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After all the name calling, the point still remains. Once again, the President of the United States degraded the nation he was elected to lead. It is yet another one of his constant attacks that can only lead one to believe that he does not consider his oath of office to be valid.

How much more damage will he do before his term expires?
Meh, as I have nothing but contempt for liberals anything you post is pretty much meaningless to me but if it helps you to get through your day calling people racists have at it.

I actually would "respect" more a racist who openly admitted it.....than the many right wingers who try to hide their racism through vague terms such as, Obama is a Muslim communist and apologist and Obama hates America......All these labels are ruses for what may really be in the wicked hearts....and, ultimately, NOT honest.
Meh, as I have nothing but contempt for liberals anything you post is pretty much meaningless to me but if it helps you to get through your day calling people racists have at it.

I actually would "respect" more a racist who openly admitted it.....than the many right wingers who try to hide their racism through vague terms such as, Obama is a Muslim communist and apologist and Obama hates America......All these labels are ruses for what may really be in the wicked hearts....and, ultimately, NOT honest.

I see you are a troll, go tell your lies elsewhere.
The clown hates America so I'm not surprised.
Why yes, any good white American president would send in the Marines if Nicaragua didn't handle it's money correctly...

Why are you bringing race into this, are you race baiting?
Is it all about race if only white guys have done it while running the USA?

What does being an America hating apologists have to do with race or former presidents? I know the left likes playing the race card to silence the opposition but is the man's policies and actions so pathetic that your only defense is the race card?
Since conservatives make it their main issue I am sure you are used to it as it enters every conversation you have...
Leftists start bringing race into discussions when they know they are losing the argument on logic. That's why they constantly bring race into discussions

Ahhhha....but you ".....doth protest a bit too much...." as Shakespeare would say.

Gotcha, leftists aren't actually bringing race into discussion after discussion, it's just me protesting "too much."


What a fucking idiot. Read the board, it's endless butt wipe
After all the name calling, the point still remains. Once again, the President of the United States degraded the nation he was elected to lead. It is yet another one of his constant attacks that can only lead one to believe that he does not consider his oath of office to be valid.

How much more damage will he do before his term expires?

Is Venezuela still a threat?
Meh, as I have nothing but contempt for liberals anything you post is pretty much meaningless to me but if it helps you to get through your day calling people racists have at it.

I actually would "respect" more a racist who openly admitted it.....than the many right wingers who try to hide their racism through vague terms such as, Obama is a Muslim communist and apologist and Obama hates America......All these labels are ruses for what may really be in the wicked hearts....and, ultimately, NOT honest.

Why don't you say it? Anyone who criticizes Obama is a racist.
As the OP, I'm going to make this perfectly clear - there was nothing racist about my post! It was about an American president who constantly apologizes for the things in this country's history.

Why wasn't he doing this BEFORE the election? If he feels this way about America, why wasn't he forthright so that voters had the TRUTH when they went to the voting booth?

At the time of the Monroe Doctrine, it was a serious concern that European powers were going to try to reassert their rule over nations that had previously been their colonies. Yes, the US DID frequently get involved in adventurism and it was unwise.

But, what role are we now playing in trying to deal with the woes on this continent? We have continued violence across nation after nation to our south and are doing little or nothing to help stop it.
Instead of being in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and other places, why aren't those assets being used to help our southern neighbors - as well as the needy here in the USA?
A new investigation by the Associated Press into a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) project to create a Twitter-style social media network in Cuba has received a lot of attention this week, with the news trending on the actual Twitter for much of the day yesterday when the story broke, and eliciting comment from various members of Congress and other policy makers. The “ZunZuneo” project, which AP reports was “aimed at undermining Cuba's communist government,” was overseen by USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI). AP describes OTI as “a division that was created after the fall of the Soviet Union to promote U.S. interests in quickly changing political environments — without the usual red tape.” Its efforts to undermine the Cuban government are not unusual, however, considering the organization’s track record in other countries in the region.

As CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot described in an interview with radio station KPFA’s “Letters and Politics” yesterday, USAID and OTI in particular have engaged in various efforts to undermine the democratically-elected governments of Venezuela, Bolivia, and Haiti, among others, and such “open societies” could be more likely to be impacted by such activities than Cuba. Declassified U.S. government documents show that USAID’s OTI in Venezuela played a central role in funding and working with groups and individuals following the short-lived 2002 coup d’etat against Hugo Chávez. A key contractor for USAID/OTI in that effort has been Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI).

More recent State Department cables made public by Wikileaks reveal that USAID/OTI subversion in Venezuela extended into the Obama administration era (until 2010, when funding for OTI in Venezuela appears to have ended), and DAI continued to play an important role. A State Department cable from November 2006 explains the U.S. embassy’s strategy in Venezuela and how USAID/OTI “activities support [the] strategy”:

(S) In August of 2004, Ambassador outlined the country team's 5 point strategy to guide embassy activities in Venezuela for the period 2004 ) 2006 (specifically, from the referendum to the 2006 presidential elections). The strategy's focus is: 1) Strengthening Democratic Institutions, 2) Penetrating Chavez' Political Base, 3) Dividing Chavismo, 4) Protecting Vital US business, and 5) Isolating Chavez internationally.

Among the ways in which USAID/OTI have supported the strategy is through the funding and training of protest groups. This August 2009 cable cites the head of USAID/OTI contractor DAI’s Venezuela office Eduardo Fernandez as saying, during 2009 protests, that all the protest organizers are DAI grantees:

¶5. (S) Fernandez told DCM Caulfield that he believed the [the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps'] dual objective is to obtain information regarding DAI's grantees and to cut off their funding. Fernandez said that "the streets are hot," referring to growing protests against Chavez's efforts to consolidate power, and "all these people (organizing the protests) are our grantees." Fernandez has been leading non-partisan training and grant programs since 2004 for DAI in Venezuela."
USAID Subversion in Latin America Not Limited to Cuba The Americas Blog

Caracas, April 8, 2015 (venezuelanalysis.com) - On the eve of the much-anticipated Summit of the Americas, Senior White House Advisor Benjamin J.Rhodes downplayed his government's designation of Venezuela as a threat to U.S. national security on Tuesday.

On March 9, President Obama issued an Executive Order branding Venezuela an "unusual and extraordinary threat" and imposing new sanctions, a move which has been roundly condemned by a multitude of nations and multilateral blocs, including UNASUR, the Non-Aligned Movement, CELAC, and the G77+China.

In response to the global outcry, the White House has appeared to soften its tone, with Rhodes dismissing the aggressive language of the Executive Order as "completely pro forma".

"The United States does not believe that Venezuela poses some threat to our national security," Rhodes stated in a press conference. The Presidential advisor did not, however, indicate that the U.S. administration had any intention of rescinding the executive decree.
US Backtracks Says Venezuela is Not a Threat as Opposition Leaders Flock to Panama Summit venezuelanalysis.com

Meh, as I have nothing but contempt for liberals anything you post is pretty much meaningless to me but if it helps you to get through your day calling people racists have at it.

I actually would "respect" more a racist who openly admitted it.....than the many right wingers who try to hide their racism through vague terms such as, Obama is a Muslim communist and apologist and Obama hates America......All these labels are ruses for what may really be in the wicked hearts....and, ultimately, NOT honest.

Why don't you say it? Anyone who criticizes Obama is a racist.

Far, far from it......I criticize Obama on many issues....

However, when right wingers have only moronic accusations (such as, Obama is qa black Muslim sympathizer because he tries diplomacy with Iran.....or Obama is anti-American because that's what I heard on Fox....or Obama is a communist while the stock market triples, etc.)

......THEN, the racist accusation is not too far from the truth...and it stings yours arses because it may indeed be true......
The original poster "merits" the label of racist when he/she writes:
".........Won't it be nice to someday have an American president?..."

THAT is the dog whistle that closeted racist use to insinuate that Obama is NOT an American.....

It may hurt to expose your true feelings, but its a reality that you'll have to deal with O/P.
The original poster "merits" the label of racist when he/she writes:
".........Won't it be nice to someday have an American president?..."

THAT is the dog whistle that closeted racist use to insinuate that Obama is NOT an American.....

It may hurt to expose your true feelings, but its a reality that you'll have to deal with O/P.

I have no idea how you are qualified to determine my viewpoint of being racist. It makes no difference to me what genetic background Obama possesses or even where he was born. What does concern me is his background in having attended a Madras and spending time with an avowed communist. I am concerned with his constant attacks on America and common American citizens and their mores and beliefs. He is supposed to be the leader of this nation and one would think he loves it as he worked to hard to reach that point.

The he has disdain for the constitution and the oath he took to uphold it makes him a dissident and not a patriot. When I see he is not an "American President" it simply means that I want one who sees the good in this nation and strives to preserve - and enhance it!

Obama is the most divisive president in this nation's history and has done more to destroy harmony and a desire to work together than any other in our history.
The original poster "merits" the label of racist when he/she writes:
".........Won't it be nice to someday have an American president?..."

THAT is the dog whistle that closeted racist use to insinuate that Obama is NOT an American.....

It may hurt to expose your true feelings, but its a reality that you'll have to deal with O/P.

I have no idea how you are qualified to determine my viewpoint of being racist. It makes no difference to me what genetic background Obama possesses or even where he was born. What does concern me is his background in having attended a Madras and spending time with an avowed communist. I am concerned with his constant attacks on America and common American citizens and their mores and beliefs. He is supposed to be the leader of this nation and one would think he loves it as he worked to hard to reach that point.

The he has disdain for the constitution and the oath he took to uphold it makes him a dissident and not a patriot. When I see he is not an "American President" it simply means that I want one who sees the good in this nation and strives to preserve - and enhance it!

Obama is the most divisive president in this nation's history and has done more to destroy harmony and a desire to work together than any other in our history.

ALL of your unfounded accusations of Obama sound very much like op/eds from the FOX network......Until YOU can say (honestly) how your life has been so dramatically changed by Obama's policies, the only other reason for your blatant hatred of the guy HAS to be founded on race.
The original poster "merits" the label of racist when he/she writes:
".........Won't it be nice to someday have an American president?..."

THAT is the dog whistle that closeted racist use to insinuate that Obama is NOT an American.....

It may hurt to expose your true feelings, but its a reality that you'll have to deal with O/P.

I have no idea how you are qualified to determine my viewpoint of being racist. It makes no difference to me what genetic background Obama possesses or even where he was born. What does concern me is his background in having attended a Madras and spending time with an avowed communist. I am concerned with his constant attacks on America and common American citizens and their mores and beliefs. He is supposed to be the leader of this nation and one would think he loves it as he worked to hard to reach that point.

The he has disdain for the constitution and the oath he took to uphold it makes him a dissident and not a patriot. When I see he is not an "American President" it simply means that I want one who sees the good in this nation and strives to preserve - and enhance it!

Obama is the most divisive president in this nation's history and has done more to destroy harmony and a desire to work together than any other in our history.

ALL of your unfounded accusations of Obama sound very much like op/eds from the FOX network......Until YOU can say (honestly) how your life has been so dramatically changed by Obama's policies, the only other reason for your blatant hatred of the guy HAS to be founded on race.

Anybody so totally wrapped up in racism can only be so because of their own racist beliefs.

My opposition to a pot-smoking, communist who rants against the USA is clearly because I love this country and want to defend its future.
The original poster "merits" the label of racist when he/she writes:
".........Won't it be nice to someday have an American president?..."

THAT is the dog whistle that closeted racist use to insinuate that Obama is NOT an American.....

It may hurt to expose your true feelings, but its a reality that you'll have to deal with O/P.

I have no idea how you are qualified to determine my viewpoint of being racist. It makes no difference to me what genetic background Obama possesses or even where he was born. What does concern me is his background in having attended a Madras and spending time with an avowed communist. I am concerned with his constant attacks on America and common American citizens and their mores and beliefs. He is supposed to be the leader of this nation and one would think he loves it as he worked to hard to reach that point.

The he has disdain for the constitution and the oath he took to uphold it makes him a dissident and not a patriot. When I see he is not an "American President" it simply means that I want one who sees the good in this nation and strives to preserve - and enhance it!

Obama is the most divisive president in this nation's history and has done more to destroy harmony and a desire to work together than any other in our history.

ALL of your unfounded accusations of Obama sound very much like op/eds from the FOX network......Until YOU can say (honestly) how your life has been so dramatically changed by Obama's policies, the only other reason for your blatant hatred of the guy HAS to be founded on race.

Anybody so totally wrapped up in racism can only be so because of their own racist beliefs.

My opposition to a pot-smoking, communist who rants against the USA is clearly because I love this country and want to defend its future.

So, basically you are YET another right wing idiot who believes that Obama is NOT an American and that he hates this country and was sent by Satan to destroy your sick fantasies....Go play with your guns.

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