The Moral Equivalency President

Shall we compare him to the last POTUS for whom you voted?

I'm doing my do yours.
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!
She slays the American psyche...

Why the fear of responding to this query?

"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above.

C'mon now....take responsibility for your earlier (failed) attempt to disagree with my attack on the Cairo speech.
The question that needs the answer is what do we do when these aggressive posturing nations do when they get a nuclear weapon...Since there is no realistic way to keep them from obtaining them..Just as it was with Greek fire, Our enemies will obtain the weapon or develop it like the US did..It is no secret to the creation of such weapons..
Yet Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons as of yet...So I can not see why you would use the wrong tense on your statement..North Korea has barked like an angry dog yet refuses to bite..Years ago it was fear over Pakistan and India having nuclear exchanges, yet none have occurred.....
I suggest building an underground living system..

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:
"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above, and support the doctrine elucidated by a fool.

Please.....I appreciate the entertainment.
Is there anything you can select from the OP to which you are able to provide a counter argument?

Sure, if you care so much.

in 1. Obama the context is UN process, not unilateral decision that determines which nations are allowed to pursue nuclear tech. The claim that Obama is somehow advocating for Iran or some other ISLAMIC! country is pure fantasy - not to take away your precious fantasies or anything.
We have the "no-ability-to-judge-reality" President.

Unfortunately, the damage he does is more than matched by a "no-ability-to-judge-reality" Democrat/Liberal electorate.

1.Right from the start, this oaf of a politician told the world that every bad actor on the world stage has the same right to have nuclear weapons as those who represent democracy and justice for all.

“No single nation should pick and choose which nations hold nuclear weapons.”
Keynote Foreign Policy Speech, Cairo University, Egypt


Nations under the control of homicidal blood cults should have nuclear weapons????

That's the Obama Doctrine.

2. Of course, he didn't mean ALL nations.....he meant those of a particular religious bent. Even his supporters know that, as I proved with this question

" all of the religions that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced"

in this thread:
And Now For The Shortest Thread....

The only religion named in the thread, of course, was Islam.

3. Yesterday we saw this mistake of a President throw gasoline on the flames of racial unrest, under the guise of eulogizing five heroic Dallas policemen, sacrificed on the alter of, and in service of, a desire for revenge by black sociopaths.

He's done this over and over....from judging the police "stupid," while admitting that he was clueless about the details of the issue he was condemning.... drawing a thug, drug-using drop-out ..."Text messages, involving drug use and a gun, from Trayvon Martin's cell phone..." Gun, drug texts feature in new Trayvon Martin shooting evidence -


"Evidence: Trayvon Martin was a Drug Dealer" Evidence: Trayvon Martin was a Drug Dealer | Alternative
....yet, Obama whined

‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’ Obama on Trayvon Martin: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon’

Obama....not a man of any good judgment.

His voters, very much the same.
Shall we compare him to the last POTUS for whom you voted?

I'm doing my do yours.
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!

Revealing truth.

Clearly that is the case, as you have been unable to find anything in the OP that isn't true.....

No need to explain you 'job,' is obvious.

There's this....

"We have the "no-ability-to-judge-reality" President.

Unfortunately, the damage he does is more than matched by a "no-ability-to-judge-reality" Democrat/Liberal electorate."

Which is complete bs....

To what "damage" are you referring?

Race relations.

You should get out more, pick up a paper once in a while.
Is there anything you can select from the OP to which you are able to provide a counter argument?

Sure, if you care so much.

in 1. Obama the context is UN process, not unilateral decision that determines which nations are allowed to pursue nuclear tech. The claim that Obama is somehow advocating for Iran or some other ISLAMIC! country is pure fantasy - not to take away your precious fantasies or anything.

The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:
"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above, and support the doctrine elucidated by a fool.

Please.....I appreciate the entertainment.
I'm doing my do yours.
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!
She slays the American psyche...

Why the fear of responding to this query?

"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above.

C'mon now....take responsibility for your earlier (failed) attempt to disagree with my attack on the Cairo speech.
The question that needs the answer is what do we do when these aggressive posturing nations do when they get a nuclear weapon...Since there is no realistic way to keep them from obtaining them..Just as it was with Greek fire, Our enemies will obtain the weapon or develop it like the US did..It is no secret to the creation of such weapons..
Yet Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons as of yet...So I can not see why you would use the wrong tense on your statement..North Korea has barked like an angry dog yet refuses to bite..Years ago it was fear over Pakistan and India having nuclear exchanges, yet none have occurred.....
I suggest building an underground living system..

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:
"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above, and support the doctrine elucidated by a fool.

Please.....I appreciate the entertainment.
You can get the directions from the internet, the problem is, getting the materials and the design.........Like Iran, according to you warning alarms, it's been going on for 25 years, damn those Iranians are slow......
Shall we compare him to the last POTUS for whom you voted?

I'm doing my do yours.
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!

Revealing truth.

Clearly that is the case, as you have been unable to find anything in the OP that isn't true.....

No need to explain you 'job,' is obvious.

There's this....

"We have the "no-ability-to-judge-reality" President.

Unfortunately, the damage he does is more than matched by a "no-ability-to-judge-reality" Democrat/Liberal electorate."

Which is complete bs....

To what "damage" are you referring?

Race relations.

You should get out more, pick up a paper once in a while.

So the inability of a dismaying percentage of Americans to accept the idea of a black POTUS (one unambiguously outperforming his Caucasian predecessor), is whose fault, exactly?
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!
She slays the American psyche...

Why the fear of responding to this query?

"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above.

C'mon now....take responsibility for your earlier (failed) attempt to disagree with my attack on the Cairo speech.
The question that needs the answer is what do we do when these aggressive posturing nations do when they get a nuclear weapon...Since there is no realistic way to keep them from obtaining them..Just as it was with Greek fire, Our enemies will obtain the weapon or develop it like the US did..It is no secret to the creation of such weapons..
Yet Iran doesn't have any nuclear weapons as of yet...So I can not see why you would use the wrong tense on your statement..North Korea has barked like an angry dog yet refuses to bite..Years ago it was fear over Pakistan and India having nuclear exchanges, yet none have occurred.....
I suggest building an underground living system..

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:
"Nuclear weapons proliferation, whether by state or nonstate actors, poses one of the greatest threats to international security today. Iran's apparent efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, what amounts to North Korean nuclear blackmail, and the revelation of the A.Q. Khan black market nuclear network all underscore the far-from-remote possibility that a terrorist group or a so-called rogue state will acquire weapons of mass destruction or materials for a dirty bomb."

I'd certainly like to hear why you disagree with the above, and support the doctrine elucidated by a fool.

Please.....I appreciate the entertainment.
You can get the directions from the internet, the problem is, getting the materials and the design.........Like Iran, according to you warning alarms, it's been going on for 25 years, damn those Iranians are slow......

I won't ask again.

Clearly you won't answer the question, which suggests you know you put your foot in your mouth.

Translation: " .....a ....simpleton."

Chic, the guy has half a year in office left. He is not running for anything and I'm sure you've been up and down and ten ways sideways with your Obama obsessions. You think anyone gives a sht at this point? Time to

Is there anything you can select from the OP to which you are able to provide a counter argument?


After all, you read the OP and leapt to disagree with it.....but have brought nothing to the table but hot air.

In effect, you are proving that in the marketplace of ideas, conservatives eat Liberals' lunch.

The above from the poster who no longer dares to debate me. Hilarious.
Shall we compare him to the last POTUS for whom you voted?

I'm doing my do yours.
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!

Revealing truth.

Clearly that is the case, as you have been unable to find anything in the OP that isn't true.....

No need to explain you 'job,' is obvious.

There's this....

"We have the "no-ability-to-judge-reality" President.

Unfortunately, the damage he does is more than matched by a "no-ability-to-judge-reality" Democrat/Liberal electorate."

Which is complete bs....

To what "damage" are you referring?

Race relations.

You should get out more, pick up a paper once in a while.

Race relations? As in trying to claim that Trayvon Martin deserved to be shot down in cold blood because he might have done some drugs?
I'm doing my do yours.
Your "job"?

Do elaborate!

Revealing truth.

Clearly that is the case, as you have been unable to find anything in the OP that isn't true.....

No need to explain you 'job,' is obvious.

There's this....

"We have the "no-ability-to-judge-reality" President.

Unfortunately, the damage he does is more than matched by a "no-ability-to-judge-reality" Democrat/Liberal electorate."

Which is complete bs....

To what "damage" are you referring?

Race relations.

You should get out more, pick up a paper once in a while.

So the inability of a dismaying percentage of Americans to accept the idea of a black POTUS (one unambiguously outperforming his Caucasian predecessor), is whose fault, exactly?

"....inability of a dismaying percentage of Americans to accept the idea of a black POTUS...:

Very weak try to switch the truth to this hoary old DNC bumper-sticker.

I'd be happy to give you a hundred reasons why Obama is an unmitigated failure....very much like you.

Say the word...and stop your slander of Americans.
4. Now....back to the subject....the latest atrocity by this individual, Barack Hussein Obama:

He spoke at a ceremony meant to memorialize the loss of five heroic Dallas Policemen, he spoke before their families and colleagues.....

...people he, ostensibly, meant to comfort......

...and used the opportunity as Marc Antony used the eulogy of Caesar's assassination.

"For Brutus is an honourable man;
So are they all, all honourable men--
Come I to speak in Caesar's funeral.
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man."

Did Shakespeare mean that Brutus was an honorable man?

Did Obama mean that the five Dallas Policemen were heroes?

Or.....did Obama justify the slayings???

I'll quote him, and you be the judge.

Coming right up.
The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:

You are insane. His "doctrine" has consistently been very standard nuclear nonproliferation. not just're a liar as well???

What a surprise.

Best part....everyone knows you're lying.

"Obama Gives Iran the Bomb"
Obama Gives Iran the Bomb | The American Spectator
If they have the bomb, then surely they would have used the bomb, according to logical fallacy essayist like yourself..
The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:

You are insane. His "doctrine" has consistently been very standard nuclear nonproliferation. not just're a liar as well???

What a surprise.

Best part....everyone knows you're lying.

"Obama Gives Iran the Bomb"
Obama Gives Iran the Bomb | The American Spectator
If they have the bomb, then surely they would have used the bomb, according to logical fallacy essayist like yourself..

I gave you the chance, and you flubbed it.

Dissed, and dismissed.
The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:

You are insane. His "doctrine" has consistently been very standard nuclear nonproliferation. not just're a liar as well???

What a surprise.

Best part....everyone knows you're lying.

"Obama Gives Iran the Bomb"
Obama Gives Iran the Bomb | The American Spectator

BS. Iran does not have nuclear weapons, not from Obama, not by themselves. The deal that was done with them is very specifically structured around them not getting nuclear weapons. Why? Because Obama's policy is that of standard nuclear nonproliferation.
The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:

You are insane. His "doctrine" has consistently been very standard nuclear nonproliferation. not just're a liar as well???

What a surprise.

Best part....everyone knows you're lying.

"Obama Gives Iran the Bomb"
Obama Gives Iran the Bomb | The American Spectator
If they have the bomb, then surely they would have used the bomb, according to logical fallacy essayist like yourself..

I gave you the chance, and you flubbed it.

Dissed, and dismissed.
What!?? No face sitting?
The Obama Doctrine is the very opposite of this:

You are insane. His "doctrine" has consistently been very standard nuclear nonproliferation. not just're a liar as well???

What a surprise.

Best part....everyone knows you're lying.

"Obama Gives Iran the Bomb"
Obama Gives Iran the Bomb | The American Spectator

BS. Iran does not have nuclear weapons, not from Obama, not by themselves. The deal that was done with them is very specifically structured around them not getting nuclear weapons. Why? Because Obama's policy is that of standard nuclear nonproliferation.

We've already determined that you are a simpleton and a liar.

Let's not bother to gild the lily.
We've already determined that you are a simpleton and a liar.

Let's not bother to gild the lily.

I'll carefully consider your non-response.

But I'm just curious who you think "WE" is? Or is that just how you refer to yourself?
We've already determined that you are a simpleton and a liar.

Let's not bother to gild the lily.

I'll carefully consider your non-response.

But I'm just curious who you think "WE" is? Or is that just how you refer to yourself?

My response....very much like perfect.

It identified both of your character flaws.

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