The more/less primary reason PROGS rejected Trump

He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

Yes he did, douchebag.
Never mind it's because he's Republican. Never mind he said grab a pussy while their chosen one can't keep his hands of women and little girls. And never mind Trump is bluntly honest. PROGS prefer politicians, and who speak in Obama.

If you remember right Trump said white supremacists are good people. He didn't but it took anyway, their target audience might not be the brightest. At that point it was confirmed for PROGS that Trump was a racist and stuff.

The chosen reason Trump failed PROGS is "he's divisive & racist", am I right? More divisive than any POTUS in history, morally deprived.

But history is where the problem comes in, because it was Obama, his Democrats and PROG-medias who divided everyone into two parts on Obama's watch. 24/7 racism blah blah blah, even Me Too & stuff like that. We were divided into two parts, those who desire safe-spaces, and those who do not vote Democrat because they're racist. You know, the deplorables?

PROGS have a special way of thinking I guess. Make something up, then expect those they've alienated to swing left.
It's because he was blocking the 666 Great Reset. Have any of your read this Insane Satanic Globalist Doctrine?

I dare you all to read up on Agenda 21 Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development, The Green New Deal, and The Great Reset, all straight out of The Pit of Hell.
View attachment 426170
Your god doesn't love anyone. He is a good liar though, like you are, and all your friends are. You'll find that out when the time comes and your false messiah fails you and is defeated in the final battle.

You and your friends who desperately want your false globalist kingdom here on Earth will spend an eternity in Hell. Repent and seek Jesus who does love you.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

he tried to do it. It didn't work.

He had a reluctant Republican House at best for 2 years and a hostile Dem one for the other two. Anything he tried was via EO and those are limited, and were fought tooth and nail.

He appointed judges he said he would appoint, he increased border security, he slashed onerous regulations. He pushed some criminal reform, he backed up Israel and worked with gulf states for a peace process, He hard-lined China, He reversed the sex discrimination foisted by the DOE on College Students, and all sorts of things his supporters voted for him for.

So a reluctant Republican house forced him to play more golf and not come up with that cheaper better healthcare plan he said he already had, and could do on day one? Really?

Again, what do those two things have to do with eliminating all the things he said he was going to do and did?

How does that eliminate what he tried to do and was stopped?

For some batshit crazy reason, you said he doesn't lie. You don't remember that?
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

Yes he did, douchebag.

Link to it.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

How'd this turn to healthcare anyway? Are PROGS suggesting our healthcare sucks considering Socialist countries (e.g. Europe/Canada) have 2-3 times the COVID mortality rates? I guess we can conclude socialist healthcare is just better cuz PROGS say so.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

Yes he did, douchebag.

He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.
Did you really just say this chit with BIDEN, who lies about everything, been snagged taking bribes from the CHINESE and others, with a pedophile family molesting little girls including the ones in the biden family and you say this chit about Trump based on your imagination.

Find a moral compass.
Never mind it's because he's Republican. Never mind he said grab a pussy while their chosen one can't keep his hands of women and little girls. And never mind Trump is bluntly honest. PROGS prefer politicians, and who speak in Obama.

If you remember right Trump said white supremacists are good people. He didn't but it took anyway, their target audience might not be the brightest. At that point it was confirmed for PROGS that Trump was a racist and stuff.

The chosen reason Trump failed PROGS is "he's divisive & racist", am I right? More divisive than any POTUS in history, morally deprived.

But history is where the problem comes in, because it was Obama, his Democrats and PROG-medias who divided everyone into two parts on Obama's watch. 24/7 racism blah blah blah, even Me Too & stuff like that. We were divided into two parts, those who desire safe-spaces, and those who do not vote Democrat because they're racist. You know, the deplorables?

PROGS have a special way of thinking I guess. Make something up, then expect those they've alienated to swing left.
It's because he was blocking the 666 Great Reset. Have any of your read this Insane Satanic Globalist Doctrine?

I dare you all to read up on Agenda 21 Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development, The Green New Deal, and The Great Reset, all straight out of The Pit of Hell.
View attachment 426170
Your god doesn't love anyone. He is a good liar though, like you are, and all your friends are. You'll find that out when the time comes and your false messiah fails you and is defeated in the final battle.

You and your friends who desperately want your false globalist kingdom here on Earth will spend an eternity in Hell. Repent and seek Jesus who does love you.
I don't have a god, son.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Yep, Trump is the most thin skinned president we've ever had.
You kill me. Trump punches back. He doesn't bend over and take it up the ass like previous Republicans. That's why douchebags like you hate him.

He's currently taking it pretty well right now. One term loser.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

Yes he did, douchebag.


Here's What's In Trump's Healthcare Plan
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

How'd this turn to healthcare anyway? Are PROGS suggesting our healthcare sucks considering Socialist countries (e.g. Europe/Canada) have 2-3 times the COVID mortality rates? I guess we can conclude socialist healthcare is just better cuz PROGS say so.

When that batshit crazy trump supporter said Trump doesn't lie, a few posts up the page.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

he tried to do it. It didn't work.

He had a reluctant Republican House at best for 2 years and a hostile Dem one for the other two. Anything he tried was via EO and those are limited, and were fought tooth and nail.

He appointed judges he said he would appoint, he increased border security, he slashed onerous regulations. He pushed some criminal reform, he backed up Israel and worked with gulf states for a peace process, He hard-lined China, He reversed the sex discrimination foisted by the DOE on College Students, and all sorts of things his supporters voted for him for.

So a reluctant Republican house forced him to play more golf and not come up with that cheaper better healthcare plan he said he already had, and could do on day one? Really?

Again, what do those two things have to do with eliminating all the things he said he was going to do and did?

How does that eliminate what he tried to do and was stopped?

For some batshit crazy reason, you said he doesn't lie. You don't remember that?

Where did I say he "never" lies?

My issue is your side makes bravado and exaggeration into lies, while ignoring the lies of progressives, which usually have far more impact on my life than any Trump bravado.

Again, a lie is a DELIBERATE falsehood when you know the actual truth and decide to say the opposite.

When Clinton said she was against gay marriage before being for it, she was fucking lying. Why would she change her mind on that? She was only not supporting it because back then they were worried about the religious black an Hispanic votes. Once the upper/middle white vote became more important, they were able to shed their bullshit and say what they believed all along.
You mistake hardness for corruption
There is no "hardness" in the wishy-washy orange sack of shit.

Yep, Trump is the most thin skinned president we've ever had.
You kill me. Trump punches back. He doesn't bend over and take it up the ass like previous Republicans. That's why douchebags like you hate him.

He's currently taking it pretty well right now. One term loser.
What do you base your idiocies on?
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

How'd this turn to healthcare anyway? Are PROGS suggesting our healthcare sucks considering Socialist countries (e.g. Europe/Canada) have 2-3 times the COVID mortality rates? I guess we can conclude socialist healthcare is just better cuz PROGS say so.

When that batshit crazy trump supporter said Trump doesn't lie, a few posts up the page.

Where did I say he never lies?

I said many of the things you call "lies" are not lies.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

How'd this turn to healthcare anyway? Are PROGS suggesting our healthcare sucks considering Socialist countries (e.g. Europe/Canada) have 2-3 times the COVID mortality rates? I guess we can conclude socialist healthcare is just better cuz PROGS say so.

When that batshit crazy trump supporter said Trump doesn't lie, a few posts up the page.

That isn't what he said, douchebag. You just proved that you do lie.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

Yes he did, douchebag.


Here's What's In Trump's Healthcare Plan

Not sure if you noticed but the word plan should be in large sarcastic quotes if that is all there is.
He's corrupt...a man of lawlessness and lies...unfit to serve us or this nation.

You mistake hardness for corruption. You mistake bluntness and bravado for lies.

And as for lawlessness, your ilk haven't been able to prove a single lawless thing he has done.

You'd rather be lied to softly, and have those lies impact your life negatively.

Trump does (or tries to do) what he says. He doesn't feel the need to lie about his positions or nuance them.
Like when he was running for office and claimed he would not be playing golf like Oblama? He lied.

Got the exact quote and when he said it?

Also, how does that "lie" impact my life, unlike "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period"?

He wasn't lying then, the best you can say is he didn't follow through.

And how does this impact me negatively, as opposed to "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period" which did impact me negatively?

He just didn't follow through on Mexico paying for the wall, and presenting a better cheaper healthcare plan either, right? Those are what are known as lies, dumb ass. Saying he "just didn't follow through" is batshit crazy.

He isn't responsible that a bunch of never-Trump Republicans refused to approve his healthcare plan. He also isn't respnsible for the fact that they wouldn't fund his wall. All you douchebags are attacking him for stuff he had no control over.

He never presented a healthcare plan for them to approve or disapprove.

Yes he did, douchebag.


Here's What's In Trump's Healthcare Plan

Not sure if you noticed but the word plan should be in large sarcastic quotes if that is all there is.

In other words, BULLDOG lied.

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