The Most Ferocious Animal!!!

The Most FEROCIOUS Animal On Earth!

  • Badger

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Wolverine

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Shrew

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Feline (Lion, Tiger, Jaguar, Leopard, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shark (Bull, Great White, Tiger, etc.)

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Bear (Polar, Brown, Sun, etc.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wild Boar

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Weasel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wolf

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 4 22.2%

  • Total voters


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
Pound for pound, what is the most ferocious animal on the planet? I mean the most snarling, blood-drawing, feared predator that comes to mind.

Please don't answer "humans" or "amoeba" or "mosquitoes" or "germs," etc. I'm talking about the growling, teeth-bearing, flesh-ripping, meat-eaters of the world. However, I could have included Hippos and Water Buffalo in the poll had there been more than 10 slots.
I saw this video a couple of years ago where a wolf and a wolverine are fighting over a carcass. I was impressed by the total ferocity of the victor:

[ame=""]Wolverine vs Wolf - YouTube[/ame]

I actually felt a little sorry for the wolf and his broken ego.
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Should I not have posted this in the "General Discussion" forum? Maybe I should have posted in the Political Discussion forum. Lots of "dogs eating dogs" in Washington these days.
Tasmanian Devils

About the size of a small dog they routinely kill and eat sheep given the opportunity. But they will also kill and eat their offspring. They prefer eating animals larger than themselves. They are Tasmania's apex predator. Their bite strength is rated near the strongest of ANY land mammal. It is asocial and neither demonstrates nor responds to affection. It is said to kill humans on occasion. Devils regularly suffer serious bites around the head, neck and face from vicious encounters with other Devils.

They are fierce, smelly little animals with a nasty attitude, a vicious bite and no social graces.

But they are in trouble from a mysterious facial cancer which is threatening the entire species.

I hope scientists can find a cancer cure in enough time to save the little bastards from extinction.

[ame=]Tasmanian Devil - YouTube[/ame]
I think all animals can be ferocious. It is nature. But my vote was wolverine. However Tasmanian Devil is a close second.
Rutting season...yep. Moose will rampage looking for wimmin mooses. :lol:

LOL. Yep, don't get between them bulls and them wimmin mooses! :)

Also, don't get between them wimmin mooses and their babies.

I live in Anchorage, Alaska and the damn moose walk around right in the middle of the city, like a bunch of sacred cows. They charge people and have even killed a couple of people.

When I walk my dogs I carry bear spray and and air horn to use if a moose comes after us. So far I've always been able to avoid them, turn and go the other way if I see one, etc. Here's a video of a man who was killed on our Unversity of Alaska campus several years ago. He died from the attack.

[ame=]When Good Pets Go Bad - Moose attack at a college. - YouTube[/ame]

"Hyenas," says Stephen. Some of the fiercest predators on earth. And they are brazenly scavenging around a collection of rubbish skips right next to a football pitch and less than 50 yds from people's homes.

As we watch, a group of teenagers walks up the track, right past the animals. "They're mad," Stephen remarks. Hyenas have jaws as powerful as those of great white sharks, he explains. They can crush an elephant's leg. They devour every last morsel of their prey - bones included. "I mean - there's nothing left," he says.

London is infested by urban foxes. Delhi is besieged by urban monkeys. Addis Ababa is plagued by urban hyenas who have moved in to the city from the surrounding hills and taken up residence in the capital. In some ways they perform a useful service, keeping the city's growing population of stray dogs and feral cats under control and consuming the carcasses of dead horses and other animals. But there are now reckoned to be somewhere between 300 and 1,000 of them living in the city and they are dangerous.

BBC News - The urban hyenas that attack rough sleepers


BBC News - Where hyenas are used to treat mental illness
Back when the Romans would throw Christians to the lions in the arena, the most popular man-killer among the stable of beasts was the Atlas bear. Tacitus and Dio Cassius wrote on several occasions how much of a crowd they'd draw, and that the ferocity would render the plebian mob speechless. And let's not forget, these animals were outnumbered by armed and experienced gladiators.
Tasmanian Devils

About the size of a small dog they routinely kill and eat sheep given the opportunity. But they will also kill and eat their offspring. They prefer eating animals larger than themselves. They are Tasmania's apex predator. Their bite strength is rated near the strongest of ANY land mammal. It is asocial and neither demonstrates nor responds to affection. It is said to kill humans on occasion. Devils regularly suffer serious bites around the head, neck and face from vicious encounters with other Devils.

They are fierce, smelly little animals with a nasty attitude, a vicious bite and no social graces.

But they are in trouble from a mysterious facial cancer which is threatening the entire species.

I hope scientists can find a cancer cure in enough time to save the little bastards from extinction.

Tasmanian Devil - YouTube

Yeah! Good choice. I forgot about those little monsters.
I saw this video a couple of years ago where a wolf and a wolverine are fighting over a carcass. I was impressed by the total ferocity of the victor:

Wolverine vs Wolf - YouTube

I actually felt a little sorry for the wolf and his broken ego.

I have heard it said that a wolverine can back down a grizzly bear!

I apologize for the music in this video (I just turned the sound down) but the video shows several instances where the wolverine "tackles" several different, larger predators. They win the "top dog" status (pound for pound) in my book:

[ame=]Wolverine vs wolves and bears, wolverine is the winner. - YouTube[/ame]

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