The more/less primary reason PROGS rejected Trump

You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.
Never mind it's because he's Republican. Never mind he said grab a pussy while their chosen one can't keep his hands of women and little girls. And never mind Trump is bluntly honest. PROGS prefer politicians, and who speak in Obama.

If you remember right Trump said white supremacists are good people. He didn't but it took anyway, their target audience might not be the brightest. At that point it was confirmed for PROGS that Trump was a racist and stuff.

The chosen reason Trump failed PROGS is "he's divisive & racist", am I right? More divisive than any POTUS in history, morally deprived.

But history is where the problem comes in, because it was Obama, his Democrats and PROG-medias who divided everyone into two parts on Obama's watch. 24/7 racism blah blah blah, even Me Too & stuff like that. We were divided into two parts, those who desire safe-spaces, and those who do not vote Democrat because they're racist. You know, the deplorables?

PROGS have a special way of thinking I guess. Make something up, then expect those they've alienated to swing left.
Trump is a liar, racist, bigot, and misogynist.

Trump is wrong on the issues.

Trump is unfit to be president.

Trump is ignorant of, and has contempt for, sound public policy, responsible governance, the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

Trump seeks to divide the American people and places his own interests before that of the country.

Trump is a dishonest, corrupt con man.

That's why.
Never mind it's because he's Republican. Never mind he said grab a pussy while their chosen one can't keep his hands of women and little girls. And never mind Trump is bluntly honest. PROGS prefer politicians, and who speak in Obama.

If you remember right Trump said white supremacists are good people. He didn't but it took anyway, their target audience might not be the brightest. At that point it was confirmed for PROGS that Trump was a racist and stuff.

The chosen reason Trump failed PROGS is "he's divisive & racist", am I right? More divisive than any POTUS in history, morally deprived.

But history is where the problem comes in, because it was Obama, his Democrats and PROG-medias who divided everyone into two parts on Obama's watch. 24/7 racism blah blah blah, even Me Too & stuff like that. We were divided into two parts, those who desire safe-spaces, and those who do not vote Democrat because they're racist. You know, the deplorables?

PROGS have a special way of thinking I guess. Make something up, then expect those they've alienated to swing left.
Trump is a liar, racist, bigot, and misogynist.

Trump is wrong on the issues.

Trump is unfit to be president.

Trump is ignorant of, and has contempt for, sound public policy, responsible governance, the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

Trump seeks to divide the American people and places his own interests before that of the country.

Trump is a dishonest, corrupt con man.

That's why.
And lurking behind all of that is Trump's completely inept response to the virus
Never mind it's because he's Republican. Never mind he said grab a pussy while their chosen one can't keep his hands of women and little girls. And never mind Trump is bluntly honest. PROGS prefer politicians, and who speak in Obama.

If you remember right Trump said white supremacists are good people. He didn't but it took anyway, their target audience might not be the brightest. At that point it was confirmed for PROGS that Trump was a racist and stuff.

The chosen reason Trump failed PROGS is "he's divisive & racist", am I right? More divisive than any POTUS in history, morally deprived.

But history is where the problem comes in, because it was Obama, his Democrats and PROG-medias who divided everyone into two parts on Obama's watch. 24/7 racism blah blah blah, even Me Too & stuff like that. We were divided into two parts, those who desire safe-spaces, and those who do not vote Democrat because they're racist. You know, the deplorables?

PROGS have a special way of thinking I guess. Make something up, then expect those they've alienated to swing left.
Trump is a liar, racist, bigot, and misogynist.

Trump is wrong on the issues.

Trump is unfit to be president.

Trump is ignorant of, and has contempt for, sound public policy, responsible governance, the Constitution, its case law, the rule of law, and our democratic institutions.

Trump seeks to divide the American people and places his own interests before that of the country.

Trump is a dishonest, corrupt con man.

That's why.
And lurking behind all of that is Trump's completely inept response to the virus
Trump did everything Fauci said- ya know, the guy Biden just made his medical advisor?

You morons keep saying this, but you can't name a single thing he did wrong.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.
nyone with a brain realized that Trump was a sociopathic idiot long before he even ran for office. Weird, because the sociopathic idiot long before he even ran for office accomplished more in office than any other POTUS.

Trumpbots claim that he's just 'brutally honest', progs see him as 'brutally-stupid' He just simply is not qualified intellectually to be President. When PROGS say Trump is stupid it's just one more reason PROGS cannot be taken seriously.

Stupid people don't realize that because they are as stupid as him. That's why he appeals to them. You might look up some terms. You're implying they're dumb. For example, you're dumb, but your post is stupid.

Trumpbots claim that regardless of his crude behaviors, they support him because of his conservative policies. What crude behaviors would that be? List some, we can compare to your Biden. That's called a challenge BTW.

But there are plenty of conservatives who they could have supported and who would have been more effective than Trump. Pence for example. Odd considering no other POTUS has accomplished more than Trump. Do you mean Reagan? He was pretty good no doubt, but he had eight years. Why do PROGS speak in feelings void of reality? They picked a lot of that off the Obama era huh?

The fact is the Trumpbots support Trump, not because of his conservative policies, but because he is mean and stupid - like themselves. Somehow your avatar just fits. Look up the video "bedazzled beach".

Finally, Trumpbots inability to understand 'Obama speak' is due to their lack of intelligence. Obama was a highly intelligent and dignified President - far beyond your comprehension. ILMAO. Obama is a con who believes he's smarter than everyone else. I know the type, I worked within the prison system for a time. Obama is a con, plain and simple. He never says anything measurable, just divisive BS and "love" while he counts the 45 million he won for being POTUS.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

he tried to do it. It didn't work.

He had a reluctant Republican House at best for 2 years and a hostile Dem one for the other two. Anything he tried was via EO and those are limited, and were fought tooth and nail.

He appointed judges he said he would appoint, he increased border security, he slashed onerous regulations. He pushed some criminal reform, he backed up Israel and worked with gulf states for a peace process, He hard-lined China, He reversed the sex discrimination foisted by the DOE on College Students, and all sorts of things his supporters voted for him for.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.
That's a big fucking lie, of course
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.

It's amazing how you can't admit progressive politicians that have always hated policing are trying to do away with traditional policing.

There is plenty of evidence, there were votes for it in Seattle, Portland and Minneapolis. There are crazy ideas of sending unarmed conflict resolvers into situations they will get killed in. There are movements to disarm things like campus police.

You ignore it because deep down you know it's stupid but you are suck a fucking hack you can't stop bending over to get pegged by the AOC idiots in your party.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.
That's a big fucking lie, of course
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.

It's amazing how you can't admit progressive politicians that have always hated policing are trying to do away with traditional policing.

There is plenty of evidence, there were votes for it in Seattle, Portland and Minneapolis. There are crazy ideas of sending unarmed conflict resolvers into situations they will get killed in. There are movements to disarm things like campus police.

You ignore it because deep down you know it's stupid but you are suck a fucking hack you can't stop bending over to get pegged by the AOC idiots in your party.
You're making shit up again.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

he tried to do it. It didn't work.

He had a reluctant Republican House at best for 2 years and a hostile Dem one for the other two. Anything he tried was via EO and those are limited, and were fought tooth and nail.

He appointed judges he said he would appoint, he increased border security, he slashed onerous regulations. He pushed some criminal reform, he backed up Israel and worked with gulf states for a peace process, He hard-lined China, He reversed the sex discrimination foisted by the DOE on College Students, and all sorts of things his supporters voted for him for.

So a reluctant Republican house forced him to play more golf and not come up with that cheaper better healthcare plan he said he already had, and could do on day one? Really?
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.

It's amazing how you can't admit progressive politicians that have always hated policing are trying to do away with traditional policing.

There is plenty of evidence, there were votes for it in Seattle, Portland and Minneapolis. There are crazy ideas of sending unarmed conflict resolvers into situations they will get killed in. There are movements to disarm things like campus police.

You ignore it because deep down you know it's stupid but you are suck a fucking hack you can't stop bending over to get pegged by the AOC idiots in your party.
You're making shit up again.

I am voicing my opinion, you are just regurgitating standard prog denials of what you actually think.

You are lying to yourself, nothing more or less.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Plenty of hardness, as opposed to the weathervane "we were against it before we were for it" lying done by progressives.
Bullshit. He's flipp flopped and everything from golf to syria to China and much much more.

Flip flopped, or changed based on the conditions?

Again, the classic example is dems being "against" gay marriage when everyone knew they were lying to placate the Religious black vote, and then when the Same sex lobby gained more power and white upper/middle class people became more important to them they started telling the truth about it.

The new example is dems saying "defund the police" doesn't mean "defund the police" when it is clear to everyone that that's exactly what they want to do.
Except that you are completely wrong. "Define" was the conservitard word for the restructuring Democrats wanted to do.

So basically that's a lie.


Defund the police was the mantra, and they only tried to walk back the lingo when they realized it was batshit crazy, and losing them votes.

You are a fucking liar.
Nope. I know that's what your "media" (lol) tells you, but it isn't true.
That's a big fucking lie, of course
Trump is a bad man because COVID, it's also Trump's fault we live in a Republic.

It's also Trump's fault the PROG-media enticed riots and violence by misleading the public on the Floyd incident and such, knowing full well blacks would destroy their own cities under COVID & the PROG-governments who sponsored it.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

he tried to do it. It didn't work.

He had a reluctant Republican House at best for 2 years and a hostile Dem one for the other two. Anything he tried was via EO and those are limited, and were fought tooth and nail.

He appointed judges he said he would appoint, he increased border security, he slashed onerous regulations. He pushed some criminal reform, he backed up Israel and worked with gulf states for a peace process, He hard-lined China, He reversed the sex discrimination foisted by the DOE on College Students, and all sorts of things his supporters voted for him for.

So a reluctant Republican house forced him to play more golf and not come up with that cheaper better healthcare plan he said he already had, and could do on day one? Really?

Again, what do those two things have to do with eliminating all the things he said he was going to do and did?

How does that eliminate what he tried to do and was stopped?

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