The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

um because the agency called nist said they were full of shit.

they assessed nothing, you are talking nonsense.

You cannot give these clowns facts, they don't understand that a fact is the truth....

Generally speaking the extent of the knowledge of most truthers is limited to the conspiracy they've swallowed. They are usually unaware of the vast and abundant evidence that contradicts their narrative......because they never bothered to fact check or even question what they've been taught to ape.

I've fact checked. I've questioned. And the truther conspiracy just doesn't hold up.
They are usually unaware of the vast and abundant evidence that contradicts their narrative
Seems often they are made aware, but they just block it out and resurface a bit later making same claims that said evidence already disproved.

Paulitican goes to the well with "the dates on the web pages proved they knew beforehand" thing as regularly as the seasons (and for various conspiracies), despite a thorough debunking every time.
They are usually unaware of the vast and abundant evidence that contradicts their narrative
Seems often they are made aware, but they just block it out and resurface a bit later making same claims that said evidence already disproved.

Paulitican goes to the well with "the dates on the web pages proved they knew beforehand" thing as regularly as the seasons (and for various conspiracies), despite a thorough debunking every time.

Most 'truthers' aren't really thinkers or questioners. Most are natural followers who simply recite whatever script they've been told to believe. Few ask questions about the narrative they ape and fewer still actually look into anything they're saying.

So when faced with overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they've been told to believe, most will cling to their script and ignore the evidence.

Its one of the major reasons that the truther argument lacks persuasive power with most Americans.
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they are usually unaware of the vast and abundant evidence that contradicts their narrative
seems often they are made aware, but they just block it out and resurface a bit later making same claims that said evidence already disproved.

Paulitican goes to the well with "the dates on the web pages proved they knew beforehand" thing as regularly as the seasons (and for various conspiracies), despite a thorough debunking every time.

most 'truthers' aren't really thinkers or questioners. Most are natural followers who simply recite whatever script they've been told to believe. Few ask questions about the narrative they ape and fewer still actually look into anything they're saying.

So when faced with overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they've been told to believe, most will cling to their script and ignore the evidence.

Its one of the major reasons that the truther argument lacks persuasive power with most americans.

so what have debunkers questioned about the official story other than nothing?
Sure. Why would we ignore the FDNY on the cause of the collapse of WTC 7? They were there. They monitored the building for more than 7 hours. They assessed its structural integrity, the fires in the building.

Why ignore them?



and this just goes to show you once again that these debunkers truly are single digit IQ tards.
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We do know that Israel had a lot of spies here at the time, and they tried to warn the U.S. about the Florida cell.

We also know, that those Israeli spies in NYC filming the event were there specifically for that purpose since they admitted on Israeli television after they were held by the FBI for 60 plus days and deported.

I seriously doubt Israel was behind any of it. A more effective argument could be made against Saudi Arabia.

Considering the Bush families nature of getting involved with nefarious crap for the last hundred years, it wouldn't surprise me at all if the BA knew it was coming because they're a family of complete trash.




and this just goes to show you once again that these debunkers truly are single digit IQ tards.

The FDNY wasn't 'overruled'. The FDNY cited fire and structural damage as the cause of the collapse. The NIST indicated that the collapse of WTC 1 created massive structural damage and fire. And cited the fire alone the cause of the collapse.

Why would a rational person ignore either source? Especially when neither source cited 'bombs' of any kind. And when the bomb theory has so many crippling, theory killing holes that make it a virtual impossibility?

You've given us no good reason to do either. Yet you do both.


and this just goes to show you once again that these debunkers truly are single digit IQ tards.

The FDNY wasn't 'overruled'. The FDNY cited fire and structural damage as the cause of the collapse. The NIST indicated that the collapse of WTC 1 created massive structural damage and fire. And cited the fire alone the cause of the collapse.

Why would a rational person ignore either source? Especially when neither source cited 'bombs' of any kind. And when the bomb theory has so many crippling, theory killing holes that make it a virtual impossibility?

You've given us no good reason to do either. Yet you do both.
it's the one live brain cell thing that causes koko the ass clown to sputter nonsense.
seems often they are made aware, but they just block it out and resurface a bit later making same claims that said evidence already disproved.

Paulitican goes to the well with "the dates on the web pages proved they knew beforehand" thing as regularly as the seasons (and for various conspiracies), despite a thorough debunking every time.

most 'truthers' aren't really thinkers or questioners. Most are natural followers who simply recite whatever script they've been told to believe. Few ask questions about the narrative they ape and fewer still actually look into anything they're saying.

So when faced with overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they've been told to believe, most will cling to their script and ignore the evidence.

Its one of the major reasons that the truther argument lacks persuasive power with most americans.

so what have debunkers questioned about the official story other than nothing?

Me, I've applied Occam's razor to both the official story and the myriad of conspiracy stories. The 'bomb' theory. The 'thermite' theory. The 'thermate' theory. The 'nano-thermite' theory. The 'orbiting projected energy weapons platform' theory. The 'holographic plane' theory. All the classics.

The official story works better than any of them, more closely matches the facts, and doesn't involve the absolutely ludicrous degree of complexity and elaboration that the various conspiracy versions do. Where all the conspiracy theories I've looked at are just awful, awful explanations condemned by a litany of theory killing holes to virtual impossibility.

Pick your favorite conspiracy. And if I've reviewed it, I'll show where it breaks....obviously and irreconcilably.
most 'truthers' aren't really thinkers or questioners. Most are natural followers who simply recite whatever script they've been told to believe. Few ask questions about the narrative they ape and fewer still actually look into anything they're saying.

So when faced with overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they've been told to believe, most will cling to their script and ignore the evidence.

Its one of the major reasons that the truther argument lacks persuasive power with most americans.

so what have debunkers questioned about the official story other than nothing?

Me, I've applied Occam's razor to both the official story and the myriad of conspiracy stories. The 'bomb' theory. The 'thermite' theory. The 'thermate' theory. The 'nano-thermite' theory. The 'orbiting projected energy weapons platform' theory. The 'holographic plane' theory. All the classics.

The official story works better than any of them, more closely matches the facts, and doesn't involve the absolutely ludicrous degree of complexity and elaboration that the various conspiracy versions do. Where all the conspiracy theories I've looked at are just awful, awful explanations condemned by a litany of theory killing holes to virtual impossibility.

Pick your favorite conspiracy. And if I've reviewed it, I'll show where it breaks....obviously and irreconcilably.
you don't really want to open that Pandora's box .
the facts don't register with koko and co.
the projected planes theory is my personal favorite.
9/11 - as a paid government troll, I must take exception to your thread - not the fact that your "theory" is wrong, just the fact that it falls way short of backing up your far-flung, assertion.

"Unanswered questions" will forever take up space in the driveway, because not all turnips need to go in the pot. Their will always be some inquisitive five year old, asking "important" questions, like - why is water wet' and 'do worms yawn?'

Just about every major event has nut-case's who will make up stuff to prove it didn't happen or try to implicate themselves as the original, unknown perpetrator.

I would venture to guess that upwards of 50 people have claimed to have murdered the Black Dahlia, or free-based pop-rocks with Berry Soroto. In the end, you have to eliminate stuff that has no real evidence and question people who tend to think with their ass and not their god-given brain.
9/11 - as a paid government troll, I must take exception to your thread - not the fact that your "theory" is wrong, just the fact that it falls way short of backing up your far-flung, assertion.

"Unanswered questions" will forever take up space in the driveway, because not all turnips need to go in the pot. Their will always be some inquisitive five year old, asking "important" questions, like - why is water wet' and 'do worms yawn?'

Just about every major event has nut-case's who will make up stuff to prove it didn't happen or try to implicate themselves as the original, unknown perpetrator.

I would venture to guess that upwards of 50 people have claimed to have murdered the Black Dahlia, or free-based pop-rocks with Berry Soroto. In the end, you have to eliminate stuff that has no real evidence and question people who tend to think with their ass and not their god-given brain.

I thought Noam Chomsky did a really good job with the 'unanswered questions' riff:

"That the Bush administration gained from it, true. That but doesn’t seem to tell you anything. I just says that they are one of the power system of the world that gain from it. Did they plan it anyway or know anything about it. This seems to me *extremely* unlikely. For one thing they would have had to been insane to try anything like that. If they had, it’s almost certain it would have leaked. It’s a very porous system. Secrets are very hard to keep. Something would have leaked out very likely. And if it had, they all would have been before firing squads, and that would be the end of the Republican Party forever.

To take a chance on that, just, even if you could control what would…furthermore, its was completely unpredictable what was going to happen. You couldn’t predict that the plane would actually hit the World trade center. It happened that it did, but it could easily have missed. You can hardly control it. But what you can be almost certain of is that any hint of a plan would have leaked. And would have just destroyed them. And to take a chance on something like that would be just meaningless.

There’s a big industry in the United States, on the left as well. You should see the Email that I get. There a huge internet industry from the left trying to demonstrate that there are books coming out, best sellers from France and so on. That this was all faked and planned by the Bush administration and so one.

But if you look at the evidence, anyone that knows anything about the sciences would instantly discount that evidence. There are plenty of coincidences and unexplained phenomenon, why did this happen, why didn’t that happen and so on. But if you look at a controlled scientific experiment, the same thing is true.

When someone carries out a controlled scientific experiment, at the best laboratories, at the end there are lots of things that are unexplained. And there are funny coincidences and this and that. If you want to get a sense of it take a look at the letters columns in the technical scientific journals. Like Nature or Science or something. The letters are commonly about unexplained properties of reports of technical experiments carried out under controlled conditions. Which are just going to leave a lot of things unexplained. That’s just the way the world is.

When you take a natural event, not something that controlled, most of it will be unexplained. There will be all sorts of things that happen. Afterwards you can put it into some kind of pattern, but before hand you can’t. The kind of pattern may be completely meaningless, you can put them into some other pattern too if you want. That’s just the way complicated events are.

So the evidence that’s been produced, in my opinion, is essentially worthless. And the belief that it *could* have been done is so, has such low credibility that I don’t really think it’s serious. "

-Noam Chomsky

That's a pretty lucid description of the situation.
And another point that Chomsky makes about 911 that makes so much sense when you think about it:

There are some obvious questions. Like suppose that the Bush administration did it; Why would they blame Saudis? Are they insane? They wanted to invade Iraq, right? Everyone agrees with that. So why didn't they blame Iraqis?

If they had blamed Iraqis, its an open and shut case. The whole country is for you, you get a UN resolution, NATO supports you, you just go ahead and invade Iraq. Since they blamed Saudis, therefore harming themselves, that's their closest ally, they had to go jump through hoops to try to invent stories of Weapons of mass destruction and connections to al Quada and all this other thing and they finally invaded Iraq.

Noam Chomsky

Kinda 'no duh' when you think about it.
And another point that Chomsky makes about 911 that makes so much sense when you think about it:

There are some obvious questions. Like suppose that the Bush administration did it; Why would they blame Saudis? Are they insane? They wanted to invade Iraq, right? Everyone agrees with that. So why didn't they blame Iraqis?

If they had blamed Iraqis, its an open and shut case. The whole country is for you, you get a UN resolution, NATO supports you, you just go ahead and invade Iraq. Since they blamed Saudis, therefore harming themselves, that's their closest ally, they had to go jump through hoops to try to invent stories of Weapons of mass destruction and connections to al Quada and all this other thing and they finally invaded Iraq.

Noam Chomsky
Kinda 'no duh' when you think about it.

did dybya blame the saudis et al?

and everything that chumsky said is purely political speculation and worthless in light of the evidence.
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9/11 - as a paid government troll, I must take exception to your thread - not the fact that your "theory" is wrong, just the fact that it falls way short of backing up your far-flung, assertion.

"Unanswered questions" will forever take up space in the driveway, because not all turnips need to go in the pot. Their will always be some inquisitive five year old, asking "important" questions, like - why is water wet' and 'do worms yawn?'

Just about every major event has nut-case's who will make up stuff to prove it didn't happen or try to implicate themselves as the original, unknown perpetrator.

I would venture to guess that upwards of 50 people have claimed to have murdered the Black Dahlia, or free-based pop-rocks with Berry Soroto. In the end, you have to eliminate stuff that has no real evidence and question people who tend to think with their ass and not their god-given brain.

thanks! that is a perfect example of what da-blunder-tards do. bravo!

so what have debunkers questioned about the official story other than nothing?

Me, I've applied Occam's razor to both the official story and the myriad of conspiracy stories. The 'bomb' theory. The 'thermite' theory. The 'thermate' theory. The 'nano-thermite' theory. The 'orbiting projected energy weapons platform' theory. The 'holographic plane' theory. All the classics.

The official story works better than any of them, more closely matches the facts, and doesn't involve the absolutely ludicrous degree of complexity and elaboration that the various conspiracy versions do. Where all the conspiracy theories I've looked at are just awful, awful explanations condemned by a litany of theory killing holes to virtual impossibility.

Pick your favorite conspiracy. And if I've reviewed it, I'll show where it breaks....obviously and irreconcilably.
you don't really want to open that Pandora's box .
the facts don't register with koko and co.
the projected planes theory is my personal favorite.

Oh by all means, if he wants to try and apply ocrams please do, Ill sharpen my teeth.

explain how it applies
most 'truthers' aren't really thinkers or questioners. Most are natural followers who simply recite whatever script they've been told to believe. Few ask questions about the narrative they ape and fewer still actually look into anything they're saying.

So when faced with overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they've been told to believe, most will cling to their script and ignore the evidence.

Its one of the major reasons that the truther argument lacks persuasive power with most americans.

so what have debunkers questioned about the official story other than nothing?

Me, I've applied Occam's razor to both the official story and the myriad of conspiracy stories. The 'bomb' theory. The 'thermite' theory. The 'thermate' theory. The 'nano-thermite' theory. The 'orbiting projected energy weapons platform' theory. The 'holographic plane' theory. All the classics.

The official story works better than any of them, more closely matches the facts, and doesn't involve the absolutely ludicrous degree of complexity and elaboration that the various conspiracy versions do. Where all the conspiracy theories I've looked at are just awful, awful explanations condemned by a litany of theory killing holes to virtual impossibility.

Pick your favorite conspiracy. And if I've reviewed it, I'll show where it breaks....obviously and irreconcilably.

yep theres your first mistake, by all means do tell how it applies.

well thrn lets start with the kool demolition sequence we can see through the windows when forensic analysis is applied to wtc7.

now aint dat just a nipple twister. do tell us about ocram.

you are absolutely corrrect with the caveat that ya dont know shit from shinola.
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