The "Monsters" Unmasked: Cologne Police Admit "Most Of The Attackers Were Refugees"


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
So, we have cough.......spit...... Immigrants who came to America and killed 14 in So Cal, and now the refugees are going ape shit in Germany

And just why should we accept more risk from these savages unless Obama is going to let America participate in a pseudo turkey shoot?


This week, many German citizens were appalled to hear the details of what allegedly occurred on New Year’s Eve in Cologne.

According to eyewitness accounts and a number of apparent victims, hundreds of “Arab or North African” men engaged in coordinated sexual assaults and robberies across Germany with attacks reported in Cologne, Hamburg, and Stuttgart.

"These people that we welcomed just three months ago with teddy bears and water bottles ... started shooting at the cathedral dome and started shooting at police," one hotel bouncer who witnessed the melee in Cologne said. "Ms Merkel where are you? What do you say? This scares us!,” read a sign carried by protesters in demonstrations held on Tuesday.

While German officials universally decried the attacks, Cologne mayor Henriette Reker drew sharp criticism for suggesting that it was German women’s responsibility to keep would-be assailants at “arm’s length.” Reker dug herself an even deeper hole by saying Germany needed to better educate migrants on cultural norms. “We need to explain to people from other cultures that the jolly and frisky attitude during our Carnival is not a sign of sexual openness,” she said.


For her part, Angela Merkel is attempting to do the impossible: convince Germans that Berlin’s open-door refugee policy is a good idea while simultaneously explaining how intolerable the string of alleged attacks is. “Right now we’re seeing a very differentiated positioning among EU member states,” the Chancellor told reporters at meeting of her CSU Bavarian sister party. “It’s important to me that we have a noticeable reduction in refugee numbers, but at the same time preserve the freedom of movement within the European Union, which is an engine of economic development and prosperity -- and nobody is more reliant on it than Germany.”

Yes, we are indeed seeing “a very differentiated positioning” among states. Take Slovakia for instance, where Prime Minister Robert Fico says his government will not allow Muslims to create "a compact community." "We don't want what happened in Germany to happen here,” he said on Thursday. “The idea of multicultural Europe has failed. The migrants cannot be integrated, it's simply impossible."

The "Monsters" Unmasked: Cologne Police Admit "Most Of The Attackers Were Refugees" | Zero Hedge
No surprise here at all, although I don't think we're supposed to care.

The Crusades, the Crusades.
There is no way we should allow them in unless its for target practice

Go says that 30000 killed by guns each year is just the cost of being free in Ameica.

Guess what go. Letting in a few thousand people that you dont know what they will do is just a cost of living in America.

Suck it dude.

30000 dead Americans vs 15 and you are ALL the fuck freaked out about it.

Grow a pair of balls dude.
Go says that 30000 killed by guns each year is just the cost of being free in Ameica.

Guess what go. Letting in a few thousand people that you dont know what they will do is just a cost of living in America.

Suck it dude.

30000 dead Americans vs 15 and you are ALL the fuck freaked out about it.

Grow a pair of balls dude.

Let them in and we will put lead in them when they step-out of line because we will not be disarmed just for that reason.

Just think if what happened in Germany happened here. There would be some dead Muslims to bag

Go says that 30000 killed by guns each year is just the cost of being free in Ameica.

Guess what go. Letting in a few thousand people that you dont know what they will do is just a cost of living in America.

Suck it dude.

30000 dead Americans vs 15 and you are ALL the fuck freaked out about it.

Grow a pair of balls dude.

Dear Wilbur Right
Both statistics can be reduced
by requiring BOTH natural born and naturalized citizens to go through
better training, testing and screening for legal compliance and competency.

It's not we can't develop medically and legally consistent means of
diagnosing and screening for criminal abusive behavior that is dangerous to public safety.

If people have to be tested for diseases, Ebola, etc. when there is a risk,
why not set up agreed procedures for screening for signs of dangerous sickness?
This can be applied to all people equally, regardless of status, so there isn't discrimination.

If there is abuse or addiction causing risk or damage to public health and safety,
then anyone who knows of dangerous abuse should be required to get help or report it if someone is too sick to recognize they pose a danger.
And then for such complaints or reports, an agreed screening process should be followed.
If all residents of a police precinct or school district agree to a uniform policy, then they have
the right to enforce that within their community similar to how schools have disciplinary standards
or how neighborhood associations have ordinances that the residents agree to in advance.
Just think if what happened in Germany happened here. There would be some dead Muslims to bag

Like the Muslim shooters at the cartoon contest who both got taken out by
security who were hired in expectation there might be such attacks.

If the law enforcement is consistent, then it serves as a deterrent.

If enforcement is "intermittent" then it can tempt people to try even harder to gamble to beat the game.
That's why our criminal justice system doesn't deter very well -- it's a gamble whether or not someone will get away with crime.
Or serve their whole sentence.

The system would have to be consistent as in Singapore, to serve as an effective deterrent.
Or nobody takes it seriously.

That's also why corporate interests gamble on abuses, because there are greater chances
they can hire lawyers to get out of the consequences, and they calculate the legal expense as part of the cost of doing business.

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