The most corrupt administration EVER!!

I ain't mad at my health insurance or its rates ....I am feeling groovy....Thank you President Obama ....You Da Man...
Planned parenthood lost funding. We are winning!
"we" ? again ....poor Rubes Poor

I just want to thank you for your insightful and contributory comments to this thread. It's at least what "we" have come to expect from far alt-left wing myrmidon rubes such as yourself.

You have certainly exceeded our expectation,
Thank you.
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Seems like the past administration is winning at at least one thing, Being the most BY FAR corrupt administration to ever hold the job.
you are just another effeminate cry baby Trump Bitch ...suffer...Fuck the Orange Baboon Anus Trump...He sucks
Not only was the Reagan administration the most corrupt in history, his failure to address terrorist attacks and his absolute provable support for terror organizations gave birth and substance to terrorist attacks on Americans and American interest as never before. From Beirut, Munich, selecting Americans for kidnapping and murder, to blasting commercial airliners full of Americans out of the sky, Reagan's criminals were busy stuffing their pockets with cash while terrorist built its forces to become America's darkest enemy. Still paying the price of the Reagan corruption and birth to modern day terrorism legacy.
I ain't mad at my health insurance or its rates ....I am feeling groovy....Thank you President Obama ....You Da Man...

Well it's common knowledge that the only people that are happy with Obamacare are the low income class and no class unemployed degenerates that are being subsided by hard working middle class. You must be one of the two.

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