The More I See the GOP Candidates, The Less I Like Perry / Romney, The More I Like...


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Herman Cain!

I don't like everything about him or his stances but he's sure refreshing and GEEZ, no big inheritance, lots of real biz experience, plain talk and so on.

Too bad the GOP will never give him a chance...
Never, one is enough.

I will hold my nose and vote Obama. I promise you that Obama will win 400 elv in 2012 if you run Cain.
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I would love to see Cain at the top of the ticket and Rubio as the Veep.

Then watch as the Dems called them racists.

The Black voter, who votes about 95% as a block for the Big 0 would go into apolplectic siezures if they suddenly realized that both candidates were Black and they had to make a choice based on self interest instead of tribal loyalty.

Without race baiting, what do the Dems have to sell? What if the whole country was to come together to get something done instead of blaming the rich and claiming victims rights and segmenting every part of society and pitting every group against every other group.

You know what I'm talking about. It's the thing that the Big 0 does every minute of every day, day after day after day after day after day after day after day- you get the idea.

What if the operative pronoun in problem solving was "we" instead of "they" as in pay their fair share or they need to give a little more or they are blocking my solutions.

The divider in Chief we have today is destroying the country by dividing the country. Who was it who said that a house divided against itself cannot long stand? Not the jack ass who's killing us today.
Never, one is enough.

I will hold my nose and vote Obama. I promise you that Obama will win 400 elv in 2012 if you run Cain.

Unless there is a dramatic change in the state of union between now and November 2012, the Republican candidate will need to rape small children on stage at every fund raiser to lose. Pretty words and pictures don't pay the rent and that's all the Big 0 has to sell right now.
Herman Cain!

I don't like everything about him or his stances but he's sure refreshing and GEEZ, no big inheritance, lots of real biz experience, plain talk and so on.

Too bad the GOP will never give him a chance...

Where did you buy your crystal ball?

At "Crystal Balls Are Us"!!!

Look, I'd vote for Cain in a heatbeat. Compared to that POS Obama, it's no contest. But do you really think he's got a chance with with GOP? I don't.
Yeah.........but did you notive he is BLACK??? Yeah, I like him anyway though. (That was sarcasm for you braindead liberals).

So, if we run a 100% black guy vs their 50% black/50% white guy, can we call people racsit for not voting for Cain?
Yeah.........but did you notive he is BLACK??? Yeah, I like him anyway though. (That was sarcasm for you braindead liberals).

So, if we run a 100% black guy vs their 50% black/50% white guy, can we call people racsit for not voting for Cain?

Yes, the standard has been set.....................

Another Cain thread that doesn't mention any of his policies and just talks about "how black" he is.

Way to go guys.
Never, one is enough.

I will hold my nose and vote Obama. I promise you that Obama will win 400 elv in 2012 if you run Cain.

Unless there is a dramatic change in the state of union between now and November 2012, the Republican candidate will need to rape small children on stage at every fund raiser to lose. Pretty words and pictures don't pay the rent and that's all the Big 0 has to sell right now.

I think Obama does have a chance if he can deflect blame off of himself an onto the businesses who haven't hired. If he plays the class warfare card. They're buying mansions and you're worried about losing your house.

Romney would play right into that strategy, he's a rich guy who made himself richer putting working people out of jobs. "Corporations are people, too, my friend." CRINGE!!!!!

Cain might have some vulnerability on that score, because he's had a record of downsizing, too, especially at Godfather's Pizza, where he eliminated the poorer performing stores.

Perry might weather such a storm better because 1) He came from very humble beginings and worked his way up, and 2) he has had a record of creating a friendly business environment that has grown jobs when everyone else is losing them.
For the first time since 1960, this could be an election decided by the debates. Romney is the only candidate that might be up to the task, he’ll have dropped all the hard right rhetoric after the convention and move back toward the middle.

Either Cain or Perry, however, would be an utter disaster in a debate with Obama.
For the first time since 1960, this could be an election decided by the debates. Romney is the only candidate that might be up to the task, he’ll have dropped all the hard right rhetoric after the convention and move back toward the middle.

Either Cain or Perry, however, would be an utter disaster in a debate with Obama.

Why? Would Obama call foul again by pointing out the request of a dictionary term?
Never, one is enough.

I will hold my nose and vote Obama. I promise you that Obama will win 400 elv in 2012 if you run Cain.

You 'promise' that? Really?

Even you should be able to work out how stupid that statement is.

Uh, not everybody insanely hates Obama like you apparently do.

It might be worth it to give him a second term just to watch your head explode.
For the first time since 1960, this could be an election decided by the debates. Romney is the only candidate that might be up to the task, he’ll have dropped all the hard right rhetoric after the convention and move back toward the middle.

Either Cain or Perry, however, would be an utter disaster in a debate with Obama.

Clayton, I get a little suspicious when liberals tell the GOP who they "ought" to nominate. It's B'rer Rabbit asking to not be thrown into the briar patch.

The election in 1960 wasn't decided by the debates. It was decided by vote fraud in Chicago and Texas.

Let's not forget the historical narrative, though, that people who watched the debate on TV thought JFK won, and people who heard it on the Radio thought Nixon did.

I don't think people pay all that much attention to the debates. quick, name the debate moment where Obama clearly bested McCain!

Can't think of a one.

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