The monolithic left

I have devised a new term for the left, they will now be referred to as the monolithic left.

There is no dissent, just agreement on such things as health care which needs to be a single payer system.

There is no division, just a well oiled machine joined together for a communal cause.

They are more of a machine than individuals.

Conversely, the GOP is in chaos and division. They can't seem to come up with that perfect one size fits all health care plan that is good for everyone for all time sake, probably because one does not exist, but I digress.
The Left has always had clarity of message. Clarity is a critical component of communication and persuasion.

It's not the Democrats' fault that the GOP somehow still hasn't gotten that obvious fact through their heads.

It has nothing to do with clarity or message delivering. The problem in the GOP is everybody wants to do things their way, and if it doesn't work out like that, they won't support anything else.

It's the GOP voters that need to pay more attention to who they are voting for in the primaries. We need to weed out all the Republicans who constantly get in our way of advancement. I didn't like the healthcare bill either, but at least put the ball on our side of the court and perhaps then we can work on it. But no. Certain Republicans don't like it, so keep it in the Democrats favor.

These Republicans are ruining the party and ruining a golden opportunity to show the country what we are made of. Instead, they are going to piss it away over petty politics. I'm about ready to give up myself. Maybe a third party is the only way to get anything done in this country.
Wasn't the Election of Trump supposed to cure everything? An outside, a great negotiator and deal maker?

Who said his win was a cure all to everything? I don't event think Trump said that. Besides, it has little to do with Trump. It's the "Take My Ball and Go Home" Republicans that are the problem. We need people in our party that are going to stick together no matter what just like the Socialists do. Were need less crybabies in our party and nothing will change until we get rid of them.

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