic President, sweetie? You are truly fullofshyte as usual
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
Trump promised us, he had a plan it would happen on day 1 of his administration. Republicans had 7 long years to formulate something they could agree on. This is a massive embarrassment for Dear leader, that will not be forgotten come the mid terms.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.

It has nothing to do with clarity or message delivering. The problem in the GOP is everybody wants to do things their way, and if it doesn't work out like that, they won't support anything else.

It's the GOP voters that need to pay more attention to who they are voting for in the primaries. We need to weed out all the Republicans who constantly get in our way of advancement. I didn't like the healthcare bill either, but at least put the ball on our side of the court and perhaps then we can work on it. But no. Certain Republicans don't like it, so keep it in the Democrats favor.

These Republicans are ruining the party and ruining a golden opportunity to show the country what we are made of. Instead, they are going to piss it away over petty politics. I'm about ready to give up myself. Maybe a third party is the only way to get anything done in this country.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.

It has nothing to do with clarity or message delivering. The problem in the GOP is everybody wants to do things their way, and if it doesn't work out like that, they won't support anything else.

It's the GOP voters that need to pay more attention to who they are voting for in the primaries. We need to weed out all the Republicans who constantly get in our way of advancement. I didn't like the healthcare bill either, but at least put the ball on our side of the court and perhaps then we can work on it. But no. Certain Republicans don't like it, so keep it in the Democrats favor.

These Republicans are ruining the party and ruining a golden opportunity to show the country what we are made of. Instead, they are going to piss it away over petty politics. I'm about ready to give up myself. Maybe a third party is the only way to get anything done in this country.
Wasn't the Election of Trump supposed to cure everything? An outside, a great negotiator and deal maker?
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
Trump promised us, he had a plan it would happen on day 1 of his administration. Republicans had 7 long years to formulate something they could agree on. This is a massive embarrassment for Dear leader, that will not be forgotten come the mid terms.
That's nothing but Democrat propaganda. You dickheads can't win elections anymore so instead you're out to screw everything up. Your ideas suck and so your only solution is to lie about the opposition. You fuck them up and in the process fuck over America. Our system of government is designed to be difficult and slow.These things take time. Many of the Republicans that voted against Ryancare haven't been in Congress for very long. As a matter of fact some of them have only been there for a couple of months.
Trump said he was going to do things and he's doing them. It takes time to fight your way through Congress when more than half of them are members of the political establishment. It took Obama until 2010 to pass and sign Obamacare, and because of it he lost his majority in Congress. Sometimes what looks like a success actually turns out to be an epic failure. That's what this is. An epic failure for the Democrats and for the American people. Right now they're crowing like a bunch of Roosters, but they won't be crowing for long.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.

The last Democrat who expressed a dissenting opinion was Joe Lieberman and they threw him out of the party for that
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
Trump promised us, he had a plan it would happen on day 1 of his administration. Republicans had 7 long years to formulate something they could agree on. This is a massive embarrassment for Dear leader, that will not be forgotten come the mid terms.
That's nothing but Democrat propaganda. You dickheads can't win elections anymore so instead you're out to screw everything up. Your ideas suck and so your only solution is to lie about the opposition. You fuck them up and in the process fuck over America. Our system of government is designed to be difficult and slow.These things take time. Many of the Republicans that voted against Ryancare haven't been in Congress for very long. As a matter of fact some of them have only been there for a couple of months.
Trump said he was going to do things and he's doing them. It takes time to fight your way through Congress when more than half of them are members of the political establishment. It took Obama until 2010 to pass and sign Obamacare, and because of it he lost his majority in Congress. Sometimes what looks like a success actually turns out to be an epic failure. That's what this is. An epic failure for the Democrats and for the American people. Right now they're crowing like a bunch of Roosters, but they won't be crowing for long.
Beautiful spin Hand Job, but the facts are the facts. That asshole promised the American people on day one! No one will forget or forgive. Now its up to republicans to work with democrats to make the ACA better.
As Obama said once....Democracy is a messy thing. Authoritarian societies are well organized.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
Trump promised us, he had a plan it would happen on day 1 of his administration. Republicans had 7 long years to formulate something they could agree on. This is a massive embarrassment for Dear leader, that will not be forgotten come the mid terms.
That's nothing but Democrat propaganda. You dickheads can't win elections anymore so instead you're out to screw everything up. Your ideas suck and so your only solution is to lie about the opposition. You fuck them up and in the process fuck over America. Our system of government is designed to be difficult and slow.These things take time. Many of the Republicans that voted against Ryancare haven't been in Congress for very long. As a matter of fact some of them have only been there for a couple of months.
Trump said he was going to do things and he's doing them. It takes time to fight your way through Congress when more than half of them are members of the political establishment. It took Obama until 2010 to pass and sign Obamacare, and because of it he lost his majority in Congress. Sometimes what looks like a success actually turns out to be an epic failure. That's what this is. An epic failure for the Democrats and for the American people. Right now they're crowing like a bunch of Roosters, but they won't be crowing for long.
Beautiful spin Hand Job, but the facts are the facts. That asshole promised the American people on day one! No one will forget or forgive. Now its up to republicans to work with democrats to make the ACA better.
You're a fucking liar.
Nobody in their right mind would say that everything could magically be solved in less than 24 hours.
Quit wasting my time Shitforbrains.
You had 7 long years to create a workable health care bill, but all your leaders did was lie to the voters.
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
Trump promised us, he had a plan it would happen on day 1 of his administration. Republicans had 7 long years to formulate something they could agree on. This is a massive embarrassment for Dear leader, that will not be forgotten come the mid terms.
That's nothing but Democrat propaganda. You dickheads can't win elections anymore so instead you're out to screw everything up. Your ideas suck and so your only solution is to lie about the opposition. You fuck them up and in the process fuck over America. Our system of government is designed to be difficult and slow.These things take time. Many of the Republicans that voted against Ryancare haven't been in Congress for very long. As a matter of fact some of them have only been there for a couple of months.
Trump said he was going to do things and he's doing them. It takes time to fight your way through Congress when more than half of them are members of the political establishment. It took Obama until 2010 to pass and sign Obamacare, and because of it he lost his majority in Congress. Sometimes what looks like a success actually turns out to be an epic failure. That's what this is. An epic failure for the Democrats and for the American people. Right now they're crowing like a bunch of Roosters, but they won't be crowing for long.
Beautiful spin Hand Job, but the facts are the facts. That asshole promised the American people on day one! No one will forget or forgive. Now its up to republicans to work with democrats to make the ACA better.
You're a fucking liar.
Nobody in their right mind would say that everything could magically be solved in less than 24 hours.
Quit wasting my time Shitforbrains.
Thats exactly what Trump said. A bill would be ready and waiting on day 1. Now who is the liar- its not me and it'd not the Democrats. By now I hope you are getting buyers remorse, cause it aint gonna get any better
Not only would a bill be waiting on day 1, but it would be cheaper and include everyone. Hows that for supreme bullshyte
So you claim that Congress hand nothing to do in the last 7 years?
Actually it hasn't been 7 years. More like 6. It'll be 7 next January.
I think Paul Ryan has a screw loose. I think he's intentionally screwing up the works so that the Democrats have nothing to blame the GOP for. That never stops liars like Nancy Pelosi from bragging about how they stopped the GOP from destroying health care and killing Grandmas and pregnant women.
The joke's on the American people. Health care in America is going to shit and we have the Democrats to thank for it. Illegal immigrants will be getting better health care than American citizens.
Trump promised us, he had a plan it would happen on day 1 of his administration. Republicans had 7 long years to formulate something they could agree on. This is a massive embarrassment for Dear leader, that will not be forgotten come the mid terms.
That's nothing but Democrat propaganda. You dickheads can't win elections anymore so instead you're out to screw everything up. Your ideas suck and so your only solution is to lie about the opposition. You fuck them up and in the process fuck over America. Our system of government is designed to be difficult and slow.These things take time. Many of the Republicans that voted against Ryancare haven't been in Congress for very long. As a matter of fact some of them have only been there for a couple of months.
Trump said he was going to do things and he's doing them. It takes time to fight your way through Congress when more than half of them are members of the political establishment. It took Obama until 2010 to pass and sign Obamacare, and because of it he lost his majority in Congress. Sometimes what looks like a success actually turns out to be an epic failure. That's what this is. An epic failure for the Democrats and for the American people. Right now they're crowing like a bunch of Roosters, but they won't be crowing for long.
Beautiful spin Hand Job, but the facts are the facts. That asshole promised the American people on day one! No one will forget or forgive. Now its up to republicans to work with democrats to make the ACA better.
You're a fucking liar.
Nobody in their right mind would say that everything could magically be solved in less than 24 hours.
Quit wasting my time Shitforbrains.
Thats exactly what Trump said. A bill would be ready and waiting on day 1. Now who is the liar- its not me and it'd not the Democrats. By now I hope you are getting buyers remorse, cause it aint gonna get any better
Not only would a bill be waiting on day 1, but it would be cheaper and include everyone. Hows that for supreme bullshyte
And you're a liar. No bill could possibly be passed in a day.
He said he would sign Executive Orders on day one and he has.

We're done here you lying sack of shit.
Votto will now be referred to as VottoHypocrite.

If the GOP had voted lock step unanimously for AHCA yesterday, he would have been very satisfied.

No, the GOP should not be getting into one size fits all solutions, that is for socialists

No, states should rise up and handle things by creating health care for themselves like MA did. No two states are exactly alike. Both conservative and left winged states should be able to implement their own solutions.

If you are a conservative, the Article V movement is the only way to go. States need to reclaim their power.
I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.

Indeed. Their vision is pure government from top to bottom. They look at never ending problems and simply promote more government to fix them. It is a dizzying never ending quest.

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